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Tekla For Dummies


Email : rdheng


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Tekla For Dummies

This section presents basic Tekla Structures vocabulary and concepts so that you can start
modeling. For additional definitions of terms, see the Glossary. The illustration below shows
the modeling guides you use in Tekla Structures windows.

To see your Tekla Structures model from virtually any angle, you can move and rotate the
model. See Examining the model. You can also create views. A view is a representation of a
model from a specific location. Each view is displayed in its own window inside the Tekla
Structures window.

Coordinate system
The green cube in a model view represents the global coordinate system and lies at the
global point of origin. In Tekla Structures, both the global and local coordinate systems are
cartesian, with three axes (x, y, and z) perpendicular to each other.

Work plane
The red coordinate arrow symbol indicates the work plane, which is the current local
coordinate system of the model. The arrow symbol shows the xy plane. The z direction
follows the right-hand rule. You can reset the work plane so as to ease modeling and
placing objects. Most of the commands, which are dependent on the coordinate system, use
work plane coordinates; e.g. creating points, part positioning, and copying always comply
with the work plane coordinate system. The work plane is the same in all views.

Work area
Tekla Structures indicates the work area of a view using green, dashed lines. Defining the
work area makes it faster and easier to work with the model. Objects outside the work area
still exist, but they are not visible. So you can confine to a substructure, for example, and
the views to the model are simpler and quickly updated.

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Grid and view plane

Cyan dash-and-dot lines show the projections of the grids which are visible on the view
plane. The appearance of points also shows which view plane you are using. Points located in
the view plane are yellow. Points outside the view plane are red.

Opening a model
To open an Tekla Structures model:
1. Click File > Open... or .
You can only have one model open at a time. If you already have a model open, Tekla
Structures prompts you to save that model.
2. Select the model from the Model directories list on the right of the Open model dialog
3. Click OK to open the model.
Use the Directories list on the left of the Open model dialog box and the following
techniques to browse files and folders above and below the current folder:
One dot at the end of an entry indicates the current folder.
To move up, double-click an entry followed by two dots.
To move down, double-click the desired entry.
Enter directory paths in the Filter field and click the Filter button.

Creating a ne w model
When you first open Tekla Structures, only the New model and Open icons are active. To
create a new Tekla Structures model:
1. Click File > New... or . The New model dialog box appears.
You can only have one model open at a time. If you already have a model open, Tekla
Structures prompts you to save that model.
2. In the New model dialog box, click after the path, for example C:\ Tekla
Structures_Models, in the field at the bottom of the dialog box. Then type \ and the
model name in the field.
3. Select the Create default view and grid checkbox if you want Tekla Structures to
automatically create a grid and a view using the standard properties. See Working
with grids.
4. Click OK to create the new model. The remaining icons become active and the model
name appears in the title bar of the Tekla Structures window.
The Directories list and the Filter field and button in the New model dialog box work in a
similar way to those in the Open model dialog box. See Opening a model.

Project setup
Update the project information at the beginning of a project to make reports and drawings to
display the correct information automatically.
To update the project information, click Properties > Project.... The Projectdialog box
appears. Tekla Structures displays this information in different reports and drawing titles.

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The toolbars contain icons which give easy access to some of the most frequently- used
commands. Most of the Tekla Structures icons work as follows:
• A single-click executes the command.
• A double-click displays the properties dialog box of the object type, and executes the

Basic Tool bar

The commands on the Standard toolbar are:

• Create a new model
• Open an existing model
• Save the current model
• Plot
• Create a report
• Open the drawing list
• Wizard
• Publish as Web page

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The Edit toolbar contains commands for copying and moving.

• Copy and translate

• Copy and rotate
• Copy and mirror
• Move and translate
• Move and rotate
• Move and mirror

The View toolbar contains commands for creating views and setting the work area and work

The following commands can be initiated from the View toolbar:

• Create a new basic view
• Create a view with three points
• Create a view with two point
• Open the list of named views
• Pick work area
• Fit work area by parts in selected views
• Fit work area in selected views
• Set work plane to view plane
• Set work plane by three points
• Set work plane to part top
• Set work plane to part front plane

The Points toolbar contains commands for creating points and construction objects you can use
to place structural objects in a model.

