Slovak Spectator 1721

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Vol. 17, No. 21 Monday, May 30, 2011 - Sunday, June 5, 2011 of this issue

'Most wanted' is free
Karol Mello, an alleged mob
boss accused of a 2004
double murder who had
office targets
been on the run for several
years before his arrest in Po-
land, has now been released
airport deals
from custody by a court.
pg 2
Spectator staff
Minorities law passed
A new law will lower the
threshold for official use of SLOVAKIA is learning to its cost that poor
minority languages in Slov- public procurement practices can lead to
akia – but it will not come the European Union cash-tap being turned
into full effect for another off. A recently completed European Anti-
10 years. Fraud Office (OLAF) investigation into a
pg 3 project to reconstruct Bratislava’s state-
owned Milan Rastislav Štefánik Interna-
tional Airport between 2005 and 2008
OPINION found faulty procurement and unjustified
expenditures. OLAF’s findings are likely to
Now fill in this form scotch Slovakia’s chances of getting €3.9
State institutions should million of the project costs covered by the
have done a much better Residents of Slovakia were asked to start filling out census forms in late May but concerns about the anonymity of EU and, as a result, Slovak taxpayers will
census job – only then could personal data have led to controversy and some residents are even refusing to speak to census-takers. Photo: ČTK have to pick up the bill.
they have expected resid- Shortly after the Sme daily broke the
ents in return to have done story, Prime Minister Iveta Radičová said
a better job of filling out the
census forms.
pg 5 Anonymity of census that OLAF had discovered the first incid-
ence of unjustified expenditure during the
initial part of the project in 2005, during
the Mikuláš Dzurinda government, but
that more such irregularities occurred un-
More pension changes
Despite the solidity implied
by their name, the second
data questioned der the subsequent government of Robert
Fico, which took office in 2006.

See OLAF pg 4

and third pillars of the pen- SOME citizens are refusing to fill out for the census – and some who have
sion system in Slovakia
have seen multiple changes
in the past few years and
census forms or are returning com-
pleted forms without their numer-
ical identifier, arguing that the pro-
Spectator staff
certainly decided not to participate.

Privacy concerns
The €45m
now they face even more.
pg 6
cedures of the 2011 census violate
their right to privacy. Critics also
charge that residents are poorly in-
ted circulating through their as-
signed areas, seeking to make an ac-
Slovakia’s Statistics Office (ŠÚ),
the primary organiser of the census,
‘crime’ with
Credit management
The rise of secondary in-
formed about the census proced-
ures. These were at least some of the
reasons why 40 census-takers in
curate count of residents and resid-
encies in the decennial census,
when questions surfaced about the
had been stressing that it is every
resident's duty to take part in the
2011 census as well as provide ac-
no perps
solvency during the finan- Bratislava’s Old Town district anonymity and security of the per- curate information as of the meas-
cial crisis taught many resigned from their jobs mid-way sonal data, amplified by a state pri- urement point for the census – mid- BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ
companies a hard lesson through the census while another vacy agency, and causing a large night between May 20 and May 21. Spectator staff
about the value of man- 100 were reported to have quit in outcry of concern among Slovaks. At the same time, the ŠÚ had as-
aging receivables, but now the Petržalka district of the capital. Sociologists, statisticians and sured residents that personal data
experts are asking whether Concerns about anonymity seem to even politicians rushed to soothe collected by the census-takers THE AMORPHOUS Interblue Group, and its
the lesson has really been be the biggest source of controversy the anxieties of residents, many of would be anonymous. infamous purchase of Slovakia’s carbon-di-
learned. in the Slovakia's census. whom now seem unsure whether to oxide emissions quotas, continues to haunt
pg 7 Census-takers had already star- submit their personal information See COUNT pg 2 the country. Though the state is believed to
have lost tens of millions of euros in a deal
struck in 2008 between the Environment
Trouble in Trnava
Tax legislation agreed by cabinet Ministry, then controlled by the Slovak Na-
tional Party (SNS), and Interblue Group,
those responsible for the affair – which the
The future of Trnava’s Ján current management of the ministry has
Koniarek Gallery is uncer- concept through the cabinet was come tax and payroll levy systems described as a crime – are yet to face prosec-
tain following the dismissal the easy part as the initiative has appeals to all parties of the coali- ution. The Special Prosecutor’s Office has
of its director, the suspen-
BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ been accompanied by fiery discus- tion, MPs from the Civic Conservat- rejected a criminal complaint lodged by
Spectator staff the Environment Ministry under Minister
sion of all its exhibitions for sion since its very inception and ive Party (OKS), who sit within the
2011 and the recent cancel- will likely face a rather rocky ride Most-Híd parliamentary caucus, József Nagy, a nominee of Most-Híd,
lation of a major festival. THE CABINET of Iveta Radičová has in parliament, as certain aspects of say that true reform should be ac- against unnamed representatives of Inter-
pg 11 approved the broad outlines of an the plan face opposition even complished in a way that it does not blue Group on suspicion of fraud, the
overhaul of what it calls deforma- among MPs from the ruling coali- have a negative impact on certain ministry’s spokeswoman Beatrice
tions in the country’s income tax tion. groups in society. Hudáková confirmed in a memo.
SELECT FOREX RATES and payroll levy legislation. Ob- While the philosophy of bring-
€ benchmark as of May 26 servers are saying that pushing the ing more transparency to the in- See TAX pg 9 See BLUE pg 4

CANADA CAD 1.39 HUNGARY HUF 269.02 hk}ly{pzltlu{


Find your property at

2 May 30 – June 5 , 2011 NEWS

Reputed underworld
Proxy: Roma were illegally evicted
ROMA living in the vicinity ated Slovak as well as inter-
boss freed again
of Ťahanovce, a district of national law by their con- UNTIL recently Karol Mello
Košice, were forced to leave duct, TASR wrote. He said had been Slovakia’s most
their houses on May 17 when that municipalities, when wanted person, an alleged
municipal authorities de- trying to solve problems sim- mob boss accused of a double
cided to demolish an illegal ilar to this one, would do bet- murder in Most pri Bratislave
waste dump and illegal ter to contact his office for in 2004. He was arrested at the
shanties that had been built consultation. end of 2010 in Krakow, Po-
around it. The Roma were origin- land, but now has been re-
“Firstly because there ally slated to be relocated to leased from custody in Slov-
was a danger of fire and short the Lunik IX neighbourhood akia for the second time.
circuit since there were il- but refused to go and were Mello was first released
legal electrical connections,” then placed in a military tent on May 9 based on a court er-
Martina Viktorínová, the erected close to their original ror but he was immediately
spokesperson for Košice shanties where they were re-arrested by a special police
town hall told the TASR expected to stay until they unit and charged with a dif-
newswire, adding that pub- returned to the place of their ferent crime. The Bratislava
lic health experts had also permanent address. Regional Court then released
reported that there was a The Roma, however, left Mello on May 19 for the
danger of an epidemic. the military tent and moved second time in a month.
The government’s pleni- into their own smaller tents, “The [Regional] Court de- Karol Mello leaving custody. Photo: Sme - G. Kuchta
potentiary for Roma com- TASR reported. Viktorínová cided that the legal conditions
munities, Miroslav Pollák, said the local authorities defined under the Criminal district court as well as by a utor dealing with the case Organised Crime had initiated
responded, however, that view that act as an organised Code for the District Court to prosecutor in his office. He also then made a mistake by a motion to issue another ar-
the Košice authorities viol- provocation. repeatedly deprive the ac- explained that after Mello was not pointing out that fact. rest warrant for Mello but
cused of his personal freedom escorted from Poland on April Šufliarsky did not men- that this can only be done
were not met, as he had 29, 2011, his custody was de- tion the name of the prosec- after the prosecution accepts
SaS and mayors clash over new law already been released with re- cided upon by a single judge utor who made the error in the motion and files such a
spect to the same case once,” from the Bratislava I District judgment but media reported proposal with the court. The
SALARIES of mayors of Slov- “extorting” the government the Regional Court’s spokes- Court while under the law it was his deputy, Eva court then decides whether to
ak cities, towns and villages and his party. person, Pavol Adamčiak, told that decision was supposed to Mišíková, who was the gov- issue an arrest warrant.
will be reduced by 10 percent “I do not see how they the TASR newswire. be made by a senate of three erning coalition’s initial can- After his release from cus-
as early as June, according to got to [the conclusion] that The head of the Special judges from the court. didate for general prosecutor tody Mello said he was inno-
a law passed by parliament they will make laws,” Sulík Department in the General “This was the moment last year. cent of the charges against
on May 17 that was sub- told journalists, as quoted by Prosecutor’s office, Peter when the unlawfulness of the On May 24 the him and that he was not in-
sequently signed by Presid- the SITA newswire. Sulík Šufliarsky, told a press con- whole proceeding started,” news portal reported that a tending to flee the country.
ent Ivan Gašparovič. also urged that Slovakia ference on May 24 that mis- Šufliarsky said, as quoted by police investigator from the
In addition to the 10 per- should adopt a one-mandate takes had been made by the TASR, adding that the prosec- Office for the Fight against See FREE pg 5
cent pay cut, the law govern- rule, meaning that an MP
ing a mayor’s legal position could not simultaneously
and remuneration allows a
municipal council to in-
crease a mayor’s basic salary
hold the post of mayor.
Sulík added that a few
mayors harmed the reputa-
COUNT: Census-takers bear the brunt
by no more than 70 percent tion of all mayors by grant- Continued from pg 1 the anonymity of the gathered personal Worries are out of place
and no longer permits may- ing themselves maximum data and a statement that the gathered
ors to get bonuses. salaries and argued that no Many Slovaks were thus quite sur- data is anonymous,” ÚOOÚ wrote in its While the two state-run offices were
The Association of Slovak mayors should have higher prised when they received a numerical release sent to the media and published criticising each other, the heaviest im-
Towns and Villages (ZMOS) is salaries than the prime min- code that was associated with their on its website. pact of public concern and residents’ re-
unhappy with the new law ister. He also called upon census form – used either as a login for fusal to participate in the census was be-
and in protest some mem- ZMOS representatives to dis- completing the electronic version of the Statistics Office responds ing felt by the census-takers who visit
bers booed Prime Minister close mayoral salaries. form or as an identifier on the hard-copy people’s homes and by the local authorit-
Iveta Radičová when she at- Former ZMOS Chairman form – and that census takers recorded The head of the Statistics Office, ies responsible for the smooth execution
tended its annual congress in Michal Sýkora stated that SaS the person’s name and address to match Ľudmila Benkovičová, reacted to the of the census in each municipality.
mid May. Richard Sulík, the had deliberately attacked with the numerical code. statements of the ÚOOÚ by saying they Meanwhile, politicians and experts
Speaker of Parliament and local and regional govern- Concerns among citizens about po- were manipulative and that the ÚOOÚ stressed that the amount of data reques-
head of Freedom and Solidar- ments, harmed their reputa- tential misuse of their data were then was endangering the results of the ted in Slovakia’s census is much less
ity (SaS) party, which initi- tion, created tension and magnified by some media outlets and census. than what is collected in some other
ated the salary cuts for may- cast doubt on their repres- bloggers. An article that circulated She added that legislation governing countries.
ors, accused ZMOS of entatives, SITA reported. widely on the Slovak internet was en- the 2011 census had been passed three “In comparison with other European
titled “Improved ŠtB practices – census of years earlier and the ÚOOÚ had never ob- countries, the census gathers altogether
residents and residencies 2011” with the jected to any of its provisions during in- less information and also includes fewer
Malinová 'blood disorder' discounted ŠtB referring to the communist-era terdepartmental or parliamentary re- personal or other sensitive questions,”
secret police. Written by Ľubomír view of the draft law or after the legisla- the Institute of Sociology of the Slovak
THE EXTENSIVE bleeding of ing from bruises and a lip la- Kopáček, who described himself as secur- tion was signed into law. Academy of Sciences wrote in a state-
Hedviga Žáková, née ceration were caused by poor ity consultant, he wrote that “practices The ŠÚ wrote in its media release that ment it released to support the census
Malinová, whom ministers blood coagulation in 2006. worthy of organised crime” have been by casting doubt on the use of the numer- effort, asking residents not to be dis-
of the previous government Malinová was accused by put in place by the state to “invade the ical code the ÚOOÚ was scaring Slovak couraged from filling out the forms.
accused of making up a story former interior minister privacy of a citizen”. residents who then were hesitant to The country’s leading sociologists
about being attacked for Robert Kaliňák of lying about A day after publishing the article, on provide data for the census. stressed that the census provides stat-
speaking Hungarian in pub- being attacked in Nitra be- May 17, Kopáček filed a complaint with The use of a numerical identifier is istical information that cannot be ob-
lic, was not caused by any cause her assailants heard Slovakia’s Office for Personal Data Pro- defined in the law on the 2011 census tained any other way and that, historic-
blood disorder, the Sme daily her speaking Hungarian. She tection (ÚOOÚ), which in turn issued a and, according to the ŠÚ, the numerical ally, it has been a common practice.
reported, contradicting an has been officially accused of statement on May 20, only hours before codes serve to prevent duplication in the After meeting Benkovičová at her
earlier report by Peter Labaš, lying to police but the case residents were supposed to start filling census and ensure that each resident request, Prime Minister Iveta Radičová,
the dean of the Medical Fac- has not yet gone before a out their census forms, asking the ŠÚ to gets counted only once. a sociologist by profession, called on
ulty of Comenius University. court. immediately and fully inform the resid- The ŠÚ explained that is why it needs state organisations and municipal au-
Malinová’s lawyer Ro- Kaliňák repeated in a mid ents of Slovakia that the data collected to have each form identified in this way thorities to cooperate with the Statistics
man Kvasnica said that May interview with the Sme for the 2011 census is not anonymous and for a limited period of time and that only Office. The prime minister also filled out
Malinová has no blood dis- daily that he believes to cancel residents’ obligation to place a restricted circle of ŠÚ staff and staff her census forms during the meeting.
orders, referring to tests that Malinová is a “pathological the numerical code on their respective from the census’s technical support “In Slovakia every citizen is given a
were conducted after Labaš liar” and that there is no census form. company have access to the forms with single-purpose code, the so-called iden-
had submitted his expert evidence in the case speak- ÚOOÚ stated that a resident can be the numerical code. tifier, while in other countries the
medical report, Sme repor- ing in her favour, stressing directly identified after attaching the “The data is protected, we have never census forms directly contain the name
ted. The most recent medical that he would never apolo- numerical code to the census form and leaked any data,” Benkovičová said, as and surname, or even the personal
tests question a theory gise to her. the data is no longer anonymous. quoted by the TASR newswire, adding [identification] number of the citizen,”
offered by Labaš that “There is a big difference between a that the ŠÚ maintains that the forms will the prime minister stated after the
Malinová's extensive bleed- Compiled by Spectator staff statement that the provider will secure remain anonymous. meeting.
NEWS May 30 – June 5, 2011 3

