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The purpose of this chapter is to introduce the problem and clarify the

importance of variables, its limitations and significance to the field of study.

The essential elements of this are introduction, statement of the problem,

theoretical framework, scope and delimitation, significance of the study and

definition of terms. All of the elements aim to discuss the passage of the

coverage of this chapter.

Social media generally refers to modern communication means such

as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Tiktok, Google+, etc.

Social media websites and applications allow us to build networking and

exchange useful information with other people. Most of us know very well how

social media engagement and connect people all around the globe. Social

media can affect teenagers in both positive and negative ways. Research has

found that social media use can affect self-esteem, and make typical teenage

pressure and bullying worse, but it can also connect isolated teens and help

them find supportive networks. One of the biggest negatives that has been

found with the rise of these social platforms is the correlation between social

media and depression. A new study published in the “Journal of Depression

and Anxiety” found a link between high usage of social media sites and

increased depression.

Background of the Study

Based on the findings of Mayo Clinic Staff (2019) showed that last

2019 study of more than 6,500 12- to 15-year-olds found that those who spent
more than three hours a day using social media might be at heightened risk

for mental health problems. Another 2019 study of more than 12,000 13- to

16-year-olds found that using social media more than three times a day

predicted poor mental health and well-being in teens. Other studies also have

observed links between high levels of social media use and depression or

anxiety symptoms.

According to Robinson and Smith (2020), in this study entitled "Social

Media and Mental Health" human beings are social creatures. We need the

companionship of others to thrive in life, and the strength of our connections

has a huge impact on our mental health and happiness. Being socially

connected to others can ease stress, anxiety, and depression, boost self-

worth, provide comfort and joy, prevent loneliness, and even add years to

your life. On the flip side, lacking strong social connections can pose a serious

risk to your mental and emotional health. In today’s world, many of us rely on

social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, and

Instagram to find and connect with each other. While each has its benefits, it’s

important to remember that social media can never be a replacement for real-

world human connection. It requires in-person contact with others to trigger

the hormones that alleviate stress and make you feel happier, healthier, and

more positive. Ironically for a technology that’s designed to bring people

closer together, spending too much time engaging with social media can

actually make you feel lonelier and more isolated—and exacerbate mental

health problems such as anxiety and depression.

The study contributes to human beings need face-to-face contact to be

mentally healthy. Nothing reduces stress and boosts your mood faster or
more effectively than eye-to-eye contact with someone who cares about you.

The more you prioritize social media interaction over in-person relationships,

the more you’re at risk for developing or exacerbating mood disorders such as

anxiety and depression. Social media platforms are designed to snare your

attention, keep you online, and have you repeatedly checking your screen for

updates. It’s how the companies make money. But, much like a gambling

compulsion or an addiction to nicotine, alcohol, or drugs, social media use can

create psychological cravings. When you receive a like, a share, or a

favorable reaction to a post, it can trigger the release of dopamine in the

brain, the same “reward” chemical that follows winning on a slot machine,

taking a bite of chocolate, or lighting up a cigarette, for example. The more

you’re rewarded, the more time you want to spend on social media, even if it

becomes detrimental to other aspects of your life. This study aimed to

discover (with care) sources of valuable information and learning that can help

to the youth by getting it in social media platform.

The main objective of this study, according to the theory, people who

spend more time in sedentary behaviors such as social media use have less

time for face-to-face social interaction, both of which have been proven to be

protective against mental disorders.

The purpose of this study needs to companionship of others to thrive in

life, and the strength of our connections has a huge impact on our mental

health and happiness.

Being socially connected to others can ease stress, anxiety, and

depression, boost self-worth, provide comfort and joy, prevent loneliness, and

even add years to your life.

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored at the principle of Horst's idea of social media is

taking part in different types of online networking; it is a routine movement that

inquiries about the children and teenagers by upgrading communication,

social association, and even specialized skills (Horst H, 2010). Social

networking sites offer different day by day openings for interfacing with

companions, schoolmates, and individuals with common interests.

Pantic said social networking sites with a few mental disorders which

include depression and anxiety. Since social networking sites are a

moderately new wonder, numerous inquiries concerning the potential effect

on mental health remain unanswered. (Igor Pantic, 2014). Therefore, this

research undergoes the impact of social media on mental health issues of the

student. The objective of the study is to determine the impact of social media

on mental health issues such as depression and anxiety of students.

Based on the theory of Dr. Siegal, a professor who specializes in

psychiatry, revealed that social media physiologically rewires the human

brain. He believed that social media is replacing the time for face-to-face

interactions and communication (Gmose, 2014).

