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History 1378: The US Since 1877

Dr. Ross-Nazzal
Exam 2 Review Sheet

Part I: Identification Terms

Alain Locke
Author who wrote “The New Negro” appeared in 1925, further encouraging a focus on
cultural contributions of blacks past, present and future. He is best known for his
writings on and about the Harlem Renaissance. He is known as the “Father of the
Harlem Renaissance”. The New Negro was a collection of writings by African
Americans. His philosophy of the New Negro was grounded in the concept of race-
building. Its most important component is overall awareness of the potential black
equality; no longer would blacks allow white requests. The idea was based on self-
confidence and political awareness.
A. He is regarded as the “Father of the Harlem Renaissance”
B. His philosophy served as a strong motivational force in keeping the energy and
passion of the Movement at the forefront
C. He was also an American writer, philosopher, educator and patron of the arts
D. Locke wrote The New Negro, which encouraged a focus on cultural contributions to
the black culture

“New Negro Movement”

Also known as the harlem renaissance. Stressing the importance of black culture and
the historical experiences of blacks, African American artist and intellectuals
challenged white racism in all new ways. The reaction however was all too familiar,
white violence and an expanded version of the ku Klux klan.

Reefer Madness
A. A movie directed by Louis Gasnier in 1936.
B. Its intended purpose was to show the negative effects that marijuana had on high
school students/marijuana smokers.
C. The plot revolves around two high school students, a boy and a girl that
experimented with marijuana.
D. The male tried to rape his girlfriend. One person ended up dying and one arrested.
E. The vice of smoking marijuana during the 1920s caused Conservatives to reel back
on liberalism.

Temperance Movement
A. A social movement that urged the reduction of people using alcoholic beverages.
B. The Temperance movements criticized excessive alcohol use, promoted complete
abstinence, and pressured the government to enact anti-alcohol legislation.
C. The organizations behind these movements played an essential role in bringing
about the ratification of the 18th amendment of the US Constitution, which chain
reacted into the Prohibition Era.

Marcus Garvey
He promoted the doctrine of Pan-Africanism. Emigrated from Jamaica to the United
States in 1916 and brought with him the Universal Negro Improvement Association
(UNIA), organizing its first branch outside of Jamaica in May 1917. Garvey and his
association advocated self-help and racial pride, but he rejected immigration outright,
be it then or in the future, immediately setting himself apart from other black activists
and organizations. He also urged blacks to revel in it and celebrate the past. Garvey
was jailed because of his connection with his Black Star Line. He was convicted, and
eventually deported in 1927 when President Coolidge commuted his sentence.

Zora Neale Hurston

A. Hurston was an American folklorist and anthropologist.
B. She was the prototypical authority on black culture during the Harlem Renaissance
C. Under her belt are 4 novels and more than 50 published short stories, plays and
essays, but she’s best know for the 1937 novel Their Eyes Were Watching God.
D Zora Neale was involved in the artistic movement of the 1920s, when black artists
were moving from traditional dialectical works and imitation of white writers to explore
their own culture and affirm pride in their race.
Committee on Public Information
Also known as the Creel Committee, a propaganda agency, organized publicity on
behalf of U.S. objectives during World War 1. In 1917, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson
chose George Creel to head the CPI. The CPI’s sole mission was to gain popular support
for America’s entry into the war; according to them the war represented a battle for
democracy and freedom. Creel created The Four-Minute Men, which was a volunteer
group of thousands of men who visited meetings and movie theaters across the
country to make pro-war speeches.

Palmer Raids
A. It was an attempt by the United States Department of Justice to arrest and deport
racial leftists from the US.
B. Leftists are people that are for social change to create a more egalitarian society.
C. During the Palmer Raids, there were more than 500 foreign citizens deported.
D. Egalitarianism is the belief in equality for in all things such as race, religion, social
status and more.

Civilian Conservation Corps

This was a public work relief program in the United States for unemployed, unmarried
men, ages 18-25. It was a part of the New Deal of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The
CCC was designed to provide unemployment for young men in relief families who had
difficulty finding jobs during the Great Depression while at the same time
implementing a general natural resource conservation program in every state and
territory. Roosevelt wanted to fix our land as well as help these men.

