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OPP 2 & ADR - Stair Treads

Last Update : 10-Jan-19

Area Building Vendor Drg CodeStair Tread Dimension Qty Arrived*) Delivery Date Assembled Remarks
01 Switchroom Lintech W4874 750x245 45 45 19-Nov-18 45
01 New OPP 2 Workshop Stair SSI AA18-012 900x245 68 - - -  PO 47837
10 Primary Crusher Lintech W4871 750x245 145 145 14-Nov-18 86  O/stand= -59
15 CVR-101 Lintech W4847 620x285 2 2 19-Nov-18 2
15 Screening Lintech W4773 750x245 69 68 16-Oct-18 69
20 CVR-103 Lintech W4873 750x245 14
16 10-Dec-18 16
Lintech 620x250 2
20 Secondary Lintech W4782 750x245 86 TBA TBA 86  O/stand= +86
Lintech 940x290 1 TBA TBA -
25 Crushed Product Transfer Station BBI / Lintech 750x245 32 15  O/stand= -17 , serrated type
106 22-Dec-18
25 Agglomerator Feed Bin BBI / Lintech 750x245 73 68  O/stand= -5, serrated type
25 Cement Silo Structure Lintech W4578 750x245 12 12 6-Sep-18 12
25 CVR-107 Lintech W5009 750x245 5 5 -  O/stand= -5
Lintech 620x285 2 2 -  O/stand= -2
25 AFS SSI AA18-008/9 750x245 47 - - -  PO 47837
25 ACR SSI AA18-003 750x245 23 23 12-Jan-19 -  PO 47835
25 CVR-108 Lintech W4943 750x245 6 6 19-Nov-18 -  O/stand= -6
30 ATS SSI AA18-004/5 750x245 25 25 12-Jan-19 -  PO 47835
30 Agglomerator Stair Access SSI AA18-006 750x245 8 8 12-Jan-19 -  PO 47835
SSI AA18-007 942x245 34 34 12-Jan-19 PO 47835
30 CVR-109 Lintech W5008 750x245 4 4 22-Dec-19 4
30 ALO SSI AA18-001/2 750x245 28 28 12-Jan-19 -  PO 47835

Total 731 529 403

Lintech 393 305 320
BBI / Lintech 105 106 83
SSI 233 118 -

Area Building Vendor Drg CodeStair Tread Dimension Qty Arrived*) Delivery Date Assembled Remarks
ADR Scavenger Puspetindo TR1 746x250 39 39 2-Oct-18
Puspetindo TR2 816x250 39 39 2-Oct-18
ADR CIC 1 BBI TR1 600x245 13
ADR CIC 2 BBI TR1 820x245 18 45
CIC 2 BBI TR2 750x245 17
ADR Loaded Carbon Puspetindo TR1 ??x750 9 9 2-Oct-18
Puspetindo TR2 ??x750 9 9 2-Oct-18
Filter Area MCC Support SSI 750x245 5
Filter Structure SSI 900x245 39
Clarifier Stair Support SSI 750x245 33
HLO MCC Dam 1 Lintech ?
HLO MCC Dam 4 Lintech 18228 - 5101 760x260 12 11-Jan-19 Assembled to OPP 2 Primary
Lintech 18228 - 5101 760x260 32 11-Jan-19 Assembled to OPP 2 Primary
HLO MCC Booster Pump Lintech 18421- 5102 760x260 12 11-Jan-19 Assembled to OPP 2 Primary

Total 221 197 -

Puspetindo 96 96 -
BBI 48 45 -
Lintech - 56 -
SSI 77 - -

Building Qty Delivered 47

CVR-101 68 42 70
CVR-103 12 12 84
CVR-104 53 51 35
CVR-106 75 51 86
CVR-110 49 48
CVR-107 47 30
CVR-108 34 28
CVR-109 10 10

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