Of Wolves and Dogs - Dispelling The Myths

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Of Wolves & Dogs: Dispelling the Myths

By Kim Miles, FLA Director & Editor

The general public continues to see a where does that leave the crosses of these
vast chasm between the wolf and the dog. two genetically similar animals?
Conversely, scientists with new genetic The Title 9 Code of Federal Regula-
studies are determining a much closer rela- tions stipulates that “[c]rosses between wild
tionship between wolves and dogs than was animal species and domestic animals, such
previously thought. as dogs and wolves or buffalo and domestic
cattle, are considered to be domestic ani-
Genetic Relationships mals” (9CFR1.1). Therefore, the federal
government posits that wolfdogs are domes-
Dr. Robert K. Wayne, canid evolu- ticated in the legal terminology of the word
tionary biologist and geneticist at UC-Davis, “domestic.”
came to the following conclusion regarding
the genetic relationship between wolves and The Process of Domestication
dogs: “Dogs are gray wolves, despite their
diversity in size and proportion” (Wayne, Dr. Temple Grandin, animal behavior-
1993). al geneticist at Colorado State University,
Wayne’s genetic studies on wolves and claims that domestication is best defined as
dogs show, quite clearly, that “[t]he do- “a process by which a population of animals
mestic dog is an extremely close relative of becomes adapted to man and the captive
the gray wolf, differing from it by at most environment by some combination of ge-
0.2% of mtDNA sequence.... In comparison, netic changes occurring over generations”
the gray wolf differs from its closest wild (Grandin & Deesing, 1998).
relative, the coyote, by about 4% of Upon domestication, an animal under-
mitochondrial DNA sequence” (Wayne, goes genetic changes that often result in
1993). morphological1 and physiological2 changes.
In fact, based on these recent genetic Examples of the former are shortened
studies, the Mammal Species of the World snouts, broader heads, and smaller cranial
(1993), published by the American Society capacity, while examples of the latter in-
of Mammalogists and the Smithsonian clude altered hormone levels, variations in
Institute in Washington, D.C., reclassified estrus cycling, and moderating effects on
the dog from Canis familiaris to Canis behavior.
lupus. This text is the primary accepted The long-standing and most widely
reference on mammal species of the world. accepted hypothesis is that dogs were first
domesticated around 14,000 years ago, as
Wolfdogs: Wild or Domestic? evidenced by fossil records. However, some
researchers question whether domestication
While wolves require federal permits could have begun earlier—around 100,000
to own, the ownership of dogs and crosses years ago—due to the extensive morpho-
between dogs and wolves does not require logical diversity found in dogs (Wayne,
such stringent federal regulations. The 1993; Vila et al., 1997; Vila et al., 1999).
obvious key difference that separates a wolf Dr. Carles Vila, canid evolutionary
from a dog and mandates the federal biologist and geneticist, and his colleagues
restrictions of the former is that wolves are hypothesize that “if dogs originated from a
wild and dogs are domestic animals. But large population of wild canids and have