Addition to the earlier post. [ Jobs for men without skills. Pay was $30.00/day. This was
a low pay but they were being provided with free housing and food while they worked.
They were instructed to take 15 dollars and go spend it in town on a steak dinner or
something of the sort to help the local economy. The other 15 was to be sent back
home to your family. ]

A. The popular name for shanty towns built by the homeless during the Great
B. Many of the shanty towns popped up once America was thrown into the Depression
to house those that lost everything.
C. It was so named for President Herbert Hoover whom many believed was the main
reason of the economic crash, the final straw that succumbed Americans to the Great
D. Many Americans resided in Hoover Ville because their homes were taken away once
the banks were unable to support the country.
E. People even had to drive “Hoover wagons”, automobiles hitched to horses because
they couldn’t afford fuel.
In addition to the above statement…. the vast majority of Americans at this time
period were renters/leasers. When the economy fell they lost their means to pay the
fees and lost their places to live. The response was to gather together all the materials
(wood, metal etc.) they could muster and build shelters. They congregated together
and made small towns Called Hoover-villes.

Thunder from the Left

Blank term for criticism FDR gets from his first new deal. Comes from political
elements. FDR is democrat, slightly to the left of spectrum, his ND policy that he
begins as soon as he’s elected (in response to hoover’s policies) begins to take some
steps better after Depression. Aimed to help out big business. FDR wealthy, bought
into, supply side economics. If you take care of big business/wealthy, they will provide
jobs. Things get better for poor because of availablily of jobs. Incorporation of ND
would let business grow and reduce unemployment. Establish stricter companies,
reduce competition between business, but almost all of FDR’s immediate policy
achievement is aimed at helping upper level economy, and make sure they have a
ccess to capital. Do what they are supposed to do. None of FDr’s policy are not aimed
at the lower level class (jobless, homesless, poor) mainly taken care of corporations.
FDR get’s lots of criticism from the base of his party. Are aimed at elements of society.
Critics from the left (like huey long, upton Sinclair) argue that FDr/ gov’t need to
do/ought to be is to get money into the hands of the needy (lowest level of society)
and take care of them (unemploued, poor, hungry, homeless) takes criticism into
account. Effectively creates federal jobs. CCC does this for poor, that isn’t business
oriented, that is some interest to the puglic, get some sort of money in their hand, and
continue spending in some form of consumption would jumpstart the economy. FDR
does very little on what the thunder on the left push him to do. Social security comes
out later in ND2.
Great Migration
Great migration was a migration or movement of the blacks from the south to the
north. The fundamental force behind it was economic. Blacks were eager to escape the
egregious racism of the south where their economic lives were routinely limited to
share cropping, debt peonage and Jim Crow. In the north most blacks though were able
to get only menial jobs formerly held by immigrant workers.

About AA migrating from south from rural south to urban centers in north, east, west.
Basically looking for economic opportunities in the urban industrial centers that they
could not find from rural areas.Have significant AA movement, creates new racial
tensions that contributes to biggatry in new cities, segregation (not legal segregation).
Other words AA set up their own communities that tend to be separated from the rest
of the city. New racial tensions that is significant in some hand. Civil rights movement,
racial tensions begint o boil over that the south is any more racist than the north was,
but a lot of the northern/ Midwest, never had large AA commntiies before hand. But
theyre much like the south. B/c of great migration, new communities in NE/W, tensions
become much more heated and violent. In part gets worse after WW2 of all the
soldiers from WW2 that need to find jobs in their home towns. B/c so many men that
were in ww2, (women/aa were employed in industrial segment during ww2 as those
white soldiers who come out of war) needs their jobs back, women are shut out and
back to kitchen, AA lose economic opportunities so that labor force could take care of
white men.