• Create a grid
• Create a point array
• Create an extension point
• Create a line- line intersection point
• Create a projection point
• Create parallel points
• Divide a line
• Create arc points
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• Create an arc by three points

• Create a tangent point
• Create a plane-line intersection point
• Create part-line intersection points
• Create circle- line intersection points
• Create an axis intersection point
• Create a point to any position
• Create a user-defined plane
• Create a construction line
• Create a construction circle
• Create a construction circle by three points

Steel part
The Steel toolbar contains commands for creating steel beams, columns, and pla tes.

• Create a beam
• Create a column
• Create a curved beam
• Create a polybeam
• Create an orthogonal beam
• Create a twin profile
• Create a contour plate
• Create bolts
• Create a weld
• Create a reference object

Detailing/Cutting part or object

The Detailing toolbar contains commands for trimming parts.

• Create a fitting
• Create a line cut
• Create a part cut
• Create a polygon cut

The commands on the Tools toolbar help you model.

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• Create an x measure
• Create a y measure
• Create a free measure
• Create an angle measure
• Create a bolt measure
• Open the model folder
• Inquire an object


• Create the current connection

• Display the AutoConnection dialog box
• Open the component catalog
• Previous
• Next
• Toolbar number


To make it easier to snap to points and position, you can use Xsnap and have Tekla
Structures display visual cues when you pick. On the Setup menu, click Xsnap, or use the
shortcut T. The cursor turns into a magenta crosshair. As you move the cursor over objects,you
can see it snap to positions.

Snap switches specify exact locations on objects, for example, end points, midpoints, and
intersections. Snap switches help you to pick points to position objects precisely without
having to know the coordinates or create additional lines or points. You can use snap switches
any time Tekla Structures prompts you to specify a point, for example, if you are creating a
beam. Main snap switches The two main snap switches illustrated in the following table define
whether you can pick reference points or any other points on objects, e.g. part corners. These
switches have the highest priority. If both these witches are off, you cannot pick any positions,
even if all the other switches are on.

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Use the Measure tool to measure angles, the distance between two points and between bolts.
All measurements are temporary. Click Measure to access the following options. Remember to
follow the prompts on the status bar. The steps for each option are listed below the table.

Use Options to set various default values for numbering, coefficients, profile names and
connections. To open the Options dialog box, click Setup > Options....

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This section explains how to change numbering settings and apply numbering in Tekla
Structures. Topics:
1. Numbering settings
2. Numbering example
3. Applying numbering

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Numbering example
This example explains how different numbering settings result in different part numbers
when you modify a part.
1. Create three identical beams with the numbering series prefix P and start number 1.
2. Number the model. All the beams have the part position number P1.
3. Modify one of the beams.
4. Number the model. You should now have two beams P1 and one P2.
5. Change beam P2 to be identical to the others.
6. Number the model.
Tekla Structures assigns different part position numbers to this part, according to which
numbering settings you used, as follows:

Compare to old: P1
Keep number if possible: P2
Take new number: P3

Applying numbering
When you apply numbering, Tekla Structures assigns marks to parts and assemblies.
Numbering is carried out according to the settings in the Numbering setup dialog box (see
Numbering settings).
Pop-marking for NC files also affects numbering. When pop- marking is active (pop- marks),
Tekla Structures will assign different numbers to identical parts if they have different pop
Two main parts in different assemblies are identical, apart from a difference in the position
of the plates welded to them. In this case, Tekla Structures assigns them different numbers.
Interrupt numbering
You can safely interrupt numbering before it is complete by clicking Cancel in the dialog
box Tekla Structures displays while it is running. If you interrupt numbering, parts and
assemblies retain their original numbers.

Tools > Numbering > Modified

This command assigns position numbers to parts and assemblies modified after the last
numbering session. Preconditions Description
When you modify a model, Tekla Structures keeps a list of the parts that have been
modified or created since numbering was last carried out.
If you use this command, Tekla Structures numbers all the parts and assemblies modified
since numbering was last carried out. Parts that were numbered previously and have not
been modified are not renumbered.

Tools > Numbering > Full

This command assigns marks to all parts and assemblies.
When you use this command, Tekla Structures checks all the parts and assemblies in the
model, even if they have not been modified. Parts and assemblies keep their existing
numbers if they have not been changed. Applying this option takes longer than numbering
modified parts only. You should always use this option when you have changed numbering

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settings. It is also useful when you want to make sure that Tekla Structures checks the
numbering of all parts and assemblies.


