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Identity Guide

Holly Cairey

April 9, 2022

Create a visual language

that synthesizes classic,
great design with the
innovation of technology
and gaming.


Table of Content

Introduction 5

Manifesto 7

Logo 8

Logo Introduction 9

Logo Variations 10

Logo Misuse 11
Logo Spacing 12
Logo on Official Documents 13

Font 14
Color Palette 18

Summary and Contact 20


Expand visual
and provide
innovation and
brand expression.




In my senior year at the University of North Carolina Wilmington in 2022, myself and

Molly Leonard first had the idea for Gaia. As roommates, I noticed Leonard’s fondness for a
particular fantasy game, but Leonard was constantly venting about how ill-suited her gaming

consoles were for the game. Leonard found the screen of the gaming consoles too small to

immerse herself in the game, the sound systems were weak, and more complex fantasy ga-

mes required intense button combinations for all the movements. It was these design flaws of

existing consoles on the market that inspired Leonard and myself to begin conceptualizing

what a possible brand devoted to fantasy could look like. In 2023, we met with some of the

top software engineers and began designing the Gaia I system that later launched the brand

to success in late 2025. The first game, Olympus, followed shortly after in early 2026.

Holly Cairey
Co Founder and CEO


Create meaning in
the experience.



Creating Worlds

Within the gaming industry, we noticed a similarity in the look of gaming consoles and the
type of games they’re primarily built to support (sports and action games). Gaia recognized
the need for console systems built specifically to support fantasy game play and world
creation. Our mission is dedicating ourselves to creating lush worlds, cutting edge console
systems, and related accessories designed to blur the lines between this world and ours’s.


Logo Introduction
Logo Variations
Logo Misuse
Logo on Official Docu-


Logo Introduction

Introduction Shape
Our logo is a combination and representa- The “G” iconography is a bit of an obtuse triangle shape
tion of what Gaia is all about: fantasy, fun, with the base of the “G” being wider than the top. The
and otherworldly creation. The logo has a font of the logo (Art Nuvo) maintains serifs that jut out
fantasy world built into the G that makes opposite of the letters that create asymetry (note this
the brand recognizable as a company spe- accuring in the A’s of the logo/ brand name).
cializing in fantasy games and console cre-
ation. We use Art Nuvo for our logo as we
feel it is a font that represents all the fan- Symbol
tasy and whimsy we are looking for.
The symbol of Gaia is a “G.” The logo has a fantasy
We are very proud of our logo. Follow the- landscape within the symbol that cannot be removed
se guidelines to ensure it always looks its when using the logo for any purposes/intent. It features
best. Our logo is the combination of a sim- stars, moon, fairy, pond, and treeline all using the
ple, modern wordmark with the icon. primary color palette of the brand.

Legal Guidelines

Content available through Gaia is owned

by many different rights holders. If you
use any Gaia metadata (including games,
consoles, related merchandise, or liscen-
sing rights) it must always be accompa-
nied by the Gaia brand.
To comply with our licensing agreements,
you must always attribute content from
The logo is the combination of a wordmark with our
Gaia with the logo. In partner integrations,
symbol. The wordmark is written in the same font as
you should always use our full logo (icon
the symbol but in smaller letters. The logo cannot be
+ wordmark). We do allow using only our
missing any features of the symbol.
icon if it’s featured as an app icon on the
app screen of a device.

Logo and Icon use must comply with the

Logo and Color guidelines.

Your logo should not include, or look si-

milar to the Gaia logo or any of its brand
elements. Don’t incorporate Gaia’s trade-
marks, in whole or in part, in the name
of your company, product, application,
service, or website. Letters

Don’t use the Gaia brand together with The letters of the logo always appear in Art Nuvo font.
any other brand or in any co-branded The “G” of the logo is always bigger than “aia” of the
communications. Pairing of brands is not name. The “aia” of Gaia must never be taller than the
permitted under our Developer Terms. bar/serif of the G.

Logo Variations

GAIA Primary
Symbol and Logo

GAIA Secondary
Symbol and Logo

Black & White

Symbol and Logo

Correct Logo Application

Symbol Logo

Our symbol is the “G” in Art Nuvo font. The symbol can The full logo is our name “Gaia” in Art Nuvo font. It is
exist without the wordmark. Primarily use the symbol on the full name of the company, Gaia. While the symbol
its own unless space allows for the full logo or in liscen- can exist without the wordmark logo, the wordmark logo
sing or brand collaborations where the Gaia brand has should never exist without the symbol (the “G” with all
not already been established. The symbol should always of the iconography). The “aia” of the logo should never
have all pieces of the iconography (stars, moon, fairy, be taller than the bar/serif of the “G” (the symbol).
pond, and forest).