Most-Híd passes EU commissioner

visits Lunik IX
key minorities law LUNIK IX, the complex of
buildings in Košice where
thousands of Roma live in
poor conditions, received a
various projects so far is
mixed but that there have
been some negative experi-
prominent visitor from the “We are currently re-
But only EU when László Andor, the assessing the use of alloc-
watered-down European commissioner for ated sources. The confer-
employment, social affairs ence should help us find a
version clears and inclusion, stopped there better understanding of the
parliament on May 25 as part of his visit situation on the local
to Slovakia. He promised level,” Andor said, as
that EU assistance will be quoted by SITA.
directed to the community Andor also spoke about
BY MICHAELA and when leaving said he the Framework for Nation-
TERENZANI would return in three years’ al Roma Integration
Spectator staff time to see whether the help Strategies to 2020 that was
was effective. adopted by the European
“We had a discussion Commission on April 5.
THE THRESHOLD for using a with leaders of the com- That framework calls on
minority language in official munity and also represent- EU member states to present
communication – which also atives of the city and I national strategies by the
includes displaying the strongly believe that if there end of 2011 in the crucial
names of villages and public is a continued dialogue areas of education, employ-
institutions in both the state there will be common un- ment, health care and hous-
and the minority language – derstanding and common ing, including specific tar-
will drop from the current 20 action,” Andor said, as geted measures with addi-
to 15 percent – but no sooner quoted by the Sme daily. tional financing from na-
than in ten years’ time. Until All villages that are now bilingual will remain so until at least 2031. Photo: Jana Liptáková Andor said the measures tional and EU sources. Andor
then, the current status quo should be directed at a whole underscored that the actual
will be preserved. have the right to use a minor- the results of the 1991 census Martin Fronc of the KDH did range of issues, including, in strategy should not be pre-
Parliament passed the ity language when interacting will remain in use. not vote in favour. the first place, better educa- pared at a clerical desk but
long-awaited Act on the Use of with public officials only in However, a municipality The opposition parties, tion and ensuring that chil- that responsible partners –
Minority Languages, drafted those municipalities which will only lose its bilingual Smer and the Slovak National dren from the neighbour- Roma citizens, municipalit-
by the deputy prime minister conform to the threshold set status if it records the number Party (SNS), criticised the law hood complete the compuls- ies and NGOs – must also
for national minorities and for using that minority lan- of minority inhabitants lower and repeatedly accused the ory grades of education. participate, SITA wrote.
human rights, Rudolf Chmel, guage. Chmel had wanted to than 15 percent in three con- government of collaborating Andor admitted that co- In addition to the €200
on May 25, after a long debate widen the right to cover the secutive censuses – which in with the Hungarian govern- operation between the million earmarked in Slov-
on the pros and cons of allow- whole territory of Slovakia. practice means that the num- ment of Viktor Orbán. European Commission and akia for projects for Roma
ing members of Slovakia’s na- Another change deman- ber of bilingual municipalities “I see it as a purely Hun- municipal authorities needs employment and social in-
tional minorities wider use of ded by Matovič was the re- will not drop before at least garian agenda directed to improve and said he be- tegration during the
their mother tongues in pub- quirement to obtain the con- 2031 (if the decennial period- against Slovaks and other na- lieved EU funds would be 2007-2013 programming
lic communication, with a sent of members of a muni- icity of censuses is observed). tionalities living in the Slovak helpful in efforts to improve period, the European Par-
majority of 78 MPs – all of cipal council as well as that of Republic,” Smer’s Dušan living conditions for those liament has allocated anoth-
them coalition deputies – vot- the mayor before conducting Bugár satisfied Čaplovič said, as quoted by the who live in Lunik IX. er €5 million for pilot
ing in favour of the law. a local council session in a SITA newswire. “But one cannot expect projects focused on social in-
The law will become ef- minority language. Chmel’s For Chmel’s Most-Híd the Chmel argued that, on the changes to happen tegration of Roma.
fective on July 1 if signed by version only required the law on minority languages contrary, the minorities who overnight,” he said, as At the conference, suc-
the president. The changes it council’s consent. Matovič was one of its key objectives would benefit most from his quoted by Sme. cessful projects implemen-
introduces include, most not- also succeeded in deleting a for the current parliament. version of the amendment Prior to his visit to Lunik ted by the Directorate Gen-
ably, lowering of the requirement for health-care This was partly because it was were the Ruthenian and IX, Andor attended a confer- eral for Regional Policies
threshold for official use of facilities to have an interpret- necessary to amend the law Roma minorities, not the ence in Košice focusing on were presented, including
minority languages, but also er or an employee who speaks on minority languages in or- Hungarian minority. Roma integration, accom- the Good Start project, sup-
the right to file verbal or writ- the minority tongue. der to make it compatible Despite a proposal by On- panied by one of the EC's vice porting early-age education,
ten motions and submit writ- A bone of contention with the recently changed law drej Dostál, a member of the presidents, Maroš Šefčovič. that is targeted at 5,000
ten decrees and evidence in a among the ruling coalition on the state language (the two Most-Híd parliamentary Šefčovič said at the con- Roma children up to age six
minority language, and the parties was the level of the laws must be compatible), and caucus, to drop fines from ference that Slovakia has in Slovakia, Hungary, Mace-
right to receive responses threshold required to trigger partly because the party also both the law on minority lan- earmarked approximately donia and Romania.
from public bodies in a minor- use of a minority language in set as one its aims what it guages as well as the State €200 million from EU Struc- Another project using EU
ity language as well. a municipality. Most-Híd, a called a more comprehensive Language Act, the law re- tural Funds for programmes funds involves the village of
According to the law, member of the four-party concept of minority policy in tained the option of fines, and projects to advance the Spišský Hrhov in Prešov Re-
Slovakia recognises Hungari- governing coalition which legal terms, Chmel explained ranging from €50 to €2,500, integration of its Roma cit- gion, which prepared a
an, Bulgarian, Czech, Croa- campaigns bilingually in in an earlier interview with for violations of the law. izens but admitted that the strategy focused on multiple
tian, German, Polish, Roma, Slovak and Hungarian, pro- The Slovak Spectator. “The right wing [parties] drawing down of these re- areas, including reconstruc-
Ruthenian and Ukrainian as posed 15 percent instead of “I am sincerely glad this loudly criticised the fines dur- sources has been rather tion of a primary school,
minority languages. the current 20 percent of law was passed,” said party ing the Fico government’s slow, ascribing this primar- training of municipal em-
Chmel’s amendment also minority citizens living in a leader Béla Bugár, calling it a term, but despite that they ily to complicated adminis- ployees, improvement in
introduced bilingualism municipality, but the party reasonable compromise that don’t want to cancel them, for trative processes, the SITA health-care and social ser-
across the whole bureaucratic was not able to get the sup- helps stabilise the legal system reasons unknown to me,” newswire reported. vices and promotion of tour-
agenda, including records, port of some coalition part- of Slovakia as directed towards Dostál said in an interview Andor confirmed that ism. The village also parti-
rulings, statistics, evidence, ners, notably the Christian minorities, and thus contrib- with the Sme daily. Roma face problems across cipated in a project aimed at
and the agenda of churches – Democratic Movement (KDH) utes to the stability of the Chmel has also objected to Europe and said the EU was supporting community so-
but not for the public registry, and Matovič’s faction. democratic system in the coun- the fines. In an interview quite late in starting to deal cial work, SITA reported.
which will remain in the state In the end, postponement try. He called the norm one of with The Slovak Spectator he with them. He added that
language only. of a reduction in the the most important steps taken said that the term ‘sanction’ experience in implementing Compiled by Spectator staff
threshold was accepted as a by the current government. or ‘fine’ in relation to use of
Change agreed, compromise by all the one’s language is “a drastic in-
but effects delayed parties. According to the law, Heated debate tervention into society, as
15 percent will be required for accompanied the bill language is a very intimate
The original draft of the a municipality to become bi- issue.” Despite that, he said
law was watered down by lingual, but such a threshold Passage of the law the fines are necessary in the
many changes proposed by must be achieved in two con- through parliament was pre- amendment so that the law
Ordinary People faction leader secutive censuses – that is, in ceded by long negotiations on minority languages ex-
Igor Matovič, who said in the the census currently taking within the ruling coalition actly matches the State Lan-
parliamentary debate that he place and in the next one, and then marked by an out- guage Act, which introduced
wanted to make sure that most likely in 2021. There will spoken debate in the cham- fines after being amended by
minority rights were not be no change in the number ber. The parliamentary dis- the Fico government in 2009,
broadened at the expense of of bilingual municipalities for cussion lasted almost two something which prompted a
the majority. the next 10 years, which days, and until the last mo- wave of criticism at home as
According to the law means that the 20-percent ment the KDH remained split well as from international
passed by parliament, citizens threshold applied based on over the vote. Finally, only minority rights watchdogs. Commissioner Andor (right) at Lunik IX. Photo: SITA
4 May 30 – June 5 , 2011 BUSINESS / NEWS