Drawings integrated into the model

Tekla Structures integrates the drawings and reports with the model. This means that, for
example, dimensions and marks in drawings are always correct. It also makes it impossible to
delete parts and bolts from drawings. However, you can filter out parts and bolts in drawings,
or make them invisible. You can create drawings and reports at any stage of the project. If the
model changes, Tekla Structures asks you to update the related drawings. You can only open
up-to-date drawings. Tekla Structures indicates which drawings you need to update in the
Drawings dialog box. See Drawing list and Drawing status flags. If the drawings are not
frozen, updating drawings deletes all drawing level modifications (additional dimensions, text,
etc.) from single-part, assembly, and cast-unit drawings. See Locking and freezing drawings).
In most other cases drawing modifications are permanent and are updated automatically.


Select switches and Snap settings are special toolbars containing switches which
you can use to control which objects can be selected, and how Tekla Structures snaps
to points. Use select switches to limit which object types can be selected. For
example, if only the Select marks switch is active, Tekla Structures only selects
marks, even if you select the entire drawing area. For more information, see Selecting

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The Standard toolbar is visible by default. It contains basic commands for saving,
printing, and working with drawings. All commands are listed from left to right of the

The Edit toolbar contains commands for trimming and cutting drawing objects.

The View toolbar contains commands for creating views and zooming.

Use the Dimension toolbar to edit dimensions.

Add text and symbols to drawings using the Text toolbar.

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Use the Drawing toolbar to create additional drawing objects.

Creating drawings
Once you complete a model, you can start creating drawings to issue. You should also
create drawings (and reports) periodically while modeling to check if:
The predefined drawing properties and filters suit your needs, or should you modify
The details, dimensions, etc. in the model are correct.
L The drawing is locked. Locking and freezing drawings
F The drawing is frozen.
D A linked drawing has been modified.
* A drawing gets an * flag in four cases:
A copied drawing has been modified.
The drawing is a cloned drawing.
A frozen drawing has been updated.
A drawing flagged n has been updated, and there are still other parts
relevant to the drawing in the model. Prior to creating or editing assembly, single-part,
cast-unit, or multi-drawings, you need to number the model. This is so that Tekla
tructures connects the right objects to the right drawings. Tekla Structures warns you
that numbering must be up to date.

Before creating drawings

Prior to creating assembly, single-part, cast-unit, or multi-drawings in Tekla Structures:
1. Update the numbering of model objects. See Numbering parts and Numbering
2. Create test drawings of different types of parts to see how well the predefined
drawing properties and layouts suit your needs.
3. Modify drawing properties and layouts if necessary and save them. Enter a name
for the properties file and click Save as.

Setting drawing properties

Tekla Structures creates drawings using the properties defined for each type of
drawing. To view or modify drawing properties, select a drawing type from the
Properties menu in the Model Editor. You can also change drawing layout using the
Properties menu.

Locking and freezing drawings

You can lock and freeze them so that they are not accidentally modified.

Locking prevents the drawings from being opened, updated, cloned, deleted, or
modified, even if the model changes. Tekla Structures flags locked drawings for
update (P or N) if the model changes. See also Drawing status flags.

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Freeze a drawing when you want to keep manual editing (such as additional marks
and dimensions) in the drawing even if the model changes. When Tekla Structures
updates a frozen drawing, it updates only the image of the member. Nothing else
(dimensions, part marks, etc.) is changed.

Saving and closing drawings

To save a drawing, click File > Save, or .

Tekla Structures automatically saves drawings at set intervals. For information on how
to define the location of autosave files and set their location see Autosave.

Close drawing
To close a drawing, close the drawing window, or click File > Close drawing. A
confirmation dialog box appears Tekla Structures prompts you save the drawing.

Table layouts
Tables and templates
In Tekla Structures, we use the term tables to refer to various elements of the drawing
layout, such as:
Tables (e.g. revision table)
Title blocks
Lists (e.g. part and bolt lists)
General notes
Key plans
DWG/DXF files
Tables include information on drawing objects. If you change the model, Tekla
Structures updates the contents of the affected
drawings and tables.

Table layout
A table layout is a group of tables which appear together in a drawing of certain type
and size. Table layouts define:
Which tables appear
Where the tables are located
How much space Tekla Structures leaves between the drawing frame and views
The example below illustrates the relationship between the table layout and drawing
views. The drawing views are blue, and
the elements of table layout are red.

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Table layout
You define the location of each individual table in a table layout by binding it to the
drawing frame, or to an other table.

In the illustration below, the lower right corner of the drawing title (the table) is bound
to the lower right corner of the drawing frame (the reference object).

