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Petrel 2009.1.

1: How to export one property along a well

This workflow is to be followed if you have already populated your model with a property and you would like to
export only a specific property along a single well.

1- Highlight your model as in the figure below, RMB and pick Export functionality from below. Make sure
that you pick Export from the Model level.
2- Once the “Export as” window opens as showed in the picture below please check that you have “Well
simulation general format (ASCII)”. Hint: if you don’t get this format in the list this would mean that you
are picking your Export functionality from the wrong level for this task. You need at this stage to select the
folder and enter the File name you want to use.

3- After entering the file name, a “Well simulation general format” window opens. In this window you can
select either a single well or multiple wells to export the property along, then add a row to drop in your
property using the blue arrow, as seen in the figure below. In this example the property is porosity.
4- Press OK in the “Well simulation general format” window and check your output. It should look
like the figure below: Name of well (A10 in this case), Name of property and a column
containing the porosity values along your well per cell.

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