Project 1

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Executive Summary
Labour welfare activity in India was largely influenced by the
humanitarian approach. During the early period of industrial
development efforts towards workers welfare was made largely by
social workers, some religious leaders mostly humanitarian grounds as
it is well known fact that after the employee have been hired, trained &
remunerated they need to be retained & maintained for overall growth
of an organization.
Welfare facilities have been mainly developed to look after the
wellbeing of an employee which ultimately leads to physical, mental &
moral health of an employee.
The committee on labour welfare 1909 was set up by the government
of India under chairmanship of Shri. R.K.Malviya revived at the
functioning of the various statutory and non-statutory welfare schemes
in industrial establishments both in public and private sector. The act
makes detailed provisions in regards to various matters relating to
welfare of workers.


The necessity for labour welfare is felt all the more in our country
because ours is a developing economy aiming at rapid economic and
social development. The need for labour welfare was felt by the Royal
Commission on Labour in 1931.The philosophy of labour welfare and its
necessity was mentioned in a resolution passed by the Indian National
Congress on fundamental rights and economic programed in its Karachi
Session in 1931.The resolution demanded that the organization of
economic life in the country must confirm to the principles of justice
and it might secure a decent standard of living. It also emphasized that
the state should safeguard the interest of industrial workers and should
secure for them by suitable legislation a living wage, healthy conditions
of work, limited hours of work, suitable machinery for the settlement of
disputes consequences of old age sickness and unemployment.
Employers are required to offer welfare facilities under different labour
law these are discussed as follows:-


 Washing facilities to male & female workers separately.
 Facilities for occasional rest for workers who works in standing
position for long hours.
 Canteens where there are more than 250 workers are employed.
 Shelters, rest room, & lunch rooms where over 150 workers are
 Welfare officer, if 500 of more workers are employed.


 A canteen is 150 or more workers are employed.
 Housing facilities for every worker & his family residing In the state.
 Recreational facilities for workers & their children.
 Educational arrangement in the state if there are 25 or more children
workers, between the age of 6 to 12.
 Shelter for taking the food & rest if 50 or more workers are employed.
 First-aid boxes & first-aid rooms if 150 or more workers are
 Pit-head baths & equipment’s with showers, sanitary latrines.
 A canteen if employing 50 or more workers are employed.
 A crèche, if employing 50 or more female.


 First –aid equipment in each transport vehicle.
 Medical facilities of the operating & hitting center.
 Uniform, rain coats to conductors, drivers & line checking staff for
protection against cold & rain.


 Washing facilities.
 First-aid boxes equipped with prescribed contents.
 Rest rooms or other suitable alternative accommodation where
contract labour is required to half at night connection with the work of
an establishment.

The government of India has enacted several laws from time to time,
these laws are factory act 1948, the mine act 1952, the plantation
labour act 1951, and so on. It has been constitute welfare funds for the
benefit of the employees. These funds have been established in coal,
mica, iron ore, limestone, and dolomite mines. The welfare activities
covered by these funds include housing, medical, educational, and
recreational facilities for the employees and their dependents.
According to factories act 1948 welfare amenities are categorized in
two main parts:-  Statutory welfare facilities.
 Non-statutory welfare facilities.


A statutory welfare amenity consists of those welfare facilities binding
on employer under law. And these facilities are as follows:-
 Provision of crèches and canteens.
 Supply of drinking water.
 Washing and bathing facilities.
 First-aid Box.
 Ambulance Room.
 Rest shelter facilities.
 Feeding facilities (canteen).
 Medical facilities.


Non-statutory welfare amenities are undertaken by employer
themselves as a part of social work. And these facilities are as follows:-
 Educational facilities.
 Recreation facilities.
 Transport facilities.
 Family planning.
 Comparative credit societies.
 Consumer’s comparative stores and fair price shop.
 Distress relief and cash benefits.
Every factory should provide the statutory and non-statutory facilities
depending upon the size and economic status of the factory.

In India, it has been observed that the working condition of labour at

work place is not satisfactory. Workers are always in frustration and
motivation level of workers is not good. As we know that man is by
nature an organic system not a mechanical one. The input of energy
such as food, water etc. are converted by him into outputs of behavior.
His behavior is determined by relationship between his characteristics
as organic system and the environment in which he moves. Motivation
is positively correlated with concepts of level of aspiration, degree of
comfort he gets at work place. It is rightly said that you can buy a man’s
time, you can buy a man’s physical presence at a given place but you
can’t buy his enthusiasm, initiative and loyalty. The management thus
has to maintain such environment at work place so that worker may
perform his duties willingly. It is possible only if management fulfill
needs of labour.

