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When I was nine years old, I couldn´t speak in public.

remember when I was a child I had many friends and I was
sociable but when I had to do exhibitions or public
presentations so I felt very nervous. I didn´t understand why
I felt way.
I once had a presentation in the English class and I couldn't
speak fluently, I was very scared and I cried in the middle of
the exhibition, it felt very bad.
My mom was a first in noticed the problem and advised me
to go to public speaking and theater classes to better spend.
First I was not sure but then She was convinced me but now
I think is one of the best decisions of my life because I
learned to control my nerves and expose in public, I also
met new people who helped me.
The best of all is that now I love the theater, I love acting
speaking in public.

Camila Usuriaga
Basic 9-10

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