How To Start A Medical Practice.

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Excerpted with permission from the March 2008 issue of
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Despite dire predictions trumpeting
the imminent demise of the U.S.
healthcare system, you could still do
a lot worse than to go into private
medical practice. In fact, we’ve
spoken with plenty of physicians
who’ve recently made the leap
and couldn’t be happier.
Take Beth Santmyire-Rosenberger,
MD, PhD, who opened her Fairmont,
W.V., dermatology practice two years
ago. Now, she says she’s financially
stable and, more importantly, has “a
genuine feeling of enjoyment and
accomplishment at the end of the day.”
“As long as you do your home-
work and take all of the steps
correctly, it’s really hard to fail,” practices. “The reason people A word of advice from family physi-
says consultant Keith Borglum, fail is they’re either oblivious cian Eduardo Peña Dolhun, whose
who’s advised hundreds of nascent to some step and they practice has also been open for two
make a mistake, or years: “There’s too much risk
they don’t do proper involved in medicine [to
planning.” ABOUT THIS SERIES go into it and] to not
Ahh, the plan- Have you been pondering striking love it. You’ve got
After reading this article, readers will ning — not out on your own, making the leap from to tap into that
be able to: employed associate to practice owner? Or are
much fun, we you just starting out in practice and wondering
core of passion.”
• Integrate a physician’s personal know, and if it’s worth going even deeper into debt to start So what is it
practice philosophy into the more easily your own venture rather than getting “a job”? about medical
business planning process in said than practice that
Whatever your situation, Physicians Practice is here
order to maximize satisfaction done. This to help. Welcome to the first installment in our truly floats
with medical practice. article and the comprehensive six-part guide to starting a your boat?
medical practice. In addition to the preopening
• Assemble a core team of qualified next in the
day planning advice you may have seen in other
What drew
professionals who will perform series will focus, such guides, we’ll delve deeper into the key
you to the
start-up functions that are essential respectively, on milestones you’ll need to meet for success profession in
to the success of a practice. general planning long after you cut the ribbon. the first place?
• Prioritize key tasks, such as and financial planning, For Dolhun, who
licensure and credentialing, to aka budgeting. Planning, runs a small but thriving
ensure a smooth and timely of course, underpins all elements cash-only practice, people them-
practice opening. of starting a practice. Your philoso- selves are the draw — so much so
phy, in turn, will guide all planning. that spending ample time with each



patient dictated a business in which Everyone Physicians Practice talks to Hutton suggests interviewing
he contracts with no insurers and about starting a practice stresses the doctors in the area to gather initial
opted out of Medicare. Some might importance of knowing what you data and get the lay of the land. “Get
call this a concierge practice (sans want out of it — now, five years an idea of the physician community,”
retainer), but Dolhun says simply, from now, 10 years from now — he says, “because they’re very, very
“For me, it’s a back-to-the-future type and putting serious thought into how different. Some are quite adversarial;
of thing. I see [everyone from] rich you’ll go about getting there. “The others are quite cooperative.” What
individuals to lower socioeconomic planning stage is a very intense period. political quirks are in play? How well
and middle-income individuals. But It’s expensive and time-consuming,”
will a new physician be accepted? “It’s
the model is very simple — ‘I’m paying notes retired ophthalmologist
amazing the differences in different
X amount of money for him to treat William Hutton, now chairman
areas of the country,” Hutton notes.
me’ — and that’s refreshing.” of MedSynergies, a revenue cycle
management firm. “I recommend Next, Borglum advises, more
using your training and residency deliberately assess the competition.
“There are all of these surveys you can

There are plenty of readily available
resources for sorting out the details
of setting up a practice — specialty
associations, the AMA, state and local HELP! As a physician, your time
medical societies, hospital liaisons,
and the Small Business Administra- is your most valuable commodity;
tion, for starters. As dermatologist
Beth Santmyire-Rosenberger says, you shouldn’t spend it trying to
however, “What you need to run a
successful practice is not just nuts become an expert in every area
and bolts. It’s an extension of life.”

