Content Validity and Acceptability of Contextualized Module in Illustration Course

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A Thesis
Presented to
The Faculty of the Graduate School
The Premiere University in Zamboanga Del Norte
Main Campus, Dapitan City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree


October 2021
Chapter 1



Effective teaching in the art of cartooning and illustration requires understanding

learners’ creative ideas, artistic engagements, and motivational perspectives for them to

build foundation in this industry. As the world still in the midst of an unfolding crisis, teachers

are committed to continue education using different distance learning modalities and

contextualized learning materials. Contextualized learning material provides varied instructions,

activities, and assessments that let the students process information and perform skills in their

own frames of references.

             The field of Illustration in Technology and Livelihood Education subject is essential for

aspiring artists and learners who desire to become future illustrators and cartoonists. From

drawing basic shapes, forms, and objects into a myriad of cartoon characters as real or as

exaggerated they want to be. Also, there are now people who become avid readers that want to

visualize the image of what’s happening in the story they are reading. Therefore, all of their

works and knowledge could be of use in this matter. They may become an illustrator of a book,

comics, and the like. TLE- Illustration is a specialized course that will equip our learners in all of

these things (TESDA, 2012).

As young people nowadays are so fond of illustrative works that they stream online or

buy in a bookstore. Students want to gain a wide range of knowledge in the art of illustration to

be used successfully in terms of context and target audience. However, challenges among

teachers and students are an inevitable part of learning. In research from CITT (2019), Students
were mostly stigmatized about choosing this career as they faced some people’s criticism and

discouragement, loss of inspiration to create art, and the inability to access one’s creativity. 

For teachers, they also experienced significant barriers in teaching this profession. The

huge paradigm changes in the teaching and learning process has been a great challenge. From

traditional classroom setting, real-time interaction, and teacher’s demonstration into home-based,

self-learned, and individual artistic flair of students. The role of the teachers in shaping the minds

of the nation takes a lot of creativeness, innovations and interventions in order to give solutions

for issues encountered in the new normal education. ( Mayol, 2020)

Furthermore, a mismatch of requirements, fundamentals, and learning environment

occurred in the learners’ creative performance in Technology and Livelihood Education-

Illustration course. In this aspect, with the development of contextualizing and localize self-

learning modules, we will be able to address students’ learning gaps by integrating real-world

concepts and situations that will feature their various needs, location, and access. (Madrazo and

Villareas, 2020)

           Developing a contextualized module is a ground-breaking new accessibility tool. It not

only provides unique features for learning but it also helps to continue quality education even in

times of crisis and catastrophes. It describes students’ appreciation in this course to be an

effective use of the illustration within practical context as well as marketing, commercial, and

ethical knowledge required by the professional industry. Subsequently, it explores the wide-

ranging effects of innovations on teachers, learners, and artistic lives.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to validate and accept the contextualize learning module in illustration as

one of the specialized course of Technology and Livelihood education. Specifically, this study

seeks to address the following questions, such as:

1. What is the respondent’s evaluation on the validity of contextualized Module?

1.1 Lesson Objectives

1.2 Lesson Inputs

1.3 Lesson Application

1.4 Lesson Enrichment

2. What is the summary results on the contextualized Module content validity?

3. What is the respondents’ evaluation on the level of acceptability of contextualized


3.1 Language style and format

3.2 Presentations

3.3 Illustration

3.4 Timeliness

3.5 Adequacy

3.6 Suitability

3.7 Usefulness

3.8 Clarity

4. What is the summary result of the evaluation on the contextualized Module’s level of

5. Is there a significance difference between the teachers and student’s evaluation

contextualized Module’s validity?

6. Is there a significance difference between the teachers and student’s evaluation

contextualized Module’s level of acceptability?


1. Null Hypothesis (Ho): There is no significant difference of the teachers and students’

evaluation on the contextualized Module’s validity.

2. Null Hypothesis (Ho): There is no significant difference of the teachers and students’

evaluation on the contextualized Module’s level of acceptability.

Significance of Study:

The results of the study will be of great benefit to the following

Teachers. This study will help teachers in teaching illustration, drawing and cartooning

in the distance learning environment following contextualization and localization approach.

Students. Through this study, Illustration learners will be able to learn concepts and

perform creative skills with access to the community and utilize the availability of their


Cartoonist and Illustrators Aspirant. The output of this study will also help aspiring

artist, cartoonist and illustrators to learn fundamental skills of drawing cartoons, comics,

illustrative works, and digital creations.

