Cohesive-Devices English Wali

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Name and Section: shahid c.

wali 8-Mauleon


Cohesive Devices

Objectives: At the end of the lesson you should be able to:

1. Define cohesive devices and it’s types;

2. Identify and differentiate the types of cohesive devices; and
3. Use cohesive devices to effectively transition from one idea to another.

Think Ahead

Establish the Cohesion: Rewrite the following passages filling in the blank spaces with suitable
linking words from the lists given at the end of the passage.

1. One of the most wonderful inventions of modern times is television. It is now possible to
sit in the comfort of one’s home and watch on a screen events which are happening
hundreds of miles away. We can also get entertainment from films, dances, plays and
sports that are shown on the screen. It is difficult to imagine what life would be like
without television.

[What, and, also, that, which]

Read and Ponder

It is time to learn how to establish unity of ideas when communicating. To be able to do

this, you need to learn about the words and phrases used to glue together different parts of the
text – these are called Cohesive Devices. While the connections are made on a sentence level,
proper use of such enables one to achieve Coherence which connects the entire idea of a
written work or speech.

I’m pretty sure this will be an easier topic for you since this is directly related to your
lesson with Logical Connections. The only difference now however, is instead of learning the
type of conjunctions; you’ll be learning when to learn how to transition between paragraphs

and sentences. Cohesive devices also has a broader scope than conjunctions as it is not limited
Adding similar ideas Giving examples or evidence
 In addition  For instance
 Another reason is  For example
 Equally  To illustrate this
Explaining results Providing explanations
 Consequently  Because of
 As a result  Owing to
 For this reason  Due to
Introducing your opinion Making conclusions
 To my mind  In conclusion
 In my opinion  To sum up
 It seems to me that
Sequencing Contrasting ideas
 Next  In contrast
 Firstly  Although
 Secondly  On the other hand
 To begin with  On the contrary
to only a few sentences. The following are examples of cohesive devices and their uses:

See if you can do this

Rewrite the following passages filling in the blank spaces with suitable linking words from the
lists given at the end of each passage.

1. The methods of reading usually differ in accordance with the contents of books, because all
books should be read with equal seriousness. Amusement is not the main objective of reading
but a good book, whether it is a novel or a biography or a drama, always deals with some
aspect of knowledge and helps us to know life better. It is therefore said that books are the
best teachers.

[Therefore, because, but, whether, and, that]

2.While the Congress and the PDP inch towards formation of a new government in Jammu and
Kashmir, one lone Kashmiri sits in Tihar jail, accused for crimes if he could be hanged for,that
proved guitly. The case of Abdul Gilani, who was a lecturer in a Delhi College, is an example of
how shocking such incidents could be for ordinary citizens.

[How, While, If, Who, That]

3. Many tribal women are unable to feed their children and they have no land to till. As
hundreds of women are facing similar situations. In fact the land records do not have the names
of wives, the husbands sell the land since use a large part of the money to buy liquior.
moreover they are not judicious in spending money.

[And, In fact, As, Since, Moreover]

4. I am called the Safety Equipment Officer. It may sound like an impressive title, since it’s not a
very accurate description of what I do. My main job is to provide protective clothing, however
overalls, helmets and so on. I estimate what the different departments will need and but I order
it from the suppliers. Such as I make sure that the various departments have everything they
want. Then stationary is also my responsibility.

[However, But, Such as, Then, In this way]

5. The climate of Gopalpur-on-Sea is pleasant in summer. Since tourists in large number throng
this small town in summer for holidaying. However suitable accommodation is a problem here,
but the town is small therfore most of the people are economically backward. And that does
not discourage tourists.

[Since, However, But, Therefore, And]

6. When we are young, we are naturally creative for instance we let our minds run free. And as
we are taught to follow rules, our thinking narrows. When in many areas of our lives, creativity
can be a matter of survival. However with more and more women opting for careers and
independence, couples have to be more creative about their relationships to avoid conflicts.
Creativity is not all that mysterious. An important creative trait was well defined by a scientist
but he said, “Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody
has thought.”

[For instance, and, when, however, but]

7. By the year 2010, one third of the world’s cropland will have turned to dust. One million
species will have become extinct and hundreds of millions of people will face starvation. All this
is happening because our civilization has kept on expanding on the assumption that the world’s
resources are limitless.What merely stopping growth is not the answer. However we need is
development that works in partnership with the environment.

[That, by, however, what, because]

8. Many people will come to the meeting because the speaker is well-known. Therefore we
need a bigger hall so that at least two hundred persons can be seated. We wanted to book the
Lenin Bhavan, but it is already booked for that day. Though we are trying to reserve the town
hall however it does not have an air-conditioner.

[Though, therefore, but, because, however, so that]

9. When I reached the bus stand, I discovered I had missed my usual bus but I reached the
office on time because a friend was kind enough to give me a lift on his scooter. When I reached
office, I heard a noise which came from inside my boss’s room. I went inside the room and
found that a burglar had broken open the almirah which many important documents were

[Because, when, and, where, but, which]

10. We who live in the present-day world are proud to call ourselves civilized and we live and
dress better than our forefathers. Of course we have the advantages of the inventions of
science which our ancestors had never known. But science has also added to our worries.
Perhaps now we can kill more easily because swiftly than ever before.
[But, because, who, which, and]

11. My memory of the first day in college reminds me of the excitement and fear that I
experienced at that time. I was excited and I heard always about the fun that the students have
in college become. I was scared and nervous because I had no friends. However, the over-all
feeling was one of pleasant expectation.

[And, because, that, however, become]

12. I did not find the book on my table unless someone took it. When I went to the teacher to
complain, he told me that hence forward, I should be careful. because I keep the book inside
the bag, it is always possible to be stolen, since some boys are always tempted to steal books.

[Because, when, unless, since, that]

13. Smoking is harmful to health. This warning is printed on every pack. Yet people smoke
tobacco and endangers their lives. Despite, smokers also cause discomfort to those who
involuntarily inhale smoke thus being non-smokers. Therefore smoking has become a concern
of public health. Moreover the ban on smoking in public is justified.

[Thus, Yet, Therefore, Despite, Moreover, Until]

14. Sikta’s sister is an air- hostess for a famous international airlines Since Sikta wants to
become one too. However she is still too young. The minimum age for an air- hostess is twenty,
but Sikta is just over sixteen. Meanwhile she has taken up a job in an office and she also attends
evening classes and she wants to improve her French and Japaneese, because foreign
languages are an essential qualification for an air- hostess.

[Since, also, because, and, but, however, meanwhile, and]

15. Smoking, not only may be pleasure for some people, is a source of discomfort for their
fellows. Therefore, medical authorities express their concern about the effect of smoking on the
health of not only those who smoke, but also those who must involuntarily inhale the
contribution of smokers to the atmosphere. which smoking should be banned in public places.

[But also, Further, Therefore, Not only, Which]


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