Advertisement Poster Rubric

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Advertisement Poster

Name: ___________ Date: _______

Categories 4 3 2 1

Advertising The advertisement The advertisement The advertisement The advertisement

Elements includes all the includes most includes some includes very few or
required elements. elements but is elements but is no elements with
missing 1 or 2 missing details. many missing details.
required elements.

Creativity The student The student The student The student

demonstrates all demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates little to
required elements of creativity in most creativity in some no creativity in their
the advertisement in a areas of their areas of their advertisement.
creative manner. advertisement. advertisement.
The student uses very
The student’s The student mainly The student uses little color to visually
advertisement is filled uses color to visually some color to represent their
with a variety of represent their visually represent product.
colors to visually product. their product.
represent their The student’s work is
product. The students' work is The students' extremely difficult to
mostly neat although work can be read\see.
The students' work is some areas that are difficult to see\
neat and visible. difficult to see\read. read due to their
work being messy.

Word Choice and The student carefully The student uses good The student uses The student has
spelling chooses vocabulary vocabulary to basic vocabulary limited vocabulary
that reflects their represent their that may not with several mistakes
product with no product with few represent their in spelling.
spelling mistakes. spelling mistakes. product with some
spelling mistakes.

Overall The students' work The student's work The student The student has a
presentation demonstrates a strong demonstrates a demonstrates a limited understanding
understanding of all proficient basic of elements of an
the elements of an understanding of the understanding of advertisement.
advertisement. elements of an the elements of an
advertisement. advertisement.

Total \16

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