Future Researchers. This study provides background and foundation for the next

research, similar to this study.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study primarily focuses on the content validity and acceptability of contextualized

module in Illustration using the descriptive-correlational design of study. The contextualized

module will be evaluated by teacher experts of Lanao del Norte Division and Junior High

School students of Lala Proper Integrated School who specialized in this course.

Definition of Terms:

To facilitate understanding of this paper, the following terms are defined conceptually

and operationally.

Acceptability. This refers to respondents; evaluation on the developed contextualized

module in Illustration in terms of presentations, language style and format, illustrations,

timeliness, adequacy, suitability, clarity and usefulness.

Content Validity. In this study, it refers to the respondents’ evaluation on the

contextualized module in terms of lesson objectives, lesson inputs, lesson application, and lesson


Contextualize Module. An instructional tool that are user-friendly where students can

learn in their own and contains real-world concepts and situations featuring their locality and

learning style. This is also used as an intervention in addressing the learning gaps in the

students’ field of specializations.

Illustration. A specialized course for Technology and Livelihood Education subject that

prepares learner to become illustrator, cartoonist, comic/manga artist or someone who can

create drawings and illustrations for book covers, murals, caricatures and more.
Junior High School students. It refers to the Grade 10 students enrolled in the school

year 2021-2022 at Lala Proper Integrated School, Lala, Lanao del Norte who specialized in

TLE-Illustration. The students’ respondents of the study.

Theoretical Framework

In the study of Aguinaldo and Domingo (2021), contextualization in an instructional

approach has its methodological limitations but has the potential to promote short-term academic

achievement. The study suggests that even if there’s a lot of barriers in implementing distance

learning, teachers should still attempt to produced improvised materials for their teaching from

local resources. The contextualized module should contain activities that can they can

accomplish on a weekly or monthly basis based on the learning plan provided by teachers.

According to Frey and Sutton (2010), designing instructional module can be an

immense task, and a model provides a systematic structure for the process. pointed out

that a framework is needed for the module design and development. There is also a

scientific way to design and certain skills are necessary in the writing of modules. In

research from Emotin-Bucjan (2011) stated that the most common model used for

creating instructional materials is the ADDIE model; these acronym stands for five

phases of the material development: A stands for Analyze-analyze learner characteristics,

and task to be learned, D for Design develop learning objectives and choose an

instructional approach, D for Develop-create instructional or training materials, I for

Implement deliver or distribute the instructional materials and E for Evaluate-make sure

the materials achieved the desired goals.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of the Study

Chapter 2



The creation of learning modules is one of the important strategies in aiding the new

landscape of learning in our educational system today. The use of this instrument in the academic

context contains a series of enriched features that takes us into a unique world of learning and

understanding. For students, it provides instruction and information on the different lessons and

performs the role of an efficient teacher for them to learn in their field of endeavor. For teachers,

this instructional material plays a significant role that keeps us on track to ensure all learning

competencies required in the subject must be covered and set up an assessment process.

Furthermore, it sharpens our learners’ intellect, creativity, and perspective even with the absence

of classroom and teachers.

             The field of Illustration in Technology and Livelihood Education subject is essential for

aspiring artists and learners who desire to become future illustrators and cartoonists. From

drawing basic shapes, forms, and objects into a myriad of cartoon characters as real or as

exaggerated they want to be. Also, there are now people who become avid readers that want to

visualize the image of what’s happening in the story they are reading. Therefore, all of their

works and knowledge could be of use in this matter. They may become an illustrator of a book,

comics, and the like. TLE- Illustration is a specialized course that will equip our learners in all of

these things (TESDA, 2012).

As young people nowadays are so fond of illustrative works that they stream online or

buy in a bookstore. Students want to gain a wide range of knowledge in the art of illustration to

be used successfully in terms of context and target audience. However, challenges among
teachers and students are an inevitable part of learning. In research from CITT (2019), Students

were mostly stigmatized about choosing this career as they faced some people’s criticism and

discouragement, loss of inspiration to create art, and the inability to access one’s creativity. 

