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International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology, 7(03): 165-175, 2021
Copyright © 2021 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology
ISSN: 2455-3778 online
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Power Quality Improvement in Power Distribution

System: Current and Future trends in Research
1 2 3 4
Lokesh M | D. Babu Rajendra Prasad | A.D. Kulkarni | Ananthapadmanabha T

1Department of E & EE, NIE Institute of Technology, Mysuru, Karnataka, India

2Department of E & EE, Vidya Vardhaka College of Engineering Institution, Mysuru, Karnataka, India
3Department of E & EE, NIE, Mysuru, Karnataka, India

4NIE Institute of Technology, Mysuru, Karnataka, India

To Cite this Article

Lokesh M, D. Babu Rajendra Prasad, A.D. Kulkarni and Ananthapadmanabha T, “Power Quality Improvement in Power
Distribution System: Current and Future trends in Research”, International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and
Technology, Vol. 07, Issue 03, March 2021, pp.: 165-175.

Article Info
Received on 05-February-2021, Revised on 08-March-2021, Accepted on 12-March-2021, Published on 17-March-2021.

The Increased economic growth rate in India has resulted in increased energy needs at a very high pace.
Managing the rapidly increasing energy needs is one of the major challenges is what India is facing today as
from several decades; the supply of energy has fallen short of the demand. This gap can be bridged only with
the structural reforms in the energy sector. These reforms will however take time to be implemented
considering the numerous challenges involved. Distribution generation (DG) through renewable energy
resources is presently trying to fill this gap. With a high penetration of DG unit, interfacing power converters,
type, and switching of loads, etc. arise quality issues. This paper introduces a set of innovative technical
measures to mitigate major power quality issues and also aims to provide some future scopes on the same for
the benefit of research scholars and industrialists.

KEYWORDS: Custom power devices (CPD), Distributed generation (DG), Power quality (PQ), power
converters, Optimization.

I. INTRODUCTION distributed generations will be fed to the main grid

through proper integration. The integration of DGs
The power demand in the real-time world is
into the main grid imposes many problems on the
rapidly increasing day by day. Starting from the
grid. The integration of DG’s, load fluctuation,
daily needs of a human being to the industrial
sudden changes in loads, electronic equipment all
needs the electric power plays a very crucial role.
are adverse effects on main grid power quality.
Supplying huge and continuous power is the
biggest challenging task for the existing power The main intention of penetration of DG’s into the
system. In an attempt of supplying continuous main grid is to supply peak load and to fulfill
power for the consumers, the distributed consumer demand. But the penetration point of
generation (dispersed generation, decentralized DGs is selected by the customer that may
generation, and embedded generation) are inappropriate. Therefore, it adversely affects the
introduced and it is integrated into the power grid. distribution system power, protection, and power
Distribution generation is the process of quality. The power quality issues include a
generating electricity at the customer end by the deviation in the voltage level, frequency and
customer that may be interconnected to the current from its standard value as defined by the
distribution grids. The Power generated by these IEEE standard 929-2000. Also, DG’s will affect the

