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A- I


Rainer PATSCH and Farhad BERTON

Institute of Materials & Diagnostics in Electrical Engineering
University of Siegen, Germany

ABSTRACT The charge carriers of the tiny local avalanche producc

an additional electric field that superimposes on the
For many years, PD-analyses have been a widely used field generated from the external voltage. The local
tool in the condition monitoring of electric equip- breakdown stops as soon as the local electric field is too
ment. Over the years, many tools have been developed small to maintain the avalanche mechanism. The next
in the aim to characterise the empirical data. Usually discharge may occur in the same half wave of the ap-
fiequency distributions of accumulated data are consid- plied voltage when this diminution of the local electric
ered and displayed as purely descriptive +qn-patterns. field has been compensated by an externally induced
The usually comparatively broad distributions of the increase of the local electric field, and the local electric
phase angles of occurrence are supposed to be a result field again exceeds the local electric strength. In some
of a statistical scatter in the discharge process. cases a decrease of the field modifying influence of the
local space charge with time occurs and has to be taken
The carehl analysis of the sequence of discharges in into account also. The diminution of the local electric
different high voltage apparatuses revealed that in many field in one polarity of the applied voltage is equivalent
cases a systematic shift of the phase angles of wcur- to an increase of the local electric field in the opposite
rence with a periodicity of a few cycles of the applied polarity of the applied voltage. A partial discharge in
voltage occurs. The reason for this is a build-up or this half wave of the applied voltage will occur at a
modification of local space charges by every partial lower voltage than without the local space charges.
discharge pulse. These space charges generate an addi- Hence not the absolute value of the applied voltage is a
tional local electric field that superimposes on the field characteristic parameter in partial discharge processes
generated by the externally applied voltage. The paper but the voltage change needed to trigger the next
shows that taking these phenomena into account, the discharge. It is obvious that - except for the absence of
discharge process reveals to be highly deterministic and local space charges - the phase angle of Occurrence
can be described by a model involving only a few cannot be taken as a representative parameter for the
physically relevant parameters. discharge process.


Within a dielectric a local voltage distribution exists that If the sequence of discharges is looked at in detail, in
is determined by capacitive and ohmic field grading. many cases a systematic shift of the phase angles of
In dependence on the frequency of the voltage applied occurrence is found. After a few cycles of the applied
to the dielectric, the one or the other effed is predomi- voltage a reset occurs and -with or without a discharge
nant. If the local electric field in a small region is higher fieetime interval inbetween-the shift starts again [l-31.
than the electric strength of the dielectric material in this 12) I
region a local breakdown - a partial discharge - oc-
curs. This breakdown generates a small avalanche of
charge carriers that may or may not lead to a local
degradation of the material. Not depending on the actual
situation i.e. degradation or not, the partial discharge
modifies the local field distribution and leads to a tiny
drop of the voltage at the external connections of the
object under test. The monitoring of the partial dis-
charge is done by the measurement of the external cur-
rent that is needed to restore the voltage across the

210 310 410 510

tin ms
specimen that had been present before the partial dis- Fig. 1: Time differences between consecutive discharges on
charge. the surface of an aluminium nitride (AlN)-cooling device
(used in semiconductorpress-packs)

This phenomenon occurs as well with small specimens a reversible way as in the case shown in Fig. 1, or in an
in the lab as well as with commercial apparatuses as e.g. irreversible way. The last mentioned effect leads to an
power transformers etc. as long as the applied voltage is ageing of the electric equipment. The first mentioned
not so high that non-correlated discharge pulses from effect leads only to an apparent scatter of the phase
many different defects occur simultaneously. angles at which the discharges occur.

Even with snrface discharges on inorganic insulating

materials the influence of surfhce charges can be found.
Fig. 1 shows the time intervals At between consecutive
discharges if AIN-cooling devices are tested between
metallic electrodes in air. Under these experimental
conditions at low voltages two discharge pulses per
cycle of the applied 50 HZ AC-voltage occur.

