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ainst-vbola, Goy't was warned against Ebola vaccine trial - Academy of Arts an... _http:/ CA Home _ Business _ Po 5 _Sport_ Showbiz _RoglonatNews Odd But Teuo_ Opi Jn Relationship Photo Gallery Gov't was warned against Ebola vaccine trial-Academy SX*AS8S__ IMRT of Arts and Sciences toch rita toe Fey 126 tne, 20352: pn On 2n 205 €10 Morigage A otona ot tks wih Protection a itis aoe Pratection fr €40/ month. Get Sunnis Clinical Trial Lope ary th ge IVRAWR er se Spreadsheet Sunes ‘Salers pari a fe Validation eed Watch Full Episodes Blood Pressure Tip 42 ° : Free Foreign The Garo Acad of rsa Sciences has evened hat warned tha govereant tobe ctu abut Dictionary the bois acc tal n Gane before became bh : in Colorectal Cancer ‘ake pert in he cla! wa in Gna oe ala. fxr of suche ts ene and sts. Assign Group caning tn gs nee Wowie a ate o ens, kl be onl to ue te proposed EV vaccine cia eo Gh. CRO Related stories aga Noguchi fumes over MPs eenction to Ebola vaccine ea By bala vaccine ral: Fear and pani’ tigers cals for suspension: AP uly naa vn?” Al bata vaccine al in Hobe ‘Wo eens ch uae add tha ntent Ela vacne al ih a cht oak Low nay ree a - er ‘sont eae ofthe onl Doering (WC) an Meer of Parana (Hs). bccor 2D) APSUMOPSA nate to Cit Vath eso fof a 2307/2015 14:02 Gov't was wamed against Ebola vaccine trial - Academy of Arts an... bttps"eitifmonline,com/201Si06/12 News _Odd ut Tre _ Opinion Home Business Politics Spor | Showbiz _ Region: tn is prey sept, carts net aman ther tng, hl he papal or the oe Dru thot (DR ws fr 9 Phase nea wal an Eola vrs Daca (EVD) acco wn by Geosmaie7 tons ses fest cording ote Acaceny, such an ueraeng most be precses by 9 ths even ‘lable deta end de platen subjected othe apoepste proces: Uhm FDA nod exp nos cbert o faigs “es cote econancd “a sco ak te def the ty a ve of he basis forthe telco of Eb utflcted cours he Gans; ne eae rome Charan have nbd othe ono, flr understanding ote ae vector ean the dovlna he etvice” ‘este commitn vas have hake tral that a pov ad aed een penta an epknton fr spate Pic ein Heke a es! vena wth eferen conto rom the GK tertvarre becauge the Mas ro to GS vache Europe pose an alese ere, NaN, proongedbeadng, ln 20% = 15% of he vaio pain” “hiss serous sere event Bat cil or entree costo neoroeng cnc tray, eth Pes art Poe nthe oy" wares Below isthe Acacony's fll aration of erent leading up to the announcement ofthe Eba tn nnn heya, he Gane Aca of ts nd Sears bane avea, 0M a NaWESRP EPO, that ica fora Cl rus Dace (VD) vaccine wae de to St Gara before monde! ‘Gene certs at te ate che Fela rea ke il ri, the enon Sl wp 2 ‘son Techni Cenantesate olFvs of he ace a undo an ort reer athe Inner and repr to the Aedey: In tspreraary oper, the Comite old ren ote tn, tat he ropa Deore the Food and ‘aug tty (FDA) wa fora Pte ec rafan Eble Vs Cease (EVD) vce, devs by tthe US Nain Inet of Hels (E. Such an ureraking ust be precede by there evatiton ofthe avail t,o the estan test the earoprte proces, ‘on tebe of spear svestaton ard study, he Comite recommends 3 eecens ok he ag ote etd» revo of be rhe seb of Eola cures he GYM 9 Deis sme Ghanian ve t-te ohn Adon, alr understanding of be adenowts ‘eclor used te deepen ofthe tes vaca In dace of he Aeadan/s manasa to prove néaprdert scence based ai fry matin, e ‘courte ede ste he Psion he Nadery Is beng hase eres Gen toe {fteton of Whe Mtr Heath, ‘Ts was immed dono etch a apr thepredninry rept of the Conte ed caning the eatery’ repress te rove at rcesay suport te risky eal wih this el ate, ‘Mie some dls aortas Winer of Heth convened 3 mast ohne, a hie oncom a erased bythe Reademy were suse wih he techie tf tho Bese He {WO the Fes rst Ons htlay aris pe aosas, 35 wea he Nepal LESS ee {SSRI Page Te at concn ney ho Teena Commie ofthe Aan rb Ufa: CMO ~ HALIX erocees Obielepment Techs! 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Teena Contes the ‘Gnas Acc of Arts nd Scene, ant ofthe HOM, the Fo ed Drs oy (D4) as | Ser ess andthe incl investors inthe GSKIK Page It wa Ut te presi fr he ‘pprovs ol the Mose cn ws te GK Els Vine Dae test vaccine Rd 9 ban eon ‘our fem unersocing wos ot heaped wi cee o take ite zouk Ho cones ae leo ees by ho fend. te the couse of the meaty, wos mentioned appreathdaeady bean itn oan span fo 8 ‘para Phone tao oboe ofa tex vce lh erent eons fr te GSE wn, ‘i er aa been re oes of ane fhe Accs: “his came a 9 shovkto the Radon ees the mura, nating Hd Deon sel ante revo au 2 sentte Fe {Stal a appt, lane oppo “Te csc eprsentates teers to dst rte. weve, 0a ta th Pas al othe GSK vacoe ni Europe redues an BCE NY, ony, probed ede, 10% 15% dhe vacated pep “ef ertut nde event xt cas or ene coun apyrvng kal Us ban Phase Lane Phase n We ccuncy oroves, te cise tha hose vc ot Pose and Phase Tf maybe Henk enous ‘ec the sureancngcomraty Io the abvene op of adsnovis povlece nthe i sas ther ea igh ke on eeape nari wih te enon aderawrses we cane ire vida se. Fe tht aso ano eit ht he eae comunidad th gave publebe ‘eautely fo of sch as al tai ite wee nonin, th Gas Asdemy fhe and Scnce wits oat pti, mie tater nsw th 5s Fas ase, snc cnsdzing he ges nour Fowiege ar sae preperediess, woud Ue wa (ure the apse EVD vin kl wns in Gna ‘ne fea ans isan the he Mary Hey, he Foo ens Daas ey fA) 306 comer prin en the approval poco are Sou, tapered hs an the tc! mater acy the cout. (The Gann Acasry of es ane Seas, wih 2 wenbesip cf 111 Fels dane a fi ct lennng hn en ues 1959 oan eorge witha kayo Det ads and aking Inpute mo palging tough resus an ec Sad hie. ‘over he yar lls ve ben mad, a ontnus tbe ms, to repre he Remy nthe lt ot tang evans) eevee by Honorary Secretary, Ghai Academy of Art nd Scenes bj a ean Osyetiennina anyone 7) Rolationship Photo Gallory Citi Fut 23/072015 14:02 WHO must answer GAAS typ: \vww.pambazuka.nevenscategory-php features/95063/print President of the Academy to bring these concerns urgently to the atention of the Minister of Health, ‘This was immediately dane, ataching a copy of the preliminary report of the Committee and confieming the Academy’s preparedness to provide all necessary stipport to the Ministry in dealing with this critical matter. Afler some delay, the newly appointed Minister of Health convened a meeting ‘on June 03, at which the concems and issues raised by the Academy were discussed with the lechnical staff of the Ministry of Health (MOH), the Food and Drugs Authority and its expert advisors, as well as the Principal Investigators in the GSK/NIH Phase Ul vals, ‘The main eoneetns raised by the Technical Commitice of the Academy relate to the following: 1. Major uncertainties about the nature and origins of the Ebola virus, including the circumstances ofits appearance in Guinea; vsed in the GSK vaccine to be tested in Ghana, is the strain responsible for the Ebola xl the identity and characteristics of other strains of the Ebola vints that might exist, 2, Whether the Zaire strain ofthe virus, which is the one be’ epidemics in Liberia, Mali, Nigerfa, Senegal and Sierra Leor 3. The use in the GSK/NIH vaccine of @ gene particle of the wild species of the Zaire Ebola virus, rather than the gene particle of the Makona strain isolated in the epidemic in Guinea; 4, What pre-clinical animal experimentations had been carried out with a vaccine based on the Makona strain (o establish evidence of safety, immunogenicity and protection? 5. What basis is there for expecting that immune responses generated against the wild type Zaire Ebola virus GSK vaccine formulation (construed, with a live non-replicating chimpanzee adenovirus carrying a gene from Zaire Ebola virus, would be effective against the Makona strain or any other Ebola vitus species and strains? 