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FEMALE FLUTED PUMPKIN (Telfairia occidentalis)









This project written by Okoro Chinenye Lilian with Registration Number;

ND/SLT/2014/2015/039 under the guidance and supervision of Mr. Ogbu J.U.,

has been approved, submitted and accepted by Science Laboratory Technology

Department of Federal College of Agriculture Ishiagu, in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the Award of National Diploma in Science Laboratory


………………………… …………………………….

Justin U. OGBU Date

(Project Supervisor)


This is to certify that Okoro Chinenye Lilian in the Department of

Science Laboratory Technology with Registration Number

ND/SLT/2014/2015/039 has satisfactorily completed the research project in

partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of National Diploma in

Science Laboratory Technology.

……………………….. Date ……..………………….

Justin U. OGBU
(Project Supervisor)

……………………….. Date …………………………

Engr. Omekerah B.O.
(Head of Department)
Science Laboratory Technology

………………………. Date …………………………..

External Examiner


I dedicated this research work to God Almighty, the giver of power and



My appreciation goes to God Almighty who saw me throughout this

project research and throughout my ND programme. I also thank my able and

wonderful supervisor, Mr. Ogbu J.U. that spent all his time to make this project

a successful one. My gratitude goes to my able and loving parents for their

support, both financially and their prayers for the success of this project. Also to

my brothers and sisters who helped me through my academic pursuit and

thereafter. They are indeed my second parents.

I appreciate my lecturers who helped me in shaping my thinking.

Honestly, their intellectual contributions which they made for my development

cannot be rewarded by any man. They gave me the confidence to face the

world. I acknowledge my friends who never stop telling me that I have

something to offer. Finally, my gratitude goes to my HOD; Engineer B.O.

Omekarah for his contribution towards the Department, Science Laboratory



A research work was carried out to determine the biochemical differences in

male and female fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis) leaves. The laboratory

assessment of micronutrients contents of T. occidentalis leaves was carried out.

The micronutrients observed were Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Magnesium,

Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium and Iron. The results showed that the level of

the micronutrients were higher in female T. occidentalis leaves than male leaves

at the early vegetative growth phase of the plant. However, following flowering

and fruit set in the female Telfairia by twelve week after planting, the various

micronutrient levels in its leaves drop markedly below that of male Telfairia




Fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis) is a member of the Cucurbitaceae

plant family. It is a native of West Africa and a perennial vine, but cultivated as

annual crops under the traditional farming system of West Africa. Fluted

pumpkin is grown primarily for leaf which is popular for use in preparing

assorted diets in many West Africa countries (Gill, 1987). The seeds can also be

eaten whole, ground or fermented into ogiri which serve as condiments for

making soup and sauce. Asiegbu (1987) reported that the seeds contain about

30.1 and 47% of protein and oil respectively. He also noted that the essential

amino acids contents compare favourably with those of other legumes such as

groundnut and soya beans.

Fluted pumpkin is dioecious, having separate male (staminate) plant and

female (pistilate) plant .The male plant bears only male flowers. While the

female plant bears only female flowers and consequently bears the pod that

contains the seeds. This is known as sexual polymorphism. In fluted pumpkin

production, preference is on large succulent leaves. The female plants are

known to produce large succulent leaves that attracts high premium prices in the

market. The male plants, on the other hand, produce small and less attractive

leaves. Because of the high productivity of the female plants, farmers prefer

female to male. However, it has not been possible to separate seed into male or

female seeds that will germinate into male or female plants. In fact, it is difficult

to differentiate male plants from female plants before flower initiation in the

crop. This has posed a serious problem and limitation to fluted pumpkin

production. In their contribution, Ndukwe et al (2005) reported that seeds that

germinate to female plant are larger in size than those that germinate male

plants. There is also speculation among indigenous farmers that seeds extracted

from the head and tail portions of the fluted pumpkin pod develop into male

plants, while those extracted from the middle portion develop into female



Telfairia is classified in the tribe jolifreae of the sub family cucurbitoideae. It

comprises 3 species, of which Telfairia pedata (Sm.Exsims) Hook. (oysternut)

is much cultivated for its seed oil in East Africa. The name Telfairia pedata and

oysternut are often used erroneously for Telfairia occidentalis. Cultivars of

Telfairia occidentalis are distinguished by seed colour, thickness, of vine, size

of leaf, growing vigour, days to flowering and succulence. In Nigeria the two

main cultivars are ‘ugu-ala’ characterized by succulent, broad leaves, small

black seeds, thick stem and blow growth, and ‘ugu-elu which has a high growth

rate, large browinish seeds with high viability, and thin stem with small leaves.

