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MPW1133: Malaysian Studies Chapter 1



1.1 Society

- Definition of Society
- Characteristic of Society
- Concepts of Plural Society
- Characteristic of Plural Society

1.2 Culture

- Definition
- Characteristic& Components
-Change, Factors & Impact

1.3 Ethnic Relations in Malaysia

- Definition
- Ethnic Composition Of Malaysian Communities
- Theories Of Ethnic Relations
- Concept Of National Integration
- Approaches Of Ethnic Relations In Malaysia
- Factors That Strains Ethnic Relations.
- Challenges To Strengthen Ethnic Relations In Malaysia

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_Prepared by: Aiedah Abdul Khalek
MPW1133: Malaysian Studies Chapter 1



Malaysia is inhabited by a population of many races and ethnics. The largest ethnic
groups in Malaysia are Malays, Chinese and Indians. There are numbers of ethnic groups
in Sabah & Sarawak such as Kadazan, Bajau, Iban Bidayuh..etc. They are not only
different physically but they also differ in term of culture, language and belief. Malaysia
is known as a plural society which various race and ethnic living together in peace and

Definition of Society

Society according to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines as people who are
living together in communities who shares the same customs, laws, etc

Definition of Plural Society

Plural society can be defined as ethnic groups who are different not just culturally but
also economically from the point of view of settlement, politically and socially. Plural
society is characterized by ethnic groups who live under one political unit (a
country).Every group has their own language, culture, religion, values, thinking and way
of life.

J.S Furnival (1956) defined plural society based on his observation towards Burmese &
Javanese. These characteristic:

1. Different types of people such as Europeans, Chinese, and Indian and

“Bumiputra”. They mingle but not united.
2. They live nearby but segregated in a same political system.
3. They embraced in their own cultures, religions, languages, ideas & methods.
4. They meet in the common areas such as market, then leaves and back to their own
5. During work, there are divisions of labour force on racial identities.

Based on Furnival definition, we can summarized that plural society is consists of 5

1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________

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_Prepared by: Aiedah Abdul Khalek
MPW1133: Malaysian Studies Chapter 1

4. _________________________________________________________________
5. -

Definition of Culture

Culture can defined as customs and beliefs, art, way of life and social organization of
particular country or group.

1. Culture is a unique element in society. Different society has own different culture. e.g.;
Chinese in Malaysia and Chinese in China practices different values and culture.
2. Its carry own values and habits of community.
3. Cultures are learnt not exist naturally. It is important to impose positive cultures in
society for example respect old people as a culture of Malaysian society.
4. Flexible, it can be changing from time to time.

Components of culture in society

1. Religion and beliefs
2. History
3. Language/s
4. Attitude & thoughts
5. Performing arts
6. Social systems

Factors influence the form of culture

1. Races and Ethnicity
2. Geographical location e.g. Asia, Europe. etc
3. Climate, e.g.: determine type of cloth.
4. Religions
5. Environment.

It is very important to impose positive values in the culture. Positive values will
contribute to the development of the nation and country.

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_Prepared by: Aiedah Abdul Khalek
MPW1133: Malaysian Studies Chapter 1

Malaysia is known as model of multi racial society which maintains peace and harmony
in the country.

Ethnic relations refers to relationship between races and ethnic in a society

Theories of Ethnic Relations.

1. Segregation
2. Accommodation
3. Acculturation
4. Assimilation
5. Amalgamation

1. Segregation
Relationship that is separated among ethnic. It is caused by housing estates, education
system, transportation and public amenities. It can be based on law or not based on
For example:_________________________________________________________

2. Accommodation.
Process whereby ethnic groups are aware each other’s culture, norms and values but
continue practices their own culture and values. In administration each ethnic group
will elect their own representative. But aspects of economy and education each group
still depend on each other.
For example:_______________________________________________________

3. Acculturation.
This process is known as cultural assimilation. It happens when one group accept the
culture, norms and values of other group. This is a process of borrowing or accepting
cultural elements of majority group without changing or modifies the original culture.
For example:__________________________________________________________

4. Assimilation
Assimilation is the concept of entry into dominant society through friendship and
close connection in society. It is also called structural assimilation.

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_Prepared by: Aiedah Abdul Khalek
MPW1133: Malaysian Studies Chapter 1

5. Amalgamation
Amalgamation is process of blending various culture and forming a new culture and

Ethnic Composition in Malaysia

In West Malaysia there are three major races, they are;

3. Indians

In East Malaysia, ethnic groups based on size;

1.Kadazan Dusun

1. Dayak Iban
2. Chinese
3. Dayak Bidayuh
4. Malays
5. Dayak orang ulu


Ethnic Group Year 2005 (Million) Year 2010 (Estimated)

Bumiputra 16.06 (65.9%) 17.95 (67%)
Chinese 6.15 (25.3%) 6.52 (24.3%)
Indian 1.83 (7.5%) 1.97 (7.4%)
Others 0.32 (2.3%) 0.35 (1.3%)
Total 24.36 (100%) 26.79 (100%)

What is National Unity and National Integration?

National Unity refers to the uniting of various groups that have different social and
cultural background into one physical entity. For example: uniting Sabah, Sarawak and
Penisula Malaysia into one country.

National Integration is a process of uniting groups with different backgrounds into one
entity bound by common norms, values and interest. For example in Malaysia different

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_Prepared by: Aiedah Abdul Khalek
MPW1133: Malaysian Studies Chapter 1

groups and races feel the sense of belonging. National integration is a wider aspect than
national unity. It is inner ties between different groups who live in the same society.

Obstacles to strengthen ethnic relations in Malaysia.

1. Prejudice

2. Ethnocentrisms-

3. History

4. Geographical location

5. Economic development

6. Education systems

Challenges and struggle to strengthen national relations in Malaysia

1. Political Effort:_____________________________________________________

2. Economic Effort:____________________________________________________

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_Prepared by: Aiedah Abdul Khalek
MPW1133: Malaysian Studies Chapter 1

3. Revamp education

4. Social and cultural effort:______________________________________________

5. Cultural Compromise:________________________________________________

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_Prepared by: Aiedah Abdul Khalek

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