6, After a test vaceine has been shown in the vaceinated individual {0 produce an immune response (immunogenicity), what woarantee would there be, inthis instance, that the vaccine would offer protection against the full Zaire Ebola virus and other species and strains? 7. On the basis of research conducted so far towards vaecine development, what is the likelthood of the present consiuct of vaccines protecting communities against the rapid emergence of nev, more virulent strains of the virus, as appears (0 have happened with the Makona: the risk of false confidence deriving from the use of @ new vaccine must be noted; 8, What assurances do we have that the chimpanzee-derived live adenovirus vector used in the GSK vaccine construe, although non-teplicating for row, will remain dormant and not itself cause a disease to compromise the health of the people of Ghana? 9, ts to be noted that the application for the GSK Ebola vaccine Phase I trial in Ghana includes children, even though the Phase Ltrial in the US, UK, Mali and Switzerland was limited to adults, raising the question of dosage profiles for childven and other vulnerable groups in the Phase I trial; 10, What evidence is theve of strict compliance with the Intemational Committee on Harmonization Protocol Guidelines for Clinical ‘rials, 1lucing full “informed consent” by all volunteers?” It was conflmed at the above-mentioned meeting between the President and Techical Committee of Ure Ghana Acaclemy of Arts and Sciences, and staff of the MOH, the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) and its expen advisors, and the Principal Investigators in the GSK NSH Phase IL tial, that the processes forthe approval of the Phase II clinical trial of the GSK Bbola Virus Disease test vaccine hax! not been concluded, (Ovr firm understanding was that the approval process would continue fo take into account the concems and isstes raised by the Acad Inthe course of the meeting, it was mentioned approval had already been given to an application for a separate Phase { trial in Hohoe, of a test vaccine with a different construct from the GSK test vaccine, which later had been the focus of eoncem of the Academy. This came as u shock to the Academy representatives at the meeting, as nothing had been said anywhere previously about a separate Phase | clinical trial application, let alone its approval. ‘The Academy's representatives therefore refused to discuss that mater However, itis to be noted that the Phase | tHial ofthe GSK vaccine in Europe produced an adverse event, namely, prolonged bleeding, in 10% - 15% ‘of the vaccinated population. inthe cos _ This isa seriows adverse event that calls for extreme caution in approving clinical trials, both Phase 1 and Phase | ry Moreover, its the ease that those vaccinated at Phase I and Phase (I may be shedding the adenovirus veetor into the surrounding communi. | nthe absence of'a map of adenovirus prevalence inthe trial sites, there isa high risk of an “escape virus” merging with the endemic adenoviruses to 2of3 23/07/2018 14:03 WHO muist answer GAAS up:twwe panibazuka.neven/eategory php features/95063/peint create more virulent stains. For that reason alone itis important that the exposed communities and benefits and risks. ne their iced, the general public be adequately informed of suc tials In conclusion, The Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences wishes to state its firm position that, subjeot to satisfitclory answers tothe issues it has raised, and considering the gaps in our knowledge and state of preparedness, it would be unsafe to undertake the proposed EVID vaccine clinieal tials in Ghana, of Health, the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) and other partes involved in the approval 1g the country: ‘The Academy alfiems its availabilty to help the Minist process to arrive at sound, independent decisions on this and other eritcal matiers ta [The Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences, with a membership of 111 Fellows drawn from all fields of learning, has from its inception in 1959 been changed with a key role in thought leadership and making inputs into policymaking through research and evidence-based advice. Over the yeurs efforts have been mad, and continue (o be made, to re-profile the Academy in the light of changing conditions] © Akyaaba Addai Secretary-General ofthe Organisation of Affican Union (OAU), His Excellency Amara Essy, during the tr Aftican Union (AU) and former Special Peace Envoy of International Alet ‘eho is an Independent Consultant on Conflict Transformation and National Development. Formerly Special Advisor to the tion period from the OAU to the ARILY REFLE UTHOR AND BO NOT NECE oT THE VIEWS OF THE © THE VIEWS OF THE ABOVE ARTICLE ARE THOSE OF THE PAMBAZUKA NEWS EDITORIAL TEAM * BROUGHT TO YOU BY PAMBAZUKA NEWS. * Please do not take Pambazuka for granted! Become a Friend of Pamhazuka and make a donation NOW to help keep Pambazuka FRE INDEPENDENT! * Please send comments to editor{atJpambazukaldot}org or comment online at Pambazuka News. 23/07/2018 14:03 © WHO mustanswer GAAS. hup:/iwwwpambazuka.nev/en/eategory php/Teatures!95063/print 144 Pamba: uka I News Mie WHO must answer GAAS ‘The World Health Organisation must respond to the queries of the Ghana Academy of Arts and Seienees Akyaaba Addat-Sebo 2015-07-02, Issue 733, huep:/pambazuka.orglenleategoryitentures!95063 ec AEP Global pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithK tine and the US National Institutes of Health announeed in Jan a vaccine in Ghana, Local sientsts and the public have raised questions about this project. the start af clinics ‘The World Health Organisation (WHO) and its agents in Ghana should not seek to pull the wool over the eyes of Ghanaians over public outery against the Ebola vaceine trial, whieh has forced lead scientist Prof, Fred Binka to offer to “personally undergo the clinical ial as proof ofits safety”. Following on Prof, Binka’s heels is the Ministry of Health, embarking on “an education program to allay public fears.” Ghanaians, through the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences (GAAS), have posed 10 queries which WHO is required to take extremely seriously and reply to. The “political” theatries of Prof. Binka must not be allowed to divert attention from the ten questions posed by GAAS which he and WHO are bound to provide answers to The eminent Ghanaian medical doctor, Prof. Felix Konotey-A hulu, has given his full marks to the GAAS queries made to WHO and has added his professional voice to those demanding that WHO must answer directly 10 GAAS and indirectly to parliament which, in the national and public health Interests, have halted the clinical trial tis in the public interest that the Ghanaian media and campaigning organisations put their weight behind the Ghana Academy of Arts anc! Sciences and harp ob the urgency of WHO responding to the 10 queries. The pressure must be brought unceasingly on WHO and their local agents to respond to the fundamental questions raised by GAAS in the national interest Prof. Konotey-Ahulu has used the pages of the British Medical Joumal (htp:l/ } 10 “invite the most brilliant scientists in Johns Hopkins, Harvard, Oxford, Utrecht, NIH, CDC, and London School of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene fo study this GAAS Communique fiorn which they will derive much benefit as they go about their own vaccination programmes in Europe, USA, and elsewhere.” Below is the Academy's full narration of events leading up to the announcement of the Ebola vaccine trial in Ghana: 1n January this year, the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences became aware, from a newspaper report, that a clinical trial for an Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) vaceine was due (o startin Ghana before the end of March, Given the uncertainties about the nature ofthe E>bola virus and risks in clinical trials, the Academy set up a S-person Technical Committee made up, of Fellows of the Academy to undertake an urgent review of the matter and report to the Academy 1n its preliminary report, the Committee noted, among other things, that the proposal before the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) was fora Phase clinical tial of an Ebota Vines Disease (EVD) vaccine, developed by GlaxoSmithKline/US National Institutes of Health (NILD, ‘Such an undertaking must be preceded by a thorough evaluation of the available data, sind the application subjected to the appropriate procedures, review of the basis iller understanding On the basis ofits preliminary investigation and study, the Committee recommended a second! Took atthe design ofthe sty: forthe selection of Ebola-unaffected counties like Ghana; and, because some Ghanaians have anti-bodies to the adenovirus, 2 Cf the adenovirus vector used in the development of the test vaccine. In discharge of the Academy's mandate to provide independent science-based advice for poticy making, the Council af'the Academy asked the Vof3 23/07/2015 14:03 Greece to vaccinate entire population for new flu | Reuters butp:/Pwww.reuters.convartiele/2009/07/3 /us-fh eats Fu 1, 2009 104bem EDT Felaod SWINE FUN Greece to vaccinate entire population for new flu A secant fer wears i pte sok she gateway of Sieranoateian Retin the subut !Vrisin Nene Greece will vaccinate its entire population of 12 million against the H1N1 swine fla pandemic which has swept around the word in weeks, kiling hundreds of people, the ‘country’s health minister sald on Friday. The Mediterranean country, which receives about 15 milion tourists every year, has confirmed more than 700 swine flu cases and no deaths, but world health experts say the {rue number of cases globally is far higher as only a few patients get tested "We decices that the entire population, all citizens and residents, without any exception, will be vaccinated against the flu," Health Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos seid after @ ‘ministerial meeting. Greece has already earmarked 40 milion euros for vaccines and has placed orders with Novarlis, Giaxo and Sanofi for 8 milion vaccine doses, to be received gradually by January, Vaccine experts say people will ikely need two doses of vaccine to be protected from HANI swine fl, 60 Greece would need a total of 24 milion doses to vaccinate its entire population. Other countries are taking similar steps. “Greece will order 16 million more doses from the same companies in the future,” a health ministry official who deciined to be named told Reuters, "We are only walling for the European Union's approval to start vaccinating everyone.” The European Medicines Agency has begun reviewing pandemic flu vaccines under development, aiming fo get them approved before the flu season statis, sometime in Tof2 ‘TRENDING ON REUTERS. Croece faces recesion wating a afoul aot to pon 1 UPDATE 2.51 Cosby loses ltest egal be Republicans, postal a ups step up 2 3 hmm dinates an ans 5 Sponsored Kinane Trading Secrets Irading Seer Content Day Traling: 15 Secrets 10 Sueeess » Free 6 page guide Guardian Stockbrokers Download Fee Guy Trading Tips Iraging Tips Top 10 Trading Mistakes with CFDs Brew §S page guide Guardian SioeKlvokers Dowload Fees Guide onFX = Trading Bonus InonX = "iain Boas 23/07/2015 13:59 September The health ministy official said children, the elderly and ailing would be the frst to be vaccinated ‘About 800 people have died worldwide since the oulbreak of the fly in Apri. (Reporting by Renee Maltezou; Editing by Jon Boye) ‘Sponsored Financial Content » + Day Trading: 16 Secrats to Succoss - Froas age guide Gielen Sextiare + Top 10 Trading Mistakes with CFDs Free § page guide Guscan Seckiae + Open a Forox Account and Get 60% Bom All Deposits kone + Essential Gude to innerance Tax - F100 7 age Guide Bionratan Gat « Expert views onthe global markets from RIG. Wealth Management Saservews Sponsored Topies Greece to vaccinate entire population for new fu | Reuters, higpsvwnwereuters.comfarticle/200907/3 Lus-M 4. Dodge SRT Barracuda 2.40 Best Retirement Plans 3. New 2015 Car Clearance 5. Undergraduate Degrees Online 6, Best Compact Cars 7. New Cadillac CTS Prices 4, Credit Score Chart 8, Current Mortgage Rates 2of2 greece-vaccine. Boy wins £120,000 damages for narcolepsy triggered by swine fu... https/Avww.theyuardian.convia 101 Sfjun’§O/boy-wins-1200, -7 fol a guardian Boy wins £120,000 damages for narcolepsy caused by swine flu vaccine Ruling comes after government claimed illness was not serious enough to merit payment, and opens door for up to 100 families to seek compensation Hannah Devlin Science correspondent Wednesday 10 June 2015 21,06 BST ‘A.12-year-old boy has been awarded £120,000 by a court that agreed he had been left severely disabled by narcolepsy triggered by the swine flu vaccine, following a three-year battle in which the government had claimed that his illness was not serious enough to merit payment. ‘The ruling is expected to lead to as many as 100 other families of people affected by the sleeping disorder after receiving the vaccine bringing fresh compensation claims, in a dispute where the government's initial hostility was described by the family’s legal team as offensive. “They felt quite insulted to have their condition basically dismissed as something quite trivial. They are incredibly needy. Some have lost their jobs, dropped out of university or seen their marriages break down asa result (of narcolepsy],” said Peter Todd, the solicitor for the family of the 12-year-old, a partner with the London firm Hodge Jones & Allen. ‘The youngster, whose parents have asked he remain anonymous, has become disruptive at school due to extreme tiredness brought about by the illness, triggered after he took the vaccine in 2009, the court heard. He has only one friend because the sleep disorder makes socialising difficult. ‘The upper tribunal court that heard the case, also heard that the boy is unable to shower unattended or take a bus alone and needs to take several naps during the school day, He is unlikely to be allowed to drive as an adult. Others expected to bring fresh claims against the government, include the parents of a 17-year-old whose life was permanently altered by the condition, and an eight-year-old whose family relocated to California to seek better medical care. ‘The narcolepsy was triggered by the Pandemrix vaccine, made by GlaxoSmithKline, which was given to around 6 million people in Britain as part of a national vaccination scheme rolled out during the 2009-10 swine flu pandemic. While the swine flu outbreak never reached the proportions that had been feared, scientists now believe the vaccine caused narcolepsy ina small number of patients. The government now acknowledges the link, but had previously argued those affected by narcolepsy do not meet the threshold for the Department for Work and Pensions’s compensation scheme, which automatically awards a £120,000 lump sum to anyone with “severe” and permanent disabilities as a result of certain vaccines. Lof3 23/07/2015 13:52 Boy wins £120,000 damages for narcolepsy triggered by swine flu...! 1 O/bay-wins- 1200, Anthony O'Mahony, whose 17-year-old daughter, Ciara, developed narcolepsy after being given the vaccine in 2009, said that the government’s suggestion that illness was not “severe” was offensive to victims, “To say that it’s not that impactful just makes me mad,” he said. “Narcolepsy affects everything that Ciara does and always will do.” His