Anexo 1 - Preguntas Servicio La Cliente Mairena Jaime Arias

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1. Define what is a customer service from your viewpoint.

It can be defined as a set of activities that satisfy the needs of an
organization's customers, considering that these activities range from the
provision of a product or service to what we call post-sale.

2. Develop a scheme about customers types.

3. Actually there are new trends for customer service, ¿why this happen?
With the passage of time and the advancement of the media, new trends
have emerged, the way of offering products and services, and monitoring
during the purchase process is different than before, and ni soci The
customer service protocol is essential, since it is an infallible form of
remembrance and satisfaction so that the customer returns to a place where
they consumed a producto or service, likewise, when bidding, you must
know how to identify the type of customer. Which is being approached with
the purpose of satisfying it. For a customer service protocol in an
organization, it must begin with the internal customer, the work
environment of a company is essential to advance and train employees who
have recurring contact with users of customers of companies, taking into
account the human quality and understanding of what the person who
wishes to acquiere a service networks play a fundamental role in
the provision of instant services because through this way you can reach
people who do not have time to buy, the new digital platforms have
revolutionized the way of doing marketing now, tending to disappear
traditional forms of customer service.

4. Explain why enterprises should have customer support protocols.

Explique por qué las empresas deben tener protocolos de atención al

The customer service protocol is essential, since it is an infallible form of

remembrance and satisfaction so that the customer returns to a place where
they consumed a producto or service, likewise, when bidding, you must
know how to identify the type of customer. Which is being approached with
the purpose of satisfying it. For a customer service protocol in an
organization, it must begin with the internal customer, the work
environment of a company is essential to advance and train employees who
have recurring contact with users of customers of companies, taking into
account the human quality and understanding of what the person who
wishes to acquiere a service requires.

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