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DETAILED Teaching Dates MARCH 28, 2022 Quarter 3RD

B. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding about the importance of research in daily life.

D. Performance Standard The learner is able to use appropriate kinds of research in making decisions.

F. Learning Most Essential Learning Competencies (M E L C)

Competency/Objectives Shares research experiences and knowledge ( CS_RS11_IIIa-1 )
Write the LC code for each. Explain the importance of research in daily lives (CS_RS11_IIIa-2)

Specific Learning Objectives

At the end of the learning period, at least 80% of the students with at least80% proficiency
will be able to:
1.explain the different life processes;
2. determine the importance of research ; and
3. shares research experiences and knowledge.

B. References
Importance Of Research In Daily Lives
4. Learner’s Materials
6. Textbook pages
8. Additional Materials from Curriculum Guide
Learning Resource
D. Other Learning Manila Paper, Chalk, Marker, Ball pen, Pentel pen and Colored paper, Projector
Preliminary Activity
Everybody please stand. May I request (
call a student ) to lead the prayer.

Good morning class. Good morning ,maám Jobelle.

Who are absent this morning?

None maám.
None? Very Good.

Since we are facing pandemic right

now, make sure to observe the COVID safety
protocols. What are those? ( call a student) Ma’am wear a facemask

Ma’am observe social distancing

Ma’am make a habit to wash your hands.

Great. Those are the CoVid19 safety

protocols. Let us make our classroom safe for
everyone. I assume that we are all Yes ma’am.
vaccinated, right?
Okay! That’s Great!

A. Presenting the new

lesson How are you class? are you excited for
our lesson this morning?
Yes Ma’am
That’s great!

Let’s have an activity.

Imagine that you are a police inspector

assigned to solve a crime. There are four (4)
clues in the crime scene. It is your job to
decode the clues using the alphabet, musical
notes, and symbols in order to identify who is
the culprit.

Now I will group you into two groups. The

group one will be the row 1 and the group
will be the row two.
I will give each group a box that contains
materials for this activity. Inside the box is an
illustration board, chalk. Now the first one
who can raise the board with the correct
answer based on the clues that I will show to
you will get the point and so on. Is that clear?





Now, who is the culprit?

Fifth clue : Name of Culprit: 25/ 15/ 21

Did you enjoy our activity?

So those words will have something to do

with our lesson. This morning, we are going to
discuss about “Importance of Research in Daily
At the end of this lesson you will be able

Please read our lesson objectives for this


At the end of the learning period, at

least 100% of the students with at least
100% proficiency will be able to;
1.Explaine the different life processes;
2.Determine the importance of Reseach;
3. share research experiences and

Are you ready to listen?

Yes, ma’am!

C. Establishing a purpose
for the lesson
I have a question to you class, what are your
expectations in our Research subject? (call a
student one by one) (answer may vary)

You have heard probably the term “research”

during your junior high school or from some
who have taken the subject in Senior High

School. I am pretty sure that this term has
petrified you, chilled you out, and made you
anxious, but research is not what you think of.

E. Presenting If you think research is not for you, let me

examples/Instances of give you some instances that you might have
the new lesson applied “researching”. Can you still recall when
your Math teacher- asked you to solve a
mathematical problem that you cannot
understand? Thus, no matter how you try you
cannot find the right answer or concepts
behind it. Most probably, you ask somebody to
help you out or you open your cellphone and
search for a video tutorial.

The process that you have done is research.

You had a problem, you established your
methods on how to solve your problem, you
conducted a literature review or an actual
interview and survey, then you came up with
solutions. These requires you to search and to
overcome your problems

Etymologically, research came from “re” and

“search”. "Re" is a prefix that means again and
search is a word which means to look for.
Therefore, research is to look for something
(Chapman 1979). There are two (2) things that
we need to take note of in this definition. First,
research is not only about the discovery of
something unknown, it is coming up with a
new explanation of something that is known.
Second, research is a process. It is a process of
searching for something to solve an existing
problem or difficulty to solve.

Do you feel annoyed if there is a power

interruption? Can you imagine a world without
electricity? (call a student) (answer may vary)

Do you feel unease if the internet connection

is not stable? Can you imagine if there is no
internet or if there is no cellphone? (call a (answer may vary)

Well, of course, you will be annoyed, mad, and

worried. Life will be difficult if there is no
electricity. Life will be boring if there is no
cellphone or even the internet. Life is
threatened if there will be no cure for COVID-
19. But thanks to research, all our worries are
gone. It is because of research which made
our lives comfortable, easy, and secured.

Can you imagine if no one has dared to
conduct research on these things? What will
happen? (call a student) (Answer may vary)

Exactly!For sure life will be miserable. Thus,

research is indeed important to us.

Research is also understood as a systematic

investigation or inquiry entailing collection of
data, documentation of critical information,
analysis, interpretation of information
(Williams 2007).