165 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

steady-state stability of the power system for the system conditions also plays a major role in
consumer. In India, around 22% of the electricity designing a system to enhance power quality. The
produced is lost in the distribution system. reviewed paper having different system conditions
Therefore, reducing the system losses and without and with high and low penetration of
improving the Power quality attracts many DGs. The IEEE standard systems are also
researchers, academicians, and industrialist in the considered to test the proposed control system by
last fifteen years [1]-[55]. the reviewer under faulty conditions.
This paper proposes taxonomy of power quality D. Load Variables
enhancement techniques and control strategies
with and without DGs in distribution system, The load profile is considered in PQI as: 1) balance
contributing a consolidated work carried out
loads 2) unbalanced loads 3) time-varying loads 4)
related to the subject. The handouts provide
in-depth knowledge about the work done in fuzzy 5) one load level 6) multi-load level. The load
improving the power quality using various can be connected to a system along the line or it
methods [1]-[55]. This literature survey serves as may be concentrated on system buses. For
a guide for the researchers in power quality concentrated type load, the loads are: 1) Constant
improvement. This paper put forward various power type 2) Variable power 3) balanced and 4)
optimal control systems and ideas, offering the unbalanced.
contributions towards PQI of all the reviewed
papers. E. Taxonomy
This paper is arranged as follows: Section II
presents the mathematical formulation and The details of the taxonomical survey based on PQ
taxonomy reviewed for PQI. Section III discusses issues of literature regarding PQI in the
different methods for PQI techniques proposed by distribution system based on objective function
the authors. Section IV figured out the contribution that has been addressed by different techniques
of the investigated work. Section V summarized the is presented in Table 1. The power quality issues
future scope on power quality issues and in section such as voltage sag, swell, harmonics, power
VI Conclusions are derived. factor & reactive power compensation were taken
consideration to mitigate. The statistical data of
II. STUDY OF PROBLEM FORMULATION most common cited power quality issues found in
A. General Problem Statement literature is shown in Fig 1 and voltage related
issues are more popular compare to other PQ
The mitigation of power quality issues is a
issues. A number of techniques have been
challenging and crucial problem. The power quality
proposed in the recent literature on PQI is
issues of a distribution system with and without
reported in Fig 2. where a greater number of
DGs deals with the fortitude of voltage sag and
authors are working on OPDG, custom power
swell, over and under-voltage, frequency
devices and power converters.
fluctuation, and harmonics under various
constraints including system losses.
B. Objective function found in survey

The main objective functions considered by

various authors in theliterature are as follows: 1)
minimization of voltage fluctuation 2)
Minimization of supply frequency fluctuation 3)
control of voltage (for short and long duration) 4)
elimination of harmonics 5) reducing the real and
reactive power losses 6) minimization of
utilization cost. The objective functions of PQI
methods can be single-objective or multi-objective
which consisting of the above scenario.
Fig 1. Power Quality Issues found in literature
C. System Condition
The distribution system can be more sensitive for
various electrical variables such as voltage,
reactive power, etc. Therefore, the analysis of