For teachers, they also experienced significant barriers in teaching this profession. The

huge paradigm changes in the teaching and learning process has been a great challenge. From

traditional classroom setting, real-time interaction, and teacher’s demonstration into home-based,

self-learned, and individual artistic flair of students. The role of the teachers in shaping the minds

of the nation takes a lot of creativeness, innovations and interventions in order to give solutions

for issues encountered in the new normal education. ( Mayol, 2020)

A mismatch of requirements, fundamentals, and learning environment occurred in the

learners’ creative performance in Technology and Livelihood Education-Illustration course. In

this aspect, with the development of contextualizing and localize self-learning modules, we will

be able to address students’ learning gaps by integrating real-world concepts and situations that

will feature their various needs, location, and access. (Madrazo and Villareas, 2020)

DepEd Order No. 18, s. 2020 on Policy guidelines for the provision of learning resources

in the implementation of the basic education learning continuity plan calls for the Department of

education to be innovative and resourceful in delivering quality, accessible, relevant and

liberating education in this time of crisis. In response to this emergency, DepEd developed

different distance learning modalities such as the Alternative Delivery Modules or self-learning

modules to ensure that learning opportunities are safely provided to our learners, through

different learning delivery. 

           Developing a module is a ground-breaking new accessibility tool. It not only provides

unique features for learning but it also helps to continue quality education even in times of crisis
and catastrophes. It describes students’ appreciation in this course to be an effective use of the

illustration within practical context as well as marketing, commercial, and ethical knowledge

required by the professional industry. Subsequently, it explores the wide-ranging effects of

innovations on teachers, learners, and artistic lives.

 Technology and Livelihood Education-Illustration 

            The field of Illustration in Technology and Livelihood Education subject is essential for

aspiring artists and learners who desire to become future illustrators and cartoonist. From

drawing basic shapes, forms, and objects into a myriad of cartoon characters as real or as

exaggerated they want to be. Also, there are now people who become avid readers that want to

visualize the image of what’s happening in the story they are reading. Therefore, all of their

works and knowledge could be of use in this matter. They may become an illustrator of a book,

comics, and the like. TLE- Illustration is a specialized course that will equip our learners in all of

these things (TESDA, 2012).

Importance of Developing Instructional Materials in Teaching Illustration

           Instructional materials can serve as a channel between teachers and students in delivering

and teaching Illustration. It is best to develop instructional materials when aligned with all other

elements in the course including the learning objectives, assessments, and activities. 

Face-to-Face Setting. Before the pandemic, teachers impart the lesson of TLE-

illustration through lectures, readings, skills demonstration, laboratory practice, multimedia

components, and other resources. Through these, they use a variety of strategies and

differentiated instructional materials that is appropriate to the level of intelligence and interest of

our students.
Distance Learning. This modality employs mostly the use of self-learning modules to

my learners that are based on the Most Essential learning competencies (MELCs) provided by

DepEd. We, teachers, will monitor the learner's progress through home visits (following social

distancing protocols) and feedback mechanisms and guide those who need special attention,

especially in my illustration subject. Through all of these, some instructions and activities must

be modified or redesigned to be effective for the distance learning environment. (Llego M.,


DEPED Guidelines on the Implementation of Strengthened Technology and Livelihood

Education Curriculum

           During the curriculum transition from the basic education curriculum to the k-12

curriculum of today, all learning areas have been revised and modified. The subject like

Technology and Livelihood Education has also been revised through these guidelines. In the

previous curriculum, learned the TLE Subject generally like cooking, drafting, dressmaking,

business, etc. in a school year from 1st year to 4th year through lectures and skills performance.

In the k-12 curriculum, our learners will be able to experience 8 exploratory courses for 8

quarters from Grade 7-8 and choose their desire strand and specialization from grade 9-12 to

meet one of the four exits of education which is to get employed after they graduated in high

school. We also used these new curriculum Guidelines as our basis and guide on the

implementation of Technology and livelihood programs and specialization offerings in school.

We found out that we have to consider the community’s need, students’ interest and availability

of school’s facilities and teachers (DepEd, 2013)

In school, Teachers follow the k-12 curriculum guides and MELCs of TLE-Illustration. It

leads to National Certificate Level II (NC II) and covers three core competencies that a high

school student should possess, namely: 1) using lines to produce volumes, 2) creating drawings

according to proportion, and 3) sourcing out of the concept for own drawings. The preliminaries

of this specialization course include the following: 1) discussion of the relevance of the course,

2) explanation of key concepts relative to the course, and 3) exploration of career opportunities

(DepEd, 2016)

Students Specialized in Technology and Livelihood Education-Illustration

Students’ Interest

Teenagers nowadays love to read mangas, comics, magazines. that they seek colors from

those materials; flyers are more appealing to the crowd if they have pictures; even invitations and

walls are now being used as a canvas of those professional illustrators. (Aaseng et al., 2014)

Students’ Problems and Challenges in Learning TLE-ICT-Illustration Subject

Challenges are an inevitable part of learning. My high school learners who specialized in

TLE-ICT-Illustration, know this very well. Here are some problems that Illustration students can

relate to (CITT, 2019).  