OLAF: Irregularities found in contracts

Continued from pg 1 he did so without any pres-
sure either from the media or
“OLAF can confirm that it the-then opposition.
has completed its investiga- The current minister of
2017 completion date for D1 floated tion into this matter and on transport, Ján Figeľ, described
the basis of its findings in re- the controversy over the air-
THE D1 highway connecting 130 kilometres of highways lation to certain irregularities port as part of the legacy from a
Bratislava and Košice could and dual carriageways would found in the public procure- period when procurement was
be finished by 2017, stated be opened in Slovakia in the ment processes adopted and often conducted in a non-
Ján Figeľ, the Minister of upcoming four years. followed it has recommended transparent manner incompat-
Transport, Construction and “It is a considerable fig- a financial recovery of €3.9 ible with European Union laws
Regional Development dur- ure, a great challenge. I con- million of the EU funding and practices. He also said that
ing a presentation on the sider it realistic,” he stated, involved,” OLAF spokesperson it was important to explain
government’s plans for as quoted by SITA. Pavel Bořkovec told The Slov- who was and who remains re-
highway and dual carriage- By the end of this year, ak Spectator on May 25. sponsible for the failings.
way construction between 57.5km of highways and dual The OLAF Final Case Re- Milan Rastislav Štefánik Airport in Bratislava. While noting that OLAF
Photo: SITA
now and 2014, with the min- carriageways should be port on the matter was sent to had recommended that the
ister saying this deadline is completed, with another the European Commission European Commission recover
realistic, the SITA newswire 5.7km of highways and dual and to the Slovak authorities the airport management the failings from 2005 were €3.9 million of the EU funding
reported. carriageways planned for in March 2011, Bořkovec said. changed following the 2006 mainly linked to invoicing of involved, Figeľ, in an interview
The Višňové tunnel near 2012 and 21km planned for “As the matter will now be election and the new managers unjustified expenses. Stabil with The Slovak Spectator, said
Žilina, regarded as the most 2013. In 2014, 46.2km of the subject of a specific recov- scrapped the original plan at the was given the work after nego- that “it is up to the commis-
difficult and expensive part highways and dual car- ery process between the end of 2006 and picked a new tiation, without a public call sion how it decides, but OLAF
of the D1 highway, must be riageways are supposed to European Commission and contractor, Ikores Slovakia. for tenders. Milan Kajan, who is an institution with high
completed and the minister open. The minister said the Slovakia, OLAF will make no Ikores – then owned by managed the airport between credibility and its reports are
said it could be built by government plans to finance further comment in the Jozef Kopecký, who in 2001 2002 and 2006, has denied any very sensitively perceived”.
2016-2017 and that a tender the new road infrastructure matter,” he added. had donated Sk200,000 to malpractice and said that the However, Figeľ also added
for the tunnel construction from multiple sources and Radičová, after meeting Smer, the leading party in the problems pertain to invoicing, that he is convinced Slovakia
is expected to be announced estimated the sum required the EU commissioner for re- 2006 government – was picked Sme reported. needs modernisation to ensure
in autumn 2011. over the next four years gional policy, Johanes Hahn, for the job without any public Kajan’s successor Stolárik that the country’s air trans-
Figeľ also reported that would be about €5 billion. on May 23, confirmed that tender, but instead according argued after taking over that port, and its transport infra-
Slovakia cannot expect any of to what was referred to as the new management had structure in general, remains
the costs it incurred to be re- ‘market research’. been forced to turn to Ikores safe and comfortable, and that
Bratislava-Schwechat pipeline drafts imbursed by the EU, the TASR Independent political directly without calling for his department would contin-
newswire reported. watchdog Transparency Inter- tenders because the previous ue with existing work to com-
A NEW pipeline designed to the Economy Ministry wrote Slovakia undertook work national warned at the time government had ignored pre- plete a new terminal while
connect oil transmission in an information paper re- at the airport prior to joining that the airport contract only parations for Schengen so long “learning the lesson that the
systems in Slovakia and Aus- porting on the progress of the Schengen zone in late 2007, added to concerns that Ikores that Slovakia was in danger of work needs to be done with
tria will cross either the en- the interconnection of the in order to effectively separate was profiting from Kopecký’s not meeting its entry deadline. strict observance of quality
virons of Bratislava or the Druzhba pipeline with the Schengen from non-Schengen close relationship with Smer. The Ministry of Transport was and well as compatibility with
Small Carpathians mountain Austrian refinery in passengers. The country had According to Sme, approx- at the time led by Smer nom- the law. Today we are assess-
range. Schwechat. hoped to have the bill covered imately €1.7 million of the €3.9 inee, Ľubomír Vážny. ing investment intentions and
The Economy Ministry If the companies pick by the Schengen fund. million in expenses ques- Vážny, now a Smer MP, the use of EU funds in a much
unveiled 10 potential routes the Carpathian Corridor, The basic project was drawn tioned by OLAF should have responded to OLAF’s findings stricter way so that later on we
for the interconnection, the pipelines would be con- up in 2005 with an estimated gone to Ikores and the remain- by saying that while he was do not face the suspicion of
planned as part of either the nected somewhere between price tag of Sk23 million (ap- ing €2.2 million to another minister the airport was not fraud or other doubts,” Figeľ
so-called Carpathian Cor- Marchegg and Záhorská proximately €760,000); a year firm, Stabil, which was sup- managed in line with his ex- added. He suggested the new
ridor or the City Corridor, Ves. later it was submitted to the posed to rebuild the airport in pectations, and that as a res- terminal would be finished by
the SITA newswire reported. The City Corridor pro- Schengen Commission, which 2005. The daily, citing ult he had recalled its general June 2012, thereby boosting
The Slovak pipeline oper- poses a connection in the approved the plan. However, Radičová, also reported that director. Vážny told TASR that the airport’s capacity.
ator, Transpetrol, plans to surroundings of Jarovce-
construct the pipeline in co- Kittsee or Petržalka-Kittsee,
operation with its Austrian
partner, OMV, through a
joint venture called JV BSP
near Veľký Biel. The latter
route would transit the Slov-
ak capital.
BLUE: None accused in emissions deal
Bratislava-Schwechat The length of the
Pipeline GmbH. pipeline will range between Continued from pg 1 blocks, no further money has been re- Former environment minister Ján
Experts in both countries 81 and 152 kilometres de- ceived to date. Chrbet was sacked for signing the deal,
have agreed to several pos- pending on the exact route The prosecutor’s office argued that Meanwhile, the US-based firm was while his short-lived successor Viliam
sible routes that will be fur- chosen and the ministry es- Slovakia had signed a highly disadvant- dissolved and re-established as Interblue Turský was recalled for his failure to
ther examined through im- timated the cost will range ageous contract but that this did not mean Group Europe, registered in Switzerland. terminate it.
pact studies and analyses, from €70 to €112 million. that the intention of Interblue Group was According to Hudáková, the prosec- In 2010, Czech hotelier Milan Ružička
to defraud Slovakia, Hudáková reported. utor found that Interblue had not used the emerged to claim that he was the new
In a highly disadvantageous deal in “unacceptable nature of thermal insula- owner of Interblue, which he said he had
Young Slovaks suffer work stress late 2008, the Environment Ministry sold tion [as a GIS]” simply to avoid paying the bought from another Czech business-
Slovakia’s quotas to emit 15 million tonnes bonus; nor, the prosecutor decided, was man, Marek Pleyer, as a private invest-
NEARLY half of young Slov- “highly engaged”. Almost of carbon dioxide to US-based Interblue the company’s sudden dissolution inten- ment. However, Ružička has not been
aks complained about stress one quarter of young Slovaks Group at a price of €5.05 per tonne. It was ded to serve a specific purpose, she added. able to provide documentation proving
they say they face at work, 11 said they had to accept a job later revealed that Interblue Group had Last December, Nagy said that Slov- that Interblue Group Europe is the legal
percent more than the global they are not happy with for been established just before the contract akia would not try to force Interblue successor of the US-based firm.
average, according to a re- financial reasons and 27 per- was signed and that its registered address Group to pay the €15-million bonus. Jozef Medveď, the Smer party nom-
cent survey conducted by cent said they had com- was an unattended lock-up garage in the “We will not act from the viewpoint inee who replaced Turský as environ-
GfK Custom Research polling pletely redirected their ca- State of Washington. The identities of the of commercial law since we don’t see any ment minister, had declared the original
agency, the TASR newswire reer for financial reasons. company’s owners and beneficiaries have chance of getting the money paid,” Nagy contract void, but Ružička insisted that it
reported. “Low engagement never been confirmed. What is known is said on December 15, as quoted by the was still valid and even suggested he had
About 38 percent of among young Slovak em- that immediately after the sale, Interblue TASR newswire. €15 million with which to pay the green-
young workers in Slovakia ployees results in a phe- sold on the quotas for €8 or more per However, Nagy did file a criminal com- scheme bonus to Slovakia under the
said they are concerned nomenon similar to else- tonne, netting an instant profit of at least plaint against Interblue, without specifying terms of the original contract.
about their work-life balance where in the world,” the €45 million. Critics of the deal said that at names, on December 21, 2010. It is this com- However, the contract also included
and 28 percent are worried study stated, as quoted by the time of the sale other countries such as plaint which the prosecutor has now rejected. an option for Interblue to buy further
that their pace of work or TASR. Hungary, the Czech Republic and even “The ministry is of the opinion that In- Slovak quotas, to emit 35 million tonnes
stress at work is having a “Half of the young em- Ukraine had obtained much higher prices terblue representatives committed a of carbon dioxide, at the original price of
negative impact on their ployees are actively looking for their national quotas. crime,” Nagy said, according to a state- €5.05 per tonne.
health. for another job while work- A clause in the sale contract stipu- ment provided by Hudáková to The Slovak Lucia Žitňanská, who is now justice
A fear of job loss was ex- ing in their present job or are lated that if Slovakia spent the proceeds Spectator. “Probably, it is not possible to minister, in August 2009 filed a criminal
pressed by 32 percent of Slov- planning to do so in the next from the original sale of quotas within prove it [the crime] based on the concluded complaint related to the Interblue deal
aks in the survey while 27 six months.” the ‘Green Investment Scheme’ (GIS) for contract in the way the prosecution states, case, against an unnamed offender. In
percent perceived their The survey also found environmental projects, the country but based on the ill-willed conduct of the September 2009, she and other Slovak
employer’s pressure to work that 34 percent of Slovaks are would be eligible for a bonus payment of representatives of Interblue Group.” Democratic and Christian Union (SDKÚ)
overtime as problematic. willing to search for work €1 per tonne, or €15 million in total, from The Environment Ministry will con- deputies handed over to the general pro-
The survey revealed that abroad. Interblue. However, despite spending sult with criminal law experts on its next secutor an appeal to cancel a contract to
only 14 percent of Slovak em- millions of euros on a scheme to improve steps so that a court can decide on guilt or sell a further 50 million tonnes of emis-
ployees feel as if they are Compiled by Spectator staff the thermal insulation of apartment innocence, Nagy added. sion quotas.
OPINION / NEWS May 30 – June 5, 2011 5
“Never ever in my life have I attacked minorities;
I am only attacking the draft law.” Please allow us to count you
Smer MP Marek Maďarič, speaking during the THE MASSIVE machinery of Ľubomír Kopáček, who any preventive measures to
parliamentary debate on the law on use of minority languages. the state has been set in mo- describes himself as a security see whether the mega-collec-
tion to siphon sensitive per- consultant, poured fuel on the tion of data was in line with
sonal information out of its fire by describing the census the principles it is expected

