Philosophy Paper

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Philosophy of Music Education Paper

Kaiden Roberts

Berklee College of Music

Music education is located in most American schools, and spans from preschool until high school. All
schools should provide students with the ability to be a part of music education. My philosophy of education is
that music education is beneficial to children’s development, as it allows for self-expression, an accepting
environment, and actually mentally benefits the child. This should be a part of students’ curriculum until they
are in high school, where they may make their own choices, and those who truly have a passion for music will
be able to stick with it.
As for the ideas of self-expression, music in and of itself is a form of art. And according to many, art
is just a way to express oneself without using direct words. “Self-expression is the taking of an internal
impulse--a personal vision--and through self-awareness putting it into external form. Writing, acting, painting,
dancing, sculpting, film- making, singing--these are the wings upon which artists have flown from time
immemorial” (Eric Trules, 2020)-This is extremely beneficial to the child’s development. Children struggle
with the pressures of society just like adults, just on a different scale. Kids struggle to find their place in this
world and often need an outlet for emotions; this is where music should come into play. Without the ability to
express themselves through music, how will they be able to let themselves feel? “Sacrificing personal
expression in place of conformity is shown to lead to lower self-esteem, depression, and unhappiness in
children,” (Sunshine House 1) is said when discussing the importance of allowing children to express
themselves as well as encouraging them to participate in the arts. The ability to self-express allows kids to
“distinguish themselves from others, to reflect their own beliefs and needs, and validate their own self-
concepts,” (Kim and Ko) which is incredibly beneficial. Children need this to allow themselves to grow up
with a healthy mindset and understand that they can be who they want to be, and are supported every step of
the way.
Utilizing music throughout elementary and middle school curriculums will really allow the child to
blossom and develop properly. Self-expression can also be encouraged by allowing children to help choose the
songs, or play instruments along with them, and overall, find a way to make every child feel comfortable and
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able to express themselves during music class and performances. If a student has a disability, there should be
ways for them to partake as well, like playing other instruments or singing along instead of holding the guitar
themselves, for instance. This will be highly promoted in my classroom, and I believe it is extremely
Amidst the chaos that is growing up, there should always be a home in the music department. The
students who feel awkward, confused, or out of place should be able to take solace in their music classes.
Again, since the music classes should allow children to express themselves, it should obviously be a
comfortable classroom environment. It should promote that “no matter who you are” or “no matter what you
do,” the child will be accepted into the music class. Having a “home away from home” not only promotes a
positive learning environment, but also allows a team mentality to form. This makes learning easier, and
performances even stronger, as children wish to learn together. “When playing teamwork-style, the musicians
sharpen their listening skills, rhythm, and submit to the ‘lead’, which can only be led one instrument at a time,”
(Pavelka, 2012) expresses the idea that children will not only improve musical skill, but also listen to the
leader (aka the teacher, so it is a win-win situation). It has also been expressed that musical experiences in a
group also promote a closer environment and a better relationship with each other. It has been said that a
musical activity “with others has many social benefits, including creating and strengthening interpersonal
bonds” (Sigurdsson 1). This will only add to the comforting, positive environment, and allow children to feel
Music not only helps children with social situations, but also directly has an effect on brain chemistry.
When it comes to the brain, dopamine plays a huge role. It is released when the body is in a “feel-good” state-
like how it feels after eating a chocolate cake or getting paid! The chemical is released “at moments of peak
enjoyment” (McGilchrist). In a study by Nature Neuroscience, it was clear that while listening to their favorite
music, “levels of dopamine were found to be 9% higher than when volunteers were listening to music they
enjoyed” (McGilchrist). Basically, the brain literally reacts positively when music is being performed, heard,
etc. Along with this, the brain uses music as an “exercise.” It “warms ups selected brain cells, allowing them to
process information more efficiently” (Harvard Health Publishing). Thus, music helps children with
memorization and brain activity! And to make music even more beneficial to the mind, it also helps “reduce
anxiety, blood pressure, and pain, as well as improve keep quality, mood, mental alertness” (Johns Hopkins
The brain literally feels good when it is being engaged musically. This is so important to help with
childhood development. It will help studying habits, reduce the occurrence of mental illness, and actually
improve living!
As for why I believe children should absolutely have music be a set class in elementary and middle
school is due to Piaget’s 4 stages of cognitive development. Children are learning how to think and take in the
world around them during the Preoperational and Concrete Operational stages. So between the elementary and
middle school ages, children should be encouraged to have music in their lives. It will literally help with their
Philosophy Paper Roberts 3

development. Especially by the time they are in their Concrete Operational stages (7-11), children are “more
adept at using logic” (VeryWellMind) and are starting to understand the importance of different things. They
begin thinking for themselves, but not enough to fully make their own decisions. This is where music must
come into play and shape them into who they are. Once they hit the Formal Operational Stage-so around later
middle-high school, children are unable to think abstractly and use their own logic to make their own
decisions. This is where children are developed enough to be able to choose what is best for them, and then
other electives that “feel” like them can be chosen.
Overall, having music education in school for elementary and middle schoolers is extremely beneficial

to the development of the children. They are able to express themselves, feel accepted, and have their brains

experience a positive reaction. Children deserve to have this in their lives so that they can develop into the best

people they can be.

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Works Cited:

● Trules, Eric. “Self Expression and the Arts > USC Dana and David Dornsife College of

Letters, Arts and Sciences.” USC Dornsife College News RSS, 2020,


● Sigurdsson, Anna. “How Listening to Music in a Group Influences Depression.” Frontiers, 2

Oct. 2017,


● Publishing, Harvard Health. “Music and Health.” Harvard Health, Harvard, 2020,

● McGilchrist, Sonya. “Music 'Releases Mood-Enhancing Chemical in the Brain'.” BBC News,

BBC, 9 Jan. 2011,

● Kim, Heejung S., and Deborah Ko. “Culture and Self-Expression.” KimKoFrontier, David A.

Merland, 2020,

● “Keep Your Brain Young with Music.” Keep Your Brain Young with Music | Johns Hopkins

Medicine, 2020,


● “The Importance Of Music In The Development Of Toddlers.” 5 Reasons Why Music Is

Important For Toddlers, 2020,


● “Children and Music: Benefits of Music in Child Development.” Bright Horizons®, 2020,


● Cherry, Kendra. “What Are Piaget's Four Stages of Development?” Verywell Mind, 31 Mar.

Philosophy Paper Roberts 5

● About Guest Contributors This

blog post was written (with our thanks!) by a Guest Contributor. In our aim to bring you a

variety of quality content. “Teamwork - Playing with Others.” Simply Music Teamwork

Playing with Others Comments, 2020,

● “5 Ways to Help Your Children Express Themselves: Sunshine House.” Sunshine House

Early Learning Academy, 2020,


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