Misconceptions about Illustration and other arts-related Field.  People think

that “There’s no money in arts.” This is a common misconception of some people when we talk

about choosing art-related fields and careers. Illustration students are expected to do so much, yet

discouraged to enter the vast world of illustration since many people see that careers in this field

don’t pay well. At times, Illustration students lose interest and inspiration to create art. While this
is understandable, this may hinder their productivity and even at the cost of their academic


Overwhelming Schedule.  As mentioned by Geri The Cleaner in Toy Story 2: “You

can’t rush art.” So, it’s obvious for illustration students to have an overwhelming schedule. This

may be a problem for those who can’t seem to manage their time well. Further, this may result in

poor sleeping habits. Besides, it’s not like they only have one subject in the whole school year.

Juggling various school projects alongside their personal errands is surely a tough task.

Creative Block.  Apart from losing interest in creating art, one can’t escape creative

block or the inability to access one’s creativity. Even if illustration students feel inspired to

create, they still struggle with not being able to express their bottled creativity. This happens as a

result of different feelings and situations an Illustration student has.  

Teacher Problems and Challenges in Teaching TLE-ICT-Illustration

Problems and challenges among us teachers are also inevitable. Let it be any school, the

type of students in a classroom will be different and they will have diverse learning needs.

Satisfying all of them in the same way while approaching a particular curriculum will be a

serious challenge for us.

Face-to-Face Setting

Time and Resources. In a face-to-face setting, one of the challenges we faced is Time

and resources. I don’t have enough time to give quality input, discussion, and feedback in just an

hour every day for many students. The creativity is lost to the process because of time

restrictions and class allocations timetables. Also, having so many learners in one classroom is

very difficult to manage, monitor, and assess to meet the standard art quality in their field of
specialization. Imagine if you have 60 learners in one classroom and have to monitor all of them,

the behavior problems dominate the class activities (SchoolArtsRoom, 2012)

 Distance Learning Setting

  The paradigm shifts in the new normal education. Another challenge also faced by us

teachers is the paradigm shift in the new normal education. It’s no secret that education systems

here and abroad have been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic. And while we sometimes hear

about the difficulties of parents and students with online and print-modular learning, we teachers

often have a fair share of challenges. We must ensure that the quality of learning remains, even

with the absence of face-to-face experiences, from the planning of lesson plans, making and

printing of modules, to the conducting of classes, and giving of activities and assignments. Like

parents and learners, the teachers will likely say, “the struggle is real” (Mayol, 2020).

  Module Making. In other regions and divisions, teachers are required to make their

module that is not available or downloadable from central or regional office especially in TLE

since this subject has many specializations. So, they required TLE Teachers to create their

module to be used in teaching their specialized area for the whole school year during this time of

the pandemic. 

Significance of Utilizing Contextualize Module in Teaching TLE-ICT-Illustration

Module development refers to the working plan and actual writing of the module. It is the

materials that we used as a supplement to the learning in the classroom. In the study of Rada

about Module development and evaluation in teaching Filipino, she defines a module as a self-

study packet and learner has complete personal control over the materials. It is essential that the

students be able to control the source of input so that they can “pace it-stop it, start it, and replay

it” (Rada, 2017).

Teaching-Learning Process

The teaching and learning process is the most powerful instrument that allows us teachers

and our learners to interact with each other. the very essence of modularization is that students

are at the center of the teaching–learning process. It calls for a classroom environment in which

students are actively engaged in the knowledge construction process and a shift in the role of the

instructor from knowledge transmitter to a facilitator of students’ learning. Not only that,

modularization requires continuous follow-up and assessment of students’ progress throughout

the module/course. The practice of effective continuous assessment allows instructors to provide

adjustments in teaching and learning in response to assessment evidence. This also helps students

receive feedback about their learning with advice on what they can do to improve (Chen, 2019).

Contextualize Modular teaching in Illustration is concerned for each student as an

individual with his/her special aptitude and interest in drawing and designing. It provides clear

and specific instructions that learners would be able to understand and perform easy with access

to their community and socio-economic considerations.