The large succulent leaves of ‘ugu-ala’ make this cultivars a commercial

vegetable in high demand, while the fast emergence and high growth rate of

‘ugu-elu’ is preferred by farmers because of quick returns. The seed is often

polyembryonic, which is useful for multiplication and in breeding (ref….). The

botany of the crop has been fully described by Okoli and Mgbeogu (1983).


Fluted pumpkin seeds are viviparous ( germinating in the fruit ). Since seeds are

recalcitrant they cannot be stored for more than 3 days once they are extracted

from the fruit. The critical seed moisture content below which seeds cannot

recover from desiccation is 40% - 60%. Fluted pumpkin is often grown as an

annual crop in homesteads where it is intercropped with other vegetable and

other food crops such as cassava, yams, and maize, or planted against fences.

Commercially, it is grown as a sole crop. The conventional method of

propagation is by seed, sown directly at a rate of 30,000 - 70,000 seeds/ha and

spaced at 0.3-1m x 0.3-1m. Densely spaced stands are best for leaf production,

while the wider spacing is best for fruit production when staked. Depending on

the soil type, rainfall and cropping pattern, fluted pumpkin can be planted on the

flat, or in ridges or mounds (refs……………..).


T. occidentalis is typically grown vertically on trellis-like structures; however, it

can be allowed to spread flat on a field. The beneficial outcome of growing the

gourd flat is the suppression of weeds, especially when intercropped with a tall,

upright plant such as maize. The growing period begins in April or May when

seeds are planted; the first leaves and shoots can be harvested after a month and

can be collected every 2-4 weeks thereafter. Seeds are planted directly in the

soil, typically in group of three to increase output in a case of a failed

germination. Fruit is typically harvested between October and December. The

seeds are subsequently collected and dired, a portion of them are consumed,

while the remainder are stored for the following planting season. Although

dependent upon soil type, the fluted qourd is able to ratoon and subsequently

produce many flushes of fruit over long periods. it is able to ratoon with the

highest degree of success in well-draned soils.

1.4 USES

The main use of T. occidentalis is as leaf and seed vegetable. The tender

shoots, succulent leaves and immature seeds are cooked and consumed as a

vegetable. The leaves are used alone or together with okra (Abelmoschus caillei

LA. Chev.) Stevels and (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Moench, dika nut

(Irvingia gabonensis (Aubry-lecomte ex O rorke) Baill, or egusi seeds. They

can also be mixed with eru (Gnetum africanum Welw.) and Pterocarpus

soyauxii Taub. They are often cooked with fish, meat and tapioca. Immature

seeds are cooked or roasted. Seeds can also be fermented for several days and

eaten as a slurry. The fruit pulp with young seeds is occasionally made into

marmalade. Mature seeds are not consumed directly because they have a high

content of anti-nutrients, but their fat and oil may be extracted. The seed cake is

serves as cooking oil and for making margarine. The oil can also be used as

drying oil for paints and varnishes, although it is also reported to be non-drying.

The raw flour shows better water and fat absorption properties than the oil,

hence its useful application in baking products and ground meat products. The

rind and pulp of the fruit of fluted pumpkin are used as fodder for livestock.

Pregnant women and patients suffering from anaermia use leaf juice to boost the

blood. The stems are macerated to produce fibers that are used as a sponge



T. occidentalis is an important staple vegetable grown in Nigeria. The plant

produces luxuriants edible green leaves, which are rich in iron and vitamins.

