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Steve R. Rowan
2306 Smith Bluff Road
Salado, Texas 76571
(H) 254.947.5008, (C) 254-493-2697
Sales a" Marketing a" Management - Development/Fundraising Long-Range Strategic
Planning - Advertising - Publishing
Successful track record in all phases of sales management, team building, strate
gic planning, advertising, public relations, management, financial modeling, dir
ect mail programming, major event planning, and marketing/communications initiat
ives. Capable of performing a variety of tasks well, particularly when operatio
ns need dynamic energy and responsible thinking in new business development, con
tract negotiations and project management; 11 years in higher educational and h
ealthcare professional fundraising including capital campaigns; corporate/entrep
reneurial business start-up ventures with private fundings.
A senior-level management position requiring a range of professional skills and
abilities in direct sales/marketing, fundraising for higher education, alternati
ve energy, healthcare related institutions or private foundation organizations.
Bachelor of Business Administration, marketing and management emphasis,
Hankamer School of Business, Baylor University, Waco, Texas.
CFRM Designation (Certified Fund Raising Manager) University of Indiana School o
f Philanthropy
Professional Experience
R2 Dallas, LLC a" April 2008 a" present
Founder, Partner, Commercial Real Estate Development
American Tract Society, Garland, Texas. Sept. 2007 to Feb. 2008
Consultant & Vice President Development / Chief Development Officer
Scott & White Healthcare System, Temple, Texas. 2004 a" 2007
Served consecutively as Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations; Senior M
ajor Gifts Officer; and Director of Development Marketing and Communications.
Baylor University, Office of University Development, Dallas. 2001 a" 2004.
Major Gifts Officer covering three states for 10-year, $1B capital campaign.
Steve R. Rowan
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Inside Baseball Publishing Co., Inc., DeSoto, Texas. 1996 a" 2001
Founder and Publisher of unique national educational trade periodical.
Rozel Marketing, Inc., DeSoto, Texas. 1988 a" 1996. Vice president and
National Sales Manager of high-end specialty adhesives company.
Sovran Development Corp., Dallas a" Albuquerque a" Seattle. 1987 a" 1988.
Senior Marketing Partner of commercial real estate development firm.
Dawn Development Co., Dallas. 1984 a" 1987. Senior Vice President of national
commercial real estate retail development firm.
Taylor-Hewlett, A.I.A. / Scogings Partners, A.I.A. Dallas. 1980 a" 1984.
National Marketing Director for architecture firm.
[Key accomplishments and descriptions are available in a separate document.]
Capabilities & Attributes
a Abilities to think, write, speak, lead, inspire, collaborate, produce;
a Determination to provide extraordinary value through management and
leadership, hard work, a collegial attitude and respect for co
mpany image and reputation;
a Superior communications skills including the ability to understand and transla
te information for all audiences and to be an effective, outgoing and motivating
a Possess an outgoing and positive personality with an innovative, driven and am
ake it happena approach;
a Solid relationship-building skills with an ability to work closely and develop
credibility with staff, administration, board members, volunteers, donors and o
ther constituents;
a Possess confidence, maturity, professionalism and integrity beyond reproach;
a Possess a high level of intelligence combined with common sense, good quantita
tive and analytical skills, a broad business perspective with good business judg
ment, and the necessary planning and organizing skills.
a Strategically addressing the long term while producing short-term results;
a Willingness to learn company culture, accommodate to it, and desire to be part
of a larger, dedicated team.

Steve R. Rowan
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Avocational Interests
Member: Dallas Museum of Art Assn.; American Baseball Coaches Association.;
Baylor University Bear Foundation; Dallas Chapter Baylor Bear Club; Internationa
l Conference of Shopping Centers, affiliate member.
Community / civic guest speaker and lecturer on healthcare philanthropy.
Founder and Past President: American Amateur Baseball Congress, DeSoto, Texas.
Officer: Salado United Methodist Church Stewardship Chair; Capital Campaign
Chair; Member of Finance Committee and Long-Range Planning Committee, United
Methodist Men; Salado Disaster Relief
Aficionado: Family-owned Colorado ranch.
Vice President: Mill Creek Homeownersa Association, Salado, Texas.

Health: Excellent.
Family: Wife, Teresa; married daughter, Jordan, age 29; son, Shane, age 31; gran
ddaughter, age 1
Subscribe to: The Golden Rule, hard work, ethical behavior, collegiality, TRUST
Education: Baylor University, B.B.A., 1974, Marketing and Real Estate Managemen
Quote to live by:
aThereas no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesnat mind w
ho gets the credita a" Ronald Reagan
Professional/Professional References Available


