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o Dee a Teaching Practicum Observation Form Maven 68 2022 Teacher Candidate _Margnrat orig Staring me 1210 Unit _Pontature Teemu Pratography Ending ime _2200K Lesson Focus _Mating a Conta Steet, ‘Schoo! _Olntangy Orange Hig Schoo! Observer _Dr Ket Pate Dictor a Fd Expres Bane Grade Level Observed _ Photo Observer The Pasta Masiosnnient cata | 12:10PM- You do a nice job to introduce the creation ofa contact sheet for the focus agian ad eet ‘oF today’s lesson (6.0). erent einem and | Youask all students to come in and grab their sketchbooks so they can take notes on = the process for their own work and each exercise they will engage in. ‘Your instructions are clear, and you provide very clear step-by-step instructions to do this, This lesson is nice as you have now shown them how to create these contact sheets, hut you also allow them to test it out withthe images they have taken the day before (6.4, 81,63), v2 ferzticiiaconensmes | You provide clear statement about why this useful to them in their photography open work. You share that i ets them sce al heir images on one page tose the subtle is differences in the images. And you share that it helps you se the variations and ways tee mona pon they took various shots for each exercise. 12:27PM-the students are all clearly excited to see their own contact sheets generate scaton : after you provide the instructions and demonstrations. They all are tying to produce & *7 Gem sageeemmnnatone” | contact sheet and your skill building to automate the contact sheet creation has helped build their toolbox of photoshop skills! SSE et vane| You walk around to make sure each student was able to make a contact sheet and then mn | you walk back to the desk to teach them how to export their contact sheet so they can set ‘Submit their work for today. (6.7, 9.4) " 12:37PM you have a PowerPoint to explain the use of exercise #2, where the students net will experiment with dramatic lighting =< ‘Your slide deck is nice as are your samples, they provide concrete images and ideas to ‘etesiont patos econ Pcie |help get the students thinking about their awn dramatic lighting Work. Just as we spoke afer the class, feel free to make this para dialogue oF 4uestion/answer?brainstorming session with the group. Ask them why and when they have seen dramatic lighting used effectively in advertisements, films, photography, pop culture, ee.? The more you have them generating the ideas and the ways dramatic lighting can be done effectively, the more you will be able 1 construct knowledge with your students. (9.2, 10.1, 8.9) ‘Observer Teacher Candidate 0 THe Onio State UNIVERsry Teaching Practicum Observation Form Date _Apn 6 2022, Teacher Candidate _ Margaret orig Starting Ye _10 308K Ending time _11 008M Unit _Porrature Techniques n Photograph Lesson Focus _Potepiningpear rigue wo Schoo! _Olentngy Orange High Senco! Observer _De Ket Patel Grade Level Observed _Photo Dace oT Fad Eaparaneos § Uae Observer Title _Proacam " a ‘ins en gnaw 10:30AM- Great work starting right away’ and letting the students Know they need to be ready forthe shorter class session today (8.5, 8.6). You are quick to adapt tothe change to the fog delay and make new plans for your class today! ‘You ask all students to come in and have their contact sheet and printed images 10 use for the inclass peer Feedback work you have planned. You have some students who don’t have their work printed and you provide ime to let them print inthe room or to go tothe ‘other space and print off their work(8.1). ‘Your instructions are clear and you are checking in to make sure you have the groups ‘making progress and moving towards looking over their own work and answering the {questions you have in their leaming management system(6:3. 84. 8.7). 10s10M- You are good at explaining tothe group that this isa mid-point eheck in with the project and the exit ticket work for this is inthe google classroom portal for them. Many students are finishing up their notes and prepping to engage have ready for them (93,2.1.9:4). the peer activity you ‘You walk around to make sure each student has 2 different color sharpies and double check to make sure everyone has the print offs to be able to paticiate(6.7). Most are ready and you are prepping to manage the critique! Good work Margaret, you are wel ‘organized and are naturally leading students to the next step ‘You had lots of changes and students that needed trouble shooting with printing and the schedule shift today and you made it all work to make the most of today’s art class! Well done 10:50AM, You ask students to move to another student’s station and provide feedback ‘based on the question you have posted in google classroom and using the sharpies on the ‘actual printed photo work (2.1) Many are working and ty stragglers, but you are checking in with them as well, to do this peer Feedback portion. You have a couple of You end the lass session letting them know they will have more time to give Feedback pent time and to return their sketchbooks and sharpies tothe front, This isa good lesson Margaret and a great way for them to see the ways their work and their peer’s work is ‘coming along and the multiple approaches. You have a strong and calm presence ‘Margaret, the students clearly respect you and s to help and support them? Keep up the good work! feacher Candidate De one sare tvensry Teaching Practicum Observation Form Date Ao 1 2022 Teacher Candidate _ Mart Dog Stating time _10 304M Ending me _11208M Unit Roo Ho Lesson Focus _conngroiet Observer _Or Kea Pate Schoo! _Oletangy Orange High Senoo! reir of Fie Exparcas &Leenae Level Observed _Corases ‘opserver Tt Poa 10:30AM- Your students are all working and have their tiles ready for the carving and relief work. This group seems very comfortable with the routine and how to work in the eeramic’s lab and their studio time for this project. Your ‘sample is also a clear way to see your excitement and passion for this unit! student to make sure their rele! great eare and rapport You are circulating and checking in with work is coming along. You are very clam and showease with all your students Margaret. They all seem to respond to the positive and ravironment you have setup for them! 10:46AM- many of the students have made considerable progress on this project nd really carved interesting pieces to represent themselves in this work. You have checked in with every table at this point and are monitoring their progress. 1e symbolltile design. You and ‘A group in the back has 2 boys ereating the Strohl encourage them differentiate and change their idea. They seem receptive to this feedback. ‘This whole class has a wonderful vibe and sense of community. You have clearly helped to foster a sense of calm and work ethic to use their time in the class to really get their work done for the session. ess, In the 30 min, 11:01AM- you make another round the room to monitor pro many have carved away and really done a nice job making their pieces come to sd and want to make their art life inthis class session. They all seem very er pieces. Lp procedures and the class seems and wrap up their work and put it away. The whole session was very productive, and you were a wonderful facilitator for tis studio session, You provided support when needed but also group plenty of time to work and have the studio time to produce their H:14AM- you remind the group about cl very self-sufficient to properly discard their sera at work at the site Margaret! You have really accomplished a lot atthe site and did a great job building relationships with the students! You will be a ‘wonderful art teacher and great addition to any school community! Teacher Candidate

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