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8 Fellen Place * Hillsborough, NJ 08844 * H: (908) 336-8062 * O: (212) 310-9874
Asset Recovery ~ Loan Workout ~ Credit & Risk Management
* Seasoned, goal-oriented executive with solid history of improving asset recov
ery, mitigating loss, and restructuring debt for borrowers in diverse industries
* Practiced in analyzing cash flow and credit risk, as well as managing wide ar
ray of asset classes including distressed/non-distressed credits, foreign and do
mestic corporate credits, real estate credits, project and trade finance exposur
* Excel in managing foreclosure, bank, and securities fraud litigation, restruc
turing debt, and negotiating work-outs.
* Experienced in Latin American project and trade finance.
* Recognized for industry expertise and track record of delivering high quality
, timely results.
* Empowering leader skilled in setting direction, clearly articulating objectiv
es, and supporting execution.
* Available for domestic and international relocation.
Loss Mitigation * Debt Restructuring * Asset Recovery * Loan Workout/Restructuri
ng * Asset & Enterprise Valuation
Liquidation * Litigation * DIP Financing * Bankruptcy Rules & Practices * Legal
Structures * Financial Analysis
Credit Risk Assessment & Management * High Yield/High Leverage Lending * Asset-b
ased Finance * Negotiations
Bayerische LandesBank * New York, NY 07/2003 - Present
International banking institution with 15K employees and ~$600B in assets.
First Vice President/Head of Credit Consult & High Leveraged Debt Teams, North &
South America
Manage and restructure credits ranging from $25M to $500M+ in loan exposure in d
iverse industries including aerospace, automotive, chemicals, construction, ener
gy, financial services, media, real estate, retail, telecommunications, infrastr
ucture, project and trade finance, both inside and outside bankruptcy. Lead cred
it consult (loan workout/asset recovery) and high leveraged debt teams with eigh
t direct reports. Approve loan loss reserves and asset write-downs. Develop case
management strategies for Credit Consult group; approve all branch-wide case ma
nagement strategies not under group's management. Advise on troubled assets and
approve asset management, loss mitigation, and recovery actions branch-wide. Hol
d individual credit authority and draft credit policy guidelines for distressed
debt workout. Participate in DIP financings. Consult with North America and over
seas business units to resolve problem credits. Serve on Watchlist, Loan Portfol
io Review, and Independent Credit Review committees.
Notable Accomplishments:
* Transformed demoralized, underperforming team into motivated, fully engaged h
igh leveraged finance group by incentivizing performance, implementing credit an
alytical training program, and merging group with loan workout/credit consult te
* Raised standard of loan workout/credit consult group by enhancing team's know
ledge and skill in financial analytics, internal reporting, valuation techniques
, risk appreciation, and bankruptcy rules/practice and leading team to provide r
ealistic appreciation of total credit risk.
* Worked down bank's exposure to developer of wind farms in the United States a
nd Canada and liquidated assets with nearly full recovery through 18-month, cros
s-border insolvency involving Chapter 11 and CCAA.
* Doubled recovery and mitigated losses related to international construction c
ompany by advising bank to retain counsel, assuming control of lender group, and
pushing borrower to enter Chapter 11 bankruptcy, effectively placing it under c
ourt supervision and removing control from ineffective agent bank.
* Mitigated $69M in losses in oil refinery bankruptcy, increasing bank recovery
from 32% to 80%, by persuading bank to participate in DIP financing, rather tha
n sell exposure.
* Avoided $160M loss and made full recovery by negotiating cash collateral stip
ulation in energy supplier bankruptcy.
* Recovered all principal and accrued interest from two U.S.-based internationa
l banks by settling securities-related litigation against one and obtaining ~$17
0M judgment against the other institution.
Baverische LandesBank, continued...
* Recovered 80% of debt by assuming management of exposure, restructuring debt,
and selling four Greenfield power plants with ~3,500MW of combined generating c
* Attained full recovery on Venezuelan oil field-related project finance exposu
re by assessing risks and evaluating underlying assets.
* Achieved full recovery and court case dismissal by successfully managing bank
ruptcy telecommunication case and litigation defense through ongoing litigation
analysis and asset evaluation.
* Delivered ~70% actual recovery in aggregate to bank by managing Enron-related
litigation and exposure work-down, selling assets, and settling with two major
U.S. banks.
* Forecasted and warned bank management of Countrywide Mortgage, Bear Stearns,
and Lehman Brothers failures months ahead of actual events. Initiated steps to r
educe exposure.
* Established global system to track risk rating and loan classification change
s by partnering with Munich headquarters to develop early warning risk methodolo
gy and software program.
* Ensured compliance with Basil regulations by working with Munich to develop l
oan loss reserve methodology.
* Aligned branch with both Munich and U.S. regulatory requirements by developin
g loan classification scheme and portfolio loan review process.
Fleet Boston Financial * Princeton, NJ 09/2000 - 06/2003
International banking institution with 50K employees and ~$200B in assets.
Vice President, Managed Assets
Restructured and recovered bank debt in troubled syndicated and non-syndicated c
orporate credits and corporate/real estate loan workout credits. Analyzed and as
sessed credit risk profile of credits including retail, manufacturing, telecommu
nications, transportation, healthcare, finance, and publishing companies. Evalua
ted probability and amount of potential loss, developed case management strategy
, and worked with financial consultants and crisis managers.
Notable Accomplishments:
* Reduced exposure in 50+ individual credits, while avoiding/minimizing losses
through debt restructure and active sell-down initiative to assess all credits a
nd sell loans on secondary market.
* Acted as agent leading bank group to mitigate losses in complex syndicated cr
edit involving borrower fraud.
* Mitigated losses on cross-border bankruptcy involving sale of assets in the U
nited States, Canada, and Mexico.
* Provided expert opinion on top case status, case strategy, and ultimate loss
potential for multiple credits.
Banco Popular North America * New York, NY 08/1993 - 08/2000
Full-service financial services institution with 5K employees and ~$40B in asset
Vice President, Multi-Family & Mixed Use Commercial Property Lending Unit * 01/1
996 - 08/2000
Promoted from Vice President and Deputy Credit Manager (08/1993-01/1996) to laun
ch multi-family and mixed-use commercial property lending initiative. Led team o
f two direct reports. Held individual credit authority. Served on credit committ
Notable Accomplishments:
* Developed and implemented lending standard and risk asset acceptance criteria
(RAAC) for new multi-family and mixed-use commercial property lending initiativ
* Built portfolio of 700+ borrowers with zero losses incurred by employing cons
ervative underwriting practices and focusing financing on real assets and docume
* Established bank's reputation as reliable, prudent lender with successful int
ernal and regulatory audits concluded with no exceptions.
Additional experience at Barclays Bank and Citibank.
MBA in Finance & Accounting * Vanderbilt University * Owen Graduate School of Ma
Bachelor of Arts in Economics * Wabash College
Member, Turnaround Management Association, Global of Risk Professionals, and Ris
k Management Association

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