R 2 Dallas, LLC 2008 a" present
Co-Owner, Principle, Partner
Commercial real estate venture specializing in high-density, new-urbanism townsh
ip developments of 100 acres or more. Most recent developments were 365-acre, $
200M proposed development outside of Austin, Texas and 200 acre development in W
aco, Texas in partnership with major university. Both developments incorporatin
g retirement housing, alumni housing, assisted-living/medical facilities, commer
cial office, retail, restaurant, educational and civic components.
Secured funding of both projects currently indefinitely on hold.
American Tract Society Sept.a07 a" Feb.a08
a Creating and Managing entire, initial philanthropic program for 184-year old,
publication ministry. Coordinating integrated volunteer, fund raising and marke
ting efforts to support 501(c)3 organization; publications now in 74 countries
with printing in over 100 languages; responsible for corporate re-alignment of o
perations from sales to philanthropic allocated business model.
Scott & White Healthcare System, Temple, Texas 2004- 2007
Created and Managed national portfolio of 200+ vendor and donor prospects for ma
jor gift support of $100M capital campaign for The Center of Advanced Medicine (
an addition to existing Scott & White Hospital); responsible for major fundraisi
ng activities at University Medical Center, Scott & Whiteas newest 275,000 (firs
t of four phases) hospital and clinic in Round Rock, Texas; working with communi
ty and state leaders in mentorship and growing volunteer advocacy group for phil
anthropic campaign; recently completed development team effort in raising $12.5M
for initial phase of Cancer Treatment Center project.


Promoted to newly created position within the Office of Development to handle al
l marketing and communications efforts for development while integrating existin
g institution wide public-relations and communications endeavors. Responsibilit
ies included creation, design and production of all capital campaign related col
lateral materials, brochures and videos necessary for fundraising purposes (16 p
rojects in production stages) in current campaign as well as expansion efforts i
nto the Austin, Texas market. Additional duties beside maintaining corporate po
rtfolio: Create, design and implement new interactive web-page program for the
development office with on-line giving features; Re-vamp and program design for
all Direct Mail and Annual Appeal programs; Design, coordination direction and m
anagement of the QUARTERLY NEWS magazine, a publication for 75,000 donors and pa
tients of Scott & White; responsible for $10M Staff, Employee and Physician Inte
rnal Campaign portion of current capital campaign, consisting of 7000 members; d
esigning all collateral materials for advertising, billboard communications and
strategy associated with upcoming launch of community campaign portion of ongoin
g capital campaign; currently responsible for Case Statement
for Support, working with institution CEO and departmental chairs of medicine, c
ancer and surgery; responsible for prospect identification strategy, communicati
ons plan and design of marketing efforts for proposed national launch of $100M C
ancer Center and Cancer Research Institute for the Department of Surgery; respon
sible for designing and creating new magazine publication for the Childrenas Hos
pital; responsible for creating and production of proposed donor newsletter, gra
teful patient program; prepared two-year marketing and branding plan to Board of
Trustees as communications model through December a06 projected opening of Cent
er for Advanced Medicine addition.
Baylor University a" University Development, Dallas, TX. 2001-2004
a CREATED and MANAGED prospect portfolio securing gift support for $2 billion, 1
0-year endowment and capital campaign. Responsibilities include strategy and pr
ocedural implementation via cultivation, solicitation and stewardship of major g
ifts exceeding $50,000 per year in current or deferred giving. Refined and defi
ned efforts in publication content, fundraising materials and video communicatio
ns targeted to individuals, focus groups and corporations. Implemented backgroun
d of entrepreneurial skills by INITIATING, CREATING, and DIRECTING comprehensive
marketing and communications plan for regional office covering alumni bases in
North Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Colorado and California.
a Results: Built portfolio of donor base resulting in $1.5 million (current and
deferred gifts) in first year as Major Gift Officer. Developed a marketing plan
that became the strategic model for university-wide fundraising efforts with th
e recommendation of university President and Board of Regents; largest individua
l single gift raised: $10M.
Inside Baseball Publishing Company, Incorporated, DeSoto, TX 1997 - 2001
a CREATED and MANAGED a new educational trade journal. Developed comprehensive b
usiness plan, evaluated markets, prepared budget and created prototype. Hired e
ditor, designer, sales/advertising team and created editorial board of advisors.
Negotiated promotional events with designated vendors.
Results: Established first of its kind educational trade publication.
Rozel Marketing, Incorporated, DeSoto, TX 1988 - 1997
a BUILT and ESTABLISHED nationwide sales territory production scheduling time li
nes for new product development. Directed manufacturing standards per customer
Results: Launched six new commercial products; added to existing line of custom
ized products. Promoted to Board of Directors.

Sovran Development Corporation, Dallas-Albuquerque-Seattle 1987

- 1988
a CO-CREATED and ENHANCED standard operations manual for nationwide network of r
egional partnerships. Prepared system of strategic planning, project accounting
, budgeting, cost control and forecasting procedures for presentations to Board.
Promoted to Senior Vice-President and awarded seat on Board of Directors.
Results: Established standard operational and marketing procedures for future p
artners in new and/or expanded markets.
Dawn Development Company, Dallas, TX 1984 - 1987
a EVALUATED, ANALYZED and NEGOTIATED vendor contracts and tenant leases on comme
rcial properties throughout U. S. DIRECTED project development and marketing eff
orts of firm in eight cities resulting in number of retail projects from 16 in f
irst year to 53 in second year at a cost of $253M plus. Planned and organized r
ecruiting strategies of partnerships program; made all hiring decisions and cond
ucted corporate training sessions and trade shows.
Results: Positioned company as second largest commercial retail real estate deve
loper in the country. Cost savings realized on contracts and profit increased a
s a result of securing national anchor tenants to projects.
Taylor-Hewlett, A.I.A / Scoggings Partners, A.I.A., Dallas, TX 1980 - 1984

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