Espionage Act
June 15, 1917. An Act to Punish acts of interference with the foreign relations, the
neutraility, and the foreign commerce of the US, to punish espionage, and better to
enforce the criminal laws of the US, and for other purposes. -People will not make false
reports/statements while the US is at war to interfere with the military success and
navy and whoever supports the enemy will be charged of disloyalty or mutiny. Fine of
10,000$ or no more than 20 yrs in prison or both. -Every letter, writing, postcard,
picture, newspaper, that violates the provisions of the act will not be mailed or
delivered. Any letter, postcard, etc. with urges of treason or insurrection against the US
will be unmailable. (As They Said It p. 65-66)

Dawes Plan
Talks of reparations for Germany. Germany was punished after WWI and in debt of
billions of dollars. Wilson wanted to see Germany back in the world and interacting but
France and Britain wanted to crush them. Germany was no longer integrated into the
world economy so the nations were no longer trading as they used to. US made plan to
lend money to Germany so Germany can pay Britain and France back so Britain and
France can pay US back. Basically, the money is going around an International Debt
Triangle (money go from US to Germany to Britain and France and back to US). Dawes
Plan is one of the causes of the Great Depression.

“New Woman”
The new woman added sexual compatibility to the array of existing qualifications for
marriage. The new woman was a feminist ideal that emerged in the late 19th century.
A new woman pushed against the limits set by male dominated society. This term
describes women who were pushing against the limits which society imposed on
women. Today she is called a feminist.

One of the three major conferences in ww2 between the allied pwersDeals specifically
with postwar reconstruction, whats the world going to look like after the war?
Beginning of the cold war, that the us and gb decide that the territories in question
(after ww2, germany/japan taken) is effectively split btwen Europe and the west. At the
yalta, the settlements and specifics (us takes care of (gets control) reconstruction in
japan) GB gets part of North korea, US gets control of SKOrea, they fight over
communism. Comes out of resolution, yalta divides land in japan between US and
Soviet Union (SU gets Eastern Germany, and half of berlin) US get half of Germany.
Berlin split in two, but it mainly part of east.What stalin was trying to do, was to create
an eastern union a buffer zonet aht was not controlled by Soviet union, but dominated
by SU.Germany effectively invaded Russia in ww1 and ww2. Stalin has fera that it may
happen again. For eastern Europe to be defensive. There are communist gov’t that
inferioeates US. The allied powers get together to discuss how to divide up land after
ww2. (end of ww2, beginning of CW)

I got this from american society since 1900approved by congress in march 1941 gave
president Roosevelt virtually unlimited authority to direct material aid such as
ammunition, tanks, airplanes, trucks, and food to the war effort in Europe without
violation the nation’s official position of neutrality. The us formally entered the war
December 1941 following pearl harbor. Initially intended to help great Britain, within
months the lend-lease program was expanded to include china and the soviet union.
By the end of the war, the us had extended 49billion in lend-lease aid to more than 40

Page 123 in APAP
In the 1920s more people lived in urban areas than in rural. Native-born white
protestants dominated in the countryside, and growing numbers of immigrants
populated the northern cities. The nativists thought the nation was in danger of
becoming “mongrelized”.
The execution of Sacco and Vanzetti demonstrated the growing strength of nativism in
1920s society: two men robbed shoe factory and killed paymaster, they were
described as Italians, less than two weeks later two know anarchists with loaded pistols
were arrested, it was a trial of citizenship status and political beliefs, as the date of the
trial arrived descriptions were changed to fit the defendants more accurately, governor
of Massachusetts ordered investigation of the facts by advisory committee chaired by
president of Harvard, who belonged to the immigration restriction league, the two men
were electrocuted)
THIS case represents the human cost of nativism in america. National origins act was
passed to limit number of immigrants allowed pure year. The immigration laws of the
1920s permitted unrestricted immigration from latin American nations.

Red Scare
Americans’ feared communists were about to take over the country. Began in Seattle.
A union strike began demanding health care. The strikers were seen as a socialist
group. They also had a militant faction to them. They were bombing buildings.
Socialists who were elected democratically were arrested as they tried to take their
seats. Raids led by Mitchell Palmer (US attourney) in conjunction with state police went
to the labor union members’ homes arresting them and searching for material that
would incriminate them as socialists/communists. At least 550 union leaders were
kicked out of the United States as a result.