Theoretical Paradigm

 Gathering  Brochure
 The Role of
information and Be entitled “The
Social Media on
data through Challenges of
the Mental Health
conducting Students on the
encountered by
survey/questionn People Who is
the Grade 12
aire with the Cyber-bullying”
Students in
Quezon National
High School in
terms of students
and family.
The figure shown the theoretical paradigm which is the INPUT-

PROCESS-OUTPUT (IPO) model. The input includes The Role of Social

Media on the Mental Health encountered by the Grade 12 Students in Quezon

National High School in terms of students and family. The researchers utilized

the survey as an instrument or tool to collect the information about the said

topic, and then the output of the study will be provided to each of the students

in the coverage of the study. The brochures will be given online for safety

purposes along with the study.

Statement of the Problem

The study focused on determining the role of social media on the mental

health of the students. To clarify the study, it aimed to answer the following


1. What is the role of social media on the mental health of Grade 12

students in Quezon National High School?

2. What is the role of social media that mostly affect the health of


3. Based on the findings, what brochure can be developed to show that

students are either having a mental health problem caused by social

media or not?

Significance of the Study

The primary goal of this study is to determine the manifestation of the

role of social media on the mental health of the grade 12 students in Quezon

National High School.

To the parents, this study will help the parents to fully understand the

reasons why their children are having an adjustment and change to his/her


To the students, this study will help the students to understand the

significance of mental health on their daily life.

To the teachers, this study will help the teachers to have a better

person-to-person relationship with the students along with the knowledge that

may cause the student’s problems. In that way, the teachers will further learn

how to act with students considering social media as a major variable in their

life and also its effects.

To the future researchers, this study will help the future researcher to

have a prior knowledge to what is the significance of social media.

Scope and Limitations

The scope of the study is to observe senior high school students on the

role of social media on the mental health of grade 12 students. The study is

limited on exploring major factors that influenced most students inside on the


The instrument used for gathering data was the survey questionnaires

to determine The Role of Social Media on the Mental Health of Grade 12

Students in Quezon National High School.

Definition of Terms
For the clear understanding of the study, the terms below are

conceptually and operationally detailed.

Social Media- refers to place where people can interact online.

Mental Health- is the state of the quality of the mind of a person.

.Chapter 2


This chapter presents the related literature and related studies. A

related literature is the process of collecting, selecting, and reading books,

journals, reports, abstracts, and other reference materials. A review of studies

is a review of as many research studies as possible around a particular

research problem. Over all, this chapter supports the whole thesis.

Related Literature

According to Choudhury (2013) mental infection is a severe and good-

sized fitness project in our society today. Tens of millions of people every year

suffer from depression and only a fraction gets adequate treatment. This

position paper highlights some latest tries inspecting the ability for leveraging

social media postings as a brand-new kind of lens in knowledge intellectual

infection in individuals and populations. Records gleaned from social media

bears capability to supplement traditional survey strategies in its capacity to

provide finer grained measurements of conduct through the years whilst

appreciably expanding population pattern sizes. We finish highlighting how

this research route can be beneficial in growing tools for figuring out the onset

of depressive disorders in individuals, to be used via healthcare corporations;

or on behalf of people, allowing the ones laid low with intellectual infection to

be extra proactive approximately their mental fitness.

According to Betul Keles (2019) at same time as becoming inextricable

to our day by day lives, on-line social media are blamed for growing mental

health problems in younger humans. This systematic assessment synthesized

evidence on the influence of social media use on despair, anxiety and

psychological distress in teenagers. A seek of PsycINFO, Medline, Embase,

CINAHL and SSCI databases reaped thirteen eligible research, of which 12

have been go-sectional. Findings have been categorized into four domains of

social media: time spent, hobby, investment and dependency. Depression,

anxiety and psychological distress were associated in all domains. However,

due to the methodological limitations of cross-sectional design, sampling and

calculation, substantial caveats remain.

According to Faye Mishna's Social Media, Cyber-aggression and

Student Mental Health on a University Campus (2018), it is stated that

Information and Communication technologies (ICT) mostly provide vast

benefits for the students in a university including supplementing engagement

and interactions with others and enhancing self-centered convertible learning.

Being anonymous and the lack of social cues may risk to interpersonal

hostility. As long as a substantial research observes bullying and adolescent

educational setting, this study addresses a breach regarding post-secondary

conditions. A large number of university students encounter cyber-aggression,

affecting their sense of security and mental health.

