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Central Mindanao Colleges | College of Education
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Work Instruction

Detailed Lesson Plan for Demo

DATE: December 29, 2022 GRADE XIIII

A. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature

and other text types serve as means of connecting to the world;
also, how to use ways of analyzing one-act play and different forms of
verbals for him/her to skillfully perform in a one-act play.
B. Performance The learner skillfully performs in one-act play by utilizing effective verbal
Standard and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the
following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, and Dramatic Conventions.

I. Learning Competencies/Objectives: Determine tone,

mood, technique, and
purpose of the author
Code: EN9LT-IIIg-2.11

II. Content/Subject Matter:

Reference: English Expressway IV pg. 156
Materials: Visual aids
PowerPoint Presentation
III.Strategies/Lesson Planning
A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer  Okay, before we start, let us have  (Ms._____ leads the

first our Prayer to be led to us by prayer.)

2. Greetings  Good Morning!  Good morning ma’am!

 Yes ma’am!
3. Song/Energizer  before you sit down let’s have a (excited)
short energizer since you are all
present today. So are you ready?
Very good! Are you familiar
already know this. Okay so read
Betty Botter bought some butter
but, said she, the butter’s bitter.
If I put it in my batter, it will
make my batter bitter.
But a bit of better butter will
make my bitter batter better.
So she bought some better butter,
better than the bitter butter,
put it in her bitter batter, made
her bitter batter better.!

Very Good! I was amazed. I

know you’re having fun. So
before you sit kindly arrange
your chairs please, okay you may
now sit down.
4. Checking of attendance  Let’s check your attendance first.  Yes, Maam!
As I call your names, kindly raise Present…
your hand and say present!
Ms.Sofia Mantalas?...

 Good morning once again, I am  Students submit their

Hannah Claire G. Dela Cruz, assignments.
your English Teacher for today’s
Lesson. I have only 4 rules  Students: Directions:
during class: Read each question
5. Setting of Classroom carefully and choose
 The first, is to listen when the the letter of the best
Standards teacher is discussing. Raise your answer.
hands if you have questions after
the discussion.

 Second, say excuse me when a

need to go out arises.

 Third, when you enter the class

make sure you already had taken
the necessary things to get

 Fourth, respect is a must!

 Students pass their
 I am sure you already finished
your homework regarding our
topic yesterday. Now, I want to
pass your assignment at the
count of 10. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5….

6. Passing of Assignments

B. Reviewing previous lesson or

presenting the new lesson  What is Creative Writing?  Creative writing is a form
(REVIEW) of writing that goes beyond
the traditional realms of
normal, professional,
academic or technical forms
of writing.

 Biographies
 Fiction:novels, novellas,
 What are the different types of short stories, etc.
creative writing?  Speeches
 Poetry and spoken word
 Playwriting/scriptwriting
 Personal essays
 Speeches
 What makes a good piece of creative  First and foremost, it’s
writing? important to note that there
is no pre-defined
description of what it
means to create a ‘good’
piece of creative writing.

C. Presenting  Class I have here a cognitive

examples/instances of the lesson ability test entitled “Motivation in Yes Ma’am
(MOTIVATION) a Man’s Life”. After you read it, I
will ask you some questions.
Student: The more common
In your quest to become as happy and form of motivation is called
fulfilled in your life as you choose to be, imperfection or deficiency
motivation, while the healthier
you can be motivated by two types of variety is labelled growth
need. The more common form of motivation.
motivation is called imperfection or
deficiency motivation, while the Student: If you place a rock
healthier variety is labelled growth under a microscope and
motivation. observe it carefully, you will
note that it never changes. But,
If you place a rock under a microscope
if you put a piece of coral under
and observe it carefully, you will note
that same microscope, you’ll
that it never changes. But, if you put a
detect that it is growing and
piece of coral under that same
microscope, you’ll detect that it is
growing and changing. Conclusion: The
coral is alive, the rock is dead. The only
evidence of life is growth! This is also
true in the psychological world if you are
growing, you are alive. If you are not
growing, then you might as well be dead.

So here are my questions:

1. What are the two types of
motivation in a man’s life?
2. What is the difference between a
rock and a coral? What does it

Very Good! Excellent!

D. Establishing a purpose for the
lesson Class, kindly read our objectives for Determine tone,
today. mood, technique, and
purpose of the author

E. Discussing the new concepts Class, for your activity group

and practicing new skills #1 yourself into three and write your
(ACTIVITY) understanding about the lesson that given
to you in a manila paper. I will only give
you 10 minutes to finish your activity
and after that you will report it in front.

Group 1 will be asked to write what they

know about tone. They will present their
output through acting.

Group 2 will be asked to write there

understanding about mood and
technique. They will present their output
through story telling.

Group 3 will write the importance of the

purpose of the author. They will present
their output through reporting.

F. Discussing new concepts and  How did you find the activity?  I find the activity
new skills #2 (ANALYSIS) challenging.

 What have you observed from the  They allow us to

activity that we have done? improve our talent and
reporting skills ma’am.

