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Francis Ivan Barcelona ME Elective 1

BSME – 5 4/16/2022

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer or a robot controlled by a computer to do tasks that
normally require human intelligence and discernment.

How will AI make the industrial plant for efficient over time?

Companies can accomplish more with less and extend their operations by responding faster than people
and automating processes with AI. They can also provide more advanced and timely services.

What are its additional advantages?

AI has the benefit of reducing human mistake. Because humans make mistakes from time to time, the
term "human error" was coined. Computers, on the other hand, do not make these errors if they are
correctly programmed. Artificial intelligence makes choices based on previously obtained data and a set
of algorithms. As a result, errors are decreased, and the prospect of achieving better precision and
accuracy is increased.

AI can assist with monotonous tasks. We will be doing a lot of repetitious labor in our day-to-day work,
such as writing thank-you emails, double-checking documents for flaws, and so on. We can use artificial
intelligence to efficiently automate these monotonous operations and even remove "boring" duties
from humans' schedules, allowing them to be more creative.

What are its disadvantages?

With its applications automating the majority of the job, AI is making humans lazy. Humans are prone to
get addicted to these advancements, posing a threat to future generations.

Human interference is growing less as AI replaces the majority of repetitive tasks and other tasks with
robots, causing a big challenge in employment standards. Every company is attempting to replace
minimum-qualified employees with AI robots that can perform similar tasks more efficiently.

AI lacks the ability to think outside the box. Machines can only accomplish the tasks for which they were
created or programmed; anything else causes them to crash or produce irrelevant outputs, which can be
a big distraction.

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