Related Studies
According to Fazida Karim (2020) “Social Media Use and Its

Connection to Mental Health: A Systematic Review” this study aims to social

media are responsible for aggravating mental health problems. Summarizes

the effects of social network usage on mental health. Worldwide, research

have been carried out related to mental health research. However, only a

small number of studies are incorporated into social media and carried out in

the sense of social science, considering that the literature available focuses

heavily on medical science. The possible associations between their use and

mental health have not been widely explored because social media is a

relatively recent phenomenon. This study is important because it offers

knowledge on the scope of the emphasis of peer review literature, which can

allow scholars to provide a viewpoint in order to understand the potential

attention that requires scholarly attention relevant to climate change

strategies. The research was conducted to identify studies analyzing the role

of social media on mental health.

Moreover, “Effects of Social Media on Mental Health: A Review” stated

by Bhat, Shabir that this study is a day that is readily accessible via

technological development, Opening a forum for debate between social media

and current mental health the generation. From the dawn of contemporary

human resources on the internet and social networking sites the world has

virtually become more social, but less realistic. It is this virtual life that isolates

This man from other fellow beings affects his health (mental & physical) and

thus the overall balance. The aim of present research is to explore the effect

of social media on mental health. The younger generation of the current age

serves as involved social media users with an affinity for mental health issues.
The current dangerous scenario needs more knowledge. Knowing the

connection between social media and mental health issues is only a starting

point. The discovery and comprehension of the means by which social media

impacts the mental health of the current younger generation is a promising

move that can highlight the relations between these younger generation

variables at play.

Furthermore, “Social Interactive Behavioral Problems of Social Studies

Students of Cabiao National High School” by Zabala Asperin, Bernardo Jr

stated that this study is an issue impacting schools around the nation and

around the world is student bullying. The research centered on the

misconduct of students in the sense of personal, mental, social, spiritual,

economic and psychological factors and the degree of severity of violent,

delinquent, withdrawal and non-compliant actions. The learners exhibit

aggressive, delinquent, withdrawing and non-compliant behaviors that are

extreme or intense. There is no substantial difference in personal, mental,

social, moral, economic and psychological variables between variables that

lead to the behavioral problems of social studies students.


The study is to observed senior high school students of Quezon

National High School to the role of social media on the mental health of the

stdents. The study aimed to analyze by describing and enumerating the role

of social media on the mental health aspect gathered data from the students.

By summarizing all the mentioned of the role of the social media on the

mental health by the respondents, the researcher therefore might come up to

the best possible solution about the study. Indeed, the related literature and
studies provide the researcher a deeper understanding towards the role of

social media on the mental health of the students. The role of social media on

the mental health is the main topic is an essential thing that has a legitimate

cause, Mental infection in our society today is a serious and good-size fitness

project. According to Choudhury (2013). Every year, tens of millions of people

suffer from depression and only a fraction get proper care. This position paper

highlights some recent attempts to inspect the capacity of individuals and

communities to exploit social media posts as a brand-new form of lens in

information intellectual infection. According to the study of Betul Keles (2019),

online social media was blamed for the mental health issues in younger

people at the same time as being inextricable to our everyday lives. This

comprehensive evaluation synthesized evidence of the effect of the use of

social media on adolescent despair, anxiety, and psychological distress.

According to the study of Faye Mishna on a University Campus (2018),

Information and communication technologies (ICT) are recorded to provide

university students with tremendous benefits, including additional engagement

and connections with others and the development of self-centered convertible

learning. According to Fazida Karim (2020) The goal of this research is to

make social media accountable for aggravating mental health issues.

Summarizes the mental health ramifications of the use of social networks.

Research related to studies on mental wellbeing has been carried out

worldwide. Only a limited number of studies, however, are integrated into

social media and carried out in the context of social science, given that

medical science is a major subject of the literature available. Moreover,

“Effects of Social Media on Mental Health: A Review” stated by Bhat, Shabir

Opening a platform for discussion between social media and the new

generation in mental wellbeing is a day that is readily available through

technological advancement. The world has virtually become more interactive,

but less practical, since the dawn of contemporary human capital on the

Internet and social networking sites. It is this virtual existence that isolates this

man from his wellbeing (mental & physical) and hence the overall balance

from other fellow beings. Furthermore, “Social Interactive Behavioral

Problems of Social Studies Students of Cabiao National High School” by

Zabala Asperin, Bernardo Jr stated that this study student bullying is an

epidemic that affects schools around the country and around the globe. The

study focused on student misconduct in the context of personal, emotional,

social, moral, economic and psychological variables and the degree of

seriousness of aggressive, delinquent, withdrawal and non-compliant


Chapter 3


This chapter provides research design and statistical treatment used in

the study. Likewise, this identifies the respondents and the sampling

techniques employed. Validation techniques for instruments and data

gathering complete the procedure utilized.