• You don’t have to do — or know —

of running a practice. Consider,
everything. Enlisting expert help with
credentialing is strongly encouraged,
instead, hiring a consultant.
and is a must for the legal structuring
of your business. You won’t abdicate
decision making, but a support team
of specialists in their respective fields
— accounting, law, and finance —
period to think about the kind of buy, and demographic information
will save untold wasted effort for
you, particularly if those people have
lifestyle you want and where you
you can pay for,” he says. Like many
specific experience in the world of will search for opportunities that
consultants, though, he recommends
private medical practice. are aligned with your goals.”
a simpler approach: “Call at least five
• Formulate a business plan even LOCATION, LOCATION or seven of the competing practices
if you’re not seeking third-party “I teach at a lot of residency pro- — those in your chosen area and
financing. The exercise will help grams,” says Borglum, “and they specialty — and ‘mystery-shop’ them,
you crystallize your vision for the all want to know where the best pretending to be a patient, the daugh-
practice and ensure that you have location is. I tell them to first decide
at hand the necessary tools to get ter of a senior, mother of a child,
where you want to live.” Unless
you to opening day and beyond. depending on your specialty. Find out
you’re, say, a plastic surgeon
This information, in turn, will be a how long their wait for a new-patient
considering setting up shop in
foundation for subsequent decisions appointment is. If all the competitors
Beverly Hills, odds are you’ll be
over the life of your practice. have no waiting time, it’s going to
able to establish a successful practice
• Make sure your chosen location somewhere near your chosen home. be harder to open there.”
will accommodate your practice, Your family’s preferences should You’ll almost certainly need some
specialty, and philosophy. Start by carry significant weight in that choice, formal demographic information
simply talking with other physicians says Hutton. Borglum is more specific, for financial and other backers, but
in the area, then gather basic noting that most physicians would according to Borglum, “For strategic
demographics from sources like
probably do well to consider locations planning purposes, your wait list will
the local chamber of commerce.
within 50 miles of home. — within six to 12 months — equal


everyone else’s.” He also points out [equipment],” notes Dolhun, “and going. “It’s like when a patient walks
that a location as few as 10 or 20 miles if you get a little dip for whatever in with an inch-and-a-half stack of
away could be dramatically different. reason, you can go into the red. Google printouts on their rash, and
Philosophy plays a big part in the That becomes very stressful.” you know immediately by looking
decision-making process. In addition We’ll discuss ways to reduce costs at at it that it’s poison oak,” explains
greater length in future installments. Borglum. That patient was barking
to simply connecting with patients,
In the meantime, though, it’s worth up the wrong tree, er, researching
having the freedom to make house
noting that competent professional the wrong thing — if he’d gone
calls, and avoiding a position as advice is one thing you don’t want to
“a bargainer with the insurance straight to the expert, you the
skimp on. “People think they can do physician, he could have saved
companies,” another thing that it themselves and they don’t want himself lots of time and angst.
excites Dolhun is cross-cultural to spend the money on CPAs and
medicine. It was partly this passion lawyers,” says Hutton. “But unless they IN WRITING
that led him to practice in an area already have a business background, Even if you’re not seeking financing
too expensive for many physicians it just isn’t going to work.” for your new practice, most experts
suggest undertaking the exercise
of writing a business plan. This
document will cover everything
from philosophy and marketing to
GET A PRENUP? “We refer to [the lists of equipment and projected
financial scenarios. Many now
partnership] as a marriage. It can be recommend adding a disaster
as stressful as a marriage, take as preparedness strategy as well.
The business plan should bring
much time as a marriage, you can love sharper focus to the future of both
the business and its stakeholders.
and hate the person at the same time The Small Business Administration
( offers a basic online
— the way you do with a spouse.” tutorial to guide you through the
process, and your banker can also
Family physician Andrea Cady
help. Many specialty societies and
state associations offer sample plans,
too, and the earlier you make con-
nections with these resources, the
to even consider — San Francisco, In addition to an accountant and better. Find additional guidance at
which boasts a multiethnic population an attorney, both of whom should by typing
and plenty of opportunities for ideally specialize in working with “writing a business plan” into the
academic research on the subject. private-practice physicians, you’ll Search Articles box.
Because he insisted that his philosophy need to establish a relationship with
guide every decision along the way, a banker (and not necessarily a local
he’s succeeded despite a difficult insur- one). How to find the right one? Ask READ MORE
ance market and a high cost of living. other physicians who’ve started their ABOUT IT!
own practices, say Hutton.
THE MONEY MAN A practice management consultant Visit this story on
Many physicians delay starting their is not an absolute must, but this
own practices for a few years while they for additional tools to help
person can save time on the front you start a practice painlessly:
store up cash, real-world experience, end. As a physician, your time is
and all-important confidence. Most your most valuable commodity; you • Compare and contrast the tax and
of those daring enough to launch liability implications of the most com-
shouldn’t spend it trying to become mon forms of business organizations.
practices shortly after residency will an expert in every area of running
need to seek financing, a topic we’ll a practice. • Get a good head start by typing
explore in more depth in the next “Writing a Business Plan” in our
The biggest mistake Borglum has Search Articles box.
article in this series. seen would-be practice owners make
Either way, one crucial (if seem- is undertaking too much research • Opening a new practice? Prepare
ingly obvious) bit of advice is to yourself before the doors open by
too soon. You could waste a lot of downloading our “New Practice Start-
keep costs as low as possible. “You
time on dead ends because there up Checklist” from our Tools section.
can inadvertently buy too much
are too many unknowns in the early