India has much greater need and importance of labour welfare than
any other country. There are certain deficiencies in Indian labour force
those are not found in other countries. It is because of those defects
and deficiencies the importance of labour welfare activity in our
country has been very much. In India, even today the workers are no
united into a class. Keeping in view the numbers, labor Union
movement is still in its infancy. Even if the labor union that does exist,
there is a lack of enlightened leadership, and there is no unity between
these unions themselves. In absence of properly organized labor Union
the workers can neither, place their demands effectively before the
employer, nor can they think clearly and systematically of their own
interests. As this is force lacking in India, it is essential that the welfare
of laborers in the country be efficiently looked after by the employers
and the Government.
As compared with other countries, the percentage of educated workers
is very low, most of them being illiterate. Consequently, they are not in
a position to receive advanced industrial training, understand the
problems in industries their own interests and those of nation as a
whole. This can prove a source of harm not only to the workers but also
to the country.
Following motives and considerations have promoted employers to
provide welfare measures:

(1) It is helpful in winning over their employees’ loyalty and to combat

trade unionism.
(2) It builds up a stable labour force by reducing labour turnover and
(3) It raises the morale of workers. A feeling is developed among the
workers that they are being looked after properly.
(4) One of the reasons for provision of welfare activities in recent times
by certain employers is to save themselves from heavy taxes on
(5) The motive behind provision of welfare activities by some
companies is to enhance their image and to create an atmosphere of
goodwill between the labour and management and also between
management and the public.

 To study & understand employees satisfaction level towards the

welfare measures at Purbanchal Udyog.
 To ascertain whether the welfare measures are being implemented
effectively at Purbachal Udyog.
 To analyze the effect of welfare measures in improving productivity of
the employees at Purbanchal Udyog.
 To suggest appropriate welfare measures to improve the employee
productivity at Purbanchal Udyog.

The project is conducted at Purbachal Udyog so, automatically overall

scope of my project is limited to Purbanchal Udyog only and there are
various factors which depend upon proper management and welfare
amenities provided by company.
The scope of welfare and multiplicity of factors affecting on it call for an
increasingly analytical approach in managing such amenities.


1) Oxford dictionary defines labour welfare as “Efforts to make life

worth living for workmen”.
2) According to ILO and regional conference welfare is “Such service,
facilities and amenities which may be established outside or in vicinity
of undertaking to enable the person employed therein to perform their
work in health and congenial surroundings and to provide them with
amenities conductive to good health and high moral”.
3) Labour welfare implies “ The setting up of minimum desirable
standards and provisions of facilities like health, food, clothing, medical
assistance , education, insurance, job, security, recreation etc. such
facilities enable the worker and his family to lead a good work life,
family life and social life.


Nowadays employment in a factory is recognized that state has vital

concerns in preventing exploitation of labour and insisting upon proper
safeguards for health and welfare of workers. The act and rules made
there under impose numerous restrictions upon the employer to secure
to workers adequate safeguards for their health, physical wellbeing and
to ensure to them healthy conditions of life and work. So, objectives of
labour welfare areas follow:
 Labour welfare provides social comfort to employees.
 It provides intellectual improvement of employees.
 To develop sense of responsibility and belongingness among
 To ensures that the working conditions for employees are of
higher standard.
 To build stable work force.
 To reduce absenteeism and labour turnover.
 To make employees lives good and worth living.
 To boost productivity and efficiency at the workplace.
 To provide healthy and proper working conditions.

Scope of Labour Welfare is very broad; however we have tried to

include some main aspects of it. The following list of labour welfare
scope is not exhaustive:-

Working Environment:
Favorable working environment enhances efficiency of workers and
includes proper illumination, safety, temperature, ventilation,
sanitation, cleanliness and canteen facilities. Workplace sanitation
and cleanliness is very important for making workplace favorable to
workers. Following points should be considered to make workplace
favorable to workers.
 Proper ventilation, lighting, temperature, cleanliness, seating
arrangements etc.
 Proper safety measures for workers should be there.
 Sufficient urinals, lavatories and bathing facilities should be
provided and cleaned regularly.
 Proper gardening and cleanliness of open spaces.
 Pure drinking water should be provided.
 Subsidized canteen services should be provided.

 Health center should be provided within factory.
 Ambulance service should be provided within factory in case of any
 Free medical checkup of workers and health and diet counseling of
 Availability of Doctor inside the factory for emergency.
 Women and child welfare work.
 Recreation facilities inside the organization
 Education and library services.

 Housing facilities for workers.
 Family case work and counseling.

Economic welfare programs:

 Subsidized consumer goods including grains, vegetables, milk, oil
and other daily requirements.
 Banking services and credit facilities.
 Health insurance schemes.
 Bonus and profit sharing schemes.

Merits and Demerits of Labour Welfare

Humanitarian Ground:-
• Safeguards the socio-economic factors of the industries
• Motivation and Retention of Employees
• Minimizing the social evils
• Boost up employee’s morale and create and improve sound IR
• Create a sense of belongings aent to org.

General Ground:-
• Meets the criteria's as a social security
• Meet requirements of various legislations relating to fringe benefits:
Providing welfare measures makes the employers to meet the
obligations of the statutory requirements of various welfare and social
security legislations
• Provide qualitative work environment and work life.
• Provide security to the employees against social risks like old age
benefits and maternity benefits.
• Meet trade union demands – such as life insurance, beauty clinics
etc. for the members etc.