 Based on the given tasks what are  -ma’am, for the second
the similarities of technique and group they said that
mood. mood and technique As
a literary device, mood
refers to the emotional
response that the writer
wishes to evoke in the
reader through a story.
Mood allows a writer to
create a memorable and
meaningful story with
which the reader can

G. Developing mastery What is Reading Comprehension?

- reading comprehension is the act of

understanding what you are reading.

What are the steps involved in reading


- Lesson Summary. Reading

comprehension means understanding
what you read. There are several steps
involved in reading comprehension.

What is the first step Ms. Edo?

- Ma’am First, you need
Yes! Very good! to make sure you are
reading on your level of
If you are having trouble understanding understanding.
individual words, then most likely you
will not understand what you are reading
as a whole.

How do you know if you are reading

above comprehension level?

-The first step is to read on your level.

When making your way through a
passage, you should be able to
pronounce and know the definition or
meaning of most of the words. If you
cannot do this, then you are probably
reading above your comprehension level.



Any idea Ms. Elevado?

Great! - Ma’am, Improve your

 Improve your vocabulary- Do
your best to build your
vocabulary regularly to improve
your comprehension.

 Skim first-This is more useful for

longer or more complex texts.
Although, you may skim your
emails and memos to gather
important information quickly.

 Ask questions- Before you begin

reading, while you are reading,
and after you are finished, you
should be asking questions about
the text.

 Use context clues- If you’re

unable to understand exactly
what a word, sentence or phrase
means, use clues from the
surrounding text to help you gain
 Summarize- You can practice this
throughout the text, or once
you’ve finished reading.
 Make inferences- You need to
read between the lines. Reading
comprehension is about
understanding what is being said
both textually and subtextually.

Who else has an idea?

Very Good.

 Visualize-If you’re
working with a
complex concept or
struggling to
understand it,
visualization can be
the difference.
H. Making generalization and
abstractions about the lesson  Why is reading comprehension  Reading
(ABSTRACTION) so difficult? comprehension can be
a challenge to achieve
because it’s such a
complex set of skills.
There are many
strategies for readers
to employ across many
genres at different
reading levels.

 Reading
 What are reading comprehension comprehension is a
skills? skill separate from the
understanding or
‘decoding’ of
individual words.

 None ma’am
 Are there any questions or

I. Finding practical applications  Is reading comprehension the  At the same time, it is

of concepts and skills in daily most difficult part of the reading the most difficult and
living (APPLICATION) process? most important of the
three. There are two
elements that make up
the process of reading
vocabulary knowledge
and text

 As a senior high school student, Ma’am, there are seven

what are your strategies for strategies for reading
reading comprehension? comprehension those
are :
 improve your
 Come up with questions
about the text you are
 Use context clues.
 Look for the main idea.
 Write a summary of
what you read.
 Break up the reading
into smaller sections.
 Pace yourself.
J. Evaluation of Learning General Direction:
(EVALUATION) In a 1/2 sheet of paper, write five
imperative sentences.

1. Excessive consumption of alcohol can

lead to many illnesses.
2. Euthanasia, which is also known as
mercy killing, is an act to end a person’s
life to alleviate the suffering brought
about by a terminal or gave illness.
While it may be supported by some,
euthanasia is not only an unethical
medical practice, it is also a crime.
3. To attract more nontraditional
students, that college must review and
revise its course offering.
4. The coronavirus epidemic has killed
132 people, infected nearly 6,000, and
spread to some 15 countries. Philippines
should protect its people from nCOV-
2019. There must be banning of flights
from China.

-Finish? -Yes, ma’am.

-Pass your papers on the center aisle

without making any unnecessary noise.
-The students together with the teacher 1. claim of fact
will check their answers. 2. claim of value
3. claim of policy
4. claim of policy

-Who got 5? 4?...No more paper?

Okay, well done class. Many of you got
perfect and all of you passed.
(The teacher will explain the statement/s
in which the student/s answered

K. Additional activities for Instruction: In a ½ sheet of paper, What

application or remediation is imperative sentence?

(Give remarks if the lesson is finished or not finished. If not finished, give the

REFLECTION: A. No. of learners who earned 50% on the formative assessment.

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for
C. Did the remedial classes work? No. of learners who caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
F. What difficulty did I encounter which my
Principal/Supervisor help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other teachers?

Criteria Exceptional (5) Admirable (4) Acceptable (3) Attempted (2)

Factual information Factual information
Factual information Information is
is accurate. is somewhat
Understanding is mostly accurate. inaccurate.
Indicates a clear accurate.
of Topic Good understanding Presentation is off
understanding of the Fair understanding of
of the topic. topic.
topic. topic.
Accepts most ideas
Accepts ideas of without negative Unwilling to Group does not work
others. comments; able to compromise. together.
All members compromise. Few members One person does all
contribute. Some members contribute. the work.
Shows some
Shows confidence. Unsure of
confidence. Portrayal stalls.
Informative responsibility.
Presents some Lacks information.
Speaks loudly and Somewhat
Presentation information. Mumbles
clearly. informative.
Can be heard Body language is
Appropriate use of Hard to hear.
Some use of body lacking; inappropriate
body language. Some movement

Prepared by: Observed by:


Pre-service Teacher

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