daughter received the vaccine in 2009 and in the months afterwards began showing symptoms of the sleep disorder, such as lethargy and sudden loss of muscle control. Twice, her mother has found her asleep in the bath and on several occasions she has fallen suddenly after losing consciousness. The family only became aware of the link with Pandemrix last year and O’Mahony stresses he is not “anti-vaccine”, despite what happened. “There’s always going to be someone who has some kind of reaction to vaccines,” he said. “We just want an acknowledgement” Ciara is one of 74 others represented by Todd who are seeking to challenge similar compensation rejections by the DWP, and the group is pursuing a separate civil action against GSK. The costs of any financial settlement are likely to be met by the taxpayer because of an indemnity signed between the government and the pharmaceutical giant. Narcolepsy is a rare but serious neurological disorder that affects about 31,000 people in Britain. It can cause sleep disruptions, including night terrors and hallucinations, and extreme drowsiness during the daytime. Some narcoleptics also suffer from cataplexy, where a sudden burst of emotion such as shock or happiness causes total loss of muscle control. In 2013, a major study by the Health Protection Agency found that around one in every 55,000, swine flu jabs led to narcolepsy, but the exact biological causes for the link are not clear. To qualify for the DWP’s Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme, a victim has to be classed as at least 60% disabled, which is described as equivalent to the loss of one hand. Matt O’Neill, chairman of the charity Narcolepsy UK, said: “The problem is that it is often hidden condition, but there are so many things that people with narcolepsy can’t do that you would be able to do with a physical disability. To suggest that narcolepsy is not severe is absolutely ridiculous.” ‘The government now has 21 days to appeal the ruling. A spokesman for the Department of Work and Pensions said the government would not comment on individual cases, adding: “The Vaccine Damage Payments Scheme provides support in very rare cases where someone has become severely disabled as a result of immunisation against certain diseases. Decisions on claims take into account the individual circumstances of each case and the latest available medical evidence” A GSK spokesman said: “We are actively researching the observed association between Pandemrix and narcolepsy and the interaction this vaccine might have had with other risk factors in those affected. “We're also continuing to support ongoing work from other experts and organisations investigating reported cases of this condition and we hope these efforts will enable us to provide more answers in the future. We take the safety of patients who entrust their health in our vaccines and medicines very seriously.” More news 2of3 23/07/2015 13:52 Boy wins £120,000 damages for narcolepsy triggered by swine flu... hlip:/Avww.theguardian com/uk-news/2015/juné|O/boy-wins-1200. Topics Pharmaceuticals industry Drugs GlaxoSmithKline Health Swine flu Save for later Article saved 30f3 23/07/2015 13:52 Woman who developed narcolepsy after swine fu jab had ‘no quali... bttps/évww:theguardian,com/uk-news/2015/jull13Avoman-nareolep.. guardian Woman who developed narcolepsy after swine flu jab had ‘no quality of life’ Family of 23-year-old Katie Clack, who took her own life after struggling with the terrible effects of her incurable sleep disorder, vows to fight for justice Hannah Devlin science correspondent Monday 13 July 2015 15.36 BST A 23-year-old nursery assistant who developed narcolepsy after receiving a swine flu vaccine took her own life last year, telling her family that living with the incurable sleep disorder had become unbearable. Katie Clack’s death raises fresh questions about the government's long refusal to compensate about 80 people who developed narcolepsy as a rare side-effect of the vaccine, on the basis that the condition is not serious enough to merit payouts. In an interview with the Guardian, Katie’s sister, Emma Sutton, 25, said that narcolepsy had turned her sister’s life into a terrible struggle, describing how she was transformed from an energetic young woman who had just discovered her passion working with children, to someone who was heavily dependent on her family and crippled by mental health problems. “We cannot believe she would have decided to take her own life had the balance of her mind not been disturbed?’ said Sutton. “We feel she was let down by the defective vaccine, which caused her narcolepsy and by the insufficient intervention and support, which ultimately led to this tragedy?” Ina note, written on the day that she died, Katie urged her family to pursue her legal case, saying that she had been left with “no quality of life”. “She said she wanted us to pursue claims because the narcolepsy caused her depression and led toa tumble of suicidal thoughts,” said Sutton. “She said: ‘It’s very important to me that you pursue this.” An inquest, due to take place this summer, will consider whether Clack received adequate medical care and the role her illness may have played in her death. The nursery worker, from Peterborough, received the Pandemrix jab, made by GlaxoSmithKline, when she was 18 as part of a national vaccination scheme during the 2009-10 swine flu pandemic. Clack was in a high priority group for immunisation because she worked with young children - a job in which she excelled after finding school difficult due to her dyslexia. “We were all so proud of her. She really loved children,” said Sutton, describing how her sister would turn up at her house to play with her two young daughters. “The toys were out, the paint was out, within a matter of minutes it was like a hurricane. They loved it.” 1of3 2310772015 13:53 ‘Woman who developed narcolepsy after swine Nu jab had ‘no quali... hip:/vwwheguardian com/uk-news!2015/jul! 3Avoman-nareolep. While the swine flu outbreak never reached the proportions that were initially feared, scientists believe that the vaccine, which was given to about 6 million people in Britain, caused narcolepsy in a tiny fraction of patients. The government accepts this link, but has so far argued those affected do not meet the threshold for the Department for Work and Pensions’ vaccine compensation scheme, which automatically awards a £120,000 lump sum to anyone with “severe and permanent” disabilities. A few weeks after receiving the vaccine, Clack began feeling overwhelming daytime sleepiness, a defining symptom of narcolepsy, and was sleeping 18 or 19 hours each day by the time she was diagnosed a year later. “Sometimes she’d leave work at 3pm and wouldn’t get home until 7pm because she’d fall asleep on the bus and go around Peterborough several times,” said Sutton, “She was so shy she would never ask the bus driver: ‘Can you wake me up?’ People used to take pictures of her on their phones and were really nasty, not knowing, obviously. They'd think she was drunk.” Clack also began suffering from cataplexy attacks, the total loss of muscle control during sudden bursts of emotion, such as happiness, which caused her to collapse without warning. She suffered night terrors, imagining that she was surrounded by giant spiders, and sleep paralysis, the temporary inability to move on waking up. Although she continued to live in her own flat, Clack stopped taking baths after falling asleep with the taps running and flooding her neighbours’ flat, cooking meals was too risky, she lost a series of jobs and gained a large amount weight - a common side-effect of narcolepsy. “She said: ‘You can’t imagine my life. I have no life’ That rings in my head a lot,” Sutton recalled. In 2013, she began suffering psychotic episodes and said she was hearing voices, possibly linked to the high dose of the stimulant drug, modafinil, that she was prescribed to help her stay awake. She ‘was admitted to hospital several times, spending her 21st birthday on a psychiatric ward. Sutton said the government's rejection of compensation claims from about 80 other patients was incomprehensible and welcomed a landmark ruling last month by the upper tribunal court ordering damages to be paid to a 12-year-old boy. “If they lived with one of these people for a day, they’d change their mind. It just seems crazy.” While alive, Clack was one of a group pursuing an ongoing civil action against GlaxoSmithKline, which manufactured the vaccine. The costs of any financial settlement are likely to be met by the taxpayer because of an indemnity signed between the government and the pharmaceutical giant. Separately, Clack’s family applied posthumously to the DWP’s Vaccine Damages Scheme in October (she did not apply while alive), but are yet to receive a decision, The government wrote to the family in June to say it was seeking legal advice on the case, “We just feel let down,” said Sutton. “My mum. just really wants someone to say they are accountable.” Dr Mike Fitzpatrick, a former London GP who has spent much of his career promoting vaccines, said the medical case of the family was compelling. “I don’t understand why DWP doesn’t agree to. provide compensation,” he said. “The crucial thing to maintain public trust is to provide compensation on the very rare occasion that there’s an adverse effect. It’s a vital principle to uphold here. The personal stories are catastrophic.” 2of3 23/07/2015 13:53 Woman who developed narcolepsy after swine fu jab had ‘no quali... bitp:/ /uk-news/20 1 S/jul/13/woman-nareolep A Department of Health official said: “Narcolepsy is a distressing illness and our deepest sympathies go to Katie Clack’s family and friends following her tragic death. Pandemrix vaccine was used to prevent serious illness and deaths during the swine flu pandemic in 2009-10. At the time, the possible association with narcolepsy was not known. This remains under scientific investigation. “We have agreed to fund the treatment of claimants with Xyrem, and are working with both their lawyers and the vaccine manufacturer to consider the personal injury claims as quickly as possible. We cannot comment on any individual case.” A GSK spokesman said: “We are actively researching the observed association between Pandemrix and narcolepsy and the interaction this vaccine might have had with other risk factors in those affected. “We're also continuing to support ongoing work from other experts and organisations investigating reported cases of this condition and we hope these efforts will enable us to provide more answers in the future. We take the safety of patients who entrust their health in our vaccines and medicines very seriously” The Samaritans can be contacted in the UK on 08457 90 90 90. People with narcolepsy in the UK can receive support and information from the charity, Narcolepsy UK More news Topics Swine flu Health GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals industry Drugs Save for later Article saved 30f3 23/07/2015 13:53 Study confirms swine flu vaceine and narcolepsy link in Ireland bitpzi/www:thejournal ie/pandemrix-narcolepsy-link-study- 14470, uses cookies. By continuing to browse this site you are a ‘eeing to our use of cookies. Click here to find out more » Saturday 3 May, 2014 hitler ie/1447040 Study confirms swine flu vaccine and narcolepsy link in Ireland The study showed a 13.9-fold higher risk of narcolepsy in children or adolescents vaccinated with Pandemrix in Ireland that those not vaccinated with it AN IRISH STUDY into the links between a swine flu yg scomsames vaccine and narcolepsy has found a link between the ee Pandemrix® two. 5 The “investigation of an association between onset of narcolepsy and vaccination with pandemic influenza oe vaccine” is published in full on the Euro - Surveillance site, a ee Image: PA Archive/Press Association It was carried out by a group of 12 researchers and Images ibution of the HSE and a number included the con’ of Irish hospitals. ‘The objective of the study was to investigate if the risk of onset of narcolepsy was increased in the Irish population who received pandemic vaccine in comparison with those not receiving the pandemic vaccine (Pandemrix). Pandemrix ‘The European Medicines Agency approved Pandemrix but later announced that it was not suitable for children due to the link between the jab and narcolepsy. It was announced in February that representatives of thousands of families across Europe affected by narcolepsy after Pandemrix jabs were to meet with the EU Health Commissioner to discuss a response to the situation, ‘The Irish support group SOUND has around 60 members who were all affected by narcolepsy after receiving Pandemrix. Some families in Ireland have initiated legal action against the State over its use of the vaccine. Study ‘The new study notes that in 2011, the Irish Medicines Board received reports of onset of narcolepsy following vaccination with Pandemrix. ‘The researchers carried out a retrospective population-based cohort study, looking at lof 23MTQDIS 13:53 Study confirms swine flu vaceine and narcolepsy link in Ireland fhupy/www.thejoumal iejpandemrix-narcolepsy-linkestudy-14470. involving onset from 1 April 2009 to 31 Decembi ca 010. They said their study “confirms the crude association between Pandemrix vaccination and narcolepsy as observed in Finland and Sweden”. ‘The vaccine is no longer in use in Ireland, “Further studies are needed to explore the immunogenetic mechanism of narcolepsy,” said the researchers. s (EDS) triggered by Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder characterised by excessive daytime sleepines and is often associated with cataplexy (episodic musele weakn emotion such as laughter or anger. Nocturnal sleep is usually fragmented and may be associated with sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations. Other symptoms may include weight gain and obesity, deterioration in school performance and emotional lability. The study included 906,280 children/adolescents and 3,325,643 adults “Our study found a significant, 13.9-fold higher, risk of narcolepsy in children/adolescents vaccinated in Ireland with Pandemrix compared with unvaccinated children/adolescents,” said the researchers. ‘The absolute number of narcolepsy cases attributable to Pandemrix vaccination was five per 100,000 vaccinated children/adolescents or one in 19,000 vaccinated. imilar” to the res ilts found in the retrospective land in 2011, said the researchers. | These findings are “remarkably s population-based cohort study conducted in Fi The full study can be read here. Crs, 8 pane) 3b ‘About the author: Aoife Barry Ys weetoblivior avife@thejour 2of2 28/07/2015 13:53, Finnish researchers zero in on tink between Pandemrix vaccine and... hitp:/iyle-f/uutisevfinnish researchers, zero_in_on_tink_between, 1of2 Nows 15.12.2014 16:03 | updated 23.1.2015 13:58 Finnish researchers zero in on link between Pandemrix vaccine and narcolepsy A group of Finnish researchers has scored a world first by identifying a link between the virus component used in the Pandemrix swine flu vaccine and narcolepsy, a neurological disorder which some recipients of the vaccine developed later on. The team found that Pandemrix was prepared differently from other vaccines and that the virus component in the drug was also different. eoso.