166 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

Table 1: Taxonomy of the reviewed power qualityimprovement models
Referenc Objective
e Function System Condition Load Type Methodology Used
High penetration of Variable Power flow allocation using OV mitigation
[1] Over Voltage
DGs load algorithm
Voltage Distribution system
[2] Static load dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR)
sag/swell, Without DG
Number, Location and sizing of DGs using
[4] Voltage Profile With and Without DGs Linear load
Voltage PV System interfaced Nonlinear MPPT Controlled PV System with hysteresis
Regulation Grid load current controlled inverter
Voltage PV System interfaced Non-linear MPC based controller is designed to
Regulation Grid load coordinate BESS with a set of controllers.
Voltage Non-linear FACTS-DVS/GP based switched
[8] Hybrid DG
regulation load filter-Capacitor compensation scheme
On load tap changer (OLTC) with automatic
Voltage Non-linear voltage (AVC) controller and line
[9] DG connected grid
regulation load compensator device (LCD) to compensate
reactive power.
one load Optimal placement and sizing of DG using
[10] Voltage profile DG connected grid
level sensitivity analysis
Wind and Solar PV
system with week Varying STATCOM and Battery energy storage at
[14] Voltage Profile
utility grid during post load point of common coupling (PCC)
Dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) employing
Voltage PV System connected Sensitive PWM technique connected Incremental
regulation grid with load conductance algorithm (INC) based MPPT
Solar PV system
Self-excited IG
Voltage hybrid Facts based compensator device and PWM
[26] connected to utility
Stabilization loads based PID controller
Wind generating Varying Matrix converter-based Wind turbine
[27] Voltage profile
system connected grid load generator set under variable speed condition
IEEE 9 bus system
[32] Voltage profile with high penetration static load Genetic algorithm
of RES
Voltage Dynamic
[33] Distribution system PWM controlled VSI-based DG Interface
regulation load
One level
[34] Voltage profile IEEE 30 bus system PSO
IEEE- 33, 69 bus
[55] Voltage Profile varying Exponential PSO with Reduced Search Space
Variable A Shunt Active Power Filter (SAPF) using
[12] THD With PMSM
load Anti-Hebbian control algorithm.
Non-linear Vector Control Power Electronic interfaced
[20] Harmonics DG connected grid
loads DG
Non-linear The ANFIS uses GA for Space vector control
[25] THD SOFC connected Grid
loads of inverter.
Current Distribution system PSO assisted Kalman filter (KF) based PI
[38] load
Harmonics under Steady State Current controlled Shunt active power filter
Multiple PV System Non-linear
[41] THD Unified Power Quality Control (UPQC)
connected Grid load
Non-linear Multi-functional grid connected Inverter
[46] Harmonics RES Connected grid
load (MFGCI).
Non-linear Dual SAPF controlled by instantaneous real
[49] Harmonics DG Connected Grid
loads and reactive power control theory
[42] THD DFIG Connected Grid Double tuned PI-R Controller
Reactive power PV in Distribution Linear P & O based MPPT PV System interconnects
compensation network loads to utility through activefilter.
[3] regulation + Multi Machine System Synchronous PI Controller for STATCOM
Voltage profile+ With High penetration Multi load Multi-level control strategy with hierarchical
harmonic of DGs level control structure
Voltage GTO-VSC based a three level 48 pulse
regulation + With Onshore Grid Non-linear STATCOM integrating using
harmonics network loads line-commutated high-voltage dc connection
Compensation (LCC-HVDC).
Calculating the voltage deviation at every
