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HAND OUT DATE: 21 May 2021

HAND IN DATE: 21 Jun 2021



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Al-Baqala is an online grocery, the owner of the grocery can display his
products inside the grocery, and also he can put discounts on the products. And
also, the customer can add products inside the cart, then he can go to the cart to
check out everything he added, and also when he goes to the cart, he will see
everything he added, and he will see the total amount. Also, he can check out
and once he clicks on checkout the app will give him two options to pay one is
cash and the second one is via card and if he chose a card, he must put his

2.0 Functionality

The Al-Baqala application contains numerous features that appeal to a wide

range of users. These are the characteristics.

1- the customer can login to the app, he must have email and password.

2- the customer will get his order while he is in house

3- when the customers order many thins when he go to the cart he will see it and
he will see the total amount

4- the customers can pay by cash or with credit card

5- the customer has many things to buy it and the application is not difficult to
3.0 System Description

3.1 Problem Identification

Most of the global groceries have a good, such as keeping this product in the
favorites to be easier than the next times to choose it faster and also be the
customer can search for a product through the search tag, but so far the Al-
Baqala do not have these features, which means making more effort to search
for some the stuff

3.2 Proposed Solution

Al-Baqala store offer many solutions, for example, if you are sick and cannot go
to the grocery store to pick up some items, there is a delivery service. Also,
these days, with Covid 19, many things prevent the customer from going to the
grocery store. Customers prefer to buy items online.

4.0 Modelling Diagram

Use case diagram describes the way that the system work base on the users.
5.0 Wireframes

This is the login page the email is admin@gmail,com and the password is 12345
Here is the main page you will Here is when you click any the

find the top discount and some items and if the customer clicks

items on the CART it will add to cart

Here are options for selecting Here if you chose the Fruits this

the kind of the items page will come

Here is when the customer clicks and here when customer click on

on cart they will give him two options

And here the last thing when you select the payment

the will tell you that your product has been placed

6.0 Project Dependencies

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