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Prof.Dr.Bülent Eker (1)

Abstract: Technological advancements show themselves also in agricultural practices. As a

natural result of this, modern agriculture’s indispensable element tractor, has been effected
positively from these advancements. As is known, tractors are indispensable power sources in
agriculture. Efficiency of this power source is improved more with designs dependent on
technological parameters. Certainly the ones that will improve humans’ life quality among these
designs are driver cabin designs. Driver cabin Systems were previously considered in terms of
security, but now they are considered as environments of necessary comfort. These environments
are thought in such a dimension that can contribute to tractor performance while providing the
necessary ease of use to the driver in hard working conditions. In this paper, tractor design that
maximizes the elements that one can expect from good life quality in scope of technological
dimensions will be discussed with all aspects. Effective parameters in this design will be evaluated
in quality-machine sense.
Key Worlds: Design. tractor, cabin, life, quality

1. INTRODUCTION The more the systems’ complexity increase, the

less some priorities and compatibility problems
Systems in ergonomics approach; considered solve. Therefore, current tractor cabin designers
as in the frame of HUMAN-MACHINE- face with conflicting and discordant requests with
ENVIRONMENT. Moreover, system concept has the increase in the system complexity, and
to include different approaches as psychological, developed solutions using computer programs.
sociological, and biological, special approaches as The purpose of the tractor cabin (safety cabin
technological requirements or administrative or climate cabin) should be determined properly,
problems. the anticipated functional and structural basis
In order to achieve the fundamental purpose should be clearly introduced. After the installation
human-machine system, capacity and skills of the of the system, human and machine factors should
system’s basic inputs should be combined activate efficiently, economically, and without
optimally. Requirements of the parties that fault according to the purpose.
represent the system can only be determined by Designer should consider quite a few priorities
considering the system as a whole. as raw materials, power supplies, quality
A tractor cabin’s function, easiness to use, standards, residue and waste problem, technical
efficiency; its structure and function closeness in and technological information sources, market
collaboration with human factors, economical activities, balance of payment, aesthetic
feasibility and technological level are appearances etc. while creating the design.
indispensable elements of system design. During
system design, human factor should be considered 1.1. Cross section of human – tractor cabin
as holistic element of system. Originally, tractor cabin design might not be
In order to achieve the purpose of system an important problem to determine the
installation, adequate functions and rationalistic requirements of human factors and provide the
distribution of several functions between human necessary conditions in respect to close and
and machine are necessary. general environmental conditions.
Primarily, during system design, tools and Human-machine system that is going to run in
instruments that are compatible with capacity of a known tractor cabin as an operation unit should
human factors, which are going to run the system, be considered to meet with the basic requirements
or strengthened them, are reasoned by using and human characteristics, indicators and control
engineering techniques. Tractor cabin structure mechanisms by starting from the problems of
that contains them are endeavoured. dimension and layout with its cross section.

1) Prof. Dr.Bülent EKER ,Namık Kemal University, Tekirdag/TURKEY

In order to set up a system that provides or electronic system strengthened control
optimal efficiency by combining technical mechanisms. Therefore, while technological
facilities of human and machine factors with efficacy of control mechanism increases, operator-
other’s skills, information and signals that are training requirement has evolved because of the
given by tractor cabin should be signalled in order complexity in their usage.
to operator’s perception skills and control systems Besides limited physical abilities of human
also harmonised with human factors’ physical being, since the movement volume resulted from
skills and abilities. For a successful design, human body biomechanics is limited in any
capabilities and professional information that are human-tractor cabin cross section design these
necessary to perform the functions in human- realities should be taken into consideration.
tractor cross section should also be well However, problems such as layout of a control
determined. mechanism, basic features etc should primarily
Generally, in modern tractor cabin systems, consider machine’s functions.
control systems are getting more and more simple, Considering only muscle groups and joint
technical information of system installation, systems of human body that will activate these
maintenance and repair services is given for tractor mechanisms, is not enough in designing. Besides
driver. Designs of tractor’s control mechanisms the muscles that activate control mechanism, static
and indicators are highly important for cross and dynamic works in some muscle groups that
section. Besides the importance of controls’ evolves from the posture and sit characteristics of
positions, movement directions, operator’s use body and their fatigue effects should also be
force and level, ergonomics criteria of indicators as considered.
such distinguish ability, easy to perceive, sufficient All the control mechanisms require force
number, and sensitivity are also important. usage in several levels. Ergonomics studies have
stated that footstep shaped mechanisms are more
1.2. Basic indicators of human – efficient during force needing controls. If control
tractor cabin interaction systems are anticipated as more sophisticated then
The person who is responsible to control hand control should be preferred.
tractor will need several information in order to With the effect of nerve system characteristics
perform this function. In fact, tractors are in and society’s habits, some expectations were
contact with the people who do their maintenance evolved in respect to directions of hand and foot
and repair. When people activate tractor control movements. In case of ignoring such habits,
mechanisms, tractors display the control function’s mistakes cannot be avoided even with training.
results on their indicator. In this way, a continuous Especially, in case emergency, people turn to their
contact between human-machine is established. established or natural habits. Therefore, people’s
A tractor’s efficient use and operation without natural habits should be considered during control
fault depends on the perfection of the human- design.
machine contact. Therefore, during tractor and
tractor cabin design, human factor and human 2. DESIGN PHYLOSOPHY OF
characteristics should be taken into consideration. TRACTOR CABIN
In fact, pushing the capacities and some skills of
people is only possible in certain extent. Social and economic needs require the design
Meanwhile, the indicator’s ability to give and manufacturing of very distinct and different
clear, proper information to driver is more tractor cabins. Technical work or “Technical
important than its design. Information given by System” concept, which provides a wide-ranging
indicators should be perceived as much as proper definition, includes the range of a simple tool,
and fast. which serves purposes to much more complicated
In human-machine systems, managing and works in technologically upper system.
controlling, ceasing, speeding up or slowing down Any complicated upper system can be divided
of tractor functions are performed by control into less complicated lower systems and it is
mechanisms according to information from possible to continue this process downward of sub
indicators. All of them are performed in cabin. systems with gradually decreasing complexity.
Nowadays, humans are able to perform work Manufacturing and developing process of
and processes that are beyond their physical and tractor cabin systems are composed of three
physiological abilities by the help of gradually technological processes, which have close relations
complicated tractors. Since people’s arm or leg with each other. These processes can be defined as
activity levels are inadequate for the systems that following ;
are developed for tractor control mechanisms; ƒ Procedure developing process (PDP)
there are mechanically, hydraulically, electrically ƒ Constructive developing process (CDP)