You’ll need a business plan even Speaking of partners, one thing [courses] are only given at certain
if you’re not borrowing money, you’ll need to decide early is times, so you have to plan far in
though in that case the plan may whether you want any — and, if so, advance to ensure you can practice
be less formal. The written report whether to have them on Day One, when you arrive.”
that results from the planning or to consider adding them later. Sherry Migliore of PMSCO Health-
process is merely the tip of a much Although Cady’s experience starting care Consulting, recommends starting
larger iceberg. You might be sur- out with partners was a positive one, on credentialing the day you decide to
prised to learn that the business caveats abound. “I knew both of my open a practice. “We’ve had people
plan should be a work in progress partners quite well,” she explains, start eight months in advance,” she
throughout the life of your practice “and we had the luxury of being says, “and it’s still not done by the
— one that you revisit as often as able to sit down and brainstorm time they’re ready to open.”
quarterly and revise to reflect new and say, ‘What do we really want You’ll need a physical address
realities — not a static document our practice to be?’ and get before you can get very far with
that collects dust on a shelf. comfortable before we made a most payers, but you can usually
Plan for the unexpected, too. financial commitment.” list a temporary address, such as a
“We made arrangements to borrow Of the partnership, Cady says, post office box, and change it later.
“We refer to it as a marriage. It can Payers will also require that you
more money than we hoped we’d
be as stressful as a marriage, take have tax ID and NPI numbers set
need,” says family practitioner
as much time as a marriage, you up, and some will want to know
Andrea Cady, in group practice for
can love and hate the person at the details like your office hours and
two years. “You’ve got to have some
same time — the way you do with a whether your building has an elevator
contingency money.” Those extra
spouse. … You need to remember for accessibility. If you’ve previously
funds came in handy when she and
to treat each other with respect even had a Medicare number, even if it
her partners decided to bring on a when you’re not feeling so pleasant was under your own name in another
physician who specializes in sports about each other.” practice, you’ll need to apply for a
medicine. The original budget didn’t The partnership question, which new one.
include X-ray capabilities, which you’ll note brings us right back to Fortunately, says Borglum, assuming
would cost an additional $40,000, philosophy, is just the first element you’re not going cash-only, “In most
but ultimately the group felt the of structure to consider. marketplaces you only have to give
expense was justified by bringing serious consideration to one or two
this physician’s expertise to the CHICKEN OR EGG IPAs, Medicare, and maybe three or
practice. Despite such a massive The business organization of your four other insurance plans.”
unexpected outlay, all was not lost practice is one planning question a There’s no doubt that starting a
because the Bozeman, Mont.-based qualified professional — an attorney, practice is complex, but the potential
partners had planned properly. in this case — should help you payoff is enormous. “You have more
“We’ve earned that back already answer. For example, despite its opportunity for more earnings than
and are making a profit on the increasing popularity since the 1990s, in group practice,” says Borglum.
service,” says Cady. the relatively new limited liability And more importantly, you’ll have the
company (LLC) structure may not personal satisfaction that comes with
be the best choice for every practice. being your own boss.
For a rundown of the tax and liability Having successfully launched his own
implications for each type of organiza- practice, Dolhun voices a sentiment
tion, see the online version of this we wish we heard more often: “I
article at am really happy being a doctor!”
Unless you’re able to devote
yourself to planning full time for
Wouldn’t that be nice? •
at least six months in advance of
opening your practice, yet another Laurie Hyland
area in which to enlist help is creden- Robertson, BA, is
tialing. You might think you have a senior editor with
other, bigger fish to fry first, but Physicians Practice.
you can’t start the licensing and She has been in the
credentialing processes too soon. medical publishing
For instance, notes Hutton, “Some field for 10 years,
states have certain idiosyncrasies. working editorially
Texas requires you to complete on both clinical and business-oriented
a course of jurisprudence before healthcare topics. She can be reached at
you can begin your practice. These


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