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Inelastic Bending of Singly-

Reinforced Concrete Beam

(Rectangular Section)
b eu
c = kud k3 c
es T

(a) (b) (c)

Inelastic bending of singly-reinforced rectangular beam

section: (a) cross section, (b) strain diagram, (c) stress diagram
Resultant Forces in the Section:
C = k1f 'c b(k u d)
T = Asfs
k1 = ratio of the average compressive stress to the maximum stress (this is equal to the
area under the curve divided by the area of the enclosing rectangle)
k2 = ratio of the maximum stress in the compression zone to the cylinder strength f’c.
(It is assumed that k2=1.0)
k3 = ratio of the distance between the extreme compression fiber and the resultant of
the compressive force to the depth of the neutral axis, c or kd.

Nominal Bending Moment:

Mn = C( ju d) = k1f 'c b(k u d )(d − k 3 k u d )
Mn = T( ju d) = Asfs(d − k 3k u d)
Flexural Failures:
Compression failure: If the concrete crushes in compression
before tension steel reinforcement yields, then the beam is
over-reinforced. Known facts: εc=εu=0.003 and fs<fy

Tension failure: If the tension steel yields before the concrete

crushes in compression, then the beam is under-reinforced.
Known facts: fs=fy (occurs first) and εc=εu=0.003 (marks final

Balanced condition: This happens when simulataneously the

maximum compressive strain of concrete reaches ultimate and
the maximum tensile strain of steel reaches the yield strain.
Known facts: simultaneous εc=εu and εs=εy where εy=fy/Es
Balanced Condition:
Location of N.A. at Balanced Condition:

εu εu + ε y
k ud d
εu 0.003
ku = =
ε u + ε y 0.003 + f y / E s
Since E s = 200,000 MPa

ku =
600 + fy
Steel ratio (ρb) at Balanced Condition:

ΣF = 0 : C =T
k1 f 'c ( b )( ku d ) = Asfy
Note : ρ b =
k1 f 'c ( b )( ku d ) = ρ bbdfy

f ' c 600 f 'c

ρ b = k1 ρ b = k1ku
fy 600 + fy fy
Under-reinforced case (ρ

Location of N.A.: Nominal Bending Strength:

T = Asfy = ρbdfy Mn = Asfy( d − k3 ku d )

C = k1 f 'c b( ku d ) Mn = ρbdfy( d − k3 ku d )
ΣF = 0 : C =T

ρfy Mn = Ku( bd 2 )
ku =
k1f ' c where Ku = ρfy( 1− k3 ku )
Over-reinforced case (ρ>ρ
Location of N.A.:
Compatibility :
T = Asfs = ρbdfs
εu εs
C = k1 f 'c b( ku d ) =
ku d d − ku d
ΣF = 0 : C = T
d − ku d
k1 f 'c b( ku d ) = ρbdfs ε s = εu
ku d
d − ku d
k1 f 'c b( ku d ) = ρbd ( 600 ) fs d − ku d
ku d = εu
600 Es ku d
let m =
k1 f ' c Es = 200,000 MPa
ku + mρku − mρ = 0 ε u = 0.003
d − ku d
fs = 600
ku d
ku = 1
(− mρ + (mρ) 2 + 4mρ )
Over-reinforced case (ρ>ρ

Bending Strength:

Mn = T( ju d) = Asfs(d − k 3 k u d )
Mn = C( ju d )
Mn = k1f 'c b(k u d)(d − k 3 k u d )

Mn = Ku (bd 2 )
where Ku = k1f 'c k u (1 − k 3 k u )
Values of k1 and k3 for Parabolic Model:

A = ∫ f c dε c


[ ε ε ]
f ' c ε − (εo ) dε c
2 c
c 2

A = 0.00225 f ' c
A = ( k 1 f ' c )ε u = 0.00225 f ' c
k1 = 0.75
Values of k1 and k3 for Parabolic Model:
Ax = ∫ f cε c dε c

Ax = ∫
[ ε ε ]
f ' c ε − (εo ) ε c dε c
2 c
c 2

Ax = 3.9375 x10 f ' c
x = 0.00175
0.003 − x
k3 =
k3 = 0.4167
Example Problem 1:
Solve the Problem below using a parabolic stress-strain curve for
the concrete in compression

For the beam section shown, determine the
nominal bending strength. Is the beam
over- or under-reinforced? How much
uniform load, excluding its own weight,
can the beam carry on a simple span of 6m
on the basis of the nominal strength?
Concrete strength f’c=30 MPa, steel yield
stength fy=420 MPa.
Example Problem 2 (Multi-layered):
Solve the Problem below using a parabolic stress-strain curve for
the concrete in compression

For the beam section shown, determine the
nominal bending strength. Is the beam
over- or under-reinforced? How much
uniform load, excluding its own weight,
can the beam carry on a simple span of 6m
on the basis of the nominal strength?
Concrete strength f’c=21 MPa, steel yield
stength fy=280 MPa.

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