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Genetically Modified Foods

(A) Foods on sale in Australia (D) There is a wide range of
that use genetically modified opinions in the community about
(gm) ingredients (mainly- genetically modified foods, with
imported) are from the six gm arguments for and against on
crops listed below. With the issues such as their nutritional
exception of cotton oil, none of value, the beneficiaries-
these crops approved for food use consumers, producers or
are grown commercially in multinationals-and the
Australia. environmental effects of
Cotton oil - is produced from a genetically modified crops. Other
gm crop grown in Australia, issues include the ability to feed
called Bt Cotton, and can be used the world's poor and consumer
in edible oils and margarines. acceptance versus ethical
Approved genetically modified concerns about transferring genes
crops that can be imported for across species.
use in processed foods are:  
Soybeans — these can be used in (E) Genetic modification has the
soy-based products and potential to provide foods that are
ingredients in processed foods healthier, safer, cheaper, better
such as bread, pastries, snack for the environment and more
foods, and edible oil products. efficient to grow. The Federal
Canola oil (rape seed oil)—can Government seeks a can-do
be used in edible oils, fried foods country where Australian jobs can
and snack foods. be kept at home. By embracing
Corn - can be in the form of corn innovation and new technology,
oil, flour, and sugar and used in Australia stands to benefit
snack foods, fried foods and economically and remain
confectionery. internationally competitive in the
Potatoes - can be used in food it produces. While there is a
processed products such as snack window of great opportunity for
foods (this does not include fresh Australia based on research in
potatoes). gene technology; it is necessary
Sugar beet - can be used as sugar to carefully assess the possible
in some processed foods. risks as well as the benefits
Not all imported food and food available from gene technology.
ingredients, as listed above, are Some crops have been modified
derived from genetically to be pest resistant. For example,
modified crops. a cotton crop has been developed
  with built-in protection against
(B) Genetic modification insects and, as a result, farmers
involves taking genes from the have reduced their pesticide
cells of a plant, animal or spraying. Results such as this
microbe and inserting them into could lessen the use of chemicals
another cell to give a desired in agriculture and lead to a
characteristic. cleaner environment.
When food products are derived Using gene technology
by this process they are known as researchers are planning to
genetically modified or gm foods. develop foods that benefit
As every form of life has genes, consumers by having higher
almost everything we eat has vitamin and protein content as
genes in it. well as having their allergy-
Plant and animal breeders have causing properties removed while
sought to modify or improve including properties to help
quality, yield and taste prevent chronic diseases such as
characteristics for hundreds of cancer and heart disease.
years through cross breeding  
techniques. Genetic modification (F) It is the role of the Australian
is a new method of identifying and New Zealand Food Authority
and transferring particular (ANZFA) to ensure that all food,
characteristics. including genetically modified
Genetic modification is part of food, is safe and ANZFA's safety
the science of biotechnology, guidelines are based on world
which has rapidly advanced this best-practice standards.
century. This has resulted in All companies, both from
improvements in traditional ways Australia and overseas, must, by
of making common products law, comply with Australian
such as bread, cheese, beer and regulations before they can sell
vitamins. genetically modified products in
While the use of genetic Australia. Using ANZFA
modification in commercial food guidelines, information supplied
crops is new in Australia, it has by companies, and world
been used widely in the USA for scientific literature, ANZFA's
several years. experts assess the characteristics
  of genetically modified foods to
(C) The Federal and State determine if they have been
Governments are together changed in any way which might
considering how to best meet make them unsafe. Steps in the
consumers' information needs on approval process are:
genetically modified foods, • An initial safety assessment is
including labelling, to enable made by ANZFA experts, with
consumers to make an informed public comment invited.
choice. • A review of all the findings is
The Australian and New Zealand undertaken.
Food Standards Council • A full safety assessment is
(ANZFSC) have made a conducted by ANZFA experts.
commitment to the labelling of • Final public comment on the
genetically modified foods. proposed genetically modified
Further specific information food is invited.
regarding labelling of genetically • A recommendation for approval
modified foods or ingredients or rejection is made to the
will be made available through Australian and New Zealand
the Australian and New Zealand Food Standards Council
Food Authority (ANZFA) and (consisting of the Health
Biotechnology Australia. Ministers of Australia and New
The full process can take up to 12
months. Each State and Territory
Government is responsible for
administering the enforcement of
the food standards.

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