© a with ac Pandemrix vaccine. Image: Soils Roessler EPA. According to the University of Helsinki, the team of Finnish researchers has determined the reason why the Pandemrix vaccine increased the risk of developing narcolepsy, The research team was led by Professor Outi Vaarala and the results were published in the San Francisco-based scientific journal Plos One. According to the publication, the researchers found that among other things the Pandemrix drug - which has been linked to cases of narcolepsy developed following vaccination ~ had higher levels of structurally altered viral nucleoprotein than in Arepanrix. Both were drugs. approved for immunisation against the HiN1 influenza “The vaccine virus itself has components of the virus. it is also supposed to contain viral protein. There's nothing extraordinary about that,” Vaarala told Yle. “However what is more significant is that given that there were two pandemic vaccines against swine flu - one was Arepanrix, which was used in Canada, and the other was 23/07/2015 13:54 Finnish researchers zero in on link between Pandemrix vaccine and... hitp:l'ylev/uatisevfinnish, researchers. zero, in_on_link between Pandemrix, which was used in Europe - Pandemix caused narcolepsy. The difference was that Pandemrix had one viral protein in a different form and there was more of if," she explained, Professor Vaarala said that the difference was due to a disparity in how the two vaccines were prepared. She pointed out that Arepanrix did not cause the same narcolepsy cases that Pandemrix did. “it's precisely for this reason that the findings are so interesting. We are the first in the world to report that these two vaccines differ with respect to the viral components and are therefore not the same," the professor dectared. Research “the first concrete breakthrough” Vaarala noted that Pandemrix was taken out of use in August 2010 when it emerged that it was linked to cases of narcolepsy, She said that the next stage following the recent research would be to trace the viral protein in the vaccine and its similarities with the neurological structure of the brain “In a way this is the first concrete breakthrough on this matter. We can identify that there is something different in the Pandemrix vaccine compared to others, because only Pandemrix caused narcolepsy," she declared More than 150 people in Finland, mostly young, have been diagnosed with narcolepsy, @ neurological disorder that inhibits the brain's ability to regulate sleep-wake cycles. Persons with narcolepsy typically experience excessive daytime sleepiness. Earlier this year persons who developed narcolepsy after receiving the Pandemrix vacoine between 2009 and 2010, have received over 10,000 euros each in compensation, and it is estimated that a total of approximately 100 million euros will be required for further ‘compensation during their lifetimes. The Finnish Pharmaceutical Insurance Pool has already paid out 30 million euros, while the Finnish government is likely to contribute 70 milion. This item was edited on January 23, 2015 to clarify that the compensation per person received to date is slightly more than 10,000 euros, in line with information from the Pandemrix Narcolepsy European Allfance. Sources Vie 25/07/2015 13:54 Sweden Admits the Swine Plu Vaccine Caused Narcolepsy, fvs PH Home News Categories About Us Newsletter Resources Q Canadian Raw Honey — July 23, 2015 3 Print This Post Sweden Admits the Swine Flu Vaccine Caused Narcolepsy CeaRetee Mle iin 1of6 23/07/2015 13:54 Sweden Admits the Swine Flu Vaccine Caused Narcolepsy |hups//healthimpactnews.cony/2013/sweden-admits-the-swine-flu-va, Health impact News Editor Comments: In 2011 and 2012 several European countries were investigating the claim that Name: _ people were suffering from narcolepsy resulting from the swine flu vaccine [eee EEE oe manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline. Finland, among others, began paying out Email damages for swine flu vaccines given in 2009 and 2010. (eee Choose your options: Narcolepsy is a serious, disabling iliness, The disease is principally facades ecie characterized by a permanent and overwhelming feeling of sleepiness and fatigue, Other symptoms involve abnormalities of dreaming sleep, such as dream-like hallucinations and finding oneself physically weak or paralyzed for a few seconds (Stanford School of Medicine), Here at the end of 2013, Sweden is also admitting that the flu vaccine caused iccuciasateauRtouiaood narcolepsy, and is offering an apology to the victims. The reason they are offering an apology is because the time limit to file a case for compensation has passed. So admitting something happened back in 2011 when It is no Jonger possible to file a claim is leaving a lot of people with no recourse ~ only Top Stories This Week an apology. _ Sweden prepared to offer swine flu jab apology by The Local Gardasil: The Excerpts: Decision We Will Always Regret Sweden's Minister of Social Affairs Géran Hagglund has said he is 54,660 Views prepared to make a public apology to the people, most young adults and children, who suffered from narcolepsy following vaccination against swine flu. Afer it was established that the swine flu vaccination caused narcolepsy the state promised to be generous. But itis neither the state nor local health authorities who determine which sufferers are entitled to help, this, responsibility falls on the private insurance firm Lakemedelsférsakringen 17 Reasons Why You Need a In order to receive compensation from the insurance company, the patient ‘Mango Every Day must have been aware of the symptoms within eight months from the time of Sana vaccination. 0,612 Views Some 28 people, including 19 children, have thus been denied compensation because they did not notice the symptoms in time, according to the SvD report. 20f6 23/07/2015 13:54 ‘Sweden Admits the Swine Flu Vaccine Caused Narcolepsy /hupsirhealthimpactnews,com/2013/sweden-admits-the-swine-flu-va However, according to several experts to whom both TT and SvD have spoken, such a limit can not be placed on the condition. Symptoms are initially diffuse and were previously relatively unknown, Many sufferers seek other explanations for their fatigue and it may have taken some time before getting a diagnosis Despite the difficulties for some sufferers, Hagglund told the newspaper that there are no plans to help the group that has not received any compensation. “The state made us get the shot. We are already affected. We don't need to be punished more, we need support and help instead. | have friends with nacolepsy who no longer go out because they don’t want to risk being kicked out,” she told the paper. A Swedish study confirmed in March that the swine flu vaccine Pandemrix had a direct link to narcolepsy, with those taking the shot under the age of 21 at three times the risk of developing the condition Read the Full Story Here: hitp://www government-prepared-for-swine-fiu-jab-apology Saying NO To Vaccines By Dr. Sherri Tenpenny You have legal options! A RESOURCE GUIDE FOR ALLAGES Des ema eae a nose St, ute Mary & Oe Sl Ccomsinss ona pete Sec jeter Dstt Vas a EST More Info 306 Dr. Kurt: Why 1 Will Never Choose to Vaccinate my ‘Own Son and Any Future Kids my Wife and | Have 12,172 Views What Type of, Coconut Oitis Best? How to Choose a Coconut Oil 12,099 Views The Grave Dangers of Statin Drugs—and the Surprising Benefits of Cholesterol 10,379 Views Documentary on. HPV Vaccine ‘Shows Lives of ‘Young Women Ruined 23/07/2015 13:54 dian conv/sociely/201 3/sep/19/swine-flu-vacein, guardian Swine flu vaccine can trigger narcolepsy, UK government concedes Review of fresh evidence finds jab given to 6 million people in Britain can occasionally cause sleep disorder Swine flu vaccine can trigger narcolepsy, UK government concedes... http://wwwth Tan Sample, science correspondent ‘Thursday 19 September 2013 19.32 BST The government is to reverse its stance on the safety ofa swine flu vaccine given to 6 million people in Britain and accept that on rare occasions the jab can trigger the devastating sleep disorder narcolepsy. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has contacted people turned down for compensation last year to explain that, after a review of fresh evidence, it now accepts the vaccine can cause the condition. The move leaves the government open to compensation claims from around 100 people in Britain, and substantial legal fees if a group action drawn up by solicitors is successful, Peter Todd, who is preparing the case at the London firm Hodge, Jones and Allen, said that damages could reach £1m for each person. ‘The Pandemnix vaccine, made by GlaxoSmithKline, was given to high-risk groups, including children and those with asthma, diabetes and heart disease at the height of the 2009-10 swine flu pandemic. Across Europe, around 31 million people received the jab. The vaccine was made specifically to tackle pandemics and is very different to the normal seasonal flu vaccine which has not been linked to narcolepsy. The condition is a rare but serious neurological disorder that affects about 31,000 people in Britain. The condition can cause massive sleep disruption. The worst hit are often young people who face enormous learning difficulties at school and university. The disorder can destroy self-esteem, and bullying is common, Adults can lose their jobs, their driving licences, and can have difficulties with relationships. Some narcoleptics have another condition called cataplexy, a total loss of muscle control. The government U-turn follows a major study of four- to 18-year-olds by the Health Protection Agency which found that around one in every 55,000 jabs was associated with narcolepsy. A spokesman for GSK said it had details of around 900 people from 14 countries who had narcolepsy and were vaccinated. ‘The welfare minister, lain Duncan Smith, will announce the reversal in October, according to a letter seen by the Guardian. "It has been accepted that, on the balance of probability, vaccination has contributed to ... disablement,” the letter says. ‘The DWP denies that any disability caused by Pandemrix is severe enough to qualify for statutory compensation, a £120,000 tax-free lump sum, but invites people to respond within three weeks. lof 23/07/2015 13:55 Swine flu vaccine can trigger narcolepsy, UK government coucedes...._htip:/ 3/sep!19/swine-flu-vacein, ‘Todd argues that “in nearly all cases" people who developed narcolepsy from the jab would qualify for compensation. The group action will be brought against GSK, but Todd said the drug company had an indemnity clause in its contract to provide the vaccine which means government will ultimately foot the bill. "Some of these multiparty actions cost endless millions. You can imagine the number of experts involved. We fill up the court when we turn up with these cases," he said. ‘The decision was welcomed by Matt O'Neill of Narcolepsy UK. "There are a lot of parents who have been waiting for the zight decision on this," he said. "The problem is that compensation is based on proving that you're eligible, and that could be very hard for children to articulate." Inastatement, GSK said: "Patient safety is our number one priority and we are actively researching how narcolepsy is triggered and how this vaccine might have interacted with other risk factors in affected individuals. We hope these ongoing research efforts will enable us to provide more answers. "Narcolepsy is a complex disease and its causes are not yet fully understood but it is generally considered to be associated with genetic and environmental factors, including infections. We remain committed to pursuing additional research to understand the association between Pandemrix and narcolepsy and continue to support the research of others who are investigating reported cases." A Department of Health spokesperson said: "Pandemrix was developed specifically for use in a flu pandemic when the number of lives lost and serious cases could have been enormous. “The decision to recommend that children got this vaccine during the flu pandemic was based on evidence available at the time, along with the advice from the European Medicines Agency which approved its use. “We keep all emerging evidence under review and that's why use of Pandemrix in those less than 20 years old was stopped in the UK in 2011." More news: Topics Vaccines and immunisation Swine flu Health Health policy Save for later Article saved 2of2 23/07/2015 13:55 Women Compensated for Swine Flu Vaccinations { Iceland Review 1of3 /women-compensatedss. Reykjavik UC NNE fF NES HAGA FEATURES PHOTOGRIPAY FUDIEATONS TRNELIMO STORE UNSER] OE search ad 3 ey npcreator_— NEWS MOST POPULAR ‘Women Compensated for Swine Flu Vaccina- tions BYEVGLO SVALAARNARSDOTTIR SOCIEVY amor,20s 1482 Utd oi, 2051445 chvsphoa Pot Pa stints ‘Theee young women have received approximately IK L0 mil lion (USO 73,000, EUR 68,000} each in damages from the fee- landie tate because they contracted narcelepay ater belng given swine fu vaccinations in 2009 and 2010 and now sutfer permanent disabilities because of the disease. “A-suine fa epidemic was anticipsted and the authorities propagated the vaccinations," Supreme Courtjudge Léra V Jllusdéter, who represented the three wemen, tld Vsiron Friday. Her protégées were alin their teens when they were vaccinated. Its believed tha the gris had had an underlying predispos: ini FB Sunmer Snow the ighlands Ea owisis Staying in Parking Lots Overnight die Film Students Stun- ning Landseape Video KER ce Cream Barn Parm-to-Table to Another Level seq Youberim Featnres leeland in 4K Definition This Sum- mer (PS) Fhe deor Colece ad serost stern, Changes (JB) eo ae In Deep sh** (VA) sia 23/07/2015 13:56 Women Compensated for Swine Flu Vaccinations jleeland Review —_hip/icelandreview:convincws/201 5104/0 Vvomen-compensateds, tion to narcolapsy—which esultsin them fling asleep un Retro. precictably,requiving them to take medication~andthatthe 1” vaccinehad evoked thedisease Suchincidentshavealso — SPECL been reported in the other Nordic countries. (ESOK) Lira criticized the authorities forthe longtime ittook to pay ‘ut the damages—even though the connection between the disease and the vaccine was quickly recognizeé--and the vote lengthy process af evaluating hetevel other protegees' cl; WE TAKE OUR abilities, WATERPROOF MORE NEWS e. @ Sales of Bottled gad. Water Soar CE Ne coins cnt oe Kober 212018 es aa wate ptt soar theo Police Seek Missing Woman By Emi s, sd Konber naa ingpecm en 363d Polish Nurse Li- censed to Prac- tice Afier zight-Year Legal Battle By Emilio § Offset Kirabor 29asy 2008 Half of Icelandic Youngsters Would Like to Live Abroad ay Axe nasa Aslenteat oy esanle 3 23/07/2015 13:56 Flu vaceine may cause narcolepsy ! ScienceNordic hugp:/sefencenordie.conv/Tu-vaccine-may-cause-narcolepsy 4 os Heath Soclay& Coltre Envronnent Technology Agree BFineros Nati SoieteEs Bogs astarensonor Flu vaccine may cause narcolepsy A job at the L seen 202-9038 Mostiead ates Seaman The influenza vaccine Pandemrix has been associated with an abrupt bu 22 Meet tne pane sed rat! mae of 3 neat increase in the incidence of chidhood narcolepsy in Finland and Sweden Ce oe tee cette eee Conidren are 4-9 times ake vein rnarcelapsy hoy were vaccinated wth Pander during the outbreak othe INI wine The Universly at Stavanger ‘This was one ofthe findings presented ty cients rom Fad, Noweay ane Sweden ata ‘eon waconecortreres organised by the DanshRstona Intute er Heats Data an Dieeate Contol (S80. The srpring nk