Research Design

This study included the analysis of assessment to The Role of Social

Media on the Mental Health of Grade 12 Students in Quezon National High

School. It also utilized the quantitative approach of research in gathering the

necessary data.The descriptive survey method of research was used in this

study. Descriptive survey attempts to establish the range and distribution of

some social characteristics, such as change of mental health, difference in

behavior, adjustment in social interaction. It is employed to gather information

about the present existing condition of the study. The output of the study is a

brochure which includes information on the role of social media on mental

health of students.

Research Locale

The study was conducted at Quezon National High School, M.L.

Tagarao St., Lucena City. It was founded in October 1902 when Aubrey

Boyles ,a convent of Lucena on the northern side of Saint Ferdinand Parish

Church (now Lucena Catheradral).Fifty students were exposed to English

laguage with 19 American teachers.The chosen place will be exact and

appropriate to the study. Also, it is good place to work on the study the role of

social media on the mental health of grade 12 students in Quezon National

High School

Research Population and Sample

The researchers decided to use a probability sampling which is the

stratified sampling. The following were the criteria in the selection of the

respondents: (a.) the students from the strand STEM, (b.) the students from

the strands of ABM, (c.) the students from the strand HUMSS, and (d.) the

students willing to participate in the study.

Based on the report population of grade 12 students of Quezon

National High School as of school year 2020-2021. From the strand of grade

12 STEM there are 15 students, while on the strand of grade 12 ABM there

are 9 and grade 12 HUMSS have 15 students. Therefore, the total population

is 360 among the grade 12 students.

There are 39 respondents of this study. The number of representatives

from per sections was determined through the population of each section.

Table 1: Grade 12 SHS

The Distribution of Respondents per section.



HUMSS A 46 5

HUMSS D 45 5

ABM A 39 5

ABM B 42 4

ABM C 46 5

STEM A 47 5

STEM B 47 5

SPS 45 5

TOTAL= 360 39
Research Instrument

The researchers utilized survey type of questionnaires to gather

information on the research topic. The questionnaire is used as the main

gathering instruments for this study. The questionnaire is divided into three (3)

main sections: (a) informed-consent (b) demographic profile, and (c) the role

of social media on the mental health of students. The profile comprises of the

socio demographic characteristics of the respondents such as name, age,

sex. The survey proper explores the idea of the respondents about the

variables given. The questionnaire also utilizes a Likert scale which rate from

4 as strongly agree, 3 as agree, 2 as disagree and 1 as strongly disagree.

The questionnaire was constructed by the researchers and will

submitted to their research adviser for comments and suggestions on the

layout and statement structures. Then, the researchers sought the help of

experts for proper guidelines, suggestions and proper constructions. The

initial draft of the questionnaires will try out to select students. The favorable

of all findings would likely show confirmation that questionnaires valid.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher handed a letter to the head of Quezon National High

School for formality and permission before giving the survey questionnaire.

Upon getting approval, the researcher presented the questionnaire and

explained the purpose of the study and administered the survey or the

researchers briefly explained the protocol to the respondents who answered

the survey. After answering the question and the data and information needed

were collected, the researcher had a direct consultation in processing and

tabulating the data and information on hand.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researchers used weighted mean to determine the significant

differences of the assessment between the selected students of Quezon

National High School, M.L. Tagarao St., Lucena City. This WAM were used to

the statement of the problem if it is perception, factors, or level of it either

awareness, preparedness, satisfaction, ect.

WAM= summation of f w/n

WAM= weighted arithmetic mean


w- weights

n= total no. of responses

Table 2: The 4-point Likert Scale

Range of values Descriptive

3.26-4.00 Strongly agree

2.51-3.25 Agree

1.76-2.50 Disagree

1.00-1.75 Strongly disagree



This chapter presented the finding, analysis and interpretation of data

gathered which main objective was to find out the role of social media on the

mental health of grade 12 students in Quezon National High School.

Figure 2. Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of Gender

The figure above reveals the demographic profile of Grade 12 Senior

High Students of in Quezon National High School terms of their sex. Majority

of the students were female which is sixty-seven percent (67%) while minority

of them was male which is thirty-three (33%) percent as reflected.