The sequence of the time intervals At between consecu-

tive discharges displays a very interesting behaviour.
After a few discharge pulses with time differences of
about 10 ms, a polarity influence occurs. Different time
intervals occur in dependence whether the voltage dif-
ference between consecutive discharges is positive or E,. tM
negative. The time differences before negative dis-
charges are longer than time differences before positive Fig. 2: Sequence of discharge pulses, external voltage and
discharges. Interestingly this lasts only for a few dis- additional electric field of the space charges generated by
charges. After that for three or four discharges the the discharge process in a commercial hv-transformer
symmetric behaviour returns again. After that the non-
symmetric behaviour starts again and so on. The expla- Fig. 2 shows a typical sequence of discharge pulses, the
nation for this must be a shift of the initially symmetric external voltage curve and the additional electric field
AC-voltage load by local electric DC-fields due to AE, generated by the local space charges built-up by the
charges on the ALN-surfaces. These charges are not discharge pulses. Partial discharges occur always when
permanent or e.g. monotonously increasing with time, the superposition of the local electric field generated by
they appear for some cycles and disappear again. the external voltage and the local space charge field
exceeds the local electric strength of the dielectric. The
If under the application of a 50 Hz AC-voltage partial local electric strength is indicated by dotted lines. In one
discharges occur every 10 ms, the magnitude of the graph the absolute values for the local electric strength
local electric field that is necessary for the ignition of are identical for both polarities. If the electric strength is
the discharge is the same for both polarities. This im- polarity dependent even in discharge free intervals a
plies also that the local electric field at the defect is local space charge exists. The superposition of the space
symmetric. charge field on the initially symmetric AC-field gener-
ates the local electric field that is responsible for the
If the time difference to the consecutive discharge in the partial discharge process.
opposite polarity of the applied voltage is smaller than
10 ms, the corresponding voltage change is smaller than Another example of a sequence of discharges is shown
the change in the opposite direction (if the discharges in Fig. 3. This graph contains also the discharge pulse
occur in the inclining part of the voltage curve). Since polarities and a reconstruction of the local electric field
the local electric field necessary for the ignition of the produced by space charges generated or modified by the
discharge is unchanged, the local electric field must discharge pulses. In this case a change of the local space
have been modified compared to the geometrically charges must have occurred in the region of the voltage
determined field due to the external voltage. This is maxima even without externally measurable partial
done by local charges generated by the previous dis- discharges.
charge. The interesting finding is that these surface
charges build-up and disappear within a few cycles of
the applied 50 Hi voltage.



In electric equipment in most cases partial discharges -1B ; IO m P

modify the local electric field around a defect and hence toma

change the ignition conditions. This may occur either in Fig. 3: Discharge pulses, external voltage and reconstruction
of the space charge field in the stator of a motor

Usually an equivalent circuit with three capacitors and a
spark gap F is used for the discussion of partial dis- Based on only three physically relevant parameters (the
charge phenomena. Since this equivalent circuit is not initiation field of the local avalanche, the field reset by
sufficient for the treatment of the space charge phenom- the space charge generated by the discharge, and the
ena discussed, Fig. 4 shows an extended equivalent time constant for the decay of this space charge), a
circuit. numerical simulation model of the partial discharge
process was worked out [5, 61 and successhlly applied
to generate patterns similar to those found in the ex-
P periments. This concept includes also the time depend-
ent decay of space charges generated by the partial
discharges. The time constants: T are characteristic for
the dielectric and may be different for positive and
negative space charges. Fig. 5 demonstrates the under-
lying concept and displays the change of the local elec-
tric field as a consequence of the partial discharge proc-
ess. Typical measurement parameters of the Pulse Se-
quence Analyses (PSA) - a diagnostic tool for partial
discharge analyses based on the aforementioned concept
- such as AU and At are indicated also. The relevance of
these parameters is obvious. Fig. 6 shows AU-plots of
measurements of three different laboratory specimens
and of the results of corresponding numerical simula-
tions and the numerical parameters used.
Fig. 4: Equivalent circuit for the description of partial DISCUSSION OF EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
discharge processes if local space charges are of impor-
tance In the past it has been shown that as a consequence of
local space charges generated by the discharge pulses in
many cases (in contrast to a broad scatter of the phase
The capacitance C4 produces the voltage drop that mod- angles of occurrence) only a few definite voltage dif-
els the opposing electric field generated by the space ferences between consecutive discharges occur and that
charges. The resistor & characterises the decay of this this can be efficiently used for defect characterisation
space charge with time. The time constant zqis given by [7, 81. For a needle in polyethylene it has been shown,
r4= &C4. The resistor Rsis needed to simulate any that under specific conditions field modifying space
local space charge built-up that may OCCUT without ex- charges can be generated also without detectable dis-
ternally measurable discharges. Such a behaviour has charges [4].
been found in some cases 141.
- El(t) = Eo(t) + AEq(t); zq- = 0.5 cycles; ?q' =5 cycles
, - ~ electric field E&) according to external voltage U(t)
________ electric field AEq(t) according to space charges

Fig. 5: Physical model for the simulationof pd pulse sequencesand relevant diagnosticparameters

insight into the phenomena during partial discharge
generation. Especially the use of combinations of se-
quence correlated parameters allows a much better
insight into the underlying physical processes, including
the influence of local space charges.

