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Symptoms: What Is HIV?

Some people develop symptoms shortly after HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a
being infected. On average, it takes more virus that attacks cells that help the body
than 10 years. fight infection, making a person more
vulnerable to other infections and diseases.
There are several stages of HIV disease. The
It is spread by contact with
first symptoms of HIV disease are often
certain bodily fluids of a
swollen lymph glands in the throat, armpit,
person with HIV, most
or groin. Other early symptoms include slight
commonly during
fever, headaches, fatigue, muscle aches, and
unprotected sex (sex without
swollen glands. They may only last for a few
a condom or
weeks then there are usually no symptoms
HIV medicine to prevent or
for many years.
treat HIV), or through
sharing injection
Later HIV/AIDS symptoms drug equipment.

 Thrush (a thick, white coating on your

tongue or mouth)
 Sore throat What Is AIDS?
 Bad yeast infections
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is
 Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease   disease you get when HIV destroys your
 Getting bad infections, a lot body’s immune system.
 Feeling really tired, dizzy, and Normally, your immune
lightheaded system helps you fight off illness.
When your immune system
 Headaches
falls you can become
 Losing lots of weight quickly very sick and can die.
 Bruising more easily than normal
 Having diarrhea, fevers, or night
sweats for a long time BY: STIFFANY MAE N. ALVAREZ
 Swollen or firm glands in your throat,
armpit, or groin.
 Deep, dry coughing spells Ways it is not transmitted: important to take care of yourself. Making
 Feeling short of breath sure that you have the support you need,
living a healthy lifestyle, and getting regular
 Purplish growths on your skin or  You can't become infected medical care can help you enjoy a better
inside your mouth with HIV through ordinary contact. quality of life.
 Bleeding from the mouth, nose, anus, That means you can't
or vagina catch HIV or AIDS by hugging, kissing,
 Skin rashes dancing or shaking hands with Prevention
someone who has the infection.
 Feeling very numb in your hands or The secured way is to abstain from sexual
feet, losing control of your muscles intercourse and from sharing needles and
 HIV isn't spread through the air,
and reflexes, not being able to move, "work". If you use steroids, hormones, or
water or insect bites.
and losing strength in your muscles other drugs.

How do I know if I have HIV? If you choose to have sexual intercourse:

Ways it is transmitted:
 Consider your partner’s HIV status.
 By having unprotected sex, sex A blood test can tell if you have HIV infection. Does your partner share needles?
without condom, with someone who Your health care provider can do the test, or  Have safer sex to reduce the risk of
has HIV. The virus can be in an you can use a home testing kit. You can also exchanging blood, semen, or vaginal
infected person’s blood, semen, of use the CDC Testing Locator to find free fluids with your sex partner(s).
vaginal secretions and can enter your testing sites.
body through tiny cuts or sores in If you are using needles for steroids,
your skin, or in the lining of your What are the treatments for hormones, or other drugs:
vagina, penis, rectum, or mouth. HIV/AIDS?  Do not share needles.
 By sharing a needle and syringe to  Get into a needle-exchange program.
inject drugs or sharing drug There is no cure for HIV infection, but it can  Be sure to disinfect the needles you
equipment used to prepare drugs for be treated with medicines. This is called use.
injection with someone who has HIV. antiretroviral therapy (ART). ART can make
HIV infection a manageable chronic Don’t share personal items that may be
condition. It also reduces the risk of soiled with blood:
 From a blood transfusion or blood
spreading the virus to others.
clotting factor.
 This includes toothbrushes, razors,
Most people with HIV live long and healthy needles for piercing or tattooing and
lives if they get and stay on ART. It's also blades for cutting or scissors.

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