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“Fruits and Herbs Online


Submitted By
Aditi Madhukar Jadhav [M1911003]
Aishwarya Patil [M1911004]

Under the Guidance of

PROF. Rachana

This project Assists the users in treating their disorder by providing a list of herbs and fruits which the
customer needs to have to eliminate their disease. The most important point of this project is to assist the user
to search for fruits and herbs which are going to be helpful for the health of the user based on any health
problem or disease that he/she’s suffering from. This system aids the user to cut back its hunting time to a
fantastic extent by enabling the user to input its health issue and hunt accordingly. Online Herbs Shopping
Project The machine also comprises a module where the customers can seek out the hospitals based on the
title of this disease it enters. Thus, this system will help to heal the customer’s ailment to a fantastic extent.
The machine also enables the user to look for hospitals based on the input disease title. Thus, this system will
help increase health by indicating herbs or fruits based upon the disorder entered by the user and allows
setting an order for the same.

This project helps the users in curing their disease by giving a list of fruits and herbs that the user should
consume to get rid of the disease. The main purpose of this project is to help the user easily search for herbs
and fruits that will be good for the health of the user depending on any health issue or disease that he/she is
suffering from. This system helps the user to reduce its searching time to a great extent by allowing the user to
enter its health problem and search accordingly. The admin can add fruits and herbs to the system and its
information. This system also allows the user to view the selected fruit or the herb’s description which
describes how the fruit of the herb will help to improve the user’s health. This system also allows the user to
place an order which will add the items to the user’s cart and make payment for the same. The system also
includes a module in which the user can search for the hospitals depending on the disease’s name. Thus this
system helps to cure the user’s disease to a great extent. The system also allows users to search for hospitals
depending on the entered disease name. Thus this system helps to improve health by suggesting fruits or herbs
depending on the disease entered by the user and also allows to place an order for the same.

There are mainly six types of modules included in the System:-
1. Admin
2. Herbalist
3. User
4. Payment
5. Cart
6. Delivery

 Admin
Admin is the person who handles the food ordering system and entire website even he can make
changes on the website also and upgradation.
a. Splash
i. Introductory Screen
ii. Logo and short animation
b. Manage Fruits
i. Add / Update / Delete / View
c. Manage Herbs
i. Add / Update / Delete / View
d. Hospitals
i. Admin can Approve / Reject / Block the herbalist hospital account.
e. View Users
i. List of Users
f. View Orders
i. List of orders and update status i.e., dispatched or delivered.

 Herbalist
The system also enables the user to search for the herbalist depending on the disease name entered by
the user.

a. Splash
i. Introductory Screen
ii. Logo and Short animation

b. Register
i. Users can register using personal details.
c. Login
i. User can log in to his account user id and password.
d. Profile
i. View and Update Profile.
e. Change Password
i. Can change the password within the site
f. Home
i. List of recent and new chat
ii. Individual chat

 User
Following are the various sub-modules of the User.
a. Splash
i. Introductory Screen
ii. Logo and short animation
b. Login
i. Users can register using personal details
c. Profile
i. View and Update profile
d. Change Password
i. Can change password within the site
e. Dashboard
i. List of products / Clinic
ii. Filter / Search
iii. Product Page / Herbalist Clinic Page / Herbalist
iv. Add to cart / Chat with the Herbalist

 Payment
Payment modules enable to pay the bill.
a. Debit / Credit card
b. Digital Payment
c. Cash on Delivery

 Cart
This module provides functionality for the user to add one or more items to the cart and place their
a. Add / Delete Fruit / Herbs from the menu.
b. Update all items’ price
c. Update total bill

 Delivery
Delivery is a feature that provides facility to parcel door to door.
a. Admin Dashboard
b. Customer Data
c. Driver
d. Location

Hardware and Software Requirements:-

 Hardware Requirements:-
 Processor i3
 Hard Drive 5 GB and above
 RAM 1 GB

 Software Requirements:-
 Windows 10,11
 Notepad ++
 Wamp Serve

 Front end Languages:-

 HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)
 Java Script

 Back end Languages:-

 PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor)


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