Identifikátor residents in order to store it

until those driven by an insa-
tiable thirst to control demo-
as the “improved practices of
the ŠtB”, a reference to the
communist-era secret police,
to guard? The privacy watch-
dog in fact suggested that it
believed the statistics au-
population – the estimate is graphic trends find some way and suggested that “practices thority when it said it would
BY LUKÁŠ FILA SLOVAK WORD between 250,000 and 400,000
but the last census showed
to use it – at least, this is how
some Slovaks are interpret-
worthy of organised crime” collect nothing more than
statistical data. One wonders
Special to the Spectator OF THE WEEK ing the nationwide census. what type of data collection

their numbers to be under
100,000. And the Statistics Of- The fact over 100 people would attract the full atten-
fice is terrible at explaining its recently gave up their jobs as tion of the ÚOOÚ if not a na-
FORGET the Terminator. A dif- methods. census-takers in Bratislava tionwide census.
ferent threat roams the streets 3. Anonymity. At first, signals that the discourse The idea of a numerical
of Slovak cities: the census organisers presented over what critics call a lack of identification code obviously
Identifikátor. The use of a the entire enterprise as an- any guarantee of anonymity, did not emerge until just be-
unique ID number attached to onymous. But, thanks to the has in part turned into hys- fore the launch of data collec-
all census questionnaires has “Identifikátor” it is not, which teria. tion and the statistics au-
become a key factor in the the Statistics Office later ad- Those who have given up thority did not treat the in-
heated public debate about the mitted. serving the state’s ambition formation as top secret.
ongoing national census, These are not the only to count its citizens, houses Nevertheless, the ŠÚ
which focuses on three key is- reasons why this census has and apartments said that obviously did not present a
sues: stirred more controversy than they were discouraged by full picture of the census to
1. The necessity of the previous ones. This time there people’s distrust, finding citizens: it did not explain
census. The law on census 2011 was also a massive clash of them unwilling to open that for a certain time, for a
was passed way back in 2008 affiliation or mobile phone state institutions. The Interior their doors or even talk to limited number of people,
but it has started receiving use, could be gained through Ministry accused the Statistics them. Residents have also the data will not be fully
wider attention only now, selective polls. Office of mishandling the been returning census forms anonymous, even if in its
when little can be changed. 2. The quality of prepara- project and the Data Protec- without their numerical final form the data will not
Still, the key arguments tion. Municipal councils re- tion Office issued a warning identifier, apparently fearful BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ be attached to anyone's
against a census sound com- sponsible for collecting the against the lack of anonymity. of a loss of privacy. Spectator staff specific name.
pelling – the state already has data have been complaining Statistics Office boss Ľudmila Before anyone interprets In the age of Facebook
most of the information about for months that they received Benkovičová, appointed by the this as a sign of a former and social networking sites,
real estate, car ownership and inadequate support from the previous government, says communist nation’s hyper- people share all kinds of in-
demographic structure in its Statistics Office – in some cit- that she has done no wrong. sensitivity to loss of privacy, have been put in place by the formation; one can track the
various databases and compil- ies entire blocks were missing The cabinet is keeping her it is worth noting that vari- state to “invade the privacy of number of their children,
ing their data would be both in their documents and maps. until the end of the census. But ous state institutions the citizen”. He also filed a where they go on holiday and
more accurate and probably There has been no campaign to after that she is likely to hear, a already have almost all the complaint with the country’s even their negative com-
cheaper. The information the ensure that the results reflect la The Terminator: “Hasta la information they are seek- personal data protection au- ments about their bosses at
state lacks, such as religious the actual size of the Roma vista, baby”. ing in the census. thority and briefly became a clearly identifiable work-
Slovakia’s statistics au- media darling. places. Thus it might seem
thority did not invent the The Office for Personal strange that suddenly they
census and Slovakia did not Data Protection (ÚOOÚ) un- panic over having to tell the
even exist as an independent expectedly agreed and called government whether they
country when other nations on the Statistics Office (ŠÚ) to have an internet connection
had already begun diligently immediately inform residents or a computer.
counting their citizens, sol- that the data collected for the In principle, state insti-
diers, land and buildings. census would not be an- tutions should have done a
Yet the concerned cit- onymous – in direct contra- much better census job –
izens should not be blamed. diction to the ŠÚ’s previous perhaps then they could have
The costly campaign ahead declarations – and to cancel expected residents to have
of the census was a rather the obligation to place a nu- done a better job of filling out
lame underestimation of merical code on the census the forms in return, thus
people’s concerns about pri- form. The ÚOOÚ stated that a helping the state to get a
vacy issues, disseminating resident can be directly iden- clearer snapshot of demo-
the message: let yourself be tified after attaching the nu- graphic trends, and more.
counted; it is important for merical code to the census But if the state had done a
your future. When concerns form and this means the data better job of using the data it
over the multi-million-euro is no longer anonymous. already possesses, it could
project mounted, politicians This is in fact a typical have avoided the whole
rushed to make last-minutes case of state institutions drama, saved money and not
calls on people to submit simply not doing their job. had to face accusations of us-
One of the census questions: How long does your daily trip to work take? Photo: SITA their census data. Why had the ÚOOÚ not taken ing practices of the ŠtB.

FREE: Justice minister considers appeal

Continued from pg 2 In 2006 an international Democratic Movement Žitňanská requested the J ÁN PAL LO - Publisher
warrant for Mello’s arrest (KDH), said at a press brief- Mello case files from the
Detained in Poland was issued but he was never ing on May 20 following court to evaluate whether EDITORIAL
B E ATA B AL O G OVÁ - Editor - In - Chief
detained, even after the Slov- Mello’s release, calling the there are reasons to file a spe- J AM E S THO M S O N - Assistant Editor
Mello was detained on ak weekly Plus 7 Dní pub- decision absurd. cial appeal. D O NAL D S PATZ - Assistant Editor
October 27, 2010 in Krakow, lished pictures of Mello, his “It is absurd of the Re- “At this point our priority J ANA L IP TÁKOVÁ - Staff Writer
M IC H AE LA TER ENZANI - Staff Writer
Poland in an apartment partner and their child in gional Court to render the is to see whether there are ZUZANA V IL IKOVS K Á - Staff Writer
where he was living with his Alicante, Spain, in August custody null and void first, justified reasons to file a spe- D O M INIK A UH R ÍKOVÁ - Staff Writer
partner, a well-known Slovak 2007. and subsequently rule that cial appeal,” her spokesper- LAYOUT, WEB & IT
actress, and their son. At that time, media spec- the second custody repres- son Peter Bubla told the TASR TATIANA ŠTR AUC HOVÁ - Graphic Designer
Mello is reportedly one of ulated that Mello had protec- ents a repeated custody, newswire. “After that we will R O M AN K R Á Ľ - IT
TO M Á Š PAL L O - Online Publishing
the most dangerous mem- ted testimony status in crim- when the first one was actu- decide in a standard proceed-
bers of the Slovak under- inal proceedings against oth- ally nullified,” he said. “How ing the issue of the potential SALES - FINANCES
world. He is accused of order- er mob bosses, the Sme daily long will we tolerate such un- responsibility of the judges B EATA F OJ TÍKOVÁ - Sales Executive
M AR TINA Š M ATL ÁKOVÁ - PR and Marketing Manager
ing the murder of a busi- reported. lawful rulings by the courts?” who were dealing with the M AR TA F UK AS OVÁ - Advertising Assistant
nessman from Most pri Brat- Lipšic said that Mello’s case.” TO M ÁŠ K EL L EY - Circulation Manager
islave in 2004. Slap in the face, Lipšic says case was a textbook example Mello’s attorney, Peter The Slovak Spectator is an independent newspaper published every Monday by The Rock, s.r.o.
The gunman, however, of one in which the accused Schmidl, told the SITA Subscriptions: Inquiries should be made to The Slovak Spectator’s business office at (+421-2) 59 233 300.
Printing: Petit Press a.s. Distribution: Interpress Slovakia s.r.o., Mediaprint-kapa s.r.o., Slovenská po‰ta a.s.
shot and killed the The court decisions in- must remain in custody, as newswire that the Regional Mail Distribution: ABOPRESS. EV 544/08. © 2010 The Rock, s.r.o. All rights reserved. Any reproduction
in whole or in part without permission is prohibited by law. The authors of articles published in this issue,
businessman’s partner and volving Mello represent a he is charged with an ex- Court had ruled based on a represented by the publisher, reserve the right to give their approval for reproducing and public transmission
his small son while firing at slap in the face to justice and tremely brutal crime and had motion made by the defence. of articles marked ©The Slovak Spectator, as well as for the public circulation of reproductions of these articles,
in compliance with the 33rd article and 1st paragraph of the Copyright Law. Media monitoring is provided
the businessman’s car. Fol- a mockery of victims, Interi- previously been on the run by Newton, IT, SMA and Slovakia Online with the approval of the publisher. Advertising material contained herein
is the responsibility of the advertiser and is not a written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such
lowing the shooting, Mello or Minister Daniel Lipšic, a for several years. By Michaela Terenzani commercial enterprises or ventures by The Slovak Spectator or The Rock s.r.o. ISSN 1335-9843.
Address: The Rock, s.r.o., Lazaretská 12, 811 08 Bratislava. IâO: 313 86 237.
fled abroad. member of the Christian Justice Minister Lucia with press reports
6 May 30 – June 5 , 2011

Secondary insolvency was a BUSINESS FOCUS Next issue:


regular term during the crisis

Moves to ease personal

bankruptcy are in the pipeline

Firms active in credit management

Second pension pillar and collection of receivables

-Association of Slovak Collection Agencies (ASINS),

may change again

-Coface Slovakia Credit Management Services,
-EOS KSI Slovensko,
-Euler Hermes,
choose to save for their pen-
Analysts call for -Exekučná,
sions in the second pillar but
-General Factoring,
more discussion were not required to do so.
-Intrum Justitia Slovakia,
Later, in 2009, the Fico
-Profidebt Slovakia,
government changed the fee
-Transcom Worldwide Slovakia,
structure for private pension
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ fund management companies
Spectator staff and introduced guarantees for
pension savers preventing
their accounts from falling be- Some financial service providers
SAVING for old-age pensions is low the principal sums they
inevitably a long-term under- had invested. Pension fund -OVB AllFinanz Slovensko,
taking; this is especially true management companies ob- -Salve Finance,
on the national scale. In the jected to the change, stating -Partners Group SK,
past, the state pension contri- that it would endanger their
butions of economically active operations as well as reduce
Slovaks were used to fund the the long-term value of future Pension fund management
pensions of those who had Slovakia's pension pillars keep changing. Photo: Jana Liptáková pensions for individuals sav-
already retired. But this ap- ing via Slovakia’s second pen- companies in Slovakia
proach is no longer able to these are called pillars, sug- tration companies known as sion pillar. -Association of Pension Funds Management
generate sufficient funds to gesting solidity and perman- the second – or capitalisation – The introduction of guar- Companies (ADSS),
meet the needs of future liabil- ence, they have been shaken pillar, while voluntary sup- antees has caused the pension -Aegon Dôchodková Správcovská Spoločnosť (DSS),
ities, due to Slovakia’s unfa- with each change of govern- plementary saving was made fund management companies
vourable demographic devel- ment since they were set up. possible even earlier. After to stop investing in equity -Allianz-Slovenská DSS,
opments. To address this issue From the beginning of Robert Fico took power in shares, meaning that all three -AXA DSS,
Slovakia extended its pay-as- 2005, under the second 2006, he initiated extensive funds in which pensioners can -ČSOB DSS,
you-go scheme, now known as Mikuláš Dzurinda govern- changes to the second pillar. save, i.e. growth, balanced and -ING DSS,
the first pillar, by adding two ment, Slovaks were given the Under these changes, the conservative funds, all now -VÚB Generali DSS,
further saving pillars, in option to start saving for their second pillar became volun- generate similar yields.
which people can save for their pensions through newly estab- tary and young people enter-
retirement. But even though lished pension fund adminis- ing the labour market could See PENSION pg 8
Association of collection
agencies launched in Slovakia
Financing business expansions FIVE international collection agencies operating in
The growth in business loans has not loans. This trend occurred for loans Slovakia founded the Association of Slovak Collection
Bank terms remain tight reached the pace by which retail loans taken by businesses in most economic Agencies (ASINS) in mid October 2010. Its primary goal is
so other financing are increasing, according to Jozef Barta, sectors but particularly those in trans- to represent the interests of professional companies
director general of UniCredit Bank Slov- port, the chemical industry, in whole- active in collection of receivables and secure their proper
methods now appeal akia, who said firms are thinking over sale and in real estate. Hotels were the operation in the market. The founding members of
every new investment as well as hiring business sector with the highest rate of ASINS are EOS KSI Slovensko, Intrum Justitia Slovakia,
new staff very carefully because they are troubled loans but surprisingly this was Coface Slovakia Credit Management Services, Creditre
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ not totally sure whether the crisis is not where significant loans sales or form and Transcom Worldwide Slovakia, ASINS wrote in
Spectator staff over. Other bank representatives shared write-offs of failed loans occurred. its press release.
this opinion at the conference. Leasing, another way for businesses ASINS further wrote that its main aim is to represent
Vida believes that the current supply to arrange financing for various kinds of and protect the interests of its members, pursue the
THE ECONOMIC crisis diminished com- of money in the market exceeds demand equipment, has recorded significant protection of legal norms related to collection of
panies’ appetite for expansion and that and Patrik Mozola, the head of HSBC growth thus far in 2011. Companies receivables and build a good reputation for professional
was subsequently reflected in a reduced Bank in Slovakia, said that there are no clustered in the Association of Leasing companies engaged in collection of receivables.
demand for external financing through significant projects which banks are Companies of Slovakia (ALS) signed new Martin Šoltes, ASINS president, said that vaguely
loans or equity. The recovery in willing to invest in and that is a reason deals worth €399.88 million during the formulated legal conditions for operation of collection
Slovakia’s economy has encouraged why there is excess money supply. first quarter of 2011, representing a agencies in the market leads some collection agencies to
some companies, which are again be- The interest of businesses in taking 20-percent increase from the same peri- use unfair practices when collecting receivables.
ginning to look for financing to execute bank loans for financing needs increased od of 2010. The number of contracts "ASINS wants to make the situation in the market for
their business growth plans. Slovakia’s due to the improving economic situation grew by as much as 12 percent from the receivables more transparent and especially prevent
leasing sector reports an upward trend, during the final quarter of 2010, the Fin- previous year. The main driving forces, operation of unqualified companies using such unfair
commercial banks have seen a modest ance Ministry and the National Bank of in line with the leasing industry’s ex- practices," said Šoltes.
increase in their loans, and other meth- Slovakia (NBS) wrote in a report released pectations, were new deals for cargo and The five founding members account for about 80 percent
ods of financing are finding their niche in March, but the report also noted that passenger vehicles, machines and tech- of the Slovak receivables market. In 2009 they managed
in the market, as well. the banks remained cautious in their nology. 525,499 receivable accounts worth €396.84 million in
According to commercial bankers, loan conditions and the growing de- Discussing the development of the total, which was almost 45 percent more than in 2008. Of
demand for loans from businesses re- mand clashed against tightened terms Slovak market in mid February, Juraj that total, receivables from companies and businesses
mains lower than the bankers had ex- by banks. The SITA newswire further Ebringer, president of ALS, said that amounted to €53.64 million and receivables from private
pected at this point in the economic quoted the report as saying that it is leasing is a way for businesses to get individuals were €158.1 million. Foreign receivables ac
recovery. thus of little surprise that more general funding when they do not qualify for a counted for €22.3 million and the remaining €162.8
“I expected much faster growth of growth in bank loans to companies has bank loan. Ebringer added that the re- million represented receivables that individual
loans,” Igor Vida, director general of not been recorded. cent growth in leasing activity confirms members of ASINS acquired and now administer.
Tatra Banka, said at a Financial Man- Last year the total volume of bank that business in Slovakia has revived The ambition of ASINS is also to represent the Slovak
agement conference held earlier in May, loans to companies grew by only 0.4 per- and that companies are becoming more businesses active in the collection of receivables at the
as quoted by the SITA newswire, adding cent according to the report. courageous and optimistic as reflected in international level and become a member of the
that while banks cannot expect in- During the last two months of 2010 an upward trend for leasing – even Federation of European National Collection Associations
creases in the range of 10 percent this several banks in Slovakia began clearing though actual levels remain below those (FENCA).
year, this may occur within five years their loan portfolios of bad loans. They of the pre-crisis period.
because the potential for economic were especially selling failed loans and Compiled by Spectator staff
growth in Slovakia is huge. to a smaller extent writing off failed See LOANS pg 8 from press reports
BUSINESS FOCUS May 30 – June 5, 2011 7