Voltage profile + one load
[7] Faults with DG units point in loop distribution system to find
power losses level
optimal location of DG unit.

167 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

Unbalanced Solar-Dstatcom with a novel converter
[21] dip/swell+ IEEE 13 bus system
load technology
Voltage Control Utility connected ANFIS based Unified Power Quality
[28] Fuzzy load
+harmonics microgrid Conditioner (UPQC).
[43] Regulation + DFIG connected Grid Hybrid fuzzy based UPQC
Harmonics + Switched capacitor filter compensator
Distribution Network Non-linear
[44] Voltage controlled by dynamic tri loop error driven
with wind energy load
Stabilization VSC.
Voltage control + High penetration of Non-linear
[45] transformer with a three-phase harmonic
Harmonics wind turbine load
Voltage Instantaneous symmetrical component
DG interfaced with and
[15] Regulation + theory (ISCT) Controlled Dual Voltage Source
grid Non-linear
Reliability Inverter (DVSI)
Voltage Sag and Utility with Mult-level Fuzzy Controlled hybrid system consisting of
swell + SOC Unbalanced Condition Load Fuel cells and Battery.
UPFC enabled Wind
Regulation + Non-linear
[22] generated connected UPFC
Real and Reactive loads
power control
Voltage sag + IEEE 37+69 bus
[29] Static load GA for optimal placement of DG
power loss system
IEEE 15 bus radial Particle swarm optimization based harmonic
[30] Voltage + Loss Static load
network system power flow and sensitivity analysis
Time Hybrid weight-improved particle swarm
Voltage Profile
[31] IEEE 33 bus varying optimization (WIPSO)- Gravitational Search
+Power loss
load Algorithm (GSA) algorithm
Voltage Profile + One level
[35] IEEE 69 bus system PSO & Bat Algorithm
Power loss load
Voltage profile + One level
[36] IEEE 30 bus system Lagrangian Relaxation technique
Power Loss load
Voltage Sag + Wind Plant connected Non-linear
[47] Fuzzy based PI +UPQC.
Harmonics grid. loads
Voltage + Constant
[48] Distribution System Hybrid power filter.
Harmonics load
Distribution system Sensitive
[54] regulation + iCosθ Control Algorithm
without DG load
Voltage &
Current Distribution network Non-linear
[56] Distributed Power Flow Controller
Compensation + without DG load
Power factor+
[23] Single phase System Non-linear Fuzzy logic-based AC-AC converter
Frequency + Multi DG connected Variable
[37] Decentralized Controllable loads
Voltage Control System load
Harmonic +
Distribution system Non-linear Three Phase Infinite inverter level based
[39] Reactive power
without DG load DSTATCOM
Harmonics +
Power Quality Enhancer (PQE) - Power factor
[40] Power factor Grid connected Fuzzy loads
correction (PFC) controller
Reactive power + PV System connected and Reduced Switch Count Multi Level inverter
harmonics Grid non-linear (RSC-MLI) based DSTATCOM
Harmonics+ Autonomous Microgrid Online Control Strategy based Reinforcement
[51] Linear load
Reactive power with weak AC Supply Learning algorithm.
Harmonics + Distribution system and Fuzzy Logic Controller based instantaneous
Reactive power without DG reactive p-q theory with SAF.
Frequency+ Non-linear Pitch control and superconducting magnate
[57] Grid connected WPGS
voltage control load energy storage (SMES)
Reactive power
[58] Compensation + Single phase System Electrical spring with capacitor
PF correction
Voltage + Voltage flux-oriented control (VFOC)
[53] Distribution system Static load
Harmonics +PF Algorithm
Harmonics + Linear and Two stage -three phase solar PV –grid
Grid integrated solar
[16] Load balance+ Non-linear interfaced using multifunctional VSC
PV System
power factor load controlled by Adaptive noise reduction

