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_ Let ‘HDFC Swing STP’ do it for you A systematic transfer plan that buys more when Net Asset Values (NAVs) CEM ACM DMS LAE NAMIC ONAL Ce RCL a Value. It also redeems automatically once the value exceeds set targets. ant rea cree Ae ENA ey Registered Office: Ramon Howse, Sr How, HI. Poe arg, 169, Backby Recamatan Curchgate, Mumbai - £00 020. Tel: 022-6631 4393, Fx: 022-2282 1144, Disdoimer: HDF Swing STP in any mannar whatsoever i not an assurance or promise or guarantee on par of HDFC Mutual Fund/ HDFC Asset Management Company Limited tothe Unit holders in terms of returns or coptlopprection or minimization of las of captor otherwise, Risk Fors: All mutuol funds and scutes investments are sje o market risks and there canbe no assurance thatthe Stheme's objectives wll be achieved and he NAV ofthe Stheme may go up or down depending upon the factors and forces afin the securities marke, ast parmance of the Sposa end tur clic / ANC Mutual Fund cx is Schemes) nat indce he uve perfomance ofthe Scheme of he Matul Fund st in the Scheel) are at bing offeed ony quarried sured etus. Te NAV of he units ised under the Scheme my be oft int-ln by changes nthe nest es, rang vols, semen Feeds, arf procedures ond parormance of nd sci. The NA wil int-olc be xpased to ie / ners Rote Ris nd Cit Risk Please read the Stheme information Document and Statement of Additional Information before investing. Sottry tals: HDFC Hurl Fund fas ben sat up os ast sponse by Housing Developmen Fiance Caron Lined nd Standard if nvsments Lined (ity ested oh conibton of €1 lth anh fo the ops) wth HDFC Tse Company indo he Tse (ste unde the non Ts Ad, 1882) and wth HOF Asset Manogenea!Cmpary Lind as the Inestment Nonoge. What is Systematic Transfer Plan (STP) ERs etic STPis 2 facility wherein unit holders of designated open-ended scheme(s) of ‘Mutual Fund ¢an apt to transfer a fixed amount at Regulat intervals to other designated open-ended scheme(s) of the same Mutual Fund, available for Investment at that time, Usualy, the amount is invested in a debt-oriented scheme from were the amount is ranserred to an equiy-oriented scheme, STP is suitable under various conditions. For investors, who havea lump sum investile surplus say, receipts from bonus, legac, sale of residential property, fete but would not ike to invest the same in an equity fund atone go, this is an ideal investment tool Also, when the equity markets are volatile and one would Tike to invest a certain amount of money, ST? offers a chance tothe investor to invest inthe equity markets in a phased manner. STPS are also useful when the Investor prefers to have the consistency of debt returns while slowly investing in equities to generate higher returns. Whatis HDFC Swing STP -How ise aud ecu HDFC swing ST? is similar to Regular STP (the investment cechnique utlized by Reguar systematic investment plans) but wth certain Important differences. Swing STP is an investment technique, which involves changing your Periodic investment contributions in response to market fluctuation, thus tensuring that portfolio's market value rises by a specified amount every ‘month (on the Swing STP date) regardless of the market price. Fore. Investors may decide that their portfolio value should apareciate by €1,000 every month. They invest only tothe extent of shortfall appreciation of the porfoio's higher than the target value, then redeem the excess. “The focus isnot on investing a fixed amount(s in Regular STP every period but on reaching target value forthe portfolio atthe end of the period, Accordingly Infllng market invest more and inrsing market invest less. If the apprecation ‘ofthe portfolios higher than the target value, then the investor receems 2 orion a te portfolio to bring the vale ofthe investment down to the target ‘The amount so receemed is resrvested In Transferor scheme. The amount tobe transferred under Swing ST® from Transferor Scheme to Transferee Scheme shall be calculated as follows: (First installment amount X [Number of installments ineluding the current installment) - Market Value of the investments through Swing STP nthe Transferee Scheme on the date of vvanser The total amount invested through Swing STP over its tenure in the Transferee Scheme, may be higher or lower than the Total Target Market Value of the investment. This may be on account of fluctuations in the ‘market value of the Transferee Scheme, Example of HDFC Swing STP The abe below leary ilutates how HOFC Swing STP works and highlights the key cifference between HOFC