Stems of the plants have branching, long thrusting tendrils and the leaves are

divided into three to five leaflets with the terminal leaflets up to 15cm long,

while the male plant is grown principally for leaves and seeds, which are

important soup condition. Recent studies have shown that T. occidentails leaf is

rich in minerals (such as iron, potassium sodium, phosphorus, calcium and

magnesium ), antioxidants, vitamins (such as thiamine, riboflaxin, nicotinamide

and ascorbic acid, phyto-chemicals such as phenols. The leaves contain

essential oils, vitamins, root contains cucubitacine, sesquiterpene, lactones (Iwu,

1983). The young leaves sliced and mixed with coconut water and salt are

stored in a bottle and used for the treatment of convulsion in ethno medicine

(Gbile, 1986). The leaf extract is useful in the management of cholesterolemia,

liver problems and impaired defense immune systems (Eseyin et al 2000a, b).

The roots are used as rodenticide and an ordeal poison (Gill, 1992). The

essential amino acids contents compared favorably with those of important

legumes (Asiegbu, 1987). The amino acid profile of T. occidentalis had also

been shown to be very rich and includes alanine, aspartate , glycine, glutamine,

histidine, lysine, methionine, tryptophan, cystine, leucine, arginine, serine,

theonine, phenylalanine, valine, tyrosine and isoleucine (Tindall,1968; Fasuyi,

2006). Emeka and Obidoa (2009) study reveals that the long term feeding of

T.occidentalis supplemented diet caused a significant increase in weight of

animals which may be due to its content of rich nutrients.


The broad objective of this study is to understand the biochemical difference in

male and female fluted pumpkin (Telfariria occidentalis Hook. f :

cucurbitaceae) edible leaves, if any.

The specific objectives are to:

1: Assess changes in nutritional compositional T. occidentalis edible leaves

from early undifferentiated – sex seedling to mature flowering plants.

2: Determine the influence of dioecious plants sex type on the crop nutritional


The study provides the scientific explanation and or justification for the

common practice among growers and consumers of this crop in Nigeria who

hold preferences for certain type of the T. occidentalis leafy produce. The study

also seeks to understand nutrient assimilates distribution of the edible leaf

through the vegetative and reproductive phases of the crop.


The scope and duration of the study included the collection of specified

portion (the vine tip) of the plant for laboratory analysis and evaluation of the

nutrient composition. Samples were collected at interval of four weeks after

planting, 8 weeks after planting and 12 weeks after planting. The study lasted 4

months (March to June 2016).




The fluted pumpkin, Telfairia occidentalis (Hook.), is a tropical cucurbit, a

member of a large family, the cucurbitaceae, which includes qourds, pumpkins,

squashed and melons.


The fluted pumpkin is a fast growing, climbing annual which bears heavy fruits

that are fluted or furrowed. The creeping stem may bear two or more fruits.

Fruits take 5 months to mature and may weigh up to 10 kg; small fruits weigh 2

– 5kg. Fruits contain many seeds, small fruits containing up to 30 seeds, large

fruits up to 70 seeds and very large fruits contain up to 100 seeds. Okoli and

Mgbeogu (1983) reported fruits measuring 105cm in length and containing 196

seeds. They observe that the seeds are dark red in colour, non-endospermic and

quite large in size, measuring 3.3 – 4.9 cm from end to end. Estimates of seed

yield of fluted pumpkin in Southern Nigeria are 2.5 – 3 tonnes/ha (Nwokolo and

Sim, 1987). Seeds are cooked and eaten when mature. The young leaves form a

very delicious vegetable when cooked, and are eaten in a variety of dishes.


Unisexual: Reproductive structure that is either functionally male or

functionally female. In angiosperm, this condition is also called imperfect or

incomplete (Molnar, 2004) plant reproductive system.


1. Hermaphrodite, a plant that has only bisexual reproductive units (flowers,

conifercones, or functionally equivalent structures). In angiosperm

terminology a synonym is monoclinous from the Greek “One bed”.

2. Monoecious, and individual that has both male and female reproductive

units (flowers, conifer cones, or functionally equivalent structures) on the

same plant; from Greek “One household”. Individuals bearing separate

flowers of both sex at the same time are called simultaneously or

synchronously monoecious. Individuals that bear flower of one sex at one

time are called consecutively monoecious; plants may first have single

sexed flowers and they later have flowers of the other sex. Protoandrous

describe individual that function first as male and then change to female;

protogynous describes individuals that function first as female and then

change to males.

