Students' Coping Mechanisms To The Challenges of Online Learning

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Students’ Coping Mechanisms

to the Challenges of Online Learning

College of Teacher Education

Calape Campus, Calape, Bohol

Cindy C. Batiancila
Gerlie B. Rangas
Laurence Julienne R. Salubre

February 2021

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the students’ coping mechanisms to the challenges

of online learning of the first-year to fourth year students of the College of Teacher

Education of Bohol Island State University, Calape Campus during A.Y. 2021-2022.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. devices used in online learning

1.2. mode of internet connection

1.3. connectivity status

2. What are the challenges encountered by the students in the

implementation of online learning?

3. What coping mechanisms do students employ to cope with the

challenges of online learning?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the students’ academic

performance and their coping mechanisms to the challenges of online


5. Based on the result of the study, what intervention program can be


Part I. Respondent’s Profile

Name (Optional): _______________________________________________________
Direction: Put a check mark (√) on the line that corresponds your answer/s. You
are free to check several boxes if you are using more than one device.
What particular device/s do you use during online classes?
¨ Laptop
¨ Computer Desktop
¨ Smartphone
¨ Other/s: Kindly Specify
What mode of internet connection do you use during online classes?
¨ Mobile Data
¨ Wi-Fi
¨ Other/s
What is your connectivity status or signal strength?
¨ Weak
¨ Fair
¨ Good
¨ Excellent

Part II. Challenges of Online Learning

Challenges of Online Learning Questionnaire

By: Jessie S. Barrot, Ian I. Llanares, Leo S. del Rosario (2021). Students’ Online
Learning Challenges During the Pandemic and How They Cope with Them: The Case
of the Philippines
Instruction: Please answer the questionnaire honestly and without any mental
reservations by ticking (√) to the appropriate boxes. Do not leave any items
Scale Descriptive Rating Indicator
5 to a very great extent The student shows a large significant degree
of agreement with the statement.
4 to a great extent The student shows a substantial degree of
agreement with the statement.
3 to a moderate extent The student does not hugely agree with the
2 to some extent The student shows a certain degree of
agreement with the statement.
1 to a small extent The student shows a low degree of
agreement with the statement.
0 not at all/negligible The student does not consider agreeing with
the statement.


Self-Regulation Challenges (SRC) 5 4 3 2 1 0

1.I procrastinate on tasks related to my studies,
causing them to be either incomplete or rushed to
completion by the deadline.
2. I fail to pay attention to what I am doing most of the
3. I lack the ability to control my own thoughts,
emotions, and actions during online classes.
4. I have limited preparation before an online class.
5. I have poor time management skills during online
6. I fail to properly use online peer learning strategies
(i.e., learning from one another to better facilitate
learning such as peer tutoring, group discussion, and
peer feedback)
7.I have uncertainty about achieving the goal leading
to loss in motivation.
8. I doubt whether to ask my peers and teachers or
not about something that is hard for me to
9. I fail to resist temptations from online stuff leading
to lack of focus in working with the activity given.
10. I fail to refrain from aggressive behavior towards
my peers and to myself when I no longer understand
a thing.

5 4 3 2 1 0
Technological Literacy And Competency
Challenges (TLCC)
1. I lack competence and proficiency in using various
interfaces or systems that allow me to control a
computer or another embedded system for studying.
2. I lack the ability to perform simple functions such
as, compose emails, log into online platforms, and
even saving work.
3. I am distracted by an overly complex technology.
4. I have difficulties in learning a new technology.
5. I lack the ability to effectively use technology to
facilitate learning.
6. I lack knowledge and training in the use of
7. I am intimidated by the technologies used for
8. I get confused when getting appropriate help
during online classes.
9. I have poor understanding of directions and
expectations during online learning.
10. I perceive technology as a barrier to getting help
from others during online classes.

5 4 3 2 1 0
Student Isolation Challenges (SIC)
1. I feel emotionally disconnected or isolated during
online classes.
2. I feel disinterested during online class.
3. I feel unease and uncomfortable in using video
projection, microphones, and speakers.
4. I feel uncomfortable being the center of attention
during online classes.
5. I get anxious when I am called to answer oral
6. I get conscious hearing my own voice during oral
recitations and in speaking with the use of
7. I feel socially isolated during online class because I
only know little about computers.
8. I feel like I am not actually learning during online .
9. I fail to communicate with my teachers when I have
difficulty with my learning materials because I am
10. I fail to communicate with my classmates during
group activities because I don’t want to bother them
with my concerns

Technological Sufficiency Challenges (TSC) 5 4 3 2 1 0

1. I have an insufficient access to learning
2. I experience inequalities with regard to access to
and use of technologies during online
classes because of my socioeconomic, physical, and
psychological condition.
3. I do not have Internet access during online
4. I have low bandwidth and slow processing speeds.
5. I experience technical difficulties in completing my
6. I cannot follow the teacher’s instruction due to lack
of knowledge in technology.
7. I do not take learning technology as an
8. I am not interested in technology.
9. I do not have time to explore technology.
10. I do not have enough storage on my phone for
tones of activities.