[l] Patsch, R.; Hoof, M.; Reuter, C.: Pulse-Sequence-
Analysis, a Promising Diagnostic Tool. ISH'93, Yokohama,
Japan, (1993), IV, 157-60
[2] Patsch, R.; Hoof, M.: Pulse-Sequence-Analysis, the Phys-
ics behind. Int. Workshop on E1'93 & 25. Symp. on
E.I.Mat., Nagoya, Japan, (1993), 111-4
[3] Hoof: M.; Patsch, R.: Analyzing Partial Discharge Pulse
Sequences - A New Approach to Investigate Degradation
Phenomena. ISEI'94, Pittsburgh, USA, (1994), 327-31
[4] Patsch, R; Berton, F.; Jung, J.: Space Charge, Local Elec-
tric Field and Partial Discharges. DMMA2000, Edinburgh,
UK, (2000), 519-22
[5] Hoof, M.; Patsch, R.: Characteristics of Partial Discharge
Pulse Sequences during Electrical Treeing in Polyethylene.
Fig. 6: Scatter plots of measured (top) and simulated dis- ISH'95, Graz, Austria, (1995), p. 5606
charge sequences for different types of defects and parame- [6] Patsch, R; Hoof, M.: Physical Modeling of Partial Dis-
ters used in the numerical simulation for a) point to dielectric, charge Patterns. ICSD'98, Sweden, (1 998), 114-8
b) electrode bounded cavity and c) electrical treeing; the [7] Hoof, M.; Patsch, R.: TE-Impulsfolgen-Analyse,eine neue
arrows indicate the sequence of data points Methode zur Untersuchung dielektrischer Schadigungs-
Mechanismen. ETG-Fachtagung '95, Esslingen, Germany,
For the electrical treeing process the phenomena before ( 1999, 1 17-22
and after the generation of the hollow tree-channels [8] Hoof, M.; Patsch, R.: Pulse-Sequence-Analysis: A New
were examined in detail [9]. In this case the initial par- Method to Investigate the Physics of PD-Induced Ageing. LEE
tial discharge pulses are characteristically different Proc. Sci. Meas. Technol., vol. 142, (1995), 95-101
ftom those after the tree-channel generation. Nearly all [9] Berton, F.; Patsch, R: The Role of Space Charges in PD-
Processes. APTADM'OI, Wroclaw, Poland, (2001)
discharges have a positive pulse polarity. This is a
direct proof of the existence of a negative space charge Prof Dr. Rainer Patsch
in front of the needle tip. Inst. of Materials & Diagnostics in Electrical Engineering
fax.: +49-271-740-2290, tel: -2299
In a few cases single negative discharge pubes occur e-mail: patsch@,

in the decline of positive half waves of the externally
31 : I I 31 I
applied voltage. In these cases positive space charges
must have been created in the surrounding of the needle
tip that level off the positive electric field, probably by
the extraction of electrons fiom the dielectric without
externally measurable partial discharge pulses, leaving
' e+' .:+
behind positive immobile 'ionic' space charges. The
partial discharges generated under these conditions may 0-2
-3-8 -4 0 4 8

be 'bursts' of electron avalanches, injecting electrons

into the positive space charge region near the needle tip. U(", In kV
A detailed analysis of the pulse shape of these dis-
charges revealed differences to the commonly found
discharge pulses.

After the generation of hollow channels the discharge

process changed into the commonly found behaviour.
Fig. 7 demonstrates some of the differences.

--2 -1 0 1 2 --2 -1 0 1 2
AU(".i)' *$".I, *U(".i)' At(".l)
Careh1 analyses of discharge pulse sequences reveal Fig. 7:Diagrams of selected parameters of the last 200 discharge
that local space charges play a decisive role in partial pulses before a), and the following 200 discharge pulses after b)
discharge processes. Based on these effects the Pulse the apparent change in the discharge process in electrical treeing
Sequence Analysis was developed that allows a better in polyethylene


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