Companies and credit FOCUS shorts

management Business bankruptcies jump in 2010
THE NUMBER of bankruptcy Last year the district
more extensive credit man- proceedings increased in courts received 1,248 bank-
The crisis agement. While more interest Slovakia last year. District ruptcy declarations, an
taught firms a was shown in external profes- courts initiated 814 bank- 18-percent increase. Glézl
sional credit management for a ruptcy proceedings in 2010, admitted that the number of
lesson - but have short while, experts say that 36 percent more than in insolvency proceedings may
they already companies are again becoming 2009. Based on statistics of grow further this year and
less cautious. the Justice Ministry, the that this trend may continue
forgotten it? “In my opinion interest number of declared bank- until the economy com-
has been decreasing again and ruptcies increased too, up 25 pletely stabilises.
only bigger companies have percent to 344. Last year the number of
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ learned from the crisis,” Ľubor According to Andrej companies seeking to solve
Spectator staff Jenis, managing director of Glézl, external restructur- their financial problems via
Coface Slovakia Credit Man- ing manager at KPMG in restructuring increased too.
agement Services, told The Slovakia, last year many While in 2009 courts re-
THE ECONOMIC crisis Slovak Spectator. companies fully experi- gistered 78 restructuring
brought the term secondary “These [companies] have enced the impact of second- proposals, in 2010 that num-
insolvency back into the set up their internal processes ary insolvency, the situ- ber had increased to 129. In
vocabulary of many busi- better than smaller companies, ation when a company is total, the courts greenlighted
nesses operating in Slovakia which are afraid of assigning not able to collect its own 87 restructurings compared
– a vicious, almost endless receivables for collection. They receivables and because of to 58 in 2009.
circle in which companies are afraid that in doing this this is late in meeting its ob- Ivan Lužica, the head of
stop paying their vendors or Secondary insolvency is a problem in construction. Photo: TASR they would spoil their good ligations to its own credit- the consulting department
contractors because they private relations and would not ors, the SITA newswire at Deloitte Slovakia, ascribes
have not received payments The financial difficulties come a significant burden, say- get new orders. Thus, they are wrote in early April. this development to the im-
for their own products or or potential bankruptcy of ing that problems in the re- actually only ballooning re- As Glézl pointed out, pact of the crisis, which is
services. Bad experiences companies with these kinds of structuring process are endan- ceivables since they are con- even though the companies still stinging. Another factor
during the economic down- problems are predictable, but gering many other companies tinuing to deliver goods or ser- were able to cover their ob- behind the increase is, ac-
turn increased the interest Mezírka pointed out that “of- because these often surface vices also to bad payers.” ligations from their own as- cording to Lužica, a better
of many companies in better ten these are companies that quickly, almost overnight. Mezírka said that it is un- sets last year, these re- legal understanding of the
credit management but have been able to lure large He said that unsecured fortunate that very often in sources are now drying up restructuring process.
since the sting of the reces- volumes of goods from suppli- creditors are collecting only 5 Slovakia external credit man- and many companies are “It is also possible to ex-
sion has lessened some- ers and their downfall then percent of their receivables agement continues to be per- getting into serious trouble pect an increased number of
what, some companies ap- causes a domino effect”. and secured creditors are col- ceived as a solution only after that can lead to insolvency bankruptcies and restructur-
pear to have forgotten the Companies in construc- lecting only 35 percent of problems arise. proceedings. ings this year,” said Lužica.
hard lessons of 2009 and tion and businesses closely their receivables in restruc- “Prevention, for example
2010. linked to it were most prob- turings, often after waiting via credit insurance, is re-
“Secondary insolvency lematic during the crisis, for for several years, and charac- quired more often and even Some households ignore budgeting
peaked in the second half of example steel production and terised the process as more after the experiences of the
2009 and this peak took place also the transport industry. like “a legalised fraud on last two years when this ABOUT two-thirds of Slovak found that 7 percent of Slov-
across all economic sectors,” Mezírka said the financial creditors” than salvation for a product saved the existence of households have a good ak households are living on
Tomáš Mezírka, represent- situation in steel production troubled company. many companies, we are still sense of their monthly in- debt over the long term, the
ing Atradius Credit Insur- and transport is now stabil- talking about a much different come and expenses and regu- SITA newswire wrote.
ance N.V. in Slovakia, told ised but the construction sec- Were lessons learned interest [in credit insurance larly monitor their budget “The results prove the
The Slovak Spectator, based tor remains weak. in the crisis? here] than in countries west- while the other third do not well-known principle that
on the company’s statistics. “Construction continues wards from our borders,” bother to keep track of a people who have their budget
“Apart from some sectors, to combat large problems be- Even though uncollected or Mezírka stated. budget in any way. These are under control can manage
for example construction, cause of fewer orders and it uncollectable receivables may Experts describe a number main results of a survey con- their income better and are in
the payment ability of com- will be possible to say more bring down an otherwise of common mistakes made by ducted by the Factum In- the red less frequently,” said
panies has visibly increased about this sector only after the healthy company, experts say Slovak businesses when man- venio agency for Provident Diana Priechodská Brodni-
and only rather under-capit- construction season is over,” that recent experiences with aging their receivables and Financial at the beginning of anska, spokeswoman for
alised companies remain Mezírka said. secondary insolvency have not their credit relationships. April among a sample of 1,075 Provident Financial.
endangered by any delay in Mezírka stated that com- pushed many more companies Slovak respondents aged 15
receiving their payments.” pany restructurings have be- into undertaking better or See CREDIT pg 8 and older. The survey also Compiled by Spectator staff


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8 May 30 – June 5 , 2011 BUSINESS FOCUS

PENSION: Third pillar already changed

Continued from pg 6 pillar to spread across the
whole political spectrum, to
FOCUS short
This is because pensions have been insufficient.
saving companies have to re- With respect to the draft
port and compare the value of revision itself, Ďurana said Moves to ease personal bankruptcy
the assets in their funds on a that it returns to the original
six-month basis and as a result objectives of the second pillar. IT IS NOT only companies their debts and may then
are investing in a very conser- “The current system of that can file for bankruptcy: have to wait for three years
vative way and not risking any guarantees which, however, individuals can do the same and pay annual instalments
losses. But this safe investment guarantee zero yields, should when they are no longer able set by the court, which can
strategy brings lower yields. be cancelled as an inevitable to settle their debts. But even be as high as 70 percent of
The Iveta Radičová gov- precondition for fulfilment of though this is possible in their annual net income.
ernment, which took office the original goals of the Slovakia, this way of resolv- “This is why personal
last, summer declared a desire second pillar,” Ďurana told ing indebtedness is not often bankruptcy is impossible for
to fix the second pillar. The The Slovak Spectator. used here because of too- most people,” said Alexan-
Ministry of Labour, Social Af- Ďurana also welcomed the tight rules, says one expert. der.
fairs and Family has elaborated re-naming of the funds, While in the neighbouring The statistics in Slovakia
and submitted for interde- Saving for retirement can often be difficult. Photo: Sme which in his opinion will in- Czech Republic hundreds of confirm this near impossibil-
partmental review a draft revi- crease transparency; he also individuals have filed for ity. There were only 104 per-
sion to the old-age pension sav- over the proposed changes tion of guarantees by the pre- praised the introduction of personal bankruptcy, only sonal bankruptcy filings in
ing law. However, the draft re- they are all calling for more ex- vious government, with re- the index fund for widening slightly more than 100 Slov- 2009 and only 21 people ap-
vision still faces a long path tensive discussion. Pension gards to the conservative risk investors’ options. aks did so in 2009, the Sme plied for termination of their
through the legislative process management companies are profile of most savers, to be a daily wrote last November. debts.
before becoming law. predominantly calling for sta- negative phenomenon. In- Third pillar became The Justice Ministry has an- The first half of 2010
In the draft revision the bility and continuity. stead, it regards the main less attractive nounced plans to soften the showed some higher num-
ministry proposes to scrap the “We believe that what the problem as having been the legal rules to make it a little bers but these were far from
guarantees in the balanced and second pillar needs most is aggressive style of its commu- The current cabinet has bit easier for those who need hundreds of people. By the
growth funds while preserving stability and continuity, nication and the failure, at the already altered the so-called this option. end of June, 63 people had
it in the conservative fund. which can be reached only time the guarantees were in- third pillar of the old-age pen- Experts say that the pro- filed for bankruptcy and only
Meanwhile, a new type of fund under the precondition that troduced, to create an option sion scheme. This pillar, with- cess of personal bankruptcy 17 had applied for termina-
will emerge – the so-called in- changes to the second pillar for savers who want to invest in which people save for their is something that should be tion of their debts. For com-
dex fund – while the names of will be a result of wide con- part of their money without a retirement via voluntary sup- available to any citizen – a parison, as many as 915
the other funds will also sensus, will be sound, convin- guarantee, Paška said. plementary payments, re- debtor – as a way of resolving people applied for termina-
change. The conservative fund cing and will keep all the con- According to Viktor Kouřil, cently lost its tax advantages. one’s inability to settle debts. tion of their debts in the
is to be renamed the bond fund stitutional rights that legisla- director general of VÚB Gener- Changes to the third pillar “The current legal norm month of September in the
while the balanced fund be- tion to date has offered savers, ali DSS, another pension fund were part of the austerity does not provide protection Czech Republic.
comes the mixed fund and the “Jozef Paška, the head of the management company, savers package designed to consolid- of property and does not se- Alexander suggests that
growth fund will be called the board of directors of Allianz- perceive the introduction of ate public finances adopted by cure the possibility of a new Slovakia should adopt the US
stock fund. Slovenská Dôchodková guarantees positively. the cabinet last year. To in- start,” Juraj Alexander from or Czech system of personal
“Our aim is to generate Správcovská Spoločnosť (Alli- “The problem was the in- crease government revenue, Salans Europe stated, as bankruptcy.
higher pensions for people and anz-Slovenská DSS), one of troduction of the six-month the opportunity for savers in quoted by Sme. “Thus, debtors could get
that’s why we’re making pension fund management performance assessment peri- the third pillar to deduct al- A person cannot begin to rid of their debts and simul-
changes in the pension-savings companies operating in Slov- od for the funds and, most €400 per year from their cope with personal bank- taneously they could choose
law and the second pillar,” La- akia, told The Slovak Spectat- moreover, the unreasonable tax base – resulting in an in- ruptcy without the help of whether they would give
bour Minister Jozef Mihál said or. “We are afraid that many of approach in applying this to come tax reduction of €76 – family members because un- over their current property
on May 6, as quoted by the TASR the proposed changes, for ex- all funds,” Kouřil told The was terminated. der the current Slovak bank- and keep their future income
newswire. ample cancellation of guaran- Slovak Spectator. Speaking in mid May on ruptcy rules a person loses or the opposite, to give over
Under the newly-proposed tees or introduction of com- Kouřil praised the option public broadcaster Slovak Ra- nearly all his or her personal future income and keep their
rules, savers will be allowed to pulsory entry for young people to save in two funds, one of dio, Labour Minister Mihál property, which often means current property,” Alexander
put their investments into two will lead to polarisation of so- which should follow a conser- admitted that this had been a he or she has nowhere to said, as quoted by Sme.
different funds, one of which ciety, which in the future vative strategy, and supported mistake and that voluntary live. After petitioning for
will be guaranteed. The could lead to other interven- the launch of the index fund. forms of saving for pensions bankruptcy, they must re- Compiled by Spectator staff
amendment will also oblige tions in the system.” But he said that cancelling the should be given an advantage quest the termination of from press reports
young savers who enter em- Apart from articulating guarantees could prove to be a and made more attractive, the
ployment to join the second pil- this fundamental reservation, problem because about 17,000 Pravda daily reported.
lar. There will be an option to Paška pointed out that the savers entered the scheme
leave the pillar within two wording of the draft revision while the guarantees were
years of entry. is in many place terminolo- still being offered, meaning
“The cabinet should an-
nounce clearly that the first
pillar will not be able to gen-
LOANS: In search
If passed as drafted, the gically inaccurate, cannot be that cancelling them could
amendment will become effect- implemented and is some- constitute a violation of
ive as of October 1. However, times not even comprehens- savers’ legal rights.
erate sufficiently high pen-
sions, and should call on
people to secure [their pen-
of alternatives
stipulations concerning guar- ible. On the other hand, his Radovan Ďurana of INESS, sions] via other means,” Continued from pg 6 were relatively easily
antees and other substantial company regards the effort to an economics think tank, also Ďurana said, as quoted by accessible,” said Procik.
changes would become effect- optimise conditions for in- considers discussion before Pravda. He added that it is not Mezzanine financing “Thus, there was no need for
ive on January 1, 2012. vesting in the guaranteed now of the purpose and im- possible to say that the third alternative or supplement-
While the opinion of pen- schemes as a positive move. portance of the funds, a pro- pillar is the best way, as the Another way businesses ary forms of financing. Dur-
sion management companies Allianz-Slovenská DSS cess which might encourage best form of saving for retire- can get financing is called ing the crisis banks started to
and market watchers is divided does not regard the introduc- general support for the second ment differs for each person. mezzanine financing, a hy- re-assess their loan portfolios
brid of debt and equity fin- and required higher guaran-
ancing typically used to fin- tees from their clients, better

