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Centre for Aerospace & Defence Laws (CADL)



M.A. (Security & Defence Laws)

(Batch 2019-2021 & 2020-2022)

Academic Year: 2021-2022

Third Semester - End Semester –Take Home Examination (January, 2022)

Paper III – 2.3.11. Aviation, Space and Maritime Security



a) Read the instructions for Take Home Examination carefully and adhere to the
b) Please mention your name, ID No., subject name and total number of pages on the
Answer Sheet.
c) Clearly indicate the question numbers while answering them.
d) Answer any seven out of ten questions and each question carries 10 marks.
e) Each answer should be written in 800 - 1000 words only.
f) Since this is a take home exam, we expect your answers to be analytical rather
than straight answers.
g) Copying from any source including from other students is strictly prohibited.
Plagiarism is considered as a serious academic mis-conduct and the University
will take action as it deems fit.

1. Do you agree with the statement that “Enforcement of International Law is weak as compared
to the enforcement of Domestic Law?” Explain in the context of relation between International
Law and Municipal Law.

2. Each Contracting State undertakes to collaborate in securing the highest practicable degree of
uniformity in regulations, standards, and procedures and to this end, the international Civil
Aviation Organisation (ICAO) has adopted from time to time international standards and
recommended practices (SARPs) for aviation security. What are they? Explain in detail.
3. The hijacking of the Indian Airlines Aircraft IC-814 on 24th December, 1999 has raised not
only security Issues like the safety of the air passengers, security of aircrafts and airports but also
the national and international security. Taking into consideration of the said Hijacking, the
Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS) has taken the security measures for further beefing up
of security at airports and safety of air passengers. With the above information write a note on
various domestic acts relating to aviation security in India.

4. Mrs. Radha was flying from Hyderabad to New York along with other passengers. The flight
was good and she enjoyed the air travelling. The flight went smoothly in all respects, but during
landing Mrs. Radha felt severe pressure and pain in her right ear. After landing Mrs. Radha
immediately consulted a doctor who concluded that she had become permanent deaf in her right
ear. She filed a suit against the airline company for causing hearing loss by negligent
maintenance and operation of the pressurization system. Evidence indicated that the
pressurization system had functioned properly. Answer the following:
a) Explain the concept “accident” in view of Warsaw Convention and Montreal Convention.
b) Is the Airliner liable to Mrs. Radha? If liable why? If not liable why? Give your valid

5. “Maritime Security is both multi-dimensional and multi-faceted. It involves both military and
non-military issues.” Do you agree? Explain the military activities beyond the territorial seas and
on the high seas.

6. In order to confront the menace of piracy off the coast of Somalia, the UN Security Council
acting under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, adopted a resolution, the text of which included,
inter alia, the following excerpts:
a). Condemns and deplores all acts of piracy and armed robbery against vessels in
territorial waters and the high seas off the coast of Somalia;
b). Urges States whose naval vessels and military aircraft operating on the high seas and
airspace off the coast of Somalia to be vigilant to acts of piracy and armed robbery and,
in this context, encourages, in particular, States interested in the use of commercial
maritime routes off the coast of Somalia, to increase and coordinate their efforts to deter
acts of piracy and armed robbery at sea in cooperation with the Transitional Federal
Government (TGF);
c). Decides for a period of six months from the date of this resolution, States cooperating
with the (TGF) in the fight against piracy and armed robbery at sea off the coast of
Somalia, and to render assistance to vessels threatened by or under attack by pirates or
armed robbers, in accordance with relevant international law;
(i) Enter the territorial waters of Somalia for the purpose of prepressing acts of
piracy and armed robbery at sea, in a manner consistent with such action
permitted on the high seas with respect to piracy under relevant international law;
(ii) Use, within the territorial waters of Somalia, in a manner consistent with
action permitted on the high seas with respect to piracy under relevant
international law, all necessary means to repress piracy and armed robbery;
d. Requests that cooperating States take appropriate steps to ensure that the activities they
undertake pursuant to the authorization in paragraph 7 do not have the practical effect of
denying or impairing the right of innocent passage to the ships of any third State.
Bearing in mind the mandate of this resolution, critically analyze the elements of definition of
Piracy as set out under the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea, 1982, explaining in particular,
if the said resolution passed by the Security Council has made any breakthrough in addressing
the pitfalls in the definition, which would now allow the States to meet the challenge of
suppressing the threat of piracy in international law.

7. Write short notes on any TWO of the following:

(a) Right of Innocent passage
(b) Ruses of war and perfidy
(c) Naval war in non-international armed conflicts.

8. It is generally viewed that, “the corpus of International space law consist of five international
space treaties and five United Nations General Assembly Resolutions on space activities”. What
are they and explain them briefly.
9. “At the dawn of the nuclear age, deterrence came into its own. Deterrence had existed
previously, of course, but the unprecedented destructive power of atomic weapons made the
price of deterrence failure unaffordable. In recent past, protection of space assets had become a
major concern to the space-faring nations”. Discuss the concept of deterrence. Also discuss the
deterrence to protect space asserts with relevant legal provisions.

10. “India’s focus has been entirely on civilian applications for social and economic development
with very little attention being paid to leveraging space assets or technologies for security or
strategic planning.” Do you agree? Give reasons. Discuss the emerging trends and challenges in
relation to the space security in India.

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