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How to Take Biology 

Notes 😉
Here's How:

1. Follow the Guidelines

Some instructors provide course or lecture guidelines. Study these guidelines

before class so you will be familiar with the material. Read any assigned
materials before class as well. If you know what is going to be discussed
beforehand, you will be better prepared to take notes.

2. Get the Main Points

An important key for success in biology note taking is the ability to focus on and
write down the main points. Don't try to write down everything your instructor
says word for word.

It's also a good idea to copy down anything the instructor writes on the
chalkboard or overhead. This includes drawings, diagrams, or examples.

3. Record the Lecture

Many students find it difficult to take good biology notes because some
instructors present information very quickly. In this case, ask the instructor for
permission to record the lecture.

Most instructors don't mind, but in case your instructor says no, you will have to
practice taking notes quickly. Ask a friend to read an article quickly while you
take notes. Review your notes to see if they are accurate and detailed.

4. Leave Some Space

When taking notes, be sure that you have enough space so that you can
decipher what you have written. There is nothing more frustrating than having a
page full of cramped, illegible notes.

You will also want to be sure that you leave extra space in case you need to add
more information later.

5. Textbook Highlighting

Many students find it useful to highlight information in textbooks. When

highlighting, be sure to only highlight specific phrases or keywords. If you
highlight every sentence, it will be difficult for you to identify the specific points
that you need to focus on.
6. Ensure Accuracy

An effective way to ensure that the notes you have taken are accurate is to
compare them with the information in your biology text. In addition, speak with
the instructor directly and ask for feedback on your notes. Comparing notes
with a classmate can also help you to capture information you may have

7. Reorganize Your Notes

Reorganizing your notes serves two purposes. It allows you to rewrite your
notes in a format that helps you understand them more clearly, and it helps you
to review the material you have written.

8. Review Your Notes

Once you have reorganized your biology notes, be sure to review them before
the end of the day. Be certain that you know the main points and write a
summary of the information. Reviewing your notes is also advantageous when
preparing for biology lab.

9. Prepare For Biology Exams

Your biology note taking skills are essential for preparing for biology exams. You
will find that if you follow the instructions above, most of the work in preparing
for the exams will have already been done.

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