3. Dioecious refers to a plant population having separate male and female

plant. That is, no individual plant of the population produce both micro

gametophytes (pollen) and mega gametophytes (ovules); individual plants

are either male or female (angiosperm sexual system). From Greek for

“two household”. Individual plants are not called dioecious; they are

either gynoecious (female plants) or androecious (male plants).

Androecious, plants producing male flowers only, produce pollen

but no seeds, the male plants of a dioecious population.

Gynoecious plants producing female flowers only produce seeds

but no pollen, the female of a dioecious population. In same plant

population, all individuals are gynoecious with non-sexual reproduction

used to produce the next generation.

4. Polygamy plants with male, female and perfect (hermaphrodite) flowers

on the same plant (Geber, 1999). A polygamous inflorescence has both

unisexual and bisexual flowers, e.g. Pawpaw.

 Trimonoecious (polygamous) male, female and hermaphrodite floral

morphs all appear on the same plant.

Holly (llex aquifolium) is dioecious; (above) shoot with flowers

from male plant; (top right) male flower enlarged, showing stamens with

pollens and reduced, sterile stigma; (below) shoot with flowers from

female plant; (lower right) female flowers enlarged showing stigma and

reduced, sterile stamens.


Angiosperm species that produce unisexual flowers present the opportunity for

separate analysis of the male and female programs for floral differentiation and

gametogenesis. For reviews, see Westergaards (1958), Grant (1975), Frankel

and Galum (1977), Durand and Durand (1984). Recently, it has become feasible

to pursue the molecular genetic basic of the male and female differentiation

programme in certain plant species, as has already been profitably undertaken in

several animal species (Hodgkin, 1987, 1989). This article reviews the
unisexual flowering schemes found in angiosperms and summarized available

data on the control of floral polymorphism in the monoecious species maize

(Zea mays) and in the dioecious species mercury (Mercurialis annua).



The factors affecting dioecious plants in this issue range from the epigenetic

inheritance of characters that influence defence traits to the abiotic factors and

biotic interactions that contribute to community assembly and the coexistence of

plant species. Several of the studies consider the ecology and evolution of

invasive species. Others address questions about the evolutionary ecology of

local adaptation and differentiation in life history traits, including differentiation

between the sexes of the dioecious plants. The integration of a formal

phylogenetic perspective into comparative functional ecology represented an

important step in the field of plant ecology (Harvey and Pagel, 1991; Silver

Town et al, 1997).

The point a simple one trait may be associated among species either

because they are functionally related or simply because traits are inherited

together from common ancestors (or both). It is now acceptable that failure to

account for the latter possibility of having the same bad effect because species

are not independent unit and can lead to spurious conclusion about function.





The samples were identified by Mr. Ogbu J. U. Department of Horticulture and

Landscape Technology, Federal College of Agriculture, Ishiagu, using their

respective tendril features. The male seedlings were identified by slimmer vine

and early profuse tendrils, unlike female seedlings that were marked by

relatively thick vine with apparently little or no early tendrils. It can also be

identified from the early stage when the tendrils were coming out. The male are

known to come up with tendrils first before the female plants in the first two to

three weeks after sowing.


The sample (Telfairia occidentalis) leaves were collected from the field of

planting at Federal College of Agriculture, Ishiagu, which is located at

longitude 070 3' E latitude 050 56' N and 58 m above the seal level in the derived

savanna of South East Nigeria. The samples were collected 30 cm from vine tip

in each case. The samples were collected at interval of four weeks after

planting, eight weeks after planting and twelve weeks after planting.

The samples were enveloped and were fully labeled as sample I to be male and

sample II to be female, and were then sent to soil science laboratory of National

Root Crops Research Institute (NRCRI) Umudike, Umuahia Abia State for



The samples collected were washed and dried at 50 0C, crushed with the aid of a

ball grinder, stored in air tight plastic containers inside the refrigerator. Then the

samples were ready for other laboratory analysis.