interbred with them throughout their evolu- selecting it for features they like, not the
tionary history, then the influx of genetic features that would function best in the
variation from wild populations may be an natural world. As a consequence, you
important reason why domestic dogs are end up with an animal that probably
morphologically so diverse” (Vila et al., could not survive well in nature.... [W]e
1999). know that in foxes, [domestication] takes
Although there is some debate in the place in less than five generations
scientific community as to when dogs were because there have been breeders in
first domesticated, most agree that the Russia that were specifically selecting
divergence of the dog occurred at numerous for friendliness in foxes and produced a
and various times and places, a theory that is very dog-like animal, although it wasn’t
commonly accepted in today’s scientific a dog, but it had some similar features to
community and that is rapidly usurping the some domestic breeds of dog that were
older ‘one-main-divergence’ theory. essentially completely domesticated
In a 1998 Texas court case (James within five generations. Like I said, my
Trivitt vs. The City of Arlington, TX) personal feeling is that after two or three
surrounding the issue of a man being generations, you pretty much should
allowed to own an “exotic wolf hybrid,” start calling an animal domesticated.
lawyers relied upon expert testimony to (Trivitt vs. Arlington)
clarify the classification of dog, the term The Russian fox study that Pierotti
“hybrid” and the “domestication” issue sur- referred to above was conducted by a group
rounding wolfdogs. of scientists headed by Dr. Dmitry Belyaev,
Dr. Raymond Pierotti, behaviorist and geneticist and Director of the Institute of
ecologist specializing in wolves and related Cytology and Genetics in Novosibirsk,
canids at the University of Kansas, was one Siberia. Belyaev’s study began in 1956, and
such expert witness. In his testimony, by 1962, changes consistent with domesti-
Pierotti explained that the older classi- cation were found in the tamed offspring. In
fication of dog is erroneous: “Canis 1969, “after only seven years of selective
familiaris is not a good classification and breeding” even greater changes were found,
one…that science has moved away from” as indicating that a domestication process was
evidenced by the 1993 reclassification of occurring (Belyaev, 1979).
dog under the taxonomic umbrella of Canis It stands to reason that the selective
lupus; the dog is the “same genus and breeding of tamed wolves—those raised in
species as the wolf” (Trivitt vs. Arlington). captivity and descended from other wolves
When asked if the domestication of the raised in captivity—would result in
dog was a singular event in history, Pierotti domestication changes similar to the foxes
asserted that the “[domestication of the dog] in Belyaev’s study. In fact, Dr. Juliet
has happened repeatedly. In fact, it’s still Clutton-Brock, with the Natural History
happening today” (Trivitt vs. Arlington). Museum in London, asserts that domestic-
Upon being asked if a scientist can tell when ation is not limited to a single, biological
an animal is domesticated, Pierotti replied as process; rather, it is a dual process that
follows: involves biological changes coupled with
My personal inclination is that after two cultural changes (Clutton-Brock, 1992).
or three generations of selective breed- The biological process of domesti-
ing, an animal should be considered cation resembles natural selection because
domesticated because humans have been the parent animals are forced to be repro-

ductively isolated from the wild population. acteristics consistent with dogs (e.g., larger
The small founder group of captive animals ears, shorter legs, etc.).
is, at first, very inbred; however, in time it
will undergo a process of genetic drift, Wolfdogs Today
which is an accumulation of random mu-
tations that occur in small populations. Over Many suffer under the assumption that
successive generations, the domesticated most of today’s wolfdogs are the products of
animals will also undergo genetic changes in pure wolves and pure dogs—an assumption
response to their new, human environment that is, unfortunately, reinforced by those
(Clutton-Brock, 1995). erroneously claiming that they have a den-
The cultural process of domestication robbed wolf pup (a federal offense and
in wolves began when the animals became usually a lie) or that their dog wandered into
integrated into the social structure of the the woods (irresponsible owner) and was
human society. The original tamed wolves impregnated by a wolf or some other such
became less and less like their wild outlandish and equally unbelievable story.
progenitors because “inherently variable Because wolves are so strictly
characters such as coat colour, carriage of regulated, requiring a USDA license and/or
the ears and tails, overall size and the a state wildlife permit, there is almost no
proportion of limbs…ha[d] been altered by mating of pure wolves by Johnny Q. Public,
the combined effects of artificial and natural even though there are many boastful claims
selection” (Clutton-Brock, 1995). In this to that effect—misrepresented claims that
way, the wild wolf became a tamed wolf, cloud the wolf and wolfdog issue even
which then became a domesticated wolf— further.
the dog. This process of domestication is In actuality, most animals in today’s
exemplified in Belyaev’s fox study over a wolfdog community are the offspring of
rather short period of a few generations as animals that have been raised in captivity for
opposed to thousands of years. numerous generations—most often, other
Dr. N. A. Iljin, canid geneticist and wolfdogs. The most famous of the “wolf-
Director of the Institute of General Biology dog” lines go back at least a dozen
at the First Institute of Medicine in Moscow, generations, with no wild-caught wolves in
Russia, performed the most intensive study the lines for thirty years or more. These lines
ever conducted on wolfdog genetics; this are
study offers further support that domesti- • the Gordon K. Smith line, which was
cation events can occur quite rapidly (Iljin, begun in the 1960s;
1944). • the Ernie Kuyt Arctic line, started in the
Iljin bred a wolf to a German sheepdog early 1960s;
and studied the genetic effects of their • the Motts line, which grew out of the
descendants through several generations, Motts Fur Farm industry in the 1970s;
noting changes in the offspring that were • the Gabe Davidson line, which
consistent with animals undergoing domesti- originated from the Gabe Davidson Fur
cation. For example, within two generations farm in the 1950s;
the monoestrous cycle 3 began changing to a • the Bear Country line, which grew out
diestrus cycle 4 or to a monoestrous cycle that of Bear Country Park in the 1970s.
deviated from the annual Spring cycle; the Many people who oppose the
animals began exhibiting phenotypic 5 char- ownership of wolfdogs do so simply because
of the connotations surrounding the word