Learner’s Cognitive Skills

Cognitive Skills for learners are intellectual processes they use to organize, understand,

and gain information in their area of specialization. This learning skill is significant because it

allows our learners to have the ability to understand instruction and direction in all activities in

the modules. Every module has a lot of activity and application that needs to comprehend

intensively. Our learners should extend their horizons in the art of imagination and

conceptualization while following each competency in the modules (BrainWare Learning

Company, 2021)

Future Skills
The integration of Future skills in developing learning module for illustration plays in a

well-rounded educational experience and intrinsic value in curriculum across the world.

According to Ehlers and Kellermann (2019), the term “future skills” is defined as the

‘ability to act successful on a complex problem in a future unknown context of action’. It refers

to an individuals’ disposition to act in a self-organized way, visible to the outside as

performance. The future skills model divides future skills into three interrelated dimensions: The

first Future Skill dimension is the subjective dimension of futures skills profiles. It is relating to

an individuals’ subjective, personal abilities to learn, adapt and develop in order to improve their

opportunities to productively participate in the workforce of tomorrow, actively shape the future

working environment and involve themselves into forming societies to cope with future

challenges. These future skill profiles are learning literacy, self-efficacy, self-determination, self-

competence, reflective competence, decision competence, initiative and performance

competence, ambiguity competence, and ethical competence.

The second Future Skill Dimension is relating to an individual’s ability to act self-

organized in relation to an object (object dimension), a task or a certain subject matter related

issue. It is emphasizing a new approach which is rooted into the current understanding of

knowledge but is suggesting to take knowledge several steps up the ladder, connect it to

motivation, values and purpose and impregnate it with the disposition to act self-organized in the

knowledge domain in question. It is not just a quest for more knowledge but for dealing with

knowledge in a different way which is resulting into professionalism and not into knowledge

expertise. These future skills profiles are design thinking competence, innovation competence,

system competence, and digital literacy.

The third Future Skill Dimension is relating to an individual’s ability to act self-

organized in relation to its social environment (social-dimension), the society and organizational

environment. It is emphasizing the individual’s dual role as the curator of its social portfolio of

membership in several organizational spheres and at the same time having the role of rethinking

organizational spaces and creating organizational structures anew to make it future proof. It

contains the following future skills profiles such as sensemaking, future and design competence,

cooperation competence, and communication competence.

As the three future skills stated above, learning modules in illustration presents different

learning dimensions that are designed for learners to have creative self-expression and the ability

to comprehend, focus, organize, and create artistically. Those students who practice in this field

find themselves exploring the richness of their expressive abilities and become the vessel of

imagination and creativity.

In this modern time where technology dominates the world, this module is not just about

learning traditional drawing and illustrations like the usual paper, pencil, and paint but it also

leads into modern and future creations that use different software and applications as a digital

tool. However, this material shall be designed which will target the future skills profiles and life

roles of our learners, preparing them to be globally competitive and future ready possessing the

appropriate competences that they need in the industry.

Lastly, producing anything in the field of Illustrations, whether academically or

professionally, usually requires us in an environment to call on the help of other. Some activities

in the learning modules involves interviews in the expertise and insights of others and

collaboration to achieve beneficial artistic engagement and mutual success. These learning

modules will help guide them to become future artists, cartoonists, and illustrators.

Designing instructional module can be an immense task, and a model provides a

systematic structure for the process. This study pointed out that a framework is needed for

the module design and development. There is also a scientific way to design and certain

skills are necessary in the writing of modules. The researcher stated that the most common

model used for creating instructional materials is the ADDIE model; these acronym stands

for five phases of the material development: A stands for Analyze-analyze learner

characteristics, and task to be learned, D for Design develop learning objectives and choose

an instructional approach, D for Develop-create instructional or training materials, I for

Implement-deliver or distribute the instructional materials and E for Evaluate-make sure the

materials achieved the desired goals. (Emotin-Bucjan, 2011)

Synthesis and Gap

Generally, the use of instructional materials such as learning modules helps develop our

students in delivering education in normal setting or in crisis. It can be used as a supplemental

resource in the classroom setting or a main instrument in teaching and learning process in the

distance learning environment. In this process, education is given to our children and students

with different strategies like teaching, demonstration, Laboratory Practice, etc. At the same time

schools is good training to provide facilities, a convenient atmosphere, and sufficient resources.

