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With COVID 19 health restrictions and guidelines, the workshop of the Religious and Priests for Human

Rights (RPHR) was held at Fatima Retreat House, Lewella Kandy from the 14th - 17th February 2022 with 28
participants from different parts of the country.
The participants had an exposure to the
Katugastota - Thekkawatte garbage dumpsite
and dolomite mining site at Digana on 15th
February. Following the exposure there were
discussions in small groups and several
recommendations were made by the
participants in protecting the environment
especially with regard to the disposal of

With the exposure, the participants had a

firsthand experience and therefore were able to reflect on the massive destruction of the environmental due
to the negligence of the people and short-term political ambitions of
politicians. Rev. Fr. Sagara Jayamanne SSS made a scriptural in put
on the theme “Prophetic call” while the present situation of the
North and the East was highlighted by Rev. Fr. Jeyabalan Croos. The
unexpected critical economic crisis in the country and the causes in
relation to women were discussed with the facilitation of Mrs.
Vishaka Dharmadasa. Bishop Kumara Illagasinghe explained the
challenges faced by the plantation people followed by a lively
discussion. In spite of various challenges and obstacles, possible
initiatives within a limited
democratic space were
pointed out by Mr. Rukshan Fernando and some legal initiatives
on the amendment to the PTA (Prevention of Terrorism ACT) were
introduced by Mr. Suren D. Perera AAL for which the participants
consented to become petitioners. Therefore, the petition to be
filed in the Supreme Court was explained.

The Director of CSR Rev. Fr. Rohan Silva OMI facilitated a

discussion about the aftermath of the Easter Sunday Attack and
requested the participants to study the recommendations made
by the commission and invited the participants to work in solidarity to bring about Justice to the victims of
Easter Sunday Attack. The 03-day workshop was concluded with a thanksgiving mass on the 17th February.
Focusing on the theme "When Women lead, others follow” the Human Rights Office Kandy organized the
International Women's day on the 12th March 2022 at the Parish hall of Fatima Shrine Padiwatte Kandy Sri Lanka.

More than 100 participants from the families of the disappeared, families of the
prisoners, the survivors of torture, rape, sexual and gender based violence and
their families, the members of the support group and the staff of the Human
Rights Office participated in the day’s programme.

The guest speaker Ms. Geeva Nilmalgoda, Attorney at Law highlighted the theme
and provided examples how women lead not only the families, but in many
other spheres taking up responsibilities
with determination. "Women as leaders
have the capacity to lead others while
they suffer silently but still have the
courage to endure challenges”.

The women who participated lit lamps in

honour of all the suffering women,
mothers who give new life to this earth,
widows, daughters, child victims of sexual abuses, unborn babies, women
labourers, women displaced by the war.

Fr. Nandana Manatunga the Director of the HRO explained the purpose of
gathering women to celebrate the Women’s day with the theme "When Women
lead, others follow". He said it is
because the women sustain initiatives
until completion that there are so many
women’s organizations and therefore
he invited the participants who were
present to face the challenges that are
before them due to the economic
downfall of the country. The
participants were then divided in to
groups and were asked to discuss their
own experiences and the initiatives that
they have taken to meet the unexpected
challenges with the economic crisis,
which resulted a severe inflation experienced during the last few weeks and which may continue in the coming
The Human Rights Office prepared a meaningful way of the cross for the season of lent in 2022 as in
previous years with visuals, based on the suffering and death of Christ comparing to the sufferings of the
people in Sri Lanka and also in many other countries
specially of the suffering people of Ukraine. The
visual way of the cross, helped the faithful to reflect
on our own lives, the crosses that we carry and the
society in which we live and into enter in to the
paschal mystery of Christ. The programmes were
held in 30 different venues: in parishes, seminaries,
houses of formation and in schools.

Along with the way of the cross, based on Human Dignity Legal clinics were also held in some parishes
with awareness programmes on Torture, Domestic violence, gender-based violence, Right to Information
Act and Child Rights.

The Human Rights Office joined the suffering people to protest against the present regime. Silent
peaceful protests were held in Kandy on the 30th March and in Matale on the 02nd of April 2022.
Several priests, nuns, professionals and civil
society activists came together to express their
dissatisfaction towards the political leaders who
have shown a deaf ear to the cries of the people
who are suffering without the most basics, such
as power, fuel, gas, milk foods and even other
essentials items. Although people wanted to make
their voices and cries heard, they were afraid of the
ruthless militarized regime. However, with our
initiative to make our voices heard in public, the ordinary citizens, religious, professionals,
university students have started protesting in public and so much so that the President declared a
state of emergency and imposed curfew on the 03rd April 2022 fearing the public outrage against
him and his cabinet of ministers.

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