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Over achieving "go-to guy" seeks new position.

* C++, Java, C, Perl, SQL, JavaScript, Shell languages
* Mac OS X (10.5.x), Linux (Fedora Core), Solaris, HPUX, AIX, Irix, MS Windows X
P Pro, 2K Pro
* Intel x86, AMD 64, Sun, DG AViiON, HP, IBM RS6000, SGI, HPC Systems
* nVidia CUDA, Open MPI, Boost Libs, Spring Framework, Hibernate, AJAX, JEE JPA,
Loki Libs, Jini, JSSE, JavaMail, JBDK, JBAF, JDO, JDBC, JFC (Swing), Cocoa, JND
I, Servlet, JSP, RMI, JEE, JBoss, Tomcat, Apache, XSD, JAXP, Xerces, Xalan, FOP,
XSL, XSLT, XPATH, XQuery, OWL, JDOM, XCode, Eclipse, VisualStudio .NET, JBuilde
r, Together J, Rational Rose, JUnit, CxxTest, CppUnit, Mockpp, Apache Jakarta-An
t, Subversion, CVS, VSS, Ace/TAO ORB, SOA
* DbXml, Postgres, MySQL, Oracle 10gR2
Pacific Defense Solutions Kihei, HI
Senior Software Engineer 2009-present
* Currently integrating the core library of General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT,
developed at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) with TASMAN simulation framework
for use on HPC assets.
* Created Constant Time Median Filter (CTMF) for sensor calibration on SBSS sate
llite. Created MATLAB CTMF extension for simulation and testing of algorithm by
project team. First known C++ code in use on US satellite.
* Implemented protocol transparent network API integrating Fawkes TCP communicat
ion with TASMAN simulation framework, allowing painless replacement of native SN
AP UDP communication.
* Adapted separable convolution algorithm to use nVidia CUDA API on GPUs or a mu
lti-threaded implementation on multi-core CPUs for TASMAN. My optimizations and
GPU implementation reduced convolution run times from over 2 hours to less then
1 second.
* Ported Remote Ultra-Low Light Imaging (RULLI) sensor simulation developed in M
ATLAB to C++ for integration with Flexible Image Simulation Tool (FIST) for ROSA
Digital Defense, Inc. San Antonio, TX
Principal Architect, NSAS Platform 2007-2008
* Design and develop high performance, distributed system and network scanning e
ngine. Features include massively concurrent implementation, capability to execu
te 'plug-ins' in PERL or dynamically loaded libraries, 'smart' run time adjustme
nts to discovered data, and XML front and back ends constrained by XML Schema De
* Create and maintain presentations and documentation of architecture and APIs.
Give presentations to 'C' level officers, customers, and team members.
* Scanner and Network Communications Evolution team lead: responsible for scanne
r platform content related features, scanner "behind the scenes" performance fea
tures, scanner evolution and network communications evolution, manages efforts o
f team members and liaison to other internal teams.
* Project Manager, SRMS Iteration 3: create functional specification and interna
l API for SRMS Iteration 3. Plan project tasking and manage efforts of team memb
ers. Monitor task completion and team member effort so project remains on time a
nd under budget.
The Boeing Company Kihei, HI
Sr. Application Engineer 2003-2007
* All work performed at Maui High Performance Computing Center (MHPCC) on milita
ry network requiring strong authentication (PKI and/or Kerberos) and encrypted c
* Developed XML schema to replace proprietary object model as solution for unman
ned vehicles telemetry communication across a network of federated simulation ap
* Created strategic and implementation proposals for SOA ESB for a DoD Intellige
nce Agency. Features included standardized, secure authorization and access cont
rol across all information services for both internal and external consumers.
* Technical Lead during evaluation & reengineering of CargoLink web application
for the U.S. Navy Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI). Enhancements included refa
ctoring servlet code to use Spring MVC POJOs, encrypted all network IO, and adde
d support for Oracle's cached Connection Manager with implicit connection poolin
g. Evaluation included JBoss/Hibernate vs. Tomcat/Spring/JPA.
* Technical Lead during integration & acceptance testing phases of Prototype Dat
a Fusion Center. Adapted development ontology & environment to integrate product
ion data sources. Developed AJAX client to exercise features. Prepared white pap
er with results for ONI.
* Team Lead during first year of design, development, debugging and integration
of Unmanned Systems Test Bed for DoD DTRMC CTEIP. Managed relationship with subc
* Designed and developed Job Execution Manager (JEM) for multi-platform distribu
ted grid computation of embarrassingly parallel tasks. Extended JEM API to inclu
de secure, encrypted SOAP layer to control grid remotely.
* Designed and developed Avatar data console & plug-in architecture for visualiz
ation and analysis of arbitrarily large n-dimensional data sets produced by mode
l simulations.
TAC Worldwide Austin, TX
Consultant 2003-2003
* Member of DCDirect Java Swing GUI team for The 401(k) Company, Inc.
* Promoted from Development Team to Architecture Team after 6 weeks in recogniti
on of my leadership abilities & contributions to DCDirect development effort.
* Managed vendor to customer relationship after dismissal of colleague from proj
ect team.
SimDesk Technologies, Inc. Houston, TX
Sr. Application Engineer 2001-2002
* Designed & developed SimDesk Instant Messenger, sending & receiving instant me
ssages, and group conferencing sessions across multiple instant messenger protoc
* Installed and configured distributed Jabber server capable of 10,000 concurren
t connections.
Forgent Austin, TX
Sr. Application Engineer 2001-2001
* Designed & developed Visual Video Conference Creation application.
* Assisted Build Team in deploying Ant build system and integrating automated JU
nit testing.
Hall, Kinion Austin, TX
Consultant 2000-2001
* Analysis, design, implementation, and documentation of multi-threaded, secure,
multi-protocol XML based communication gateway for AeroV, Inc.
* Designed and led development effort of browser-based client for Covasoft's Cov
aOne product using Java, XML, Tomcat & Cocoon.
Momentum Software Austin, TX
Consultant 2000-2000
* Developed XML-based, event driven transport layer providing multi-threaded SMT
P, HTTP and FTP connectivity for inbound or outbound user data for
Robert Half, Inc. Minneapolis, MN
Consultant 1999-2000
* Conducted performance analysis of Java servlets. Documented twenty performance
-related shortcomings for SPS Commerce.
* Designed and implemented XML to HTML translator, Reengineered parser API.
* Designed and developed an interactive, distributed real-time transaction audit
Talent Software Services Minneapolis, MN
Consultant 1995-1998
* Directed the re-engineering of RialtoGUA from Perl CGI to Java Applet for Cont
rol Data Systems, Inc.
* Designed and developed Star Tribune Online applications for the Minneapolis St
ar Tribune newspaper online edition.
Euler Solutions Minneapolis, MN
Consultant 1993-1995
* System and network administration on Solaris and UNIX systems for Rosemount, I
nc., & Cooperative Power.
* Implemented GUI enhancements to the Spectrum Real Time Status Display for Seim
ens-Empros, Inc.
* Taught & authored UNIX training classes.
University of St. Thomas St. Paul, MN
Bachelor of Arts, Summa Cum Laude, Quantitative Analysis & Computer Science, 199
US Army Ft. Bragg, NC
Construction Surveyor, HQ, 20th Engineer Brigade 1982-1985
* Awarded three Army Achievement Commendations
* Served in Grenada, West Indies, 1984

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