Planning of Transit Station Locations

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Objectives of station location planning:

• Many transit line characteristics re affected by

Planning of Transit Station number of location stations.
• Complex process and includes both quantitative
Locations and qualitative factors.
• Not possible to develop a purely quantitative
• Transit designer must be familiar with all
relevant factors

• Optimal solutions are not always mutually Major objectives in planning station locations are:
compatible  Serve major centres, activity and transfer points
• Compromise must be found by collectively  Achieve min passenger travel time
satisfying each objective to some degree (multi –
 Provide max area coverage
objective optimization)
 Attract max passenger
• Planners should consider all the factors
influencing station locations.  Achieve min system cost (investment and
• Each objective is discussed separately leading to
a methodology for the application in practice.  Meet other requirements (planning goals, land-
use, economic development, population needs

Two trade-offs:
Passenger travel time:
• Travel time on a transit line PT consists of:
 access to/ from stations including waiting timr
• Minimization of total passenger travel time is for a train Pta
the dominant objective as it often represents  Travel time on the line PTt
the largest disutility. PT = PTa + PTt
• Comparison of travel times is factor Number and locations of stations along a line
influencing modal split. influences both these components.
• There have been several theoretical studies of • Number of stations on line is also expressed as
optimal station spacings. station density g (stations /km)
Ex.: average spacing is 800m = o.8km
Station density if g = 1/0.8 = 1.25 stations/km

First trade-off: Area coverage versus operating • When station spacing becomes so short that
speed UTs cannot reach their max running speed,
Assume: number of passengers on the line is fixed additional delay per station decreases
• Increasing density of stations results in decrease • Marginal increase in travel time begins to
of average access distance and access time to decline.
station Pta. (Figure). • Total passenger travel time curve PT shows that
• Travel time on transit PTt, increases because of there is an optimal station density.
growing time losses due to station stops. • If passenger distribution is not uniform, this
• Increase is linear at first as each station adds a distribution influences the optimal station
fixed amount of delay. locations and results in variable spacings.

Second trade-off: Local versus through passengers:

• Station spacing on any section is a function of
ratio of number of passengers with origin/
destination along that section and number of
passengers on trains passing through the area
who would prefer not to stop on that section due
to loss of time for them.
• Greater the ratio, more closely should the stations
be spaced.
• Where volume of through passengers volume of
local passengers, station spacing should be long.
• If there is a section without any passengers willing
to board or alight , there should be no stations.

• With respect to passenger time, uniform station • Distance between some station k and next
spacing are seldom optimal w.r.t passenger station k+1 is Sk.
travel time minimization. • When spacings are equal over entire length of
• They should vary with distribution of passenger line, S = L/n
demand. • Assume: passengers go to the closest station.
The model: • Line separating the areas from which
• Derivation of mathematical expressions for passengers go to different adjacent stations is
optimal station spacing is based on a model of a the mid-distance between stations.
transit line segment with length L and n+1 • This defines the passenger market shed area.
stations (Figure) • Max distance passengers walk to a station
represent lateral boundary of shed area.

• Each passenger selects a station for boarding or • Two sections of each spacing Sk obtained by the
for alighting so that her total travel time is passenger shed lines are Gk and Hk.
minimized. • At boarding, access distance Gk is smaller than
• Thus, the passenger shed is asymmetrical. section Hk (it requires access opposite to the
• It is upstream from mid-point because access to direction of travel and then also travel on train
station opposite to travel direction involves over Sk, which passengers going to k+1 do not
travel time on transit line (need not walk) have)
• At the arrival stations the situation is reversed. • G and H sections are reversed at alighting
Shade line located downstream from the mid station m. Shorter section Gm-1 is shorter
point. because it is upstream from m and section Hm is
longer because it is downstream from it.

• Assumed that paths for access to stations are vis a

grid pattern of streets, distance perpendicular to the
line are disregarded because they are not affected
by station locations.
• Expressions for G and H are computed by setting
access time to the station located in the direction of
travel equal to access time to station located in
opposite direction, plus travel time on the train
between the two stations:
Hk + tw = Gk/ Va + Tk +tw
Tk = train travel time on spacing Sk; Va = speed of
access to stations; tw = interval between passenger’s
arrival at station and train departure.

Sk = Gk + Hk
Gk and Hk can be expressed as:
Gk = ½ (Sk – TkVa) and Hk = ½ (Sk +TkVa)
If the station spacings are of sufficient length that
the train can reach its max speed, Tk can be
expresses as:

Tk = (Sk/V) + Tl

Tl is time lost for stopping at one station.


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