Figure 3. Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of Age

The above figure shows the demographic profile of Quezon National

High School Grade 12 students in terms of their age. The majority of students

which are seventeen years old with the total of eighteen students, while

students with the age of eighteen sums up a total of seventeen students only.

The age group of nineteen, which consists of four (4) were students.

Table 1. Role of Social Media on Student’s Mental Health

Statements Frequency Distributions Quality

(4) (3) (2) (1)

1. I feel better when I 18 21 0 0 3.46 SA

get useful
information readily
available in social
2. I easily connect with 16 22 1 0 3.41 SA
my friends, teachers
and classmates
especially when it
comes to academic

3. Social media helps 8 28 3 0 3.20 A

me feel that I am
already speaking at
someone specially in
my worst situation.

4. I feel motivated in 15 22 2 0 3.33 SA

pursuing my dreams
when I see inspiring
quotation on social
5. When I am feeling 2 14 14 9 2.23 D
bad, I often
announce it online
and look for advice
of other people.
6. I boost my energy 6 29 4 0 3.05 A
when I see
motivational post in
social media that
encourage me to
finish my task 23
7. Social media helps 6 23 9 1 2.61 A
me to cope with the
stress brought by
online classes.
8. I tend to forget my 5 29 4 1 2.97 A
problems when
I see successful
people on social
9. I feel better when I 3 20 12 4 2.56 A
receive a lot of likes
and reactions on my
10. Pieces of advice 6 27 5 1 2.97 A
from other people
through social media
can help me to take
care of my health as
a student.


4-Strongly Agree (3.26-4.00) 2- Disagree (1.76-2.50)

3-Agree (2.51-3.25) 1- Strongly Disagree (1.00-1.75)

Table I revealed the level of the role of social on the mental health. As

shown in the gathered data, the respondents have different views with 24

regards to their way of getting for the implemented program. However, they

generally responded that they were strongly agreeing to the statements.

The highest numerical weighted means were 3.46, 3.41, and 3.33 that

reflected numbers 1, 2, and 4 respectively, which proved that students can

already understand the importance of the role of social media. Meanwhile,

statement number 5 has the lowest numerical variables of 2.23 which implied

the respondents cannot fully conduct themselves inside the role of social

media on their mental health.

Statistically saying, most of the Grade 12 Students Quezon National High

School strongly agreed that social media have a role on their mental health

with an overall average weighted mean of 2.979 as reflected. The highest

weighted mean of 3.46 proved how the respondents somewhat understand

the role of social media on the mental health of students. Meanwhile the

lowest weighted mean of 2.23 presented how the respondents cannot highly

conduct themselves inside the role of social media on their mental health of

the students.

The Output

Based on the findings of the study, the Grade 12 – HUMSS students

Strongly Agreed that Social Media have a role on their Mental Health with a

WAM of 3.46. In addition, the respondents were also aware about the role of

social media on their mental health.

TABLE 2.Role of social media that mostly affect the student’s health

Statement Frequency Distributions Quality

(4) (3) (2) (1)
1. Too much use of social 20 17 2 0 3.46 SA
media causes intense
headache due to
2. Social sites like 3 26 7 3 2.74 A
Facebook and Twitter
has helped me to
improve my self-esteem
and self-worth.
3. Seeing sad 7 24 6 2 2.92 A
pictures/posts on social
media makes me sad.
4. I have trouble sleeping 5 16 11 7 2.48 A
after using social media.
5. Social media elevates 4 31 3 1 2.97 A
my mood whenever I
use it.
6. Social media 2 24 10 3 2.64 A
deteriorates my overall
7. Social media usage 4 23 10 2 2.74 A
reduce my feeling of
8. I spent most of my time 3 13 15 8 3.38 SA
scrolling through my
phone and forget to eat
on time.
9. I forget to eat healthy 2 11 15 11 2.10 D
food because I always
see unhealthy but
instagrammable food.
10. I feel anxious and 4 17 11 6 2.94 SA
panics when I saw posts
that includes death.


4-Strongly Agree (3.26-4.00) 2- Disagree (1.76-2.50)

3-Agree (2.51-3.25) 1- Strongly Disagree (1.00-1.75)

Table II revealed the Role of social media that mostly affect the student’s

health. As shown in the gathered data, the respondents have different views

with regards to their way of getting for the implemented program. However,

they generally responded that they were strongly agreeing to the statements.