Swing STP and Regula STP Objective of HDFC Swing STP Ithelps investors to transfer thelr money from select debt/liquid schemes to Growth option of select equity schemes of HDFC Mutual Fund. The objective is to take advantage of market fluctuations as investor keeps a target value of his investment for every transfer date and adds or removes funds to maintain vale. The targetlinked approach enables investors to plan and reach their financial goals in more stable and predictable manner. Cee eee ‘No need ome mares. Invest more hen NAVS are down anes less when NAVS are up Automatic route text an investment when pore appreciations higher than the target value Helps to plan ad reach your fia financial cal Take advantage of mare fucvations are remove ematins fom the edsion making eocess bial investments in elect deb/lauc funds enhance tol retums Take advantage ofthe market moverens without hassles Ievestments in scheres wth ng term track record * Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future, 5 6 7. Pe eo ce EL OFC Mutual Fund offers HC Swing STP ith wide flexibly inorder forthe investor ‘olan his mestrents according this racial gol. The elloning are the sale features: 1. Frequency of transfer Pn Monthly STP | Quarterly STP orca cr londay 2. Minimum amount of unt hole’ bance or minimum amount of applcaton atthe ime of Swing STP enrolment ® 12,000 3. Minimum eumbe of instalmerts: 6 istallments under Suing SP forthe weekly / ‘month frequency and 2 instalments for arte Suing STP 4 The minimum amount pe Swing ST installments as fellows: ‘ing STP: Weekly & Monthly Pet 1,000/-and ary amoue terete, ‘Sing STP QuarteryIceal:t3,000/-and ary amount thereat : Assume you wantto grow your porta by 1000 Thing ST Nae Cost egg WAT Tai pn a Semon Younes bn mets nan sey ne Fn] Us| ce in] cla] wt [noc vs [eae] tat] at] an then make subsequent conrbutons based on Se a ee ee | SRS mene] [ree me] ns ieT TW | he ot porto values eustrated inthe able, sane ti Ado_fsed Aout) ae Javed AoE Vongey} Ute] Awe J let Pour portftio value ses in ebruaryto 1,200 vt sa lean i‘ cxre (iBounts"ta) tren you sey need totnvest €800 %e | oats mt forthat ont this Sbeende ie marneteabe in of @ oon] w | leas] m fora] w | aw c_fostafuqon] Febuary shut nt exces 200 arama a faononca] fren] caer [aoe [mo] romeo Toro [ TORO Tap] HOFC Suing SP als allows investors fallow he pres [ie] oom fecar eer| | te [rma Prom from] zm fess Press [Tas [e207] prudent investment habit of puying more at lower pra fi fan re rfiona| Tae [rer one fase Pana [ee Sar] prietandlessathigher price Inthe manth of pra s aa face ves| wae pee] eae [ae feo om PT Pee Saar] Eppa when the NAY ose neestrs wing can [so free sires wae | 356 me SP SE Sas] 95°95 the nas mvested sing wacvoral Regular ata [reno roasts | arr ae ener [850 tm com ios oa SHE] Sie. mthelolowing montnnnenthe NAV ell 3 inveterssing HOF Sung SP nought VOE-06 uns stad rae avast sar] sees eer a | Lomo a TE] IMEIOS sing HOFC Sng ST bout 1. ica fem fer asf waa-anrf sur ear aura car f Sat fronn| Soe! oy Bor ers fess [fsa foxsfee[ nar [on [eof sec ftom sume frearfsuer[ ea [rune] Rete Taner wnen hearer! he soe thomas ase] seat Leas [sie iome[aoie [areas [iors [ ss] (eee Scheme exceeds he Target Market Value Hanser unis tomate Schemeto Tessar oT Pa TERTURTFaAiaT=NaSTSE_—] Scheme fortneencessvalue ater hana anser Ss Se = from TransferorSeheme to Transeree Scheme. Ths, al Amor ese tal Aun ves ven the NAV of he Transferes Scheme increased in Tia Wakr ate = 9535 SWAT TTS ROSEY [IVa Vae=TTSETOENAVTTS ONDE], ieh tn NAO! e asters Scheme nrased ih Reape CPT UNC TH HC Aveage Can erUnC=CTOWE™ | ‘negitne sign worth SODI.e feces oft 2000) *#Units eld before current ivestmertX current NAV (ean thereby reducing the number of unts held inthe indicate Reverse transfer Transfere Scheme The overalimpact of investing through HEC Sing STP shows in lower average cost per Uni. Disclaimer: Thisisjst an lustatono explain he ference between Value and Rupee Cost Averaging andthe concep ofShing ST using _ssomed guts, The fustaton 3 mee nace nate and aus nt be cnet as ester ace oes nak any manne ey oF Saggest ent or faurepefomanc of ary HOFC Mutual und Scheme) Value Rupes Cost rain nese! sues aprott nor guarantees protcion gansta es dering makes Note: Fortarms and conitons, refer to HDFC Swng STP envlment form aval wit the 1s/ Hv mutual Fundvwebste eww: haftund com, Pease end the terms and condo / broker drbutore and ale played at of HOF Swing SP earful before envolment ‘Continuing a tradition of trust.

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