Background Secondary Logo

Gaia only uses a white background for print and digital. Here we are introducing the secondary logo, the purple
In the event there is a need for a dark background, the symbol and logo. The color of the stars change to mat-
secondary (purple) logo that can be used when Gaia ch the G. It appears only for liscensing purposes when
Green is not complementary. using a dark background or merchandise. This is not a
primary logo, so this logo should rarely be used.

Logo Misuse

Do NOT use the old logo Do NOT gradient Do NOT tilt or rotate Do NOT resolve the
the logo. the logo. logo in two different color

Do NOT change the logo

Do NOT distort or Do NOT use the word- Do NOT hollow, make
color or tone outside of the warp the logo in any way. mark without the icono- a keyline, or outline the
Gaia green. graphy in the G. logo in any way.

Do NOT change the font

or attempt to recreate the
logo or manipulate the word-
face in any way

More Logo Misuse and Incorrect Logo Application

It’s important that the appearance of the logo remains consistent. To see correct use of the symbols and logos look at
page 10. Here are more examples of misuse.

* The logo should not be misinterpreted, modified, or added to.

* None of the iconography in the symbol and logo should ever be missing (trees, stars, moon, pond, fairy, and forest).
* Its orientation, color, and composition should remain as indicated in this document (page 10) — there are no
* This includes when the logo is being used in cobranding and partnerships.
* Do not add any text to the company name/logo. It is just “Gaia.”
* Do not use contorted, misinterpreted, or modified logos on any merchandise.

Correct Spacing



Concept Icon and Logo Use in Documents

To make corporate documents and writing The logo and the icon’s exclusion zone is equal to half the height of
officiated and on-brand, the logo or icon the icon (marked as × in the diagram).
must be included on all offcial statements
and corporate documentation. Establishing a minimum size ensures that the impact and legibility of
the logo aren’t compromised.
Above, see the correct spacing and place-
ment for print and digital documents. The Gaia logo should never be smaller than 70px in digital or 20mm
in print.
The symbol of Gaia should be used prima-
rily. If spacing on the page allows, or for The Gaia icon should never be smaller than 21px in digital or 6mm
enevelopes, the full logo may be used. in print.

White paper and white digital backgrounds only for corporate items.
No dark backgrounds or secondary logo use is allowed.

Official Documents

Mr. John Sample
Place of Business
1234 Address here
2nd line of address
Date (Month, day, year)
To the left is an example of a letterhead that would be sent
Dear John Sample, by Gaia. Notice the name of person receiving the letter
is always in bold, Gaia green. The date should be written
Nequide viduntiisto que etur, que volore eosa saperchicat ea endanis
doluptus aut re, qui cuptati re reperum fugiti is quia ipsam doluptatem “Month 00, 2000.” Also notice the signature of who is sen-
ipsapicia voluptatus a nest dest, vent aut everferuptas sitas nonectis molupta ding the letter is attached as well all of their information
tatur, ullanti buscit, nonsenisqui natur? Nam nobitas ipisquaeste nimusa
dolores solescium quiatur? is bolded in Gaia Green. All the font is in Times regular or
Bo. Equunt as evellaut quis porum, nisqui is quid quatio blab incilluptati Times bold as that is our corporate font. For letterheads,
corum remolo tem qui vellatur aut eati arit officaerio et ped explace arupta the full logo of Gaia should always be at the top left corner.
quiam earions erepro te dolorrum niame nosse apelign ihitios sequae ex
explatemodis vero quide sam qui adipiderum harum rem repel ium See page 12 for correct corner spacing.
estrumendae sit, od mod eicabo. Ehentiu santur, ut eatur? Hillendi ommolor
ratur as et destrun ditiorp oriorera veliquo evenectia nisciumenda quis volendi
cum quia sant.

Minulparcil inis atque seque pe sam et voluptaquam et laboressi quam

apisciumquos estias nimini di offic te milibus earum quis maiore volorporerio
occatur, sitium ipsant.


