What Motivates People To Struggle For Change

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Promt: What motivates people to struggle for change

Would they continue to fight for freedom if they did not have it? For Negroes people and also
for the women obtaining freedom was so difficult because in society they didn’t have a place,
the culture at that time was different with different thoughts, finally today they have the same
rights. People are motivated to struggle for a change when there are injustices, empathy,
and a legacy to be left. Whether they have lived it or not.

First of all, human beings tend to do things for their benefit and, therefore, to harm others, so
if someone is being harmed they will do something to prevent it. In the history of the world,
there are injustices all the time, but it is not right, women lived and even still live like that,
with the fear of their husbands. In Declarations of Sentiments explain the situation of the
women at this time, it was normal to see the oppression of a woman, it was not alive,
because they were in a state of mind like being depressed. So, They were able to be part of
civilization, to be considered citizens, and were able to be free, at least not dependent on
anyone. Finally, They may be happy because they signed the amendment but, unfortunately,
it became a social problem depending on one's culture.

Secondly, it is unavoidable to feel empathy for someone if that person is going through bad
times. We may simply ignore the situation, but some people fight to help and make a change
and empathy can make a difference in a situation. For example, in “The Story of an Hour,”
Mrs. Mallard went through two things: the death of her husband and the new reality of being
free. We can see how her family cared about how she was going to receive the news
because she has heart trouble. So, if they knew that she was oppressed they would have
done something. Today we can see similar stories and for that exist the moment currently
called feminism. Concluding, empathy is a very strong feeling that moves people. Moreover,
it connects with another thing, leaving a legacy.

When an adult has children, the perspective of his or her world changes dramatically and it
is only for him or her. Parents take care of their children so that they always have the best
and never go through anything bad. For example, in “Brown v. Board of Education: Opinion
of the Court” they fight for black children to have the same opportunities as white children,
they were being discriminated against and the 13 parents were not going to let this happen,
they succeeded 3-years-later thanks to the love they had. Injustices do not only affect adults
but also children, they do not know why what happens to them happens to them and it
should not be like that. In conclusion, parents have the best future for their children and do
the same for other kids leaving a legacy.

Finally, the world is unjust but we can make a change if we fight together for a common
good, so that we no longer suffer, so that others no longer suffer and so that future
generations do not suffer.

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