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Individualized Professional Development Plan

Name Morgan Evans Major: Elementary Education w/Early Child License

Start with your WHY: Why are you pursuing this degree? What do you want the outcome to be? How are you
going to work toward making that outcome possible? **Is the outcome directly related to your WHY?
WHY: I want to be able to help students with a wide variety of needs in early education, both school-related and

not school-related so that they can all excel in the ways they need to. I want to be able to help my students get to

a point where they can all excel.

What: I’d like to obtain a wide variety of resources in order to help students in a wide variety of needs, both

academic and personal.

How: Get training in various learning/teaching tools that cater to a wide variety of needs, as well as some other

trainings that could help with issues outside of school.

TIMEFRAME Personal goals: Professional goals:

(e.g. Positional goals, membership to organizations, (e.g. Gaining further skills, advancing knowledge is
exploring opportunities, etc) specific areas, Memberships in Professional
Associations etc)

Next Semester I’d like to figure out my majors and minors. I’d like to be able to get the credentials to be a
substitute teacher in my school district.
I’d like to go through training for find resources to support
students OUTSIDE of education (I have seen how to teach a
I’d like to get more involved in my campus organizations classroom, but I would like more resources on how to support
(especially my sorority!) students in their personal lives).

I’d like to get CPR/AED/First Aid Certified

I’d like to find a better way to balance myself and
my personal life with the work I have to do.
I’d like to maybe have a campus job.
I’d like to be certified in First Aid, CPR, and AED.

Next year I’d like to gain an exec position in my sorority. I’d like to study abroad, specifically in a country with a
different Early childhood system (i.e. France).

Individual Professional Development Plan Template

Assets and Provocations
Planned Activities Objective of Alignment to Vision, How activity impacts
Development Activity Mission, Core Values, student learning
Major, or Minor

Required Read at least one Understand different Hopefully this could help I will become more
knowledge/skills book/other material perspectives and issues in me create a learning knowledgeable about issues
each year about education more, so that I environment in which all in education, and then I will be
Consider: different aspects of can create an equitable children can excel, thus able to understand students
●required education, and learning environment for all creating an equitable more.
competencies: like ultimately increase how children. learning environment. Also
much I’m reading. Start if I am able to help kids
COE Core Value with recommendations outside of school from
Proficiencies, I’ve already gotten. what I learn in these
Professional materials, that is even
Standards for your Practice making lesson better.
content or licensure, Begin making lesson plans early on so I am not This could also help me This helps me be able to
plans based on what I as overwhelmed by it in create a more equitable
already know (from the future. This also makes teach students with a wide
learning society for variety of academic needs.
cadet teaching it easier for me to students of different
experience and project, differentiate these lessons needs.
IDOE standards, etc.) for students’ needs down
the road.

Assets/Strengths Figure out how my I want to apply this to the By learning how to harness
personality connects to college of education’s those strengths, I can make
Consider: Try to connect what I education and how I can vision, and integrate my myself mold into the teaching
know about my harness my own personal strengths and personality position, and make the
●your views personality to my place qualities as a teacher, into education. teaching position mold to fit
●recent assessments as a teacher. Find since I don’t always have a and benefit me.
●other people’s views qualities about people personality that commonly
with similar falls in ed, and sometimes
personalities and how fits into more science/other
they connect with independent jobs.

Provocations/Growth Practice social- Become better about how I I’ll be working in early When a classroom is an
emotional learning respond to others’ childhood/elementary, a emotionally safe place,
Consider: pieces and how to emotions- I can be a little place where the building students are able to learn
respond to students’- emotionally closed off at blocks of healthy better. When my kids can
●gaps in and my own!!- times. emotional responses is share their emotions with me,
emotions. CRUCIAL. If I can learn they are able to meet their
●opportunities on the these skills now, it will help learning goals.
horizon my students greatly down
●what specific actions the road.
will help you to
Be in more diverse I’ve considered studying in
progress in your role?
Learn about the French learning environments, France in the past, and
Study abroad- early childhood and maybe explore those potentially ultimately living
particularly in France. elementary systems and international pieces and there. If I go study abroad and
ow they differ from the US. see if they are something see the French EC and
I’d want to do in the future. Elementary systems now, I
will be more equipped for that.

Individual Professional Development Plan Activity Log

(1) (2) (3)

Description of professional development activity Timeframe
completed Connection to your stated objective

1. PATINS Training Nov. 2nd 9:30-12 Learning about different tools that can be used to help
students helps me be able to help students with different

2. Sexual Abuse Prevention Nov. 11th 1:30-3:30pm Learning ways to help students outside of school-related
Training issues.



Total PD Hours 4.5 hours

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