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 Mountaineering (also referred to as 'mountain climbing' or ―mainly in
Europe― 'Alpinism') is the sport of climbing a mountain. Regardless of the
length of the trip ―which can range from a few hours to multi-day
expeditions―, mountaineering is more physically demanding than hiking.

 Mountaineering, or alpinism, is the set of activities that involves

ascending mountains. Mountaineering-related activities include traditional
outdoor climbing, skiing, and traversing via ferratas. Indoor climbing, sport
climbing and bouldering are also considered mountaineering by some

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 “To those who are wondering, mountaineering is not an expensive sport. As long as
you have a good pair of hiking shoes and proper clothing gear, you’re all set,” says
Magdaluyo. “Other hiking gear is shared, especially among UP Mountaineers,”
Padilla adds.

 Since 1977, the UP Mountaineers have counted over a thousand professionals and
students as members, as the open organization that has welcomed individuals in
and outside the UP community. Its strength lies in its observance of two basic rules
—punctuality and participation. UP Mountaineers President Ed Magdaluyo defines
mountaineering thus: “Primarily, like any other kind of sport, it requires one to be
physically fit. In fact, during the application period, applicants go through a
physical fitness program, which is later applied to levels of climb activities before
attaining membership status. It’s also about setting the right attitude while
performing those tedious physical activities,” the UP Mountaineer Batch 2013 adds

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 Magdaluyo, an associate professor at the Department of Mining,
Metallurgical, and Materials at the College of Engineering, says that
mountaineering is a multisport. “
 “We have developed various physical fitness trainings and programs
necessary for every climb we take. In turn, this exposure to high impact
physical fitness, such as running and swimming, has turned members into
trail runners, rock climbers, bikers, even triathletes.”
 “I have been joining small groups of mountaineers in several hiking
activities. But only when I signed up for the UP Mountaineers did I change
how I value my every climb. It has taught me not to think of myself, but
also to consider the surroundings, to become responsible in general,”
College of Home Economics Food Technology major Padilla shares

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 Padilla, for her part, emphasizes the continuing education of the members
as well as non-members of UP Mountaineers on responsible
mountaineering. “If we are able to raise their awareness through education
about responsible mountaineering, they will be able to have that drive to
take care of nature. We desire to educate people to be mountaineers.”
 “Every climb yields a different view which you can never see in the
lowlands. Of course, there’s the sea of clouds, but that’s temporary. It is
more about your vulnerability and keeping yourself open to the
enchantments of nature, the mountains. It is a different kind of fulfilment to
reach the summit from a long, hard struggle in the trails, and rewarding
yourself with good food at the top,” Magdaluyo explains.

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