168 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

correction technique.

Voltage Profile+
IEEE 30 bus system One level PSO based optimal capacitor placement and
[17] power losses +
with 5 DGs load its sizing
power factor
Incremental conductance algorithm (INC) based
MPPT Solar PV system with sensitive load in [19].
The STATCOM is connected to the system to
improve both voltage regulation and total harmonic
distortion (THD). The synchronous PI controller
STATCOM is tested under network disturbance to
provide voltage regulation and THD. The
performance is compared with the conventional PI
STATCOM controller and multivariable STATCOM
controller [3].Solar based DSTATCOM and fuel
cell-based DSTATCOM is proposed for high
penetration of LV generators with Nonlinear loads
[21],[54]. For the fast compensation of reactive
power, the GTO-VSC based a three-level 48 pulse
Fig 2. PQI Methods
STATCOM is designed [13]. Three Phase Infinite
inverter level based DSTATCOM and Reduced
Switch Count Multi-Level inverter (RSC-MLI) based
This section provides the different techniques DSTATCOM is designed to supply the varying load
used in literature to solve PQ issues in compensation [39], [50]. For high penetration of
distribution system under different load wind turbines, the hybrid DSTATCOM is proposed
condition. using artificial intelligence with an under load tap
changer (ULTC) with variable load [45]. For a weak
A. Placement of DGs
AC grid, the novel online control strategy with RL
algorithm based DSTATCOM is designed to
The optimal planning of DGs in the distribution
improve voltage regulation and to suppress
system helps in improving the voltage
harmonics under nonlinear load [51]. The THD was
compensation and also reduces the system power
reduced to 5.25%, the unified power quality
losses. Particle swarm optimization (PSO)
controller (UPQC) is connected in multiple PV unit
techniques are applied to place DG in the
integrated grid under nonlinear load [41]. The THD
distribution system to improve voltage profile [4],
is reduced to 0.46% and also regulated the voltage
also used to reduce the system power loss [34].
at the point of common coupling (PCC) by using a
PSO based harmonic power flow and sensitivity
hybrid fuzzy logic controller based in a double fed
analysis is applied to integrate Wind power plant
induction generator (DFIG) connected utility
with minimum losses and the best voltage profile
system under varying load condition [43],[47]. The
with static loads [30]. In [31], the Hybrid
artificial intelligence- fuzzy inference system
weight-improved PSO (WIPSO)-Gravitational
(ANFIS) based UPQC is designed for PQI in various
Search Algorithm (GSA) algorithm is tested to
DG technologies and battery connect distribution
improve PQ with growing load. The PQI is also
system [28]. In [22], the unified power flow
achieved by using PSO and Bat algorithm [35]. The
controller is designed and simulated to improve
exponential PSO with reduced search space found
voltage regulation and real and reactive power flow
to be the best optimal location techniques
in the DFIG connected grid. Along with the voltage
compared to other PSO technique [55].
regulation, voltage and current harmonics are
B. Custom Power Devices (CPD) reduced in DFIG using distributed power flow
controller (DPFC) [56].
Custom Power devices (CPD) play a crucial role in
C. Power Converters
PQI of transmission and distribution systems. The
Dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is used to mitigate
The power converters in the power system can be
the voltage sag and swell in the distribution
designed to solve the PQ issues. The overvoltage
network [2]. The performance of DVR is improved
mitigation control scheme-based converter and
by employing the PWM technique connected
matrix converter is proposed to improve the