Vitamins Analysis: The vitamins of the specie samples were ashed at 550 0C for

48 hours; the ash from each was digested with 10 ml of 10% HCl in a beaker.

The samples were filtered and the filtrate of 50 ml in the standard flask with

deionized water used n standardization of solution. The vitamins were

determined using the method of the Association of vitamins chemist as

described by AOAC (1995). The vitamins determined were:

 Vitamin A (B – Carotene) obtained using high performance liquid

chromatography, while

 Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) was obtained using 2, 6-

dichlorophenolindophenol method.

Mineral Analysis: The mineral composition of the specie samples were also

done as the vitamins. The minerals were determined using Atomic Absorption

Spectrophotometer (AAS). The following minerals were assessed: Magnesium

(Mg), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca) and Iron (Fe).



The results of the micronutrients contents of Telfairia occidentalis leaves at

different stages of growth of four, eight and twelve weeks after planting are

reported in the tables below.

Vitamin Content: In the Table 4.1, at the fourth week after planting, been the

vegetative stage, the vitamin A and C contents in the female plants leaves are

higher than the ones in the male plants’.

Mineral Content: From Table 4.1 also mineral contents in the female plants

leaves at fourth week after planting were higher than the minerals in male


Vitamin Content: Table 4.2 shows the micronutrient contents and variations at

eight weeks after planting which is also within the vegetative growth stage. The

vitamins in the female plants are also higher than the vitamins in the male


Mineral Content: The mineral contents mainly Magnesium, Phosphorus,

Potassium and Calcium are higher in the female plants’ than the male plants;

while the reverse is the case in that of Iron.

TABLE 4.1: Micronutrient contents of Telfairia occidentalis leaves at four
weeks after planting
Parameters Male plant Female plant
Vitamin A 870 872.5
Vitamin C 0.075 0.0875
Magnesium 72.05 72.55
Phosphorus 11.75 12.03
Potassium 2610.5 2613.5
Calcium 26.1 26.4
Iron 13.35 13.55

TABLE 4.2: Micronutrient content of Telfairia occidentalis leaves at eight

weeks after planting
Parameters Male plant Female plant
Vitamin A 866 872
Vitamin C 0.07 0.089
Magnesium 71.85 72.65
Phosphorus 12.01 12.065
Potassium 2612.5 2622
Calcium 26.6 26.75
Iron 13.75 13.65

The fourth and eighth weeks after planting (Tables 4.1 and 4.2) are described as

the vegetative growth stage. The vitamin A in both male and female in the

Table 4.1 are higher than the one in the Table 4.2. But the vitamin C in the male

in the Table 4.1 was higher than that of Table 4.2; while the reverse is the case

in the females. The mineral contents at the eight weeks after planting in Table

4.2 is higher than that of Table 4.1 for both male and the female plant.

VITAMIN CONTENTS: Table 4.3 shows the leaf micronutrients content at

twelve weeks after planting, by which time flowers production has started.

Therefore, this stage is also as described as reproductive stage. The vitamins in

males are higher than that in the females probably because the females are the

ones producing the pod eventually. Moreover it is likely that some of the

vitamins might have been mobilized to the fertilized flowers for fruit set, thus

making the female leaves less in vitamins contents.

MINERAL CONTENTS: The mineral contents of mostly Magnesium (Mg),

Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca) and Iron (Fe) are higher in the

male than the female while the reverse is the case in the Phosphorus (P).

TABLE 4.3: Micronutrient content of Telfairia occidentalis leaves at twelve
weeks after planting
Parameters Male Female
Vitamin A 874 841.5
Vitamin C 0.0915 0.055
Magnesium 72.95 69.1
Phosphorus 12.45 14.3
Potassium 2642 2620.5
Calcium 27.35 27.15
Iron 14.3 13.95

VITAMIN CONTENT: The vitamins in the male are the reproductive stage

because it was still in the tender stage and is likely that the vitamins will be

more when grown higher. But in the female aspect of it, the vitamins in

vegetative stage was higher than that of reproductive stage. Reason because of

the stage some of the vitamins will be transferred to the fruits making it less in