“wolf,” not realizing that numerous breeds Federal Register, and the Government
have arisen from backcrossing dogs to Printing Office.
wolves in the last century or half century,
including the von Stephanitz German Shep- Grandin, T. and M.J. Deesing. 1998.
herds, the Saarloos Wolfhound, the Ameri- Genetics and the Behavior of domestic
can Tundra Shepherd, the American Timber animals. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
Shepherd, the Czech Wolfhound, etc.
Although wolfdogs are not Golden Iljin, N.A. 1944. Wolf-dog genetics. Journal
Retrievers, they are also not the wild of Genetics 42:359-414.
animals that some maintain. A wolfdog is
merely a dog with more recent wolf inheri- James Trivitt vs. The City of Arlington, TX
tance than is typically found in most other and Robert Byrd and George Campbell in
dogs and, just like other dogs, many of them their official capacities only, Cause # 352-
have been domesticated through selective 173599-98.
Are wolfdogs for everyone? No. Since Vila, C., J. Maldonado, and R.K. Wayne.
they are large canines, potential owners 1999. Phylogenetic relationships, evolution,
should determine if such an animal is right and genetic diversity of the domestic dog.
for them. Just like a Rottweiler, Doberman, The Journal of Heredity 90(1):71-77.
Shepherd, or Malamute, a wolfdog is not an
appropriate companion for many dog Vila, C., P. Savolainen, J. Maldonado, I.
owners; and they should never be obtained Amorim, J.E. Rice, R.L. Honeycutt, K.A.
due solely to the exoticism of the “wolf” in Crandall, J. Lundberg, and R.K. Wayne.
the title “wolfdog.” 1997. Multiple and ancient origins of the
domestic dog. Science 276:1687-1689.
Literature Cited
Wayne, R.K. 1993. Molecular evolution of
Belyaev, D.K. and L.N. Trut. 1979. Some the dog family. Theoretical & Applied
genetic and endocrine effects of selection for Genetics 9(6).
domestication in silver foxes. Journal of
Genetics and Physiology 416-426. Wilson, D.E., and D.M. Reeder. 1993.
Mammal species of the world: A taxonomic
Clutton-Brock, J. 1992. The process of and geographic reference, 2nd ed.
domestication. Mammal Review 22:79-85. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington,
Clutton-Brock, J. (1995) Origin of the dog: 1
Domestication and early history. Ed. J. Morphology addresses the form and structure of an
organism (i.e., its looks).
Serpell. The domestic dog: Its evolution, 2
Physiology addresses the function of the internal
behavior and interactions with people. components of an organism (i.e., organs, etc) .
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, A monoestrous cycle refers to the annual Spring
UK. estrus (i.e., heat or reproductive cycle) of most wild
mammals and some domesticated mammals.
A diurnal estrus cycle is a “heat” cycle that occurs
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 9, 1.1. twice yearly and is found in many domestic animals.
(9CFR1.1). 2000. National Archives and 5
Phenotype refers to the observable traits of an
Records Administration's Office of the organism (similar to morphology). Phenotyping
considers both behavior and looks.

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