Lesson Plan-Emil Medio

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I.GRADE LEVEL/SUBJECT:Grade 7,Physical Education

QUARTER:1st quarter
TOPIC: TRADITIONAL GAMES AND SPORTS (classic traditional games)
At the end of this presentation, at least 90% of the students should be able to
 Discuss the fundamental movements and skills of luksong baka.
 Perform luksong baka using the skills and movements that are discussed
 Realized the essence of playing and reviving luksong baka as part of
traditional games in modern days.

III.MATERIALS: Laptop (for ppt)

IV:Concept statement:
Traditional Philippine games, (luksong baka) are played primarily as children's
games way back few years ago. Due to lack of toys children played luksong baka as
a substitution to their boredom since it doesn’t require any materials to play and it
also doesn’t require number of players. This traditional game is commonly played by
a group of children during day, this games is considered as physical games where
the children exert physical strength and it also promote camaraderie to children.

V.Value Statement:
By playing Luksong Baka children learn how to strive for themselves, believe on
themselves, and be independent because they have an individual goal. Luksong
baka also promote camaraderie and self-trust.

VI.Development Phase
(Basic classroom routine; prayer, roll call)
Let us put ourselves in the holy presence of our lord. Our father in heaven thank you
so much for keeping us safe, thank you for the gift of life that you have given to us. I
know that we have a lot of mistake however we are truly sorry for the making those
things. Today as we start with our class discussion I hope that you will give as the
wisdom and knowledge for us to cope with the topic despite with the turmoil we are
facing. Bless our day and guide us with our discussion, we do nothing without your
heavenly grace, this all we pray in JESUS our almighty saviour and provider. AMEN!
- Good morning class - Good morning teacher
- How are you today - We are doing good sir
“ special mention beadle” “the beadle did the roll call”
please do the attendance”
- So everybody is present “….”
- Anyway our topic for today is “student raise their hands”
all about traditional games
and sports specifically
luksong baka. Does anybody
here already played luksong
- Okay Raul, would you please “Raul did told his classmates
stand up and tell your his experiences on playing
classmates your experience luksong baka”
with regards on playing
luksong baka.
- Very good! Now students “students clap their hands”
please clap your hands for
- Now class are ready to listen - Yeas teacher!
to our discussion about
traditional games and sports
especially luksong baka?
- Okay do you know class that (….)
luksong baka is now
considered as one of
Philippines traditional sports
and games?
“Teacher discussed about -Yes teacher!
luksong baka as part of
Philippines traditional games
and sports.” Luksong
baka (English: Jump over the
Cow) is a traditional Filipino
game[1] that originated in Bulacan.
It involves a minimum of three
players and a maximum of 10
players, and involves them
jumping over the person called
the baka, or "cow".[2] The main
goal of the players is to
successfully jump over
the baka without touching or
falling over the (wikepedia)…do
you understand class?
- Very good! (….)
- For today’s activity we are - Yes teacher!
going to play luksong baka,
are you ready class?
- Very good! (…)
- Before our activity I am going - Yes teacher!
to give a price to those
students who are consistent
with their performance all
throughout the activity. Are
you now ready for our

Playing Luksong Baka with the students siblings or friends (video making)
Action Research question:
1. What is your tactics on playing Luksong Baka?
2. What is the best past of Playing Luksong Baka?
3. How can you apply those tactics on outside world?

VIIII.Synthesis: Games like outdoor games encourage youngsters to think for

themselves. Games are a great method to engage your youngster in learning.
Traditional and indigenous games has the best role in our generations it develop
harmony and peace to each Youngers.

IX.Valuing: when students play luksong baka, they could improve their body
coordination, balance, flexibility, and physical strength. Since Luksong Baka could be
consider as an individual classical game the students will develop their self-
confidence and they will become more independent because they will going to rely
on their own physical strength and tactics.


 Make a min. 1 minute with the max. of 2 minute video playing luksong baka.In
your section there should be 5 groups with 4 members.You can choose your
own group.
Instructor Name:
Mr.Emil Medio

The link provided below is the source of the information that is used on making the
lesson more informative and legal. Moreover, this link can also be used as a future
refrence. :

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