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Photo 2 & Up: Project 1: Reimagining Artists

Description of project: Students will choose a photographer that they are interested in to research.
They will find information about the artist’s personal life, the type of work they do, things that
influence their art, and their processes and methods for taking photographs. Once they have an
understanding of the photographer and their work, they will determine how they will “reimagine” the
artist with their own photographs. There are two ways the students can approach their photos:
replicate the methods the artist used to create their photos, or, choose sample images from the artist
that the student will attempt to recreate with their own personalization.
Approach #1: Replicate the methods the artist used to create their photographs.
- The students will research the process and methods the artist used in order to create their
photographs (i.e. where do they work, what parts of the photographs do they control, how do
they decide what to photograph, etc.)
- They will then use the same processes and methods to create their own photographs
- This approach is more focused on the research and process, the students will have to be able
to explain the artist’s process/approach and describe how they used a similar
process/approach for their photographs
- The student’s photos should show evidence of their artist’s influence and how they are
“reimagining” the artist
- The student will have to incorporate a personal influence in their project, as well, and be able
to explain the choices they made that distinguish their photos from their artist’s
Approach #2: Recreate photos from the artist with your own personalization
- The students will research the process and methods the artist used in order to create their
photographs (i.e. where do they work, what parts of the photographs do they control, how do
they decide what to photograph, etc.)
- Instead of focusing on replicating the process, the students will focus on creating images that
visually and aesthetically relate to specific photos from their artist
- This approach focuses more on the style and aesthetic choices that the artist makes in their
work, and the students will have to explain the process they used to recreate the
style/aesthetic in their own photos
- The student will have to incorporate a personal influence in their project, as well, and be able
to explain the choices they made that distinguish their photos from their artist’s

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