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Setting up a print device

Tekla Structures uses Windows drivers to write the print data directly to the Windows
print device interface. There are two stages to setting up a print device in Tekla
Structures. Firstly you need to add printer aliases to the plotter catalog. By default
several printer aliases are already defined. Secondly, you need point these printer
aliases to a specific
Windows printer, either attached directly to your system, or available via a network.
You will define the majority of print settings when you set up the print device.

Creating reports

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Dibawah ini, akan diberikan step by step penggunaan Tekla structure untuk sebuah
project piperack, telah didesign dan analysis dengan menggunakan STAADPro.
Seperti terliat dibawah ini terlihat sebuah struktur piperack.

Salah satu feature dari teklastructure adalah dapat mengimport model struktur yang
ada pada STAADPro, sehingga proses detailing/shopdrawing berjalan lebih cepat.

1. Modelling Struktur
Pilihlah icon TeklaStructure untuk memulai pekerjaan detailing seperti dibawah ini,
kemudian pilih new model dan isikan nama filenya “PR-007”atau lainnya.

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Untuk fasilitas import akan dibahas tersendiri mengingat kepentingan dan scope
latihan ini hanya untuk dasar-dasar penggunakan Teklastructure. Kemudian setelah
tahap diatas selesai maka akan terlihat sebuah file Teklastruktur yang siap untuk

Untuk memudahkan dalam memahami proses modeling maka akan dibagi menjadi
beberapa bagian sebagai berikut:

- Pembuatan/set-up grid struktur atau as bangunan

- Membuat view dan save view
- Part: beam, column, plate bolt, cutting-line cut, welding
- Operasi copy-move-translate, mirror, rotate,

1.1. Grid set up.

Grid struktur sangat berguna baik dalam proses shopdrawing maupun pada saat
konstruksi. Dengan referensi gridlah struktur tersebut dibagun dan diluruskan. Pilihlah
pada menu pointà Grids. Kemudian akan keluar window sebagai berikut ini. Isikanlah
data – data strukturnya, baik arah horizontal (x dan y) maupun arah verikal (z).
Kemudian juga nama-nama dari gridnya arah X A, B, C, D, F…, arah Y yaitu 1, 2, 3,
4…, kemudian juga arah Z atau elevasi EL0, EL5000, EL8000. Kemudian setelah
selesai dapat pilih modify atau create.

Untuk mempercepat proses modeling rubahlah view-render menjadi wireframe,

dengan cara double click view pada view-type, pilih wireframe. Kemudian pilih modify-

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Kemudian dalam model akan terlihat seperti dibawah ini:




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1.2. Pembuatan View dan Save View.

View sangat berguna dalam pemodelingan struktur. Pilihlah dari toolbar Create view
by two point. Pada saat ini kita akan membuat view pada grid line A dan akan kita
save dengan nama GLA. Kemudian pilihlah point pertama dan kedua. Usahakan
sesuai dengan arah pandang yang umum di gunakan yaitu dari kanan ke kiri atau dari
bawah ke atas.
Arah pandang

Kemudian dbl clik view yang telah muncul. Isikanlah GLA pada input Name. Setelah
itu pilih modify – ok.

Untuk pembuatan view lainnya dapat dilakukan seperti diatas.

1.3. Parts: Beam, Column, Bolt, Weld, Cut dan Line Cut
Setelah kita dapat melalui dua tahapan diatas maka model tersebut telah siap untuk
dimasukan object seperti diatas.

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1.3.1. Column.
Column adalah object yang ada dalam xsteel mempunyai posisi vertical. Untuk
memasukan column dalam dipilih pada toolbar “Create Column”. Kemudian isikanlah
seperti di bawah ini.

Kemudian setelah diisikan semua maka pilih lah letak kolom tersebut pada Grid line
A. Seperti tampak pada gambar dibawah ini.

Kemudian keluakanlah View GLA yang telah kita buat sebeluhnya. Untuk pembuatan
beam akan lebih mudah pada view tersebut.

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1.3.2. Beam.
Beam adalah object yang ada dalam xsteel biasanya mempunyai posisi datar /
horizontal. Pilihlah pada toolbar seperti dibawah ini “create beam”.

Dbl klik toolbar beam “Create beam”. Kemudian isikan lah data-data seperti di bawah
ini ( sama seperti pada kolom, tetapi kita tidak perlu ke tab position.

Setelah ini pilih apply-ok. Kemudia pilih titik pertama dan kedua seperti dibawah ini.
Untuk beam yang kedua. Biasa di lakukan dengan proses penggandaan yang akan
dibahas kemudian.