169 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

voltage regulation in grid-connected DGS under F. Hybrid Filters
nonlinear load [1], [27]. In [5] the hysteresis
current controlled inverter is proposed for better Filters are used to improve the power quality in the
voltage regulation in PV connected grid system system. The filters which are controlled by a hybrid
and Instantaneous symmetrical component control algorithm are called hybrid filters. The
theory (ISCT) Controlled Dual Voltage Source FACTS-DVS based Switched filter capacitor
Inverter (DVSI) for unbalanced and nonlinear load compensator is introduced in hybrid DG connected
[15]. For fast and dynamic voltage regulation utility with nonlinear load in [8] [44]. The capacitor
under dynamic load,PWM controlled VSI based is placed optimally and sizing using the PSO
DG interface is proposed [33]. algorithm to improve the voltage profile and power
Vector Controlled converter and Multi-functional factor [17]. Shunt active power filter (SAPF) is
grid connected Inverter (MFGCI) are introduced to proposed with a Hebbian control algorithm [12],
mitigate the harmonics in [20], [46]. GA based PSO assisted Kalman filter (KF) [38] and Fuzzy
Space vector control of inverter and double tuned Logic Controller based instantaneous p-q theory
PI-R Controller is recommended to reduce [52] to reduce the harmonics with reactive loads.
harmonics in SOFC and DFIG connected grid Instantaneous real and reactive power control
respectively [25] [42] under nonlinear load. The theory-based Dual SAPF technology is proposed to
multiple objective functions is achieved in [11] reduce current harmonics in [49]. The voltage,
[23] by designing a multi-level control strategy power factor, and harmonics of the system are
with a hierarchical control structure and Fuzzy handled by designing voltage flux oriented control
based Extinction Angle Control(EAC)-PWM (VFOC) algorithm based LCL filter under static
converter with high penetration of DGs. In [16] loads [53]. Perturbation and observation (P & O)
[40], the harmonics mitigation and power factor based MPPT PV System interconnects to the utility
correction in a grid-connected residential PV through an active filter to reduce harmonics is
system and load is concentrated by discussed in [24]. In [48], the author proposed a
recommending the ANR technique based VSI and hybrid power filter to mitigate PQ issues in the
Power Quality Enhancer (PQE) - Power factor distribution system.
correction (PFC) controller. Frequency and voltage
control is proposed by controlling the local load G. Evaluation of PQI Methods
based on droop characteristic in [37].
Passive filers are promising in suppressing PQ
D. Energy Storage System issues but design aspects are different for different
system condition and need more protective devices
The PQ issues are also alleviated by interfacing with fine detuning. Therefore, it is upgraded with
the energy storage system at PCC of the hybrid filter but it is costly compare to other
distribution system. The voltage regulation is methods. The traditional converters are lack in
improved by introducing MPC to coordinate the mitigating voltage and current harmonics of
battery energy storage system (BESS) [6]. BESS distribution system. Hence intelligent converter
also interfaced with DGs in presence of a hybrid topologies are the promising solution for better
controller [18]. In [11], the author suggested the voltage regulations and harmonic reduction. The
BESS at PCC with STATCOM in a weak utility optimizing DG location and size are the major key
grid. The superconducting magnate Energy to enhance the capabilities of multi-functional
Storage (SMES) with the wind power plant is DGs. Therefore, heuristic methods for optimal
proposed for effective voltage regulation [57]. planning of different DG technologies is more
effective in dealing with maximum PQ parameters
and gives the best results compare to other
E. Onload Tap Changer
methods. PQ issues due to the integration of DG at
PCC can be mitigated by using a multi-level and
The on-load tap changer (OLTC) is used in
multi-functional converter with a hybrid control
conjunction with an automatic voltage controller
technology for better tuning of parameters compare
(AVC) and line compensator device (LCD) to
to voltage controller and current controller method.
minimize the voltage variation in the distribution
Even though D-Facts devices like DSTATCOM,
network [9].
DVR, UPFC, UPQC, etc have the main contribution

