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los primeros estudios estadísticos que se hacían eran los censos, que son
estudios descriptivos sobre todos los integrantes de una población.

Edad Antigua Edad Media

3050a.C los aprox. 476 – 1453
faraones d.C Isidoro de Sevilla
carried out a task of collecting and
The pharaohs ordered the
classification of data of diverse
execution of censuses to facilitate
nature whose results he published in
the management of tax work, the work Originum sive
obtain data on the number of Etymologiarum. Several censuses can
people who could serve in the army also be cited, such as that of
or establish distributions of land Charlemagne in 762, to
and other benefits. know the extent of land belonging to
the Church

2238a.C Yao en Rey Xólotl de la trius

china Chichimecas 1116
rdered to prepare a he ordered that all his subjects be
general census that registered. To count them, each
collected one threw a stone at
data on agricultural, a heap called Nepohualco; the
industrial and commercial process accounted for a total of
3,200,000 people.

El rey romano Servio

Tulio (578 – 535 a.C.) Edad Moderna
he drew up a cadastre of all the
domains of Rome. He ordered
the creation of a registry in In England, the plague epidemic of
which the owners had to the 1500s causes weekly data on
register their farms, servants, deaths (Bills of Mortality) to be
slaves and draft animals that published. Over time, data on births
were owned every five years by sex were added to these

mortality data.

El desarrollo científico-matemático
que se dio en la Edad Moderna aportó John Graunt is considered one
mucho a la Estadística. of the founders of statistics.
Científicos como Copérnico, Galileo, modern. In his work Natural and
Bacon, Descartes etc. contribuyeron political observations (1662) he
con sus investigaciones y analyzes the data
experimentos al desarrollo del método
collected in the mortality tables;
científico, que es un conjunto de pautas
for example, it makes
que debe seguir
un estudio para ser considerado predictions about the deaths
científico, método que luego se usó and births that could be
para analizar fenómenos sociales. expected in the future.

Gottfried Achenwall (1719 – 1772) Gaspar Neumann, a 17th century

fue la persona que acuñó el término German professor, demonstrated,
estadística. Achenwall pensaba que la based on the records of
Estadística como ciencia de recopilación deaths of the time, that the
y análisis de datos popular belief that in the years
eran una herramienta muy útil y ending in seven more people died
poderosa para los políticos y people were fake
gobernantes de una nación.
los primeros estudios estadísticos que se hacían eran los censos, que son
estudios descriptivos sobre todos los integrantes de una población.

Edad Contemporánea

In the 19th and 20th centuries, Probability

Theory and Statistics continued to develop.
Among others, the works of Andréi Markov,
Aleksandr Liapunov and Pafnuti Chebyshev
the field of Probability, and the works of
Irving Fisher and John Tukey in the field of

Today, almost all countries have created

statistical offices and other bodies
similar that are responsible for preparing the
official statistics of the country, for example
on the unemployment rate, price indices,
economic activity (gross domestic product,
industry), statistics on health and education,
tourism, population, etc.
la Comisión de Estadística de Naciones Unidas
fija el 20 de octubre de 2010 como fecha
conmemorativa del primer Día Mundial de la

Por Danna Bello Roman V semestre 2021

Para Claudio Aldana

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