Our students still have to rely on lecture notes, books, and study materials to maintain better

performance in their studies. Research shows that the availability of textbooks and other

reference materials in some fields of specialization is still uncertain in this time of crisis or even

in the face-to-face setting. To address this problem, schools may introduce course modules to all
field subjects at all levels to help learners with difficulties and have a better understanding of

their fields of expertise at their own pace.

Chapter 3


This chapter provides an overview of the research design and the research methods of the

study. It also includes instrumentation use, procedure of the study and the statistical treatment.

Research Design

This study will use a descriptive-correlational method in determining the validity of the

developed contextualized module in Illustration course and the significant difference between the

evaluation of experts/teachers and the students respondents.

According to Calmorin (2007), the descriptive research includes facts or current

conditions concerning the nature, or person, a number of subjects or class events, classification

or measurement. Descriptive research is characterized as a fact-finding with adequate


The descriptive research design was suitable in the study especially in determining

learners and teachers’ profile and the level of acceptability of contextualized learning module in

Research Environment

The present pandemic has brought extra challenges and has affected the school in delivering

quality education. Learners has limited access to resources for learning in the distance

environment. Teachers are spending time and efforts for the solutions and innovations in order to

provide effective instructional materials. This study will present an opportunity for responding

issues, problems and trends in teaching illustration course.

Research Locale

This study will be conducted in the different barangays of the Municipality of Lala,

Lanao del Norte. The municipality is composed of different barangays which can be categorized

into poblacions, upland, coastal and island barangays where the learners from Lala Proper

Integrated School lived.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are the 50 learners of Lala Proper Integrated School, and 10

Teachers of the Lanao del Norte Division.

The Learner respondents will be the 50 Junior High School or Grade 10 students of the

different barangays that choose illustration course in Technology and Livelihood Education

enrolled in the academic year 2021-2020.

Area Respondents
Poblacions 15
Uplands 10
Coastals 10
Island Barangay 5
The teacher respondents of the study will be chosen purposively following the criteria:

(a) Permanent Teacher of Lanao del Norte Division (b) A specialized teacher in Illustration

(c) with at least 3 years of experience (d) adopting the “new normal” teaching

Research Instruments

The main instrument to be used to gather primary data is questionnaire checklist. The

study used a developed a contextualized module in TLE-Illustration created by the researcher

based on the Most Essential Learning Competencies given by department of education. A

checklist questionnaire is given to the respondents to evaluate the level of validity and

acceptability of the contextualized developed module in Illustration.

The checklist questionnaire was evaluated using the following scale:

Level of Validity
Scale Range Verbal Interpretation

5 4.20-5.00 Very much Valid (VMV)

4 3.40-4.19 much Valid (MV)

3 2.60-3.39 Valid (V)

2 1.80-2.59 Less Valid (LsV)

1 1.00-1.79 Least Valid (LeV)

Level of Acceptability
Scale Range Verbal Interpretation

5 4.20-5.00 Very Much Acceptable (VMA)

4 3.40-4.19 Much Acceptable (MA)

3 2.60-3.39 Acceptable (A)

2 1.80-2.59 Less Acceptable (LsA)

1 1.00-1.79 Least Acceptable (LeA

Validation of the Instrument

To ensure that the data collected met the criteria for valid interpretation and analysis, the

researcher adopted a questionnaire-checklist from the related study of Tan, et. Al (2017) on the

Content Validity and Acceptability of a Developed Worktext in Basic Mathematics. It will be

presented to the expert panel members and her adviser for content validation.

Data Gathering Procedure

A letter will be sent to the office of the Dean of the Graduate School, Jose Rizal

Memorial State University, Main Campus, Dapitan City seeking for endorsement to the school,

the municipal mayor, Barangay captains, and Inter-agency task force in the municipality of Lala

will be secured to be allowed to gather information from the respondents. The researcher will

administer the questionnaire through a google survey for those who have access to internet and

printed for those who don’t have.

The researcher will develop contextualized module in TLE-Illustration based on the gaps

and issues gathered in the interview and survey. The level of acceptability will be evaluated by

the teachers’ expert in illustration, language, and content through a questionnaire checklist.

Tabulation and interpretation of data followed.

Data Analysis and Statistical Tools

The following statistical tool will be utilized:

Weighted Mean. Use to interpret the content validity and level of acceptability of the

developed contextualized module in TLE-Illustration

T-test. Use to determine the significant difference of Respondents’ Evaluation on the

validity and level of acceptability of the developed contextualized module in illustration.


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