170 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

in PQI but it focuses on few PQ issues and also the with and without DGs, under the various system
size, location and converter topologies are and load conditions are tabulated in Table 2. From
depending on system condition. Therefore, unique in-depth analysis of past and current trends in PQI
solution should be developed for optimal location methods, comparison between different PQI
and sizing. The converter topologies and mode of devices with their capabilities is tabulated in Table
operation should be selected based on the nature of 3. The issues related bus voltage such as sag,
the system. The performance of CPD can be swell, regulation can be solved by applying almost
enhanced by designing suitable hybrid controllers all the techniques. The passive filters are more
and also by adding filters can reduce total effective in addressing more PQ issues and due to
harmonic distortion. its limitation like need of protection and
The response time of battery is large during monitoring, depends on system condition requires
transients hence super capacitors can be used advanced controlling devices. The passive filters
which gives fast responses to the transients, also are upgraded to hybrid filters to overcome the
overcome the issues related to voltage, real and drawbacks and to mitigate maximum PQ issues.
reactive compensation. Nowadays, advanced converter topologies, Optimal
planning of DGs and electric spring and energy

The main contributions of reviewed paper in PQI

Table 2: Contribution of the reviewed power quality improvement works

Contribution Reference
The fine tuning of inverter parameter is done by using GA based SVC method for harmonic
2006 [25]
The facts based compensator and PID controller is designed for voltage stabilization and PQ
2006 [26]
The novel inverter control technique is introduced and tested in PSCAD to regulate voltage in PV
2008 [5]
connected grid.
Reactive power compensation is achieved by using OLTC with AVR and LCD in distribution
2008 [9]
The matrix converter with a Sub and super synchronous switching scheme is introduced in
2008 [27]
variable speed wind mill for better voltage regulation.
A combination of multi-level inverter and decentralized load technique used to improve voltage
2009 [11]
profile and THD.
The PWM controlled VSI-based DG Interface is recommended for fast and dynamic voltage
2009 [33]
regulation at PCC.
2009 A novel way of controlling the load locally to control system voltage and frequency is proposed. [37]
2009 Frequency and voltage is controlled by proposing a Pitch control and (SMES) technique. [57]
2010 An voltage regulation for static loads is provided by ODGP method based on GA. [29]
Fuzzy based EA control, R-PWM and SPWM techniques are proposed to mitigate PQ issues in
2011 [23]
transient state.
2011 An ODGP using PSO and sensitivity analysis suggested for better voltage regulation and power
A Switched capacitor filter compensator controlled by dynamic tri loop error driven VSC
2011 [44]
improves the power quality of wind connected grid.
2012 The UPFC is introduced in DFIG connected grid as solution for PQ issues. [22]
A PSO based DG placement and sizing to achieve voltage regulation is introduced in IEEE 30 bus
2012 [34]
A Lagrangian Relaxation technique is proposed and compared the contributions in PQI with PSO
2012 [36]
2013 An voltage is regulated through an ODGP by sensitivity analysis [10]
The voltage regulation and THD concern, New control approach inverter as a solar DSTATCOM is
2013 [21]
DPFC is designed to reduce voltage and current harmonics and improve power quality in a
2013 [56]
matter of seconds.
Plug and play pattern over voltage mitigation scheme is proposed for the system with high
2014 [1]
penetration of DGs.
2014 A DVR is designed to mitigate the voltage sag and swell in low voltage distribution system. [2]
2014 An ODGP model is proposed based on PSO to improve voltage regulation in IEEE 30 bus system. [4]
The voltage regulation is improved by optimal placing and sizing of capacitor using PSO
2014 [17]
2014 The voltage sag and swell mitigated by controlling SOFC and battery using fuzzy controller. [18]
A better voltage regulation is provided by proposing PWM controlled DVR in MPPT Solar PV
2014 [19]
connected grid.
The DG is interfaced through vector control power converter and also enhances the PQ by active
2014 [20]
power filtering.

171 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

A combination of ANFIS based STATCOM ,ULTC transformer and three phase harmonic filter is
2014 [45]
designed for PQ issues
The PQ related problems in wind mill connected grid are mitigated by designing hybrid power
2014 [48]
An ISCT based DVSI is operated in two mode to compensate the reactive power and to balance
2015 [15]
the system.
2015 The ANR based VSI is proposed to improve PQ in Two stage -three phase solar PV interfaced grid. [16]
2015 Voltage regulation and harmonics problem is solved by recommending ANFIS based UPQC. [28]
2015 A Simulink model of UPQC is designed to reduce the THD in PV connected system [41]
A MFGCI is designed operated in both forward and reverse power flow for PQI by reducing
2015 [46]
A voltage sag and harmonics are reduced by proposing a fuzzy based PI controller UPQC in DFIG
2015 [47]
interfaced grid
The performance of SPI STATCOM is compared with conventional and multivariable STATCOM
2016 [3]
in PV connected grid.
An ODGP is solved by using Exponential PSO with Reduced Search Space to improve voltage
2016 [55]
The contribution of SAPF with anti-Hebbian control algorithm in reducing harmonics compared
2017 [12]
with SRF based controlled algorithm.
The contribution of STATCOM and BESS in improving the voltage profile at PCC during and post
2017 [14]
fault was simulated.
An active filters and P & O based MPPT-PV system is interconnected to improve PQ of
distribution system.
Optimal location and allocation of DGs using WIPSO-GSA algorithm is proposed to improve
2017 [31]
voltage profile.
A combination of PSO and Bat algorithm is carried out to find ODGP thereby PQ in IEEE 39 bus
2017 [35]
The Infinite inverter level based DSTATCOM is presented to reduce harmonics and voltage
2017 [39]
A Double tuned PI-R Controller used to reduce the THD and compared with conventional PI
Source current harmonics are suppressed successfully by introducing Dual SAPF controlled by
2017 [49]
instantaneous real and reactive power control theory.
The fuzzy based instantaneous p-q theory with SAF is introduced to control reactive power and
2017 [52]
2017 The VFOC with LCL filter is designed to improve the power quality of distribution system. [53]
The MPC based integration of BESS is introduced for voltage regulation without affecting the
2018 [6]
state of charge.
AN ODGP is solved for the better voltage profile and to reduce losses by calculating voltage
2018 [7]
2018 For fast and dynamic reactive power compensation, an GTO-VSC based STATCOM is proposed. [13]
The voltage profile is improved using the GA based placement and sizing for high penetration of
2018 [32]
The role of KF based PI Current controlled SAPF is compared with p-q theory in THD is
2018 [38]
2018 The Proposed PQE-PFC controller helps to reduce voltage THD in residential electrical grid. [40]
2018 The mitigation of PQ issues is successfully achieved by introducing Hybrid fuzzy based UPQC. [43]
2018 The RSC-MLI based DSTATCOM is designed to control reactive power and harmonics. [50]
A novel online control strategy based on RL algorithm for DSTATCOM is proposed to control
2018 [51]
reactive power and harmonics.
The fuel cell based DSTATCOM controlled by iCosθ algorithm is proposed to control both real
2018 [54]
voltage & harmonics.

