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Technological Institute of the Philippines

938 Aurora Blvd. Cubao, Quezon City

College of Information Technology Education

GEE 002 – General Education Elective 2

Midterm Period
Information Privacy (Data Privacy): Sharing of Information


Program / Section: GEE002 / ARCH12S13 Instructor: JONATHAN TAYLAR
Assessment Task: Assignment No. 4

- Read the questions carefully.
- Provide answer that will satisfy the requirements

Carefully read each of the following scenario. After reflection, come up with your own answer to each of the

Scenario 1:

Luis and Mia are good friends. Both attend at ABC University. One day when Luis is off-campus
interviewing for a part-time job, someone asks him how many credit hours of computer science courses he
has completed. Luis calls Mia and asks her to access his student records by logging into the campus
mainframe/computer as if she were Luis. He provides Mia with his student identification number and
password so that she can do this

1. Is it wrong for Luis to share this information with Mia?

2. Is it wrong for Mia to retrieve this information for Luis?

Assessment Tool:
This assessment will be graded using Rubric for Essay

- It is wrong to share information within school premises. Sharing information that must be known
only to the student himself is wrong. With the enclosed information he gave, he could be hacked
and get his records stolen or even changed. However, the purpose behind the request is not
wrong. The intention is not to harm so it is not entirely wrong. Not only did he use a simple request
to answer a question but also benefited from it for his own good.
- It is not wrong for Mia to retrieve information for Luis. She accessed his account for the purpose of
helping him. She did not mean any harm and nor did he. She only did what a good friend would do
if her friend needed something simple. She was also requested directly from Luis so she had the
consent of opening his account and did not just log in without his permission.

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