Technological Complexity Challenges (TCC) 5 4 3 2 1 0

1. I am distracted by the complexity of the technology
during online classes.
2. I experience difficulties in using complex
3. I experience difficulties when using longer videos
for learning.
4. I lack technical skills associated with the given
5. I get less actively involved in courses that uses
technology because I do not understand the process.
6. I am more likely to skip classes when materials
from course lectures are hard to understand and are
too long.
7. I feel that technology interferes with my ability to
concentrate and think deeply about subjects I care
8. I tend to multitask with my technology devices
which sometimes prevents me from concentrating on
or doing the work that is most important.
9. I have difficulty in adapting to new technology
since it took more time.
10. I experience difficulty in accessing my technology
because it is outdated.

Learning Resource Challenges (LRC) 5 4 3 2 1 0

1.I have an insufficient access to library resources.
2. I have an insufficient access to laboratory
equipment and materials.
3. I have limited access to textbooks, worksheets,
and other instructional materials.
4. I experience financial challenges when accessing
learning resources and technology
5. My learning is desensitized and negatively
influenced by media.
6. I have lack of affordable textbooks, computers and
broadband connectivity, a situation compounded by a
lack of clear policy on how to address challenges
related to issues of poor access and quality of
7. I cannot manage my time to invest and keep my
schedule making the given activities.
8. I do not have study skills and courage to raise
question in class.
9. I was not able to receive feed backs on my works.
10. I was not able to receive feedbacks on my works.

Learning Environment Challenges (LEC) 5 4 3 2 1 0

1. I experience online distractions such as social
media during online class.
2. I experience distraction at home as a learning
3. I have difficulties in selecting the best time and
area for learning at home.
4. Home set-up limits the completion of certain
requirements for my subject (e.g., Laboratory and
physical activities.)
5.I have difficulty in answering my assignments
because of the noisy environment.
6.I feel reluctant to participate in activities or speaking
because I am not used to having online classes.
7.I have no personal space to use during online
8.I have an insufficient access to online websites
because of the lack of internet access at home.
9.I have no available conducive facility and
equipment to be used during online class at home.
10. I feel uncomfortable during online class because
of the lack of interaction between me and my

Part III. Students’ Coping Mechanisms to The Challenges of Online Learning

Students’ Coping Mechanisms to The Challenges of Online Learning
By: Jennilou A. De Villa, Franz Kevin B. Manalo (2020). Secondary Teachers'
Preparation, Challenges, And Coping Mechanism in The Pre-Implementation of
Distance Learning in The New Normal
Instructions: Refer to Table 1 for the description of the Coping Mechanisms. Table 2
has a column for possible coping mechanisms that you might be able to use to the
challenges listed in the first column. Please check the boxes to indicate your response
to the following items. If your coping mechanism is unavailable on the table below,
please specify.
Table 1
Coping Mechanisms Indicator
Time Management (TM) Students’ approach as being purposeful. It's
all about taking charge of the time they do
have and making the most of it for
productivity, focus, and, most importantly,
Positive Well-Being (PWB) A positive environment and well-being among
themselves, could foster improved academic
performance and promote social and
emotional progress
Openness To Change (OTC) Students’ approach as being flexible and
adaptive to changes allows them to survive
and succeed.
Peer Mentoring (PM) Students’ approach as seeking guidance and
support from one another. It is sharing and
collaborating to promote progress.
Collaboration (C) Students’ approach as creating a meaningful
learning experience by collaborating with one
Others; please specify (OTPS) For those other coping mechanisms used by
the student’s hat are not state

Table 2



Time Positive Openness Peer Collabor Others;

Self-Regulation Challenges Management Well- To Mentor ation please
(SRC) Being Change ing specify

1.I procrastinate on tasks related

to my studies, causing them to
be either incomplete or rushed
to completion by the deadline.