storage system plays major role in presence of V. FUTURE IDEAS

renewables and integration of multi-functional
DGs is more promising compare to custom power Literature offers no clear and current
devices like DVR, DSTATCOM, UPQC. The methodology to mitigate all the power quality
multilevel converter topologies combined with issues. There is need of some cost-effective
intelligent method will enhance the capabilities of novel methods for this problem. Most of the
custom power devices and DGs. On the other hand, analysis is carried out by considering load is
size and location of these devices also matter to linear, non-linear and constant but practically
avail maximum benefits. Even though the hybrid load is variable with respect to time. By
filters are more effective but it is not economical to considering all the research gap found in
use throughout the grid. literature, some of the methods are proposed
which can successfully fill the gaps.

172 International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology

Table 3: PQI Devices and their competences
PQI devices Voltage Harmonic harmonic PF Load Loss P Q
Sag/swell Compensatio compensatio correctio balancin reductio compensatio Compensatio
n n n g n n n
Passive * * * * * *
Hybrid filters * * * * * * * *
Custom * * *
Power * * * *
ESS * *
Electrical * * *
DGs * * * * * *
i. A new technique for ODGP: The accuracy vi. The innovative control scheme for power
level of finding ODGP to improve PQ in the converters is required to develop for
distribution system can be increased by efficient integration of renewable DGs to
developing a new method combining support the distribution system power
different technologies like PSO+GA, quality.
TS+ABC, PSO+FZ, FZ+GSA, GA+OPF, vii. Practical Implementation of all these
FZ+HA, GSA+TS, etc. The objective function techniques is also possible for benefit of the
can be also increased if properly planned. society.
The ODGP for dynamic loads can be
considered in finding ODGP for PQI. VI. CONCLUSION
This paper presents detailed information on
ii. Coordinated Planning: The optimal location state-of-the-art techniques to improve the power
of filters, DGs, and CPDs are the major PQI quality of the distribution system with and with the
methods in the utility system. Therefore the DG environment. The major power quality issues
placement of filters, DGs, and CPDs are in (voltage and current harmonics, voltage and
coordination is essential. Such coordinated frequency variations) are extensively reviewed and
planning will contribute more to the PQI of the mitigation techniques are classified into six:
the distribution system. The metaheuristic ODGP, CPD, Power converters, ESS, OLTC, and
methods will be used to find the optimal Hybrid filters. The role of each and every method in
location of all the above. mitigating PQ issues is tabulated. The contribution
iii. Prediction and Preventing PQ of PQI devices and their capabilities are tabulated.
Issues:Introducing a prediction tool with Based on the key gap identification, the future
CPDs into the power system will help in research ideas in power quality concern are
avoiding PQ issues and takes the necessary summarized.
action in maintaining the quality of power.
The proposed technique can be ACKNOWLEDGMENT
implemented in the transmission system We gratefully thank the Visvesvaraya
but a challenging task to incorporate in Technological University, Jnana Sangama,
distribution system. The complex Belagavi-590018 for financial support extended to
calculation and data analysis should be this research work.
done to train the prediction tool.
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