Holly Cairey
CEO and Co-founder
(336) 706 - 5555

FOR Contact:
(555) 555 - 5555

Press Release Press Release Main Title

Press Release Subtitle
To the right is a template of a press release that would be
sent by Gaia. We have provided a template rather than an [CITY], [ST], [Date] - [Insert the announcement here and breifly describe the be-
example of a press release because press releases vary in nefits.]

nature too much to make a comprehensive and adequate [Insert a quote from company executive about what this announcement
example. All the font is in Times regular or Times bold as means.]

that is our corporate font. If the font is Times bold, the text [Add additional paragraph(s) as necessary to describe the announcement and the be-
nefits it provides.]
must be in Gaia Green. For press releases, the symbol logo
for Gaia in the bottom right corner is all that is needed.

[Add a customer quote or news about partnering with another company
if appropriate.]
If the press release is multiple pages, the same G symbol [Insert Company boilerplate message here:
must be in the bottom right corner of each page. See page
12 for correct corner spacing. Gaia is a gaming company focusing in bringing fantasy worlds to life by creating
fantasy games and consoles. Founded in 2022, the company immediately found success and
has been leading the way in innovation in the video game field. Through partnerships with
businesses and industry, we align our needs with those of our customers and employees.
We are committed to innovating and creating in a way to bring fantasy into reality for our


Corporate Font
Logo/Main Font
Secondary Font


Corporate Font

Times Regular

Ti m e s I t a l i c

Times Bold

Logo/Main Font

Art Nuvo
Art Nuvo Regular

Art Nuvo Italic


Secondary Font

R ayl i g L i g h t
ab c d e f g h i j k l mnop q r s t uv w x y z

R ayl i g Re g u l a r
ab c d e f g h i j k l mnop q r s t uv w x y z

R ayl i g B ol d
ab c d e f g h i j k l mnop q r s t uv w x y z

Gaia Green
Primary color system


The Gaia Green and Color Palette

Color System
In branding, all decisions are intentional. Color psychology, time, the brand’s mission, and philosophy of
the brand are all taken into account. As we have said before, fantasy is the core of Gaia. We are inspired
by fantasy worlds and how best to create and immerse in them.

We wanted a color palette that aligned with this. The name Gaia comes from the Greek titan of earth. She
is earth - a world. As a brand in the gaming industry that specializes in bringing different worlds to life,
we found a connection with the titan, Gaia. This is where we get our signature Gaia Green comes from.
The other colors in our logo and primary color system were choosen in a similar process to creating our
games because we knew we wanted to design a fantasy world within the logo.

Gaia Green

This is Gaia Green. A lush and fantastical PANTONE

green. While not quite the green color of
the titan Gaia and Earth’s green, we knew 330 C
from the start we wanted a green for ou-
rselves, that would be come the color re-
presenting the life of the worlds we create.

C 100 M 0 Y 4 K 73
R 0 G 70 B 67
HEX #004643

Primary Color System

In addition to Gaia Green, all these colors can be found in the logo and are thus, a foundation in our brand. They
work together to create a world within our logo. We use all of the logo color system colors as our primary color

The purple complements Gaia Green. We included a lighter purple to complement the deep purple. Then we only
felt it was right to include a complementary sage green for Gaia Green (we think of it like a little sibling to Gaia
Green). Because we were creating a forest in the G of Gaia, we needed a light, woodsy brown color. We finished the
color palette with a cyan blue for the fairy in our logo to take a swim if needed.

Plum Fantasy Fairy Purple Forest Floor Woodsy Forest Lagoon Blue
C 73 M 92 Y 40 K 43 C 9 M 17 Y 0 K 28 C 73 M 92 Y 40 K 43 C 0 M 14 Y 17 K 43 C 100 M 24 Y 0 K 5
R 64 G 32 B 62 R 167 G 153 B 184 R 181 G 189 B 137 R 145 G 124 B 120 R 0 G 184 B 241
HEX #401FE3 HEX #A799B8 HEX #B5BD89 HEX #917C78 HEX # 00B8F1

Thank you

Thank you!

If you are having trouble with anything in this guide, you are missing brand
elements from the brand identity guide, or you are unsure if your communi-
cation best represents the Gaia brand, please contact the Gaia design team at



United States

Dixie Avenue, North Carolina

+ 1 (336) 706 - 5555
Holly Cairey


Surrey, England, United Kingdom

+ 43 555 5555
Jessica Smith


Blue Flowers Street, Toronto

+3 555 5555
Amanda Grey


All rights reserved to Gaia. All trademarks, li-

censing, patented technology, and ideas included


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