2. I fail to get appropriate help

during online classes.
3. I lack the ability to control my
own thoughts, emotions, and
actions during online classes.
4. I have limited preparation
before an online class.
5. I have poor time management
skills during online classes.
6. I fail to properly use online
peer learning strategies (i.e.,
learning from one another to
better facilitate learning such as
peer tutoring, group discussion,
and peer feedback).
7. I have uncertainty about
achieving the goal leading to
loss in motivation.
8. I doubt whether to ask my
peers and teachers or not about
something that is hard for me to
9. I fail to resist temptations from
online stuff leading to lack of
focus in working with the activity
10. I fail to refrain from
aggressive behavior towards my
peers and to myself when I no
longer understand a thing.
Time Positive Openness Peer Collabor Others;
Technological Literacy And Management Well- To Mentor ation please
Competency Challenges Being Change ing specify
1. I lack competence and
proficiency in using various
interfaces or systems that allow
me to control a computer or
another embedded system for
2. I lack the ability to perform
simple functions such as,
compose emails, log into online
platforms, and even saving

3. I am distracted by an overly
complex technology.
4. I have difficulties in learning a
new technology.
5. I lack the ability to effectively
use technology to facilitate
6. I lack knowledge and training
in the use of technology.
7. I am intimidated by the
technologies used for learning.
8. I get confused when getting
appropriate help during online
9. I have poor understanding of
directions and expectations
during online learning.
10. I perceive technology as a
barrier to getting help from
others during online classes.
Student isolation challenges

Student Isolation Challenges Time Positive Openness Peer Collabor Others;

(SIC) Management Well- To Mentor ation please
Being Change ing specify
1. I feel emotionally
disconnected or isolated during
online classes.
2. I feel disinterested during
online class.
3. I feel unease and
uncomfortable in using video
projection, microphones, and
4. I feel uncomfortable being the
center of attention during online
5. I get anxious when I am called
to answer oral recitations.
6. I get conscious hearing my
own voice during oral recitations
and in speaking with the use of
7. I feel socially isolated during
online class because I only know
little about computers.
8. I feel like I am not actually .
learning during online class.
9. I fail to communicate with my
teachers when I have difficulty
with my learning materials
because I am shy.
10. I fail to communicate with my
classmates during group
activities because I don’t want to
bother them with my concerns
Time Positive Openness Peer Collabor Others;
Technological Sufficiency Management Well- To Mentor ation please
Challenges (TSC) Being Change ing specify

1. I have an insufficient access

to learning technology.
2. I experience inequalities with
regard to access to and use of
technologies during online
classes because of my
socioeconomic, physical, and
psychological condition.
3. I do not have Internet access
during online classes.
4. I have low bandwidth and
slow processing speeds.
5. I experience technical
difficulties in completing my
6.I cannot follow the teacher’s
instruction due to lack of
knowledge in technology.
7. I do not take learning
technology as an opportunity.
8. I am not interested in
9. I do not have time to explore
10.I do not have enough storage
on my phone for tons of
Time Positive Openness Peer Collabor Others;
Technological Complexity Management Well- To Mentor ation please
Challenges (TCC) Being Change ing specify

1. I am distracted by the
complexity of the technology
during online classes.
2. I experience difficulties in
using complex technology.
3. I experience difficulties when
using longer videos for learning.
4. I lack technical skills
associated with the given task.
5. I get less actively involved in
courses that uses technology
because I do not understand the
6. I am more likely to skip
classes when materials from
course lectures are hard to
understand and are too long.
7. I feel that technology
interferes with my ability to
concentrate and think deeply
about subjects I care about.
8. I get to multitask with my
technology devices which
sometimes prevents me from
concentrating on or doing the
work that is most important
9. I have difficulty in adapting to
new technology since it took
more time.
10. I experience difficulty in
accessing my technology
because it is outdated.
Time Positive Openness Peer Collabor Others;
Learning Resource Management Well- To Mentor ation please
Challenges (LRC) Being Change ing specify

1.I have an insufficient access to

library resources.
2. I have an insufficient access
to laboratory equipment and
3.I have limited access to
textbooks, worksheets, and
other instructional materials.
4. I experience financial
challenges when accessing
learning resources and
5. My learning is desensitized
and negatively influenced by
7. I have lack of affordable
textbooks, computers and
broadband connectivity, a
situation compounded by a lack
of clear policy on how to address
challenges related to issues of
poor access and quality of
8. I cannot manage my time to
invest and keep my schedule
making the given activities.
9. I do not have study skills and
courage to raise question in
10. I was not able to receive
feedbacks on my works.
Time Positive Openness Peer Collabor Others;
Learning Environment Management Well- To Mentor ation please
Challenges (LEC) Being Change ing specify

1. I experience online
distractions such as social
media during online class.
2. I experience distraction at
home as a learning environment.
3. I have difficulties in selecting
the best time and area for
learning at home.
4. Home set-up limits the
completion of certain
requirements for my subject
(e.g., Laboratory and physical
5.I have difficulty in answering
my assignments because of the
noisy environment.
6.I feel reluctant to participate in
activities or speaking because I
am not used to having online
7.I have no personal space to
use during online class.
8.I have an insufficient access to
online websites because of the
lack of internet access at home.
9.I have no available conducive
facility and equipment to be
used during online class at
10. I feel uncomfortable during
online class because of the lack
of interaction between me and
my classmates.

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