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LHS Senior Project Proposal

Senior Capstone

Name: Yesenia Barajas Ramirez

This is also the outline for your paper.

Self-Biography (Bullets are fine!)

- Personality: determined, shy, smart helped me become who I am today

- Moving back and forth from Mexico
- Leaving my parents in Mexico

Future Goals

- Study cosmetology
- Get my cosmetology license
- Work in a salon to get ideas see how cosmetologist work
- Open my own salon

Route you will take to achieve your future goals (Bullets are Fine!)

- Going to mexico and be with my parents and talk about my goals

- Return to USA
- Start working and save money
- Going to school
- Graduate

Career Pathway Area of Interest:

Human Services

Narrowed Career Focus:

Makeup artist
A community/work issue that can be solved with a particular skill set from your career
area (How will I give back?)

A community issue that can be solved is that many people have a bad self-esteem of
themselves and I believe that when people believe in themselves and have a new look they
feel better with the help of a new look, they feel secure and they feel pretty, and this is the
issue that can be solved, because a lot of people see themselves as ugly and like monsters,
and I believe that if I give people that do not have money to buy makeup or can't afford it a lip
gloss I will make their day happy.

My potential hands-on will be:

*This will be where you will showcase what you created that addresses a community/work

I will make a lip gloss in front of them and I will give them one after I finish. I also will give
them one to each judge in the presentation and also will giving lip gloss to people that maybe
can afford buying makeup and I will give lip gloss for prom, too.

My Name: Yesenia Barajas

1. What personal interest do you have in this topic? Why have you chosen this topic for your
Senior Project/Showcase? I chose this topic, because it is something that I love and
enjoy doing. In the future I see myself working on this and with my own business and I
believe it is going to go well.
2. What research questions will you seek to answer? What kinds of sources might you look
for? What steps do I have to follow to accomplish my goal of becoming a cosmetologist.
Is not necessary to attend college, but it is to attend an institute or a school where I can
study this topic so later I can get a license on this.

3. Who is a person/company (specifically, or in general) with experience or expertise in this

field you might interview? What understanding do you hope to gain from this
person/company? Kali, she is my stylish cousin and she has been doing her hair and
makeup for a very long time. I hope to gain information about how she got interested in
being a cosmetologist or how she knew she wanted to become a cosmetologist.

4. What situations, events, or places could you observe or experience to gain insight into
your topic? I can go to salons and see how they work.

5. What challenges might you encounter with your research or project? What assistance or
tools will you need to overcome them? Learn how to do things like the process of dying
hair, doing makeup correctly and also when I open my own salon it will be a challenge.

6. What other questions or concerns do you have about your Senior Capstone Project at
this time?
If we are interviewing our moneter for a call, it has to be a zoom call or can it be just

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