benean Panam and ratolapy was dacovered by cnance wen Frosh siep resoarersreceety stated epoing about creases isanoas ofthe Grost increases in Sweden and Finland In rian and Swen, an abun inrease 9 nacclepay cseas was abserved ater he fs pandemicin 20092010 tn Fang, 121 cases of registered, whe Sweden nad 168 such cases, 150 otwnch were below the age of 18, Sciemits nove yet to find bcogical explanation fr histnk, tt some have suggested nat peone win a specie ype of gares ave pareulary suscepti oe arse ‘Our hypothesis that Pande doesn't ecectiy ofl et Paine Sean cause ncelepay, renee tgs the iorger ead In people wo or prosapotas toi aye Tayen Unvert cope toa Grove Kae, eaesutant a he SS Soma Shewqvrs) Pandenvix has oso been used incr counties, ince Canada, wna inceace ie rneroiapy intenens nae an ogistores tis kareeda gees neta ee atta cooiat thie omnes gil Sue sero metres 68) Sone A Shark ver lis ho key suspect Vin Tooth abe cence sree TL hasan dicineeenenae |i bea teomesave yarn eis sn roll eter seeat ence ameter tee a reed EE cH SStottecreceectnemeny, — altpinettss 72 Yopmaee ott ow Tas ctl decid saeco svt) omenetenm oe eit anerman ree oa oy Wo cause fr alam Ae neni Haat ey soon ang nu fete ae pn ee acon BAS oiy wo wet! ase et gone Mindchameumetenvabease'conoopecpac ten tamer San Pa Serene aftr beng vaccinate wih 23/07/2015 13:58 European children suffer narcolepsy after swine-fu vaccinations ‘hup:/www.globalpost.con/dispateh/newstrewions/europe! 320 globalpost European children suffer narcoiepsy after swine-fiu vaccinations Julia Gronnevet Mar 25, 2014 @ 6:34 AM f wv & Glaxo Smith Kline's Pandemrix was used across the continent, (Bulent Kilic / AFP/Getty Images) OSLO, Norway — Lene Victoria Jacobsen vividly remembers when swine-flu panic hit her northern town of Harstad in 2009. “It felt as if a disaster were about to happen,” she says. "You got tears in your eyes thinking about it, this was something serious.” 23/07/2015 13:57 French study finds narcolepsy link to HINI vaccine in adults | C. hheip:!Avwweidrap.umn,cdwhews-perspective/2012/09/frenchestuy. French study finds narcolepsy link to H1N1 vaccine in adults Filed Under. HINT 2008 Pandemic influenza vis Sep 21, 2012 (CIDRAP News) ~ French researchers have found a significant link between one 2009 HiN1 vaccine and narcolepsy in adults, a finding that is likely to prompt some countries to take a fresh look to see if adult cases have surfaced in the wake of pandemic vaccine campaigns. ‘The French findings are part of a larger investigation under way through the Vaceine Adverse Event Surveillance and Communication (VAESCO) Consortiu led and funded by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). The data are from a case-control study that was partially included yesterday in a detailed technical report from the ECDC that explored the vaccine-narcolepsy link in eight European countries, inchiding some that didn't report the problem. Full findings from the French case-control study appeared yesterday on the Web site of the French Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM), a group that is similar to the US Food and Drug Administration. Only one vaccine has been linked to the narcolepsy cases, Pandemrix, a GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) product that contains its ASo3 adjuvant. The vaccine was not used in the United States during the 2009 HiNi vaccine campaign, but several European countries used it alone or alongside other vaccine formulations. Canada and Brazil also used a very similar GSK pandemic vaccine containing the ASo3, adjuvant. Yesterday's ECDC report confirmed the link between narcolepsy and pandemic 2009 vaccination in Finnish and Swedish kids, and reported that a sensi malysis found a narcolepsy link to vaccinated adults when data were pooled from countries that hadn't already noted an association. ‘The ECDC said more data and case reports will be needed to better understand the link between narcolepsy and the vaccine. The French researchers used a study protocol that was developed by VAESCO for use in the larger ECDC investigation. However, they noted that the study periods used by the wider study and the analysis specific to France are different, with the French study period starting 6 months later and ending 10 months later. In the report yesterday, French investigators said 51 cases of narcolepsy were reported in French patients who were immunized against the pandemic virus; 47 received Pandemrix, but only 3 received Panenza (a nonadjuvanted vaccine from Sanofi Pasteur), and 1 received an undetermined product. All of the narcolepsy cases were confirmed by sleep study tests, and 38 involved cataplexy episodes. During France's pandemic vaccine campaign, about 4.1 million doses of Pandemrix and about 1.6 Lora 23/07/2015 14:00 Fronch study finds nareolepsy link to HINI vaccine in adults | C hups//wwwseidrap.unmedwlnews-perspective/2012/00/treneh-stuly million vaccinations with Panenza were administered, according to the report. Researchers found that 22 of the narcolepsy cases were in people 16 years old and older and 28 wer children 8 to 1g years old. Symptom onset occurred from 2 days to 15 months after vaccination, Hight patients—6 adults and 2 teens—had a medical or family history that might explain the condition. ‘The investigators reported that overall the same signal seen in Finnish and Swedish children was found in French children, but the link between Pandemrix and narcolepsy was also detected in French adults, ‘They cautioned that the findings don't show a causal relationship and that a more thorough investigation should be conducted to explore the link further, including possible environmental or genetic factors. ECDC spokesman Giovanni Mancarella, in response to queries from CIDRAP News, said France is the only country in which an association between the pandemic vaccine and narcolepsy has been observed in adults, most of them younger adults. Though other countries have submitted adult cases to the wider ECDC study, based on the new French findings, they may reinvestigate them. ‘There are more than 100 suspected narcolepsy eases in adults reported in the European Medicine Agency's EudraVigilance database, the ECDC said. Finland's National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) said today that it is condueting further study on adult cases, according to a statement in Finnish posted on the group's Web site. It said the investigation will focus on 40 to 50 adult narcolepsy cases that were diagnosed between 2009 and 2011. About half of the patients had received the pandemic vaccine. It's not clear why France is the only country that has found the association, Mancarella said, noting that with the data so far, it's impossible to show a causal relationship between the vaccine and narcolepsy in adults, Yesterday's technical report included only part of France's data, and now that complete results have been submitted, Mancarella said, the ECDC will use it to look at the VAESCO ¢; control data ag: with results expected in October. See also: Sep 20 ANSM statement and study (http://an {information ‘{Yaccins-pandemiques-grippe-A-H1N1-¢t-narcolepsic-Resultats. ench) ir/S-informer/Points-<-infor de-L-otud t-do-l-ctude-cas-temoins-franeaise- uuropeenn. Point-d-information) (in Fh Sop 21 THL statement (hiutp://sww.thl.6/8_ Fl/web/fi/uotinen2idegioos) (in Finnish) Sep 20 ECDC press n [Nexs/BCDC_Disp¥onn, Roolalder=%: Jease (http://www.eede, px?Listeszeagont-0230-4424-0783-8574 news%2ELists%2lNews) 2124029a81D=7318 Sep 20 ECDC technical report summary (http://sww.code.europa.css/en/publications/Publications /Vaesco%20in%2obrief%2ofinal.pdl 2of4 23/07/2015 14:00

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