The highest numerical variables were 3.46, and 3.38 as reflected in

numbers 1, 8, and 10 respectively which proved that students can already

understand the importance of the role of social media that mostly affect the

students. Meanwhile, statement number 9 has the lowest numerical variables

of 2.10 which implied the respondents cannot fully conduct themselves inside

the role of social media that mostly affect the student’s health

In interpretation, most of the Grade 12 Students in Quezon National High

School strongly agreed that social media affects their mental health with an

overall average weighted mean of 2.787 as reflected. The highest weighted

mean of 3.46 proved how the respondents somehow understand the role of

social media that mostly affect the student’s health. Meanwhile the lowest

weighted mean of 2.20 presented how the respondents cannot highly conduct

themselves inside role of social media that mostly affect the student’s health.

The Output

Based on the findings of the study, the Grade 12 – HUMSS students

Strongly Agreed that the role of social media mostly affect their health, with a

WAM of 3.46. In addition, the respondents were also aware about the role of

social media that mostly affect the student’s health.



This chapter accumulated the results of the study, the brief summary of

the findings from the gathered data and the conclusions obtained from the

findings and recommendations based on the findings and

conclusions.Summary of Findings

Based on the results of the gathered data, the salient findings of the

study are as follows:

1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of Gender. The

majority of the students were female, sixty-seven percent (67 percent)

while the minority of them was male, as reflected, thirty-three (33

percent) percent.

2. Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of Age. The

responses above suggests the demographic profile of Quezon National

High School. Grade 12 Senior high students in phrases in

their age. Most of the students are seventeen [eighteen (18)] years of

age, whilst students are eighteen [seventeen (17)] years of age. The

age organization changed into nineteen, of which four (4) had

been students.

3. Role of Social Media on Student’s Mental Health. Based on the

collected data, from self-made questionnaire distributed to the

respondents through google form survey, the researcher computed for

the overall average weighted mean of 2.979 with a qualitative index of

the reflected weighted average mean Strongly Agree.Majority of the

respondents answered “Agree”, as reflected in the average weighted


4. Role of social media that mostly affect the student’s health. The

researcher computed with a Strongly Agree qualitative index for the

overall average weighted mean of 2.787 based on the collected data

from the self-made questionnaire distributed to the respondents via

google type survey. “Agree" was answered by the majority of

respondents, as reflected in the weighted mean average."

5. The Output Derived From the Study. The researcher will be provided

brochures that will be help each of the students in the coverage of the

study. It features for the guidelines of the role of social media on the
mental of the students details as definition of program, objectives and

policies that may help students to be most aware of it. The trifold

design enables the researchers to input precise yet comprehensive

knowledge about the role of social media on the mental health of

students. To properly state, massive quantity of students are about to

benefit in this study for it includes all the information they need to know

regarding on how social media influences and affects them.


1. The demographic Profile of the students in terms of gender resulted

the majority of the students were female. Meaning, the minority of

them was male.The Grade 12 students are strongly agreeing for the

role of social media on the mental health.

2. A recommendation letter will be sent to the students was the

derived output of the study


Based on the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations

were drawn:

1. For the grade 12 students, they can use the research study as their

guide in the role of social media on their mental health.

2. For the teachers, they can use the research study in order to

educate their students about the purpose of the role of social media

on the mental health.

3. For the parents, they can use the research study in knowing their

mental health which will therefore help them in showing the

guidance needed by their child in the role social media on the

mental health.

For the future researchers, they can use the research study as the basis of

the future research researcher in gathering data and information that deals

with the same nature. The future researcher may also consider different

methodologies in determining result.


Choudhury De Munman (2013). Role of social media in tackling challenges in

mental health. In <i>Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on

Socially-aware multimedia</i> (<i>SAM '13</i>). Association for Computing

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Betul Keles, Niall McCrae & Annmarie Grealish (2020) A systematic review:

the influence of social media on depression, anxiety and psychological

distress in adolescents, International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 25:1,

79-93, DOI: 10.1080/02673843.2019.1590851

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(Oct 12 2020) Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. Ahead of


Faye Mishna, Cheryl Regehr, Ashley Lacombe-Duncan, Joanne Daciuk,

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Sumitted to
Mr. Abraham Ayala Sanchez

Inquires,Investigation and Immersion(3i’s)


Ellezar ,Ivy M.


Baldovino,Marian S.

Dela Cruz,Dhaniel M.

Panaligan,Ian P.

Querobin,Jethro N.

Quincena ,Bea E.

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