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A. CONTENT STANDARDS • The learner is expected to identify art elements and processes by
synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills
• The learner is expected to identify the salient features of the arts of
Mindanao by showing the relationship of the elements of art and processes
among culturally diverse communities in the country
•. The learner is expected to appreciate the Philippines as having a rich
artistic and cultural tradition from precolonial to present times
B. PERFORMANCE STANDARD • The learner will create artworks showing the characteristic elements of the
arts of Mindanao
• The learner will exhibit completed artworks for appreciation and critiquing.
• Analyze elements and principles of art in the traditional clothing of some
areas of Mindanao.
• Incorporate the design, form, and spirit of T’nalak from Mindanao to one’s
II. CONTENT Unit 3: Arts and Crafts of Mindanao
Lesson 1: Attire , Textiles , and Tapestries
Learning Materials
1. REFERENCES Unit 3: Lesson 1
3. ADDITIONAL MATERIALS FROM Laptop, Projector , and Pictures


Teacher’s Activity Students Activity
Good Morning class! Kindly arranged your chair properly.
And let us Pray. Good Morning Teacher
Student 1. Kindly lead a Student arranged their chair
Who are the absent today? Praying..
Alright class please take your seat. None Teacher.

Thank you Teacher

Can you still remember your previous lesson in arts?

A. Reviewing the
previous lesson Yes .
or presenting the What was it all about ?
new lesson.
“Our previous lesson was all about
the arts and crafts of Mimaropa and
Visayas group Island

Yes very good, can you give me some interesting facts

about MIMAROPA & Visayas arts and crafts? “The arts and crafts in MIMAROPA
and Visayas are beautiful their own
way, style, idea, resources etc. to
show their art and crafts and culture
as well.”.

Okay very good !

B. Establishing a
purpose for the
lesson. This time let’s have a game ! Let’s play Pictionary. You will
be divided into 2 groups, each group will choose 1
representative. The representative will try to draw what he *students will play*
was asked and the other group members from their seat
will make a guess of he’s drawing. The group who has
more points wins.


Based from your answers, what will be our lesson for

today? we are going to talked about the
Arts and Crafts of Mindanao

Very good !
And that would be what we are going to study today.
The attire, textiles and tapestries of Mindanao. Are you
ready to know all of those?

C. Presenting Let’s have the first one the Traditional Clothing of the
examples B’laan
instances of the
new lessons.
Who are they? the Bilaan.

Bilaan or B’laan is a group that

inhabits some parts of North and
South Cotabato and Davao Del
Sur. Combination of two words ,
“bila” hich means house and “an”
which means people

Look at their clothing. What do you notice with their

Full of design, with a lot of beads,
colorful, checkered etc.”
Yes very good! Their clothing are composed of bead,
embroidery and buttons.

They color their textile or

cloth through the
process called Ikat.
What is Ikat? Ikat is the process of dyeing the
fabric before weaving.
The second one is the Traditional Clothing of the
Bagobo and the T’boli

Who are the Bagobos?

How about the T’boli’s? BAGOBO

- A group of people live in Davao…

This is how a Bagobo and a T’Boli look likes. How about

them what do you notice on their clothing?

Yes very good!

Bagabo’s and T’Boli men use headkerchief and blood red

clothes. Why do you think its blood red clothes?
What does color red symbolizes? T’boli’s are the people from lake
Sebu, South Cotabato.
Yes very good !
different, limited colors, a lot of
layers etc
How about the girls? What are they wearing and what can
you say about the design?

Yes very good!

The attire of the Bagobo’s and the T’Boli are made from a
special textile that they call T’nalak.

T’nalak is a woven abaca processed from ikat. It has It is red because it depicts courage.
different designs. Sometime snakes, flowers, people’s
name anything with meaning. Only the women are
allowed to weave this textile. Why do you think?

they are wearing hanging blouses

and skirts that are colorful, with
flower prints
Yes ! Very Good that’s why they are the dream weavers.

Here’s a picture of a T’nalak textile. Notice its details.

What can you say about the lines?

How about the shapes?

How about the color? Women are the only one allowed to
weave because they get to be
visited by their ancestors in their
sleep to show designs of what they
should weave”
Yes very good !. That’s what we call T’nalak.

Do you know who is the famous dream weaver?

Lang Dulay received the National Living treasures-

Gawad Manlilikha ng Bayan award by the National
Commission for Cutlture and the Arts in 1998. Here’s a They use thin and thick lines
picture of her.

they variety of shapes some are


They only use black, red and white

Yes she is Lang Dulay

Lets have the traditional clothing of the Maranao.

Who are these people?

Yes! Here’s how a Maranao looks like

Are you familiar of what they are wearing?

Very Good ! what is a Malong ?

Maranao means people of the


Yes they are wearing a malong

Malong is a traditional…

Malongs are very important to the Maranaos. Because it

is very useful. Can you give me some uses of malong.

Yes very good!

There’s a folk dance call Kappa Malong Malong it

demonstrated the various ways of wearing a malong and
its uses.

Did you understand?

*Sleep wear, wrapping a baby,
costumes for dances, clothing*
Let’s now talk about the Yakans !
Who are they?
This how a yakan looks like and their clothes.


Basilan is the home…

They have the same design with the Bagobo and T’Boli.

The one on their head and belt is what they call the

The tight long sleeves is what they call badjulapi it has

gold, bronze or silver bottons.
The tight trousers with vertical stripes is what they sawal.

Layered over the trousers is this skirt called pinalantupan.

So those are some of the Traditional Clothing of some

areas in Mindanao.

D. Making What do you call the process of dyeing or color abaca?

Generalizations We call it the ikat process
and abstraction
about the lesson. What is T’nalak ?
special textile use by the Maranao
and T’Boli”

In making the T’nalak what are the usual color they use?

they use black, red and white

What is the traditional clothing of the Maranao?

Maranao’s traditional Clothing is

What is the function of malong? Malong

sleep wear, clothing, costume for

What does the Bagobo’s red cloth and handkerchief mean
It means courage

Some of you said that the traditional clothing of Mindanao

E. is beautiful, some are not. Base on your answers, Do we
Evaluating Learning need to compare their traditional clothing on today’s
fashion trend and say whether it’s beautiful or not?
Anyone? “No, we don’t need to compare
because we have to respect and
value their clothing because those
are based on their culture, beliefs
and functions in their daily lives”

Yes very good !

This time let’s have something to work on

F. Additional You are going to make your own T’nalak design. And
Activities or below your work write the message of your design and
remediation what does it depict. Draw it in a 1/2 crosswise. You can
use your ball pens and pencils .

This will be the criteria for grading your work.

Creativity- 50%
Originality- 25%
Detail – 25%

You only have 15min. to do that.

Pass you work in front. Students will work.

And copy your assignment in the Slide Show.

G. ASSIGNMENT For your assignment:

Search for more traditional clothing in some areas in
Mindanao and its function. Write it on your notebook.
I’ll be checking it next week.

That would be all for today. Did you learn something? Yes !

I’ll see you next meeting. Goodbye ! Goodbye Teacher


A. No. Of learners
who earned
80%on the
B. No . of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation
who scored below
C. Did the remedial
lesson work? no.
of learners who
have coped up
with the lesson
D. No of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well?
F. What difficulties
did encounter
which my
r /head teacher
can help me to
G. What innovation /s
or localized
materials did i
use/discover which
i wish to share with
other teacher?

Prepared By:
Emelrose Ll. Maceda

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