Cost to the Employer: - providing welfare measures to the employees
And their family members invariably increases cost of labour to the
As a matter of right: - Employees and their family members feel that
they have a legal right to get welfare measures. Therefore, employees
sometimes may not be satisfied and loyal to the organizations. In fact,
satisfied needs are no longer motivators.


The central government has been to constitute welfare funds for the
benefit of the employees. These funds have been established in coal,
mica, iron-ore, limestone, & dolomite mines. These welfare activities
covered by these funds include housing, medical, educational &
recreational facilities for employees & their dependents.

The implementation of many provisions of various labour laws rests
with the state government. State government run health centers,
educational centers, etc. for the welfare of the workers.
Many employers provide voluntarily welfare facilities along with the
statutory welfare facilities. This includes residential lease
accommodation to employees, medical &transport facilities.

Trade unions are supposed to raise the welfare of workers and
naturally they are expected to provide certain welfare facilities to
their members.

Some social welfare and charitable organizations conduct social
welfare activities which are useful to all sections of the society
including industrial workers.

The state government may prescribe the duties, qualifications and

conditions of service of welfare officers appointed under the provision
of the factories act.
Schedule 49 of the act provides that in every factory wherein 500 or
more workers are ordinarily employed, the employer shall appoint at
least one welfare officer. The officer is expected to act as an advisor
counselor, mediator and officer between the management and the


Rules formed by most state require a labour welfare officer to have a

minimum qualification a university degree or master degree or
diploma in social science or social welfare diploma from a recognized
institute, with the knowledge of local language where the
establishment or organization situated.
He should passed viva-voice test conducted by the commissioner of
labour& he has got himself enrolled in the list of welfare where
officers maintained by the commissioner of labour.


 Maintenance of industrial peace.

 Enforcement of labour laws.
 Ensuring minimum wages to the workers.
 Settlement of industrial disputes & complaints.
 Publication of awards.
 Providing compensation in case of accidents on the job.
 Settlement of claims.
 Registration of trade unions.
 Ensuring equal remuneration to the female workers.
 Completion of labour statistics.


To Act as a negotiating officer.

To shape and formulate labourolive.
To establish contact.
To deal with wages and employment.
To prevent from anti-socialactivities.
To bring about peaceful settlement.
To comply with provision of factory.
To promote relation between the factory and workers.
To encourage formation of committees.
To secure provision of amenities.
To help factory management in regulation Leave.
To secure welfare provisions.
To advice factory managements.
[According to factories act 1948 (Chapter 5, Sec. 42 to 50)]


Adequate and suitable facilities for washing is provided and maintained
for the use of the workers therein. Separate and adequately screened
facilities are provided for the use of male and female workers. Facilities
are conveniently accessible and shall be kept clean.


Well arrangements for sitting is provided and maintained for all
workers obliged to work in a standing position, in order that they may
take advantage of any opportunities for rest which may occur in the
course of their work.


First-aid is provided and maintained so as to be readily accessible
during all working hours first-aid boxes or cupboards equipped with the
prescribed contents, and the number of such boxes or cupboards is
provided and maintained is not less than one for every one hundred
and fifty workers ordinarily employed at any one time in the factory.


A provision of shelter, restroom & lunchrooms is provided and
maintained at suitable place where workers can eat meals brought by
them. However a canteen is also there in the factory. Lunch and
restrooms are sufficiently lightened, ventilated & cooled.


Every worker has to wear the safety equipment needed in the
workshop, the safety equipment are shoes, uniform, goggles, gloves
etc. The cost of the safety equipment is incurred by the company and
also its maintenance is done by the company.

At Purbachal Udyog, free accommodation is provided by the company
only for contract employees/workers.
[According to factories act 1948 (Chapter 6.Sec 51 to 62)]

WEEKLY HOURS (sec 51):-

An adult worker is required or allowed to work in a factory for not

more than forty-eight hours in any week.


The office staff and workers has its weekly off on Sunday.thre

DUITY HOURS (sec 54):-

An adult worker is required or allowed to work in a factory not for

more than eight hours in any day. So to full fill the production needs
the factory has divided its work hours in time shifts.

1st shift: - 6.30am to 3.00pm

Gen shift: - 8.30am to 5.00pm
2nd shift: -3.00pm to 11.30pm

Extra wages for overtime (sec.59):-

Where a worker works in a factory for more than eight hours in any
day or for more than forty-eight hours in any week, he shall, in respect
of overtime work, be entitled to wages at the rate of twice his ordinary
rate of wages.

Restriction on double employment(sec.60):-

No adult worker is required or allowed to work in any factory on any
day on which he has already been working in any other factory, he is
not allowed to work in any other factory simultaneously.

Register of workers (sec.62):-

The manager of the factory maintains a register of adult workers, to

be available to the Inspector at all times during working hours, or
when any work is being carried on in the factory, showing:-  The
name of each worker in the factory.
 The nature of his work.
 The group, if any, in which he is included.
 Where his group works on shift, the relay to which he is allotted.

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