The question is, how does it becomes

systematic and what makes it systematic? (call
a student) (answer may vary)

Very good! On the other hand, research can

be also viewed as the formation of new
knowledge and the employment of previous
or existing knowledge into a new and creative
way (O’Donnell 2012).
G. Discussing new Think of what you consider most valuable on
concepts and practicing the things that you have now. (call student
new skills # 1 one by one) Answer may vary

I know you are aware that those are products

of research. If things that you have are
important and these are the product of
research, can we say that research is
important to us?

Let us say all together! RESEARCH IS

Now with your group again, let us have our
activity number 2.

Inside your box, there is another envelope that

contains letters. All you are going to do is to
arrange it and form into word based on the
clues that I will show to you. Write your
answer in a manila paper.

I will give you 3 minutes and after that let us

show your answer together.





Time’s up. Now show your answer.

Very good everyone. So those word again will

have something to do with this lesson. So let’s
us find out now.

Research is very significant on our lives, it has

gradually changed human life through history.
Here are the five (5) importance of research to
our daily lives.

Please read the number and explain based on

what you’ve understand about the context.

Very good! Just imagine, for many centuries 1. Research aims for truth (Rolfe 2002).
people believe that the world is flat and it is (answer may vary)
over the giant turtle. Beyond the horizon of
the sea is an abyss. But there came Ferdinand
Magellan who proved this otherwise. His
courage and research have made us live with
the fact that the world is round.

How about the number two.

Excellent! I believe that you often hear from 2. Research improves quality of human life
your parents about their experiences when (Bornmann 2013). (answer may vary)
they were young. Though it sounds so boring,
they live without television, without the
internet, without a cellphone, without an air
condition, without an electric fan, without
computer, or online games. Can you imagine
that kind of life? Without the people who
dedicated their lives for the sake of humanity,
we will not have this kind of life. Through
research, it improves our standard of living.

Third , who wants to read and explain.

Exactly! Through the course of human history, 3. Research saves life (Cancer Research UK
research has proven its worth and roles in our 2019). (answer may vary)
lives. In the past, when penicillin was not yet
discovered, people just die without proper
medication. It was by the research of Fleming
that the first generation of antibiotics were
discovered (Pandey et al. 2014).

Fourth , please read and answer.

Great! Conducting research implies gathering 4. Research gathers necessary information
necessary data to explain your problem and to (Igwenagu 2016). (answer may vary)
answer your particular questions.

And lastly, please read and explain.

Great! Research likewise deals with the 5. Research explores humanity (Lee, Tran,
investigation of culture to understand and to and Lee 2007). (answer may vary)
appreciate others' practices, and beliefs (Zion
and Kozleski 2005). The way we understand
others is the result of a long study of different
individuals to provide us explanations about
group or individual culture. Because of this,
we can now relate, understand, and respect

Very good everyone. That means you really

understood how important research is in our

I. Developing mastery Let’s have a group activity.

(leads to Formative
Assessment 3) Get your illustration board again. Let’s
have a drill. The first group who raise the
board with correct answer will get the point.

Write “TRUTH” if the symbol shows

importance of research related to exposing
the truth, “QUALITY” if it improves quality of
human life, “LIFE” if it saves life, “INFO” if it is
gathers necessary information, and
“HUMANITY” if it is humanity.

Are you ready?

Making vaccine for COVID 19

carefully studying the situation TRUTH

know where covid 19 started

going to different places to
understand their culture
coming up with technology to
make life easy.

using the internet and other INFO
social media platform to get

K. Finding practical So are you still afraid to conduct research?

application of concepts (call a student)
and skills in daily living No maám.
Alright, now with your group again.

In three (3) sentences, explain the role of

research in understanding the situation of
those who are affected by the COVID 19
pandemic. Write your answer on manila paper
and after 3 minutes, a representative from the
group will discuss it on front.

You will be guided through this rubric. The

other group will rate your performance.

(Group Presentation)
Alright, you did great everyone. Now you all
know the importance of research in our lives.

In addition, If you are worrying for you’re just

a senior high school student, an amateur, and
novice who lacks skills and determination. You
have the skills and the process itself is not new
to you. You have been researching for a long
time. Remember how many times you search
for solutions to your problem or investigate to
know the answers to your questions. Can we
consider them as a form of informal research?
Yes, they are!
M. Making generalizations What is research?
and abstractions about What are the 5 importance of research we
the lesson have discussed?

N. Evaluating learning Read each statement carefully.

Choose the letter of the best answer.
Write your answers on your notebook.
1. How does research become
important to humanity?
a. It makes our lives easy and
b. Researchers makes money out
of it.
c. We are required to take this
2. How can research save lives?
a. provides no solution to our
health problems
b. saves lives because it is harmless
c. provides medical explanations
and probable solutions
3. How does research improve our
a. continuous development of
b. using limited practices and
c. using old practices and
4. What is the best example of
exploring culture of individuals?
a. development of cellphone
b. space travel.
c. understanding cultural
5. How does research provide
answers to our inquiries?
a. drawing through intuition
b. making introduction.
c. inferring through evidences


X. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress
this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what
help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask
them relevant questions.
B.No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
D. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
F.Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
H. No. of learners who
continue to require
J. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
L.What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
N. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Prepared by:

SHS-Teacher I

Checked by:


Head Teacher III


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