Dropbox 7.1 - Research Scavenger Hunt (041411) (1) Done

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(20 points)

Goal: To check for understanding of the research lesson pages and practice the
research process via the Online Resource Center.

DIRECTIONS: This is a two-part assignment.

To complete part one, study the IQity lesson pages in your English IIIA classroom. The
answers to each question are located on these pages.

In part two you will practice the research process. These questions require you to use a
collection of resources located in the “Library Links” page, which is located in your
English IIIA classroom.

PART ONE: Missing Letters

You are going to READ AND SEARCH through the ENTIRE research unit (weeks
three and four) for answers to questions 1-9. The answers are ONLY within the
pages of THIS unit!

Hint: Questions 1-4 deal with pages located in the first week of the Research Unit
(Quarter 4)

1. According to the “section objectives” page, to put material in “your

own words” is to do this: paraphrase(10 letters)

This is an important process because if we simply “copy and paste” another

writer’s idea and fail to give credit we are committing a major academic crime….

2. According to the “section objectives” page, “the use of intellectual

material (views, opinions, insights, words, etc.) produced by another
person without giving him/her credit” is to commit:
plagiarism(10 letters).

3. The Research Unit features a page entitled “Section Warm Up: 'Why
Is the Sky Blue, Mommy?”. One of the links listed on that page
explains why we see the sky as blue.

What is the name of the physical phenomenon that causes light to scatter
when it passes through particles of light?

Rayleigh Scattering

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4. The “Library Links” page in your English IIIA classroom is very

important. To make sure you know where it is, list the two main
colors of the page.
a. purple
b. green

Hint: Questions 5-10 deal with pages located in the second week of
the Research Unit (Quarter 4)

5. On the “Citing Your Sources” page we are given three reasons why
we need to cite our sources. Complete this list by inserting the
missing reason:

Why We Need to Cite Our Sources

1. So others know where we got our information.
2. We don’t want to take credit for facts and ideas that aren’t ours.
3. Quality sources add credibility to our research.

6. The “Citing Your Sources: Location” page states that we need to cite
our sources in two places.

The first location is inside our paper as

in-text citations”

The second location is on a special document that comes at the end of our
paper. The document that lists off the research material we used is
called: Works Cited (Two Words, 10 letters (5 in each word))

The “Completing a Works Cited Page” includes an audio file that tells us some
formatting rules. Use this file and the page’s notes to fill in answers to the
below questions:

7 Does the Works Cited page appear as a separate sheet of paper? Yes
8 What should the title of the page be? Works Cited
9 Can I underline and bold the title? No
10 In what order should I list my sources? Alphabetical

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Part 2: Practice Exercises

The answers for questions 11-15 are found in the “Online Resource Center”

This site contains links to special websites you will use to complete the
assignments in the Research unit. We will now practice accessing the site
and its resources.

STEP ONE: Locate the “Library Links page” in the English IIIA classroom. It is
posted within the Research unit (Weeks 3 and 4 of Quarter 4) and also in the
‘Classroom Resources’ page in the English IIIA classroom.

This is what the page looks like:

***Note: The actual link is in the classroom. The below file is just an

STEP TWO: Click the

yellow “Resources for
Grades 9-12 button.


next page (InfoOhio)
enter the username and
password listed here.

***Note: This changes so

this info may be different.

Access Infohio directly:
1. Go to: http://www.infohio.org
2. Enter learn as the username
Enter infohio as the password

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Part 2: Practice Exercises

Remember! The answers for questions 11-15 are found in the “Online Resource
Center” After following the directions above, use the sites listed in Infohio
to answer the below questions.

1. Click the link and conduct a “keyword search” for ‘James

Joyce”. Look through the returns and locate an answer to this question: What
is the title of the book that James Joyce published in 1922?


2. Click the link and conduct a “keyword search” for the word
“Kafkaesque”. What definition does the resource provide?

Having to do with, characteristic of, or like the Czechoslovak novelist Franz

Kafka (1883-1924) or his writings.

3. Click the link and search for ‘Franz Kafka. Copy and paste
an image of Franz Kafka here:

4. Click the link and conduct a “Quick Search” for “Elizabeth

Browning. Look through the returns and locate an answer to this question:
After her marriage in 1847, where did Elizabeth Barrett Browning live


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5. Click the link and conduct a “Quick Search” for “sonnet.”

Look through the returns and locate info to complete this statement: A sonnet
is a fourteen line poem that has _____ syllables per line?


Self-check: Did you read the entire research unit for Part 1? For Part 2, did
you look carefully through the Student Resource Center for the answers? As
always, please call your teacher for additional help, if needed.
Rubric for Dropbox 7.1:
Research Scavenger Hunt
Part One Responses Earned/ Possible
Correct Responses 4/ 4
Spelling and Formatting 2/ 2
Depth of Response 4/ 4
Part One Total: 10/ 10
Part Two Responses Earned/ Possible
Correct Responses 4/ 4
Spelling and Formatting 2/ 2
Depth of Response 4/ 4
Part Two Total 10/ 10

DROPBOX 7.1: RESEARCH SCAVENGER HUNT Last Modified: 04/14/2011

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