ƒ Technological developing process (TDP) 2. STAGE: On the forming model, creation of
Certainly, there several tight relations and alternative solutions begins. For example,
interference among these processes. When method geometric or colour alternatives. Then the main
or in another words technical method is mentioned concept is determined.
“Operational sets that provide condition 3. STAGE: On the settled concept, foam model
conservation or a phase change in physical object has prepared with 1:1 scale. Necessary adjustments
using several physical effects”, is thought first. have done according to last discussion.
Each technical work utilises one or more technical 4. STAGE: At this direction, application of cabin
method in order to perform the requested action. carcass and during platform work profile
construction of tractor without cabin and simple-
3. CONSEPT OF DEVELOPING LIFE twisted steel plate applications have performed.
QUALITY CONSIDERED TRACTOR Outer and inner bezel parts of IP panel that has
CABIN anticipated as plastic injection, have re-designed
according to this vehicle. During the integral roof
In order to work more efficiently, produce the part design, appropriateness to cabin’s general
best and involving to economical actions in the view has highlighted. During the form and colour
most effective way; people have to be in harmony selection, for all the parts in the cabin, harmony
with their surrounding. Life quality is developing and complementary aspects were taking into
our own manner (paradigm) in interpreting and consideration.
perceiving life and life with a life philosophy,
worldview, values, aims, principals, beliefs,
passions, emotions, heart, and sense that has
shaped with our manner.
Consequently, our life quality is the product of
these interpretations and perceptions. Because of
these interpretations and perceptions, we form our
own life philosophy, worldview, values, aims,
principals, beliefs, passions, emotions, heart, and
Moreover, all of them determine two things;
our clear conscience and attitudes. It is also
possible with a simple terminology to name them
as inner quality or introvert quality and outer
quality or extrovert quality, which two of them Figure 1. Main structure of tractor cabin
compose our life quality. During the inner coating design, integrity has
By improving the life quality in tractor cabin; provided with the outer surface. A protection
ƒ Gloom, bane, grief, discomfort, stress, pocket for documents, glass holder, ashtray, and
disappointments, pessimism, qualm, and closing parts of levers were also worked within
unhappiness can be diminished, this group.
ƒ Happy moments can be increased, Ergonomics was considered in designing
ƒ Work efficiency can be improved, alternatives of gear head. Font style of the text on
ƒ As a result, positive contribution can be made the gear head and their position were work in
to their life quality. detail.
This is completely and always or even if not
absolutely lies with us. Life quality is the target,
more happiness actually increasing happy
moments is the target. Under the light of them, the
developed tractor cabin concept stages are as Figure 2. Some systems in tractor cabin
following. 5. STAGE: A human body was stimulated by one
1. STAGE: Scanning the main body of tractor that in one. Therefore, answer for the questions such as
does not have 3D model using optical scanning can the person get in comfortable into the vehicle,
system. Therefore, using engineering systems 3D can her reach to the pedals, can he comfortable
data are obtained reversely from our physical grab the steering wheel, is his viewpoint good etc.
vehicle. were investigated. Therefore, at the beginning of
Afterwards, we used these data in our industrial the study it is guaranteed that driver can see the
and engineering designs studies in order to wheel track or other necessary places on the
determine the physical border conditions. computer environment.


As in all field, in agricultural machines field,

benefits of designs that depend on life quality
firstly to human then system efficiency should be
kept in mind.
Figure 3. Relationship between operator and
tractor cabin REFERENCES
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Figure 4. Inside detail of tractor cabin


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