Titik Titik
pertama Kedua

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Dalam pembuatan beam usahakan titik pertama ada pada di sebelah bawah-kiri dari
titik ke dua. Dan begitu seterusnya untuk beam-beam lainnya. Setelah beam dan
kolom sudah berada alam model, tahap selanjutnya adalah pembuatan detail
sambungan antara kolom dan beam. Dalam tahap ini memerlukan bolt, plate, cut dan
welding seperti yang akan dibahas di bawah ini.

1.3.3. Bolt, plate, cut dan welding

Dalam pembuatan plate ada dua cara yaitu dengan beam properties dan contour
plate. Untuk tahap ini kita gunakan dulu dengan beam properties, caranya sama
dengan proses pembuatan beam tetapi isilah untuk profile PL16*200 seperti terlihat
dibawah ini.

End Plate


Buat lah seperti digambar diatas plate dan haunced. Untuk bantuan titik-titik dapat di
gunakan yang terdapat pada toolbar. Seperti tampak di bawah ini.

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Sedang untuk bolt dapat dipilih pada toolbar steel. Dbl klik lah kemudian isikanlah data
– data jarak baut, grade, tolerance, dan diameter baut. Seperti terlihat dibawah ini.

Setelah itu pilih apply—ok. Pilihlah part yang akan dibaut yaitu plate dan column
flange. Setelah itu tekan middle button mouse, kemudian titik pertama dan kedua,
sebagai sumbu x dan y. Sumbu x adalah searah dengan titik 1 dan 2 sdang sumbu y
adalah yang tegak lurus dari sumbu ½ atau x.

Bolt pada end

plate dan
column flange

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Jika ingin melihat rendered strukturnya dapat dilakukan dengan cara pilih bolt
kemudian clik kanan – pilih view – basic view, seperti terlihat dibawah ini.


Untuk welding dapat dilakukan dengan cara pilih create weld toolbar. Kemudian pilih
mainpart setelah itu secondary part.

Harus diperhatikan disini bahwa yang dipilih dahulu pada setiap operasi weld adalah
mainpartnya .

Setelah tahap ini maka detail sambungan antara kolom dan beam sudah selesai dan
dapat dilanjutkan pada tahap berikutnya yaitu cara menggandakan dan memindah
object dalam model.

1.3.4. Copy dan Move.

Dalam operasi penggandaan dan memindahkan object dapat dilakukan dengan
berbagai macam yaitu translate, mirror, rotate, move by three points dan sebagainya.
Sebagai contoh, pada detail sambungan diatas diasumsikan bahwa pada kedua ujung
beam tersebut mempunyai detail sambungan yang sama, sehingga kita tidak perlu
membuat ulang detail tersebut. Cukup dengan mengcopy-mirror seluruh object à bolt,
end plate, weld dan cut.

Untuk memilh object dalam tekla dapat dengan dua cara yaitu dengan pick satu-satu
atau dengan cara drag mouse. Cara kedua lebih cepat dari yang pertama dikarenakan
kita dapat melakukan multiple pick object.

Sebelum kita melakukan kopi mirror set lah dulu ucs pada view GLA. Pada model
tekla dan pilihlah object yang akan dicopy-mirror kemudian click kanan pilih copy à
mirror, setelah itu pilih line-mirror pada tengah-tengah gridline 1 -2 kemudian pilih copy
kemudian ok.

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Kita tidak perlu isikan apapun dalam copy mirror. Sehingga hasil dari operasi tersebut
dapat dilihat pada gambar dibawah ini.

Untuk beam yang lain dapat digandakan seperti operasi di atas.

Pada frame GLA sampai dengan GLE mempunyai persamaan frame sehingga dapat
digandakan dengan cara copy translate. Caranya pilih semua object pada GLA
kemudian click kanan pilih copy à translate. Isilah data-data seperti di bawah ini.
Kemudia pilih copy – ok.

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Maka sampai disini struktur kita akan terlihat seperti diatas. Untuk tahap selanjutnya
yaitu pembuatan longitudinal beam dapat dilakukan seperti langkah – langkah diatas,
kemudian juga detail sambungan antara kolom bias dilakukan dengan cara seperti di
atas sesuai dengan detail sambungan yand ada.

Untuk tahap selanjutnya pembuatan detail sambungan akan menggunakan

component yang disediakan oleh xsteel. Pertama buat lengkaplah semua longitudinal
beam, V brace dan H brace yang ada seperti cara diatas. Maka model xsteel akan
terlihat seperti dibawah ini:

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