MINERAL CONTENT: The minerals in the reproductive stage are higher than

the minerals in the vegetative stage both in male and female apart from

Magnesium (Mg) female in the reproductive stage. The nutrient contents of

vitamin A, vitamin C and Magnesium from four weeks down to the twelve

weeks after planting decreases with growth rate as the plant was growing, the

contents of the nutrient keep on reducing while the reverse is the case from

Phosphorus to Iron, the contents increases with growth rate. All this nutrient

contents that increases, like Phosphorus helps in the formation of bones and

teeth. Potassium serves as a better diets for hypertensive patients. Calcium

helps in building strong and keeping healthy bones and teeth both early and

later in life. Iron helps in the formation for the oxygen carrying protein

haemoglobin and myoglobin.

TABLE 4.4: Micronutrient contents of Telfairia occidentalis leaves in relation
to plant sex type and growth stage

Treatments Vit. A Vit. C Mg P K Ca Fe

Male 4 weeks 870 0.075 72.05 11.75 2610.5 26.1 13.35
Male 8 weeks 866 0.070 71.85 12.01 2612.5 26.6 13.75
Male 12 weeks 874 0.092 72.95 12.45 2642 27.35 14.30
Female 4 weeks 872.5 0.088 72.55 12.03 2613.5 26.4 13.55
Female 8 weeks 872 0.089 72.65 12.07 2622 26.75 13.65
Female 12 weeks 841.5 0.055 69.10 14.30 2620.5 27.15 13.95
Plant sex type
Male 870 0.079 72.28 12.07 2621.7 26.68 13.80
Female 862.83 0.077 71.43 12.80 2618.7 26.77 13.72
Growth stage
Fourth week 871.25 0.082 72.30 11.89 2612 26.25 13.45
Eighth week 869 0.080 72.25 12.04 2617.3 26.68 13.70
Twelfth week 857.75 0.074 71.03 13.38 2631.3 27.25 14.13




The overriding purpose of this study was to access changes in nutritional

composition of Telfairia occidentalis edible leaves from early undifferentiated-

sex seedling to mature flowering plants. To accomplish that goal it became

necessary to reach some prerequisite goals: determining the influence of

dioecious plant sex type on the crop nutritional composition. It revealed that

nutritional composition is very high in female than the male Telifairia

occidentalis leaves. Fluted pumpkin is dioecious, having separate male

(staminate) plant and female (pistilate) plant. The male plant bears on male

flowers, while the female plants bears only female flowers and consequently

bears the pod that contain the seeds. It was identified that seeds extracted from

the head and tail portions of the fluted pumpkin pod develop into male plants

while those extracted from the middle portion develop into female plants. The

results showed that micronutrient content was higher in female than the male

Telfairia occidentalis leaves. Female Telifairia produce succulent and fleshy

leafy vegetables with higher nutritional value than male type and therefore

preferred at gloceries.


This study sufficiently informed that fluted pumpkin is dioecious having

separate male (staminate) plant and female (pistilate) plant. The male plant

bears only male flowers while the female plant bears only female flowers and

consequently bears the pod that contain the seeds. This is known as sexual


In fluted pumpkin production, preference is on large succulent leaves.

The female plants are known to produce succulent leaves that attract high

premium prices in the market. The male plants on the other hand, produce small

and less attractive leaves. Because of the high productivity of female plants,

farmers prefer female to male.


The following recommendations are offered as possible ways to improve

this study.

1. People should know that fluted pumpkin is grown primarily for leaf

which is popularly used for different varieties of diet.

2. Most farmers should also know that the male fluted pumpkin are mainly

used for growing and preserving seeds for future uses while the female

pumpkin are mostly consumed since its more nutritious in comparison to

the male fluted pumpkin.

3. Farmers should know that since seeds are recalcitrant, they cannot be

stored for more than three days once they are extracted from the fruit.

4. The cultivation and the harvesting period of this fluted pumpkin should

also be noted to avoid poor yield and wastage of capitals. The growing

period begins in April or May after which the first leaves and the shoots

are harvested after a month and they should be frequently collected after

2 - 4 weeks.

5. Based on the result, people should know that Telfairia occidentalis leaf is

rich in minerals such as Potassium, phosphorus, Calcium, etc.


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