League of Nations
It came into being after the end of World War 1. Its task was to ensure war never broke
out again. After the occurrence of the Versailles Treaty, many looked to the league for
stability in the world. League of Nations was introduced by U.S. President Woodrow
Wilson, but the United States never approved the treaty and didn’t become a member.
This league was set up to handle problems among countries and to avoid another
major conflict such as World War 1.

Camp Logan Riots

After ww1, a lot of AA enlisted into the army in ww1, becayse felt like going to be an
effective way for aa to prove to the rest of the country their worth and patriotism to
achieving some sort of familiaration of racist conditions at the time. Thought went to
war, fought valiantly, they would achieve some sort of reward after war (racial stability
and equality) they were segregated at war. At camp logan in Houston, AA were
They went to town, and they were attacked by racist civilians, some died, and went
into skirmish, and few civilians died. Army bought aa up to trial, and 14 hung. Showed
tensions that erupted in violence that was stacked against AA. Attacked in town, and
executed by mility (even if self defence), the situation (the racial tension) becomes
much worse after ww1 going into 1920s. Result of depression during tough economic

The Atlantic Charter

Effectively an agreement between fdr and Churchill that deals with how the world
should be structured after ww2. Not a legal document, not a meeting with all the allied
forces. Predicated that the US is already taking whatever legal steps it could to help
FDR churchhill meet about how the wold should change as a result of ww2.Fdr has an
upper hand, after the defeat of france when GB itself is holding of the nazi single
handledly and after serious attacks from the air from germany.Desperate to getting
secure US aid or US help.Get toether to determine, how the world should look after the
war, primarily to benefit the US. Pushes effectively the open door policy, and gets
Churchill to agree to begin dismantle the British Empire.More freedom to trade, less
restriction.Churchill eagerly agrees because likes how it benefits.
FDR gets Churchill to agree in economic growth
**he sells out british empire interest to ensure US get further action that aids the war.
After attack on Pearl Harbor brings US, not a legal/binding document.FDR set the stage
of US involvement to the war.The US achieves economic dominance world wide.After
war, the dollar becomes currency of international trade.
Ready to relinquish british empire for US after the war.

A. An agreement that was drafted by Prime Minister Winston Churchill and President
Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
B. According to “American Society Since the 1900s”, there wer 8 stipulations that each
respective leader agreed to.
C. To name a few of the agreed terms: neither the US nor GB would seek
aggrandizement, no territorial changes that aren’t of the peoples wishes, and all
peoples rights will be respected when choosing the form of government to live by.
D. These were but a few terms that the two world leaders felt would help the world
reform once Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime were defeated.

Huey Long
A. He proposed the Share Our Wealth program in 1934 with many stipulations such as:
each family should own at least a homestead equal in value to not less than 1/3 the
average family weath, for one.
B. His motto/slogan was “Every Man a King” and his aim was to alleviate the problems
of the Great Depression.
C. Long condemned the rich by saying they wouldn’t allow the country to solve the
problems the Depression had produced.
D. He wanted everyone to be treated equally in all matters (wealth, social status etc),
but his national movement faded after his assassination in 1935.

Eugene Victor Debs

Labor leader of IWW and Socialist candidate for President. Arrested and sentenced to
ten years under the provisions of Espionage Act because of The canton, Ohio Speech
he made for alleged anti-American activities and to resist the draft From his prison cell,
he received over one million votes for Presiedent in the election of 1920. Speaks for
laborers/working class. Debs said the “master class” always brought on war for its own
gain while the “subject class had all to lose especially their lives.” (As They Said It p.
66; APAP p.106)

The “Arsenal of Democracy”

A. A slogan that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt used in his address to the nation
in 1940.
B. He urged the nation to acknowledge the threats America faced and put forth the
effort needed to help Great Britain defeat the Axis Powers by supplying military
supples to them, but still staying out of the actual fighting.
C. Roosevelt stated that Americans shouldn’t ignore what was going on in the world
because if America did not aid Great Britain, eventually the Nazis would set their sights
on dominating America.
D. The United States’ goal was to produce more ships, ammunition, planes etc to
supply the Allied Powers in the defense of freedom and defeat the Nazi regime.
E. At the end of his speech, President Roosevelt called “…for the national effort…our
people with absolute confidence that our common cause will greatly succeed.”

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