CREDIT: Firms 'make several mistakes' ance the expansion of exist-

ing companies. Mezzanine
financing involves a long-
security, and early settle-
ment of their loans.”
This was the time, ac-
Continued from pg 7 “Only after getting into really difficult rather than after it is too late.” term subordinated loan cording to Procik, when sup-
financial trouble do many companies real- Jenis also sees several other crucial with its total cost and terms plementary financing via
“If companies have set up an internal ise that only real turnover, which is areas in which Slovak businesses can im- of payment dependent subordinated debt was wel-
process of claiming receivables, then it is turnover that has been paid for, is good prove. mostly on the success of the comed by businesses as well
mostly too long and loses effectiveness,” turnover,” Mezírka said. “Firms are entering into unverified expansion project. as by banks. But Martin Par-
said Jenis. “Receivables should be as- These experts also think that Slovak commercial relations, the contractual Mezzanine financing is dupa, investment director of
signed to a collection agency 60 to 90 days companies are not using all opportunities basis of deals is weak, documents about relatively unused in this re- RMS Mezzanine, explained
after the due date. If they do not have any to better protect themselves from the im- delivery are often missing and so on,” gion, according to Boris that mezzanine financing
established system, it often happens that pacts of secondary insolvency. Jenis said, adding that this magnifies a Procik, the head of the can be used at other times as
receivables assigned to a collection “The current usage of various means purchaser’s unwillingness to pay. “We board of directors and CEO well, most often when there
agency are already too old, more than 180 of protection, either credit insurance or also often hear statements from debtors of RMS Mezzanine, who told is a need for development
days after the due date, and this greatly another product is, alas, still at a low level such as ‘I have not received payments The Slovak Spectator last capital, changes in the struc-
decreases their collectability.” in Slovakia,” said Mezírka. “In my opinion either, I have a big unsettled receivable October, that this was the ture of existing financing,
Mezírka said several of the biggest economising on protection of credits is and I am just waiting for money’. When case in Slovakia because during acquisitions as an ad-
mistakes he sees are a company’s viola- economising in the wrong place because we offer them debt collection, then they there were no specialised ditional source of financing,
tion of its own internal directives about unsettled receivables are exactly what say they will wait a bit longer and they institutions dealing with or when there is a need for
credit management, in the event they may bring down any sound company. But will try themselves once again. But later this method of financing. equity for investments of a
even have such directives, as well as an each manager or owner of a company has is usually too late. Or they act to solve this “During the pre-crisis project nature, for example
excessive focus only on the amount of to reach this conclusion on his or her own; immediately via a lawyer and that is a period banks had expansive with projects co-financed
turnover. we can only wish that this happens earlier time-consuming and expensive solution.” goals and business loans from EU funds.
BUSINESS / NEWS May 30 – June 5, 2011 9
TAX: Self-employed brace for likely fall in take-home pay
Continued from pg 1 sickness, accident and unem- According to the figures somewhat softer on self-em-
ployment insurance) is 19 per- published on the INEKO blog at ployed persons with higher
At the same time, cent for employees, 13 percent, self-employed per- levels of actual employment
Slovakia’s trade unions have for self-employed people and sons with monthly incomes less expenses, for example a self-
prepared an alternative pro- 10 percent for those working than €329, with no expenses, employed person with a
posal to overhaul the tax sys- via “na dohodu” agreements, who will no longer be required €3,000 gross monthly income
tems and strongly reject some TASR wrote. to make social insurance con- with actual expenses of 40
of the key elements of the re- The tax-exempt base, the tributions, will still see their in- percent of income will lose
form advocated by Finance amount on which no taxes are come reduced by €9 per month €121 per month, equivalent to
Minister Ivan Mikloš. paid, will be decreased from its due to increases in their contri- about 10 percent of income.
Some observers believe current level of 19.2 times the bution for health insurance. “As a consequence of the
that the government’s pro- country’s minimum subsist- Self-employed persons reduction of the lump sum for
posed changes may discourage ence level to 18 times. Projec- with a gross monthly income expenses and cancellation of
those with higher incomes ted into annual income, the over €605 with actual expenses the deduction of payroll levies
from switching from standard amount of tax-free income from zero to 20 percent, those from the [income] tax base,
employment to self-employ- will drop by €200 in 2012. earning €675 with actual em- the number of self-employed
ment and observers also noted However, TASR wrote that this ployment expenses of 40 per- who will be paying their
that the changes might en- tax-exempt base will not be cent of their income, and those payroll levies from the min-
courage self-employed per- reduced as incomes rise and with gross monthly incomes imum calculation base will
sons to engage in various this will effectively scrap what over €1,010 with actual ex- most probably drop,” Peter
forms of creative accounting, is now called Slovakia’s penses of 60 percent of their in- Goliaš of INEKO wrote in a
including declaring fictitious ‘millionaire’s tax’. come will all see their monthly blog entry.
business expenses to lower The Finance Ministry also take-home pay fall, according INEKO also noted that it
their taxable income. said that its package of meas- to INEKO, which added that expects the changes will re-
Mikloš, a nominee of the ures will have an unfavourable the higher the income, the lar- duce the incentive for people
Some household movers are self-employed. Photo: Sme
Slovak Democratic and Chris- impact on the state budget, ger the loss in spendable earn- with higher incomes to switch
tian Union (SDKÚ) has said with a loss in revenue of €59.9 ings will be. from standard employment to
that it is impossible to remove million projected in 2012. tainly has wider support than hardly be understood as an im- Self-employed people with self-employment.
what he calls multiple de- The proposal will also es- some of the partial solutions,” proper requirement for the higher incomes and low em- “This fact, along with the
formations in Slovakia’s rev- tablish an overall maximum Figeľ said, as quoted by the self-employed,” Ďurana said. ployment expenses will lose factors that the proposal sim-
enue system without harming insurance levy, which in 2012 SITA newswire. “But the cancellation of this the most from the proposed plifies the payroll tax system
some groups of people. will be set at €8,965 for social item will impact self-em- changes, INEKO said, explain- and offers a [future] reduction
Based on calculations made insurance contributions and One economist’s reaction ployed who have an extensive ing that these include self-em- of payroll levy rates for em-
by the Ministry of Finance, the €4,246 for health insurance range of expenses and who will ployed persons who perform ployees are the main reasons
proposed changes will mean contributions. The Finance Radovan Ďurana of the In- thus see their administrative demanding intellectual work that INEKO, in principle, sup-
that many self-employed indi- Ministry said this will replace stitute for Economic and Social burden significantly as well as the so-called pro- ports the reform,” Goliaš
viduals and people working on the maximum income base Studies (INESS) views the idea increased.” forma self-employed, a cat- wrote.
so-called limited work agree- currently used when calculat- of a super-gross wage as the Ďurana added that this egory of people who trans- However, Goliaš wrote
ments (“na dohodu” in Slovak) ing these levies. most appealing part of the re- group of self-employed per- ferred from standard employ- that an impact could also be
will pay more in payroll levies The 40 percent allowance form proposals. sons, however, will not have a ment to self-employment in that self-employed persons
and income taxes. that self-employed persons can “The current state of in- higher income tax calculation order to reduce their income with higher incomes who cur-
But the ministry also said currently deduct from their forming employees about their base as a consequence of the re- taxes and payroll levies. rently use the lump sum de-
that 99.5 percent of persons annual income to represent payroll taxes is non-transpar- form, except for the payroll INEKO offered the ex- duction for their expenses
with standard employment their self-employment ex- ent and hard to understand,” levies for social insurance and ample of self-employed per- will have stronger motivation
contracts will be better off after penses will have a monthly cap Ďurana told The Slovak Spec- health insurance, which will sons with gross monthly in- to switch to actual accounting
the reforms are adopted, adding of about €200 per month in the tator. “Greater transparency is no longer be deductible items comes of €3,000 with actual of their expenses and could
that the same is true for persons future, as it will be pegged to welcomed and necessary.” from income for income tax employment expenses at 20 potentially seek to reduce
who are self-employed if they Slovakia’s monthly subsistence Ďurana added that the purposes. percent of their income, who their tax base by recording fic-
have annual incomes of less level under the cabinet propos- moderate overall decrease in “Financially, this step will it calculates will see their titious expenses, as well as
than €4,823, before income tax al. Also, payroll levies going to the payroll levies for employ- affect those self-employed per- after-tax income drop by €367 bearing a greater administrat-
and payroll levies. Mikloš said social insurance and health in- ees is also a positive step. He sons who do not have actual per month, equivalent to a loss ive burden.
116,600 self-employed indi- surance will no longer be de- noted that if the changes also expenses at 40 percent [of of 20 percent.
viduals have business income ductible from a taxpayer’s in- accomplish the goal of simpli- income],” Ďurana told The INEKO expects that the For a longer version of this
less than that amount, the come before calculation of per- fying regularly submitted Slovak Spectator. “It is unclear, impact of the changes will be story, go to
TASR newswire wrote. sonal income tax liability. payroll levy reports it will save however, what the real effect
But Mikloš said the self- time and costs for all contrib- of this approach will be and C LASSIFIEDS
employed with “high earnings Some of the objections utors to the social insurance whether the self-employed
and negligible expenses” will system. will report a higher tax base or REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE
see their net income drop due MPs from the OKS and “The reform also means they will devote their energy
to the proposed changes in the some MPs from the Christian shifting the burden from toward securing high enough NEW.....for..... RENT: NEW.....for..... RENT:
lump-sum allowance that cur- Democratic Movement (KDH) [payroll] contributions to in- [actual] expenses.” • 1-2-room apartments – Vajnorská, • 1-2-room apartments – Vajnorská,
rently is deducted from a have made critical comments come taxes,” Ďurana said. Ďurana suggested that the Ružinov, Karlova Ves... Ružinov, Karlova Ves...
• 3-4-room apartments – Drotárska, • 3-4-room apartments – Drotárska,
person’s gross self-employed about the proposal. OKS MP “This shift should be reflected Slovak government could take downtown, Ružinov,Koliba, Bôrik... downtown, Ružinov,Koliba, Bôrik...
income before income taxes Ondrej Dostál organised a as well on the expenditure side some inspiration from other • family houses – Koliba, Bôrik • family houses – Koliba, Bôrik
are calculated. The minister Facebook press conference and of the social system, since the countries where he said the area, Polus area, Horský park, area, Polus area, Horský park,
Ružinov... Ružinov...
has argued that these high- stated that he would stop shav- [payroll] levies aren’t of a re- lump sum allowance ranges
earning, self-employed indi- ing his face until his concerns ward character.” from 40 to 80 percent., 0905 659156,, 0905 659156,
viduals include large numbers about the treatment of self- Regarding risks that he Ďurana also noted that the C 3655 C 3655
of those who only have pro- employed persons and those sees in the reforms approved government’s reform is not
forma self-employed status working via “na dohodu” work by the cabinet, Ďurana said directly aimed at reducing the RELIGIOUS SERVICES
and without what he calls this agreements are dealt with. that the changes will impact burden of payroll levies but is
“deformation” they would be “OKS has long been saying some groups of self-employed instead intended to simplify ENGLISH LANGUAGE WORSHIP
Rent: Bratislava International Church
included in the payroll levy that it would not support in- persons as well as persons the payroll levy collection sys- Sundays, 9:30 at historic
system as standard employees. creasing the [income] tax- working on “na dohodu” work tem and that reduction of the new house, Bratislava III,
Small Lutheran Church
located in a quiet street, with (Malý evanjelický kostol) in central Bratislava
payroll tax burden for the self- agreements who are using payroll levies should come in
6 rooms, 3 bathrooms, (near Hodzovo namestie);
Some specific changes employed or those with ‘na do- these work agreements along- the upcoming period. garage for 2 cars, garden on Lycejna at intersection
hodu’ work agreements,” side their standard employ- “I think, however, that the with grill. with Panenska 26/28.
Children's Sunday School provided.
The government’s propos- Dostál said, calling on citizens ment. government could have Everyone Welcome.
al will introduce a so-called who disagree with the cabinet’s “The increased payroll tax reached for a reduction of Price: 1800 EUR + E Information at 02-5443-3263
super-gross wage and the rates tax proposals to join in his sym- burden might lead to changes payroll taxes already this Web Site:
0903 234 999, 0903 471 999
of the payroll levies for social bolic protest, with men no in people’s form of employ- year,” Ďurana said. C 3675 C 3573

insurance and health insur- longer shaving and women ment or efforts to circumvent
ance will be reduced for some painting their nails black. this burden,” Ďurana said. Impacts on the self-employed
persons. The mandatory Ján Figeľ, the chairman of Ďurana said the proposed
health insurance levy was ap- KDH who also serves as the change in the 40-percent In response to the most de-
proved by the cabinet at a rate minister of transport, con- lump-sum allowance that self- bated part of the reform, the IN-
of 9 percent, except for dis- struction and regional devel- employed persons can cur- EKO (Institute for Economic and
abled persons who will pay opment, said that the cabinet rently use is a problematic Social Reforms) think tank in
half that rate. The proposed proposal could be modified in point. cooperation with the Business
levy for the various compon- parliament. “It is unclear what the cur- Alliance of Slovakia (PAS) calcu-
ents of Slovakia’s social insur- “Simplification, unifica- rent role [of the 40-percent al- lated some of the expected im-
ance programme (old-age and tion and bringing more trans- lowance] is, while the duty to pacts of the proposed changes
disability pensions as well as parency to the system cer- report actual expenses could on self-employed persons.
C 3673
10 May 30 – June 5 , 2011 CULTURE
Spišský Štiavnik mansion Western SLOVAKIA
Night 2011 – The third jazz
night in Design Factory will
bring DJ C.O.D.E, Yvonne
Sanchez from Cuba, Pedro
Tagliani and Luis Ribeiro from
Brazil, Nicola Conte Jazz
Combo from Italy and en.dru
and Jirka Vidasov from the
Czech Republic; as well as
DJane Lady Smiles (Austria) at
the after-party.
Starts: June 3, 19:00-4:00;
Design Factory, Bottova 2.
Admission: €15 (in advance),
€20 (at the door). Tel: 02/5020-
The Slovak National Gallery in Bratislava begins a new pro-
gramme on June 2 at 18:00 when it offers in-depth artistic in-
Café – A chit-chat in “your fa- sights and experience in the English language. The sessions will
vourite language” while sip- introduce permanent and current exhibitions and will be fol-
THE ABBEY of the Cistercians ironworks, they quickly grew inhabited by several promin- ping coffee, this time high- lowed by informal discussions. The first Thursday Art Talk is
can be found in the municip- rich and just as quickly aban- ent families: the Thurzas, the lighting Japanese. The event focused on The Last Classic / Ernest Zmeták, Artist and Collect-
ality of Spišský Štiavnik loc- doned their religious ideals. Thökölys and the Eszter- is organised by the Bratislava or – one of the most significant Slovak painters of the second
ated southeast of Poprad. The In 1531, as a result of goms. Archbishop Szelepcsé- Cultural and Information half of the 20th century. It takes place at the SNG, Esterházy
Cistercian order nyi later gave the Centre and the cultural insti- Palace, Ľ. Štúr Square (2nd floor). Admission is €4.70; for more
was founded in building to the Je- tutes of the embassies of Ja- information call 02/2047-6270, go to, or email

1098 in a secluded suits, who added a pan, Germany, Hungary, Aus-
marcela.lukacova Photo: Courtesy of SNG
area of Burgundy. chapel to the man- tria, UK, Spain, France, Italy,
The Cister- sion. The building Portugal. The meetings are
held on the first Wednesday Trnava Admission: free. More info:
cians, known for was originally de- in each month. l LIVE MUSIC: Sólo - Iva
their rigorous dis- signed in Renais- Starts: June 1, 17:30; Café Bittová – The Czech (Moravi-
cipline, originally divided battles between Levoča and sance style but adaptations Studio, Laurinská 13. Admis- an) singer, composer, violin- Central SLOVAKIA
their lives between liturgical Kežmarok, the monastery in the 19th century altered its sion: free. More info: ist and actress, an outstand-
ritual and manual labour. was burned to the ground. In original facade. ing representative of the Banská Bystrica
Thanks to the efficient cul- its place, the presiding lord of This postcard of the man- age_cafe.html. Czech alternative scene, gives l CHILDREN’S OPERA: Ferdo
tivation of their lands, their Kežmarok, Hieroným Laski, sion dates from 1901. a solo concert in Slovakia. Mravec – A popular character
skill at shepherding and their built an ostentatious man- Bratislava Starts: June 5, 19:00; from children’s books, an ad-
l LIVE MUSIC: Joe Cocker – Synagóga – Centre of Contem- venturous ant, has been made
construction of a profitable sion that was successively By Branislav Chovan The legendary rock musician porary Art, Halenárska 2. Ad- into an opera for children by
with the husky voice returns mission: €10 (in advance), €12 Jiří Pauer, directed by Dana
to Slovakia to perform his re- (on the door). Tel: 033/5341- Dinková and conducted by Ig-
Slovaks are introduced to cent songs as well as all-time
Starts: May 31, 20:00; NTC
261, or 02/5293-3321; www.
or Bulla.
Starts: June 1, 17:00, State
Opera, Národná 11. Admis-

contemporary circus acts Sibamac Arena, Príkopova 6.

Admission: €50-€80. More
l HAPPENING: AquaPhone –
This event combines books,
sion: €3-€5. Tel: 048/2457-120;

activities were offered the newest genres of the per- music, puppets, an art exhib- Lučenec
WHEN YOU think circus you Bratislava ition, local delicacies and l LIVE MUSIC: IMT Smile -
probably conjure up images of throughout the garden forming arts according to the l EXHIBITION: All Inclusive - drinks, and the documentary After a tour of acoustic con-
huge striped tents with without charge. festival’s website. The Marcin Mierzicki – The young movie “Hranica” by Jaro Vo- certs, one of Slovakia’s most
parades of ponies and mon- “We are happy to bring concept originated in France Polish artist works with ob- jtek. The performance, or- popular bands makes its only
keys followed by acrobats, contemporary circus to in the 1970s out of independ- jects and installations in a ganised by the town of solo performance in Lučenec.
clowns and jugglers all lead- Slovakia,” the festival’s or- ent theatre's need to explore way that involves the active Štúrovo and supported by the Starts: June 4, 19:00;
ing up to a dramatic con- ganiser, Pavol Kelley, told the new forms by reviving forgot- perception of the visitor. Each Swiss Embassy, commemor- Sports Hall. Admission: €12.
frontation between man and Sme daily. “It’s been known ten rituals and dramatic tra- of his exhibitions is created ates the time before the Tel: 02/5293-3321; www.
beast, the face-off between an in advanced countries for ditions as well as circus and individually for the specific Maria Valeria Bridge con-
enraged African lion and a years,” Kelley added, saying street theatre skills. space. necting Štúrovo and the
Open: Mon-Thur 10:00 Hungarian town of Eszter- Eastern SLOVAKIA
fearless lion tamer. that there even is a university Contemporary circus can -17:00, Fri 9:00-15:00 until gom had been built – when
But a new theory of what a of contemporary circus. “Our be characterised as narrative June 17; Polish Cultural Insti- trans-Danube communica- Košice
circus should be is spreading feeling is that animals don’t storytelling as it uses meta- tute, SNP Square 27. Admis- tion was much harder. l LIVE MUSIC: Hrana Tour
around the world, a concept, belong under a circus tent,” phors, themes, theatrical im- sion: free. Tel: 02/5443-2014; Starts: June 4, 11:00-22:00; 2011 Oskar Rózsa - Tribute to
the Nouveau Cirque, that es- he said. ages and stories alongside several venues in Štúrovo. Marek Brezovský – Hrana (The
pouses the idea that animals Nouveau Cirque is one of traditional circus skills. Edge) is the project of versatile
do not belong in a circus. This musician, composer, con-
contemporary kind of circus ductor and producer Oskar
made its first appearance in Rózsa that commemorates the
talented Slovak musician
Slovakia in mid-May at the Marek Brezovský, who died
Cirkul’Art festival in tragically young. It will visit
Bratislava’s Medical Garden. six Slovak cities and towns.
It featured performers Starts: June 2, 20:00; Ka-
from 15 countries and organ- sárne / Kulturpark, Kukučíno-
isers estimated that it attrac- va 2. Admission: €15. Tel: 055/
ted some 3,500 visitors. 6854-299;,
The main event featured
some names already known
to Slovaks, such as the l ASTRONOMY/MUSIC: Hud-
renowned Czech clown Bolek ba pod hviezdnou oblohou J.
Polívka and the T.E.J.P. M. Jarre / Music Under the
theatre. Also on hand were THE 20TH year of Zlaté stuhy (Gold Ribbons) / Concourse d’
Starry Sky – The music of fam-
Nouveau Cirque artists from Elégance, a parade of more than 40 antique autos will take ous French artist Jean-Michel
Spain (Theater Yllana), Japan place on Piešťany’s Spa Island between June 2 and 4. There will Jarre, under an (artificial)
(Unicycling Cirkus), Belgium be competitions for best car from before 1918, best car after 1919 night sky.
(Paki Paya), Denmark as well as best matching historical garb by a crew. Admission is Starts: June 2, 18:00; Ob-
(Theatro Glimt), and Italy and free. The parade of historical vehicles will begin on June 4 at servatory, Dilongova 17. Ad-
10:00 as part of the "Opening of the Spa Season", offering a col- mission: €2. Tel: 051/7722-065;
Switzerland (Circocentrique). www.
Other performances and Cirkul'Art in Bratislava. Photo: Tomáš Medelský ourful and varied cultural and entertainment programme. For
more information, visit Photo: ČTK
By Zuzana Vilikovská
N A M E D A Y M A Y - J U N E 2 0 1 1
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Weather updates and forecasts from across Slovakia Ferdinand Petronela Îaneta Xénia Karolína Lenka Laura
Petrana Oxana
can now be found at
May 30 May 31 June 1 June 2 June 3 June 3 June 4

A Slovak’s name day (meniny) is as important as his or her birthday. It is traditional to present friends or co-workers with a small gift,
In cooperation with the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute such as chocolates or flowers, and to wish them Všetko najlepšie k meninám (Happy name day)
CULTURE May 30 – June 5, 2011 11

Turbulent times at Trnava gallery

tion of the International Association the future of the gallery,” he said.
BY DOMINIKA UHRÍKOVÁ of Art Critics (AICA) sent similar let- “Once a new director has been appoin-
Spectator staff ters to the gallery's management. ted, he or she will decide about what
The artists who were supposed to kind of events will be held at the GJK.”
take part in the May festival pro- Patrik Velšic, spokesperson for
tested against the decision by show- the Trnava Self-Governing Region,
THE FUTURE of Trnava’s Ján Koni- casing their works on a fence outside confirmed that a new programme of
arek Gallery (GJK) remains uncer- the GJK. One of the videos screened, exhibitions will only be approved
tain following the dismissal of its an animated short film by Viliam after the appointment of a new dir-
director and the suspension of its Slaminka entitled Who’s the Boss ector. The selection process is cur-
programme of exhibitions for 2011. Here? is an allegorical reaction to rently ongoing and should be com-
Though it has been several months Beskid’s dismissal. According to Jana pleted by the end of June, he added.
since Vladimír Beskid left his posi- Kapelová, a visual artist who also As for the cancellation of Multiplace,
tion, the interest of the media in the took part in Multiplace with a series Velšic said “it was not even listed on
gallery’s fate has recently been re- of video-lectures, this particular the approved programme of exhibi-
newed after a major festival was Multiplace was staged outside the GJK in protest. Photo: Sme - Roman Gajdoš
movie – and especially its title – tions planned for 2011, as was the
cancelled only days before it was might have been among the reasons case with many other events organ-
supposed to start at the GJK. petition objecting to the decision Among the cancelled events was the festival had been cancelled. ised by the GJK both in its premises
Vladimír Beskid was dismissed and a group of protesters gathered Multiplace, a festival of the new me- “We obviously touched upon a and even abroad”.
by the Trnava Regional Parliament outside the council office on the day dia, planned to be held at the GJK sensitive issue,” she told The Slovak Beskid confirmed that Multi-
on February 9 over what officials of the session. between May 2 and 6. Founded in Spectator. “We did not expect that place had not been included in the
called repeated breaches of discip- Three months later, Jakub 2002, Multiplace takes place every this playful, slightly ironic video, schedule but said this did not justify
line, which included a late submis- Slobodník was appointed provi- year simultaneously in different which nobody had actually seen be- its cancellation.
sion of the property declaration and sional director of the GJK. On April European countries. The 2011 edition fore, could lead to such a reaction, “The programme of exhibitions,
several instances where violation of 27, only a day after his appoint- was held in several towns which is clearly an instance of as its name suggests, features only
safety procedures occurred, such as ment, Slobodník announced that throughout Slovakia, Romania, censorship.” exhibitions, and not festivals or oth-
insufficient training of cleaning the gallery’s 2011 programme of ex- France, Iceland, Hungary and the Juraj Čarný, chairman of the er kinds of events; in addition, the
personnel working on ladders. hibitions had been cancelled until Czech Republic. The announcement Slovak section of AICA, agreed, stat- GJK has taken part in Multiplace
“I hold Mr Beskid to be an irre- further notice “due to changes in of the festival’s cancellation imme- ing that “it is now a public secret every year since 2002 and was one of
sponsible person, acting without re- the management team of the gal- diately sparked new protests. that there were political reasons be- its founders, so our participation in
spect for the institution he presided lery and the dissolution of the Gal- “The provisional cancellation of hind this measure”. 2011 was certainly not a secret
over, for his co-workers and for our lery Council”. the programme of exhibitions is un- When contacted by The Slovak matter,” the former director told The
cultural heritage,” Tibor Mikuš, pres- The GJK Gallery Council serves justified and unprecedented; it re- Spectator, Slobodník refused to ex- Slovak Spectator.
ident of the Trnava Self-Governing as an advisory board to the director minds me of the practices of the plain his decision to cancel Multi- Beskid said he viewed his dis-
Region and the author of the propos- and annually approves GJK’s pro- former regime, which used to pre- place along with other events sched- missal “as yet another instance of
al to dismiss Beskid, told the TASR gramme of exhibitions. After vent underground artists from freely uled for 2011, stating only that repeated incompetent interventions
newswire after the council session. Beskid’s dismissal it was dissolved exhibiting their works,” Magdaléna “Trnava Region is the only authority and efforts to assert power over the
At the time, Beskid’s dismissal by the Trnava Regional Council. Klobučníková, president of the competent to provide information of gallery’s activity, with the objective
prompted widespread protests from Slobodník added in an official Council of Slovak Galleries, wrote in this kind”. He likewise refrained to put forward mainstream and
the public. Over 700 artists, curat- statement that GJK’s permanent an open letter to Slobodník. Organ- from commenting on GJK’s future. kitsch. I find this unacceptable, bar-
ors and students from Slovakia and collection remains accessible to isations such as Trnava Forum 89, “Being only a provisional director, barous, and strongly reminiscent of
the Czech Republic signed an online the public. East of Paradise and the Slovak sec- I am not in the position to talk about the earlier times.”




For more information visit

write to or call +421 2 5923 3300
12 May 30 – June 5 , 2011 FEATURE

AROUND SLOVAKIA compiled by Zuzana Vilikovská from press reports

Golf at

Tour (LET)
will stop at
the Gray Bear
golf course in

Porsches in Tále over the weekend of

May 26-29 for the Allianz
Ladies Slovak Open. It will

short supply mark the second time

Slovakia’s first champion-
ship course has hosted one
THE FIRST “On that day, a parade of the prestigious LET

Slovak rally of through the city took place events.
Porsche cars and on the next day the cars “The LET enjoys huge in-
was held on continued towards the High terest worldwide; thus we
April 22 in Tatras, Poprad and are glad to have the chance
SNP Square in Kežmarok, where we con- to organise this leg of the
Banská Bystrica, but was at- cluded our event,” Drtil said. tour for the second time in
tended by fewer than a He added that Porsche Slovakia,” the promoter of
dozen cars. reunions have a ten-year the event, Jozef Soták, told
Nevertheless, the event tradition in the Czech Re- the TASR newswire. One
is new and its organiser, public where several dozen hundred and twenty-six
Radovan Drtil, told the TASR of these luxury cars, often professional golfers from 29
newswire he would like to including rare vehicles, countries are due to compete
try again in future years. gather every year. The abandoned Lomnica Hotel in Tatranská Lomnica. Photo: TASR over four rounds. The Slovak
event has prize money of
€350,000; the winner gets

‘Tatra Trash’ website should €52,000.

The only previous Slovak
winner of a LET event, Zuz-

provoke lively discussion ana Kamasová, plans to par-

ticipate in the event. “I have
always dreamt of the chance
THE TATRAS owner of the building, based on Currently, the website to play professional golf

Beautifying As- data from the land registry. features 12 buildings that the with top rivals at home.
sociation has “Haraburda represents association calls cultural After my victory at the Lalla
decided to pro- something unnecessary, monuments and that it says Meriem Cup in Morocco, I
voke some lively something thrown away. are not being properly cared feel like I could be successful
discussion and However, we don’t want the for by their owners. at my home course at Tále,”
make people think about the buildings to become unwanted The general public can she announced before the
condition of some of the High objects and to be put aside as have a say about these build- tournament. Slovakia is also
Tatras’ buildings, calling its discarded toys. The buildings ings in the Tatras in an online represented by a new talent,
project Tatranské haraburdy form one consistent whole with poll and Staško believes this Natália Hečková, who is 16
(Tatra Trash) and displaying the surrounding green,” said could be a form of pressure on years old.
mountain buildings on its web- Jakub Staško of the Tatras the owners to do something The biggest stars of the
site that are in particularly poor Beautifying Association at a about the current state of tour include the first four
condition. press conference, as quoted by their buildings. players on the chart for
One example of a Tatra har- the SITA newswire. The Tatranské haraburdy nomination to the autumn
aburda featured on the website According to the www.tatr project is not just about de- Europe-versus-US Solheim
A Porsche rally in the Czech Republic. Photo: ČTK is the Lomnica Hotel, which is website teriorating buildings in the Cup: Laura Davies and
in the centre of Tatranská Lom- other similar “trash” includes High Tatras, since part of the Melissa Reid (UK), Christel
nica, and has been in a dilapid- the observation tower Monte website also shows cultural Boeljon (Netherlands), and

Colour handprints ated condition for more than

ten years. Apart from a photo
and basic data about each build-
Móry, Vila Limba, Vila Marína,
the spa house Liečebný dom
Limba, Kúpeľný dom (another
monuments in the moun-
tains as well as memorials.
The website will gradually
Virginie Lagoutte-Clement
(France). This year, the LET
covers 27 events in 20 coun-

support forests ing, the website includes in-

formation about the current
spa house), the Weszterheim
Hotel, as well as others.
add other buildings and issues
suggested by site visitors.
tries, including visits to
China and Australia.

ORGANISERS with the message [of protect-

2 Bratislava’s ‘Lost City’ project gets funds

of an event in ing forests],” Svitok said.
Zvolen called “Among the 1,280 hand-
Forestry Days prints was one by Slovakia's
collected 1,280 pop idol, Peter Cmorík, who BRATISLAVA’s regional The project was initiated by the Is- 20th century; before then was called by

handprints for even autographed it.” self-government will raeli Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia its Hungarian name, Pozsony, or by its
an initiative called Ruky pre As in many other efforts provide €12,000 to support with the hope to show – particularly for German name, Pressburg, as both these
les (Hands for Forests), the of this type, the number of the project known as younger people – at least a virtual image languages were spoken in Bratislava and
TASR newswire wrote. The handprints is expected to Stratené mesto (Lost City) of how that part of the city looked before the city had multicultural traditions be-
coloured prints of people’s rise as others seek to beat the which will construct a rep- it was torn down in the 1960s. The re- cause of its proximity to the Austrian
hands were collected at record. The National Forestry lica of a synagogue on the site where the gional government will attempt to soli- and Hungarian borders.
Zvolen's Main Square over Centre in Zvolen organised original building stood at Bratislava’s his- cit donations from other sources so that Another idea presented as part of the
six hours on April 14. It was the April event. toric Rybné námestie (Fish Square) with it is not the only source of funds for the the project is to feature key events and
the first attempt at a Slovak the goal to revive, virtually, a part of Slov- project. Bratislava Mayor Milan Ftáčnik locales in the interior of a tram that has
record of this type, said Igor ak capital that was destroyed in the past, said that he also supports the project, initially been dubbed "The Tram of His-
Svitok from Slovenské complete with its ancient name of the SITA newswire wrote. torical Memory” which will travel over a
Rekordy, which keeps track Podhradie (Settlement Round the Castle). The project, officially called route with the symbolic name “The Ring
of such efforts in Slovakia. Pavol Frešo, president of the Bratislava “Stratené mesto: Bratislava Pozsony of Historical Memory”.
“The central idea of the Self-Governing Region, told the TASR Pressburg”, seeks to motivate Bratis- At the midpoint of the ring the vir-
initiative was to express newswire that it is important to com- lavans to look at their past and com- tual silhouette of the synagogue will ap-
support for the message of memorate important buildings within the memorate certain traditions that were pear in the form of a coulisse in Rybné
the 2011 International Year boundaries of Bratislava, like the demol- practically erased over the course of the námestie, where the original 25-metre-
of Forests and each hand- ished synagogue, that were an essential 20th century. Bratislava has been using tall synagogue, completed in 1893, was
print expressed agreement